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    Fallout Lore | I wonder if a mass majority of the Enclave forces disserted and successfully join the Brotherhood of steel (and outcasts)

    Fallout Lore | I wonder if a mass majority of the Enclave forces disserted and successfully join the Brotherhood of steel (and outcasts)

    I wonder if a mass majority of the Enclave forces disserted and successfully join the Brotherhood of steel (and outcasts)

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 08:02 AM PDT

    In fallout 3 you can see soldiers asking the Brotherhood if they can join their ranks, some soldiers even fragged their lieutenants, would the BoS accept these soldiers? I know in the west, the BoS and NCR killed any Enclave affluent, but would the East be different?

    submitted by /u/rpgmole
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    Does the New Vegas strip continue along the same timeline as the original Las Vegas strip, both in our time and canon Fallout time?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 10:48 PM PDT

    Maybe not the best title, but I've been doing some lore digging lately and I'm really intrigued to see if there's something I've missed, or people have differing opinions!

    My thought process starts as thus: 7 years before the events of FNV, Mr. House offers the Bootriders the chance to renovate The Tops Casino in exchange for shelter, food, medical etc etc. They are re-named as the Chairmen, and as per Benny's dialogue, Mr. House drops off boxes full of suits and I'm guessing, full access to his historical archives via holotapes.

    Here is where it gets interesting for me: Mr. House has been alive since before the bombs dropped, but wasn't when we, outside the timeline diverge that Fallout takes in the late 1940s, "were" ie the early 21st century. So the strip that he knew, and possibly grew up with, exists as a version beyond the 1960s strip that it so lovingly tries to recreate.

    The Courier: "I've never seen anything like this place."Robert House: "Of course you haven't. Vegas always was one of a kind. What you see down on the Strip is just a fraction of the city's former glory, and yet... more than an echo. I preserved its spirit. Or perhaps you were referring to the Lucky 38? The years haven't been kind to her, but still she manages to impress."

    We know that the timeline diverge meant that many modern cultural touchstones just didn't happen, but there are plenty of elements from the 40's through to the 60's that have stuck around all the way up to 2077, and have remained as "afterhangs" or "pre-war" artifacts. Now that 200 or so years have passed in the Fallout universe, apart from ghouls and someone like Mr. House, there is nobody alive that experienced any of the pre-war culture first hand.

    We learn through lore sprinkled in the main game and through the DLC that there are many surviving aspects of pre-war culture that explictly reference post-timeline-divergence things: Dean Domino exists as a character that was popular pre-war, and canonically sings a Dean Martin/Frank Sinatra classic, "Something's Gotta Give", the Lucky 38 has taken the shape of the Stratosphere/Landmark Hotel, The Tops has live entertainment billed as The Rad Pack in the style of the Rat Pack and in itself, is styled on The Sands.

    Here's the kicker: does this mean that the existance of these things cancels out their real life counterparts, or were they part of post-50s America (in the timeline divergent Fallout Universe) that wanted to keep the strip in an ever-going tribute to its glory days? And are the "glory days" that Mr. House references the original glory days, or the ones in which the Lucky 38/The Tops etc existed just before the bombs dropped?

    Say the Fallout Universe carries on as we did in our own universe post-1940s: people like Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra live and die, the Strip's famous buildings are repurposed into new businesses with new names, or completely torn down (as the real life Sands was in the 90s). The nostalgia wave is strong, so someone like Dean Domino is well known and respected for singing songs in the style of Dean Martin. Would Mr. House be nostalgic for those original touchstones, and not the 2077 Las Vegas? And as a side question - would his historical archives that he gave to the Chairmen (or namely Benny) stretch back to the actual 1960s?

    Maybe this is getting way too deep, but its so fascinating to me especially as we're all sitting here as people who most likely didn't experience half of the things Fallout is inspired by. I grew up on a lot of Frank Sinatra and 50's movies (my parents are boomers), and for me, playing FNV for the first time was like living in one of my favourite eras - but even better, having this sad, nostalgic version in an atomic fallout reality. There's something so....undefinable about seeing people try to emulate a by-gone era, through way of old music and films, and not really knowing what it was like but wanting to have some sort of culture to hang onto.

    Anyway! Thoughts?

    Edit: I just remembered that Mr New Vegas names real life people in his intros, including Dean Martin and Bing Crosby! So this means in-universe, the Rat Pack would've existed and Dean Domino is somewhat of a tribute act. The question still stands though: Is Mr. House nostalgic for the true "glory days" of the 1960s Strip, or the one the Lucky 38 existed in over a hundred years later in 2077? And did he base the Chairmen off these original cultural touchstones (or more like, were the holotapes he showed to Benny from the 60s or the 2077 version)?

    submitted by /u/goldengatereflection
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    Does the NCR conscript soldiers from the Mojave Wasteland?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 04:59 AM PDT

    We know that Manny from Novac was a member of the Great Khans, and that Razz from the Misfits squad was a member of the Fiends, but did these two volunteer or were they conscripted? Are there any other examples of soldiers who are from the Mojave wasteland?

    submitted by /u/wherearemytreesat
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    There had to be a morally good enclave chapter

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 02:24 PM PDT

    Not everybody in the enclave had the same views on America, for instance colonel Autumn going against President Eden, or Thomas Eckhart who believed it best to nuke china. So it would be likely to assume that at least one of the enclave chapters are somewhat good.

    submitted by /u/ImperiumRomanum124
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