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    Sunday, December 29, 2019

    Fallout: New Vegas | Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

    Fallout: New Vegas | Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 12:19 AM PST


    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 07:47 AM PST

    Give me your best reason to work with Caesar's Legion

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 10:35 PM PST

    Probably been done before

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 09:11 AM PST

    "Accidentaly" killed ED-E

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 05:40 PM PST

    So I was playing fnv for the first time and stumbled upon ED-E in Primm. I didn't have a high enough repair skill to fix him and thought he was just a random sidequest, so I... uh... "severely damaged him." A while later I found out how good a companion he is with lonesome road and thought I'd try fixing him. When I got to Primm I got the quest, but ED-E was nowhere to be found. Not even his body I could then revive with console commands. Does anyone know why he disappeared like that? Most bodies stay where they died in my experience. Is it possible to continue the quest artificially with the console?

    submitted by /u/NN111NN
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    Fallout New Vegas: Honest Hearts Expansion - while siding with Daniel is not necessarily a bad idea (spoilers)

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 09:35 AM PST

    In the FNV Honest Hearts Expansion you can either side with Daniel or Joshua Graham. If you side with Joshua Graham you also have the option of showing no mercy to the White Legs, or showing them mercy.

    Daniel wants the Sorrows to flee their ancestral home in Zion. Joshua Graham wants them to fight to defend their homeland.

    Daniel's reasoning is that the White Legs survive strictly through raiding and their society will collapse soon anyway because of it, so the Sorrows should leave. Daniel's concern is that fighting could not only lead to more dead Sorrows, but a more vicious mentality of the sorrows.

    When I look at the Wasteland, I see a great many people having collapsed into selfish, violent, barbarism. The drive to survive has led them to forget about empathy. The Sorrows seem to have avoided that fate. I can understand Daniel's desire for them to keep that more empathetic culture.

    Joshua Graham, presumably, looks at things more like...not only would the Sorrows lose their home if they fled Zion, but a dangerous society could be allowed to go on unchecked. Joshua also presumably thinks the wasteland is just a had place, and maintaining one's innocence isn't necessarily for the best over the long run.

    We really don't know if the White Legs would collapse from their own ineptness soon like Daniel thinks, or continue to pillage and wreak havoc on other groups...or even the Sorrows at a later time...like Graham thinks. We have to guess.

    My main reason for siding with Daniel, though, doesn't have much to do with the white legs. I think about how much the NCR wanted New Vegas merely because it had a few less radioactive areas than other areas of the world and the Hoover Damn...and I think about what a lush paradise and completely radiation free environment Zion is...and I suspect that it would be inevitable that, at some point, some powerful force like the NCR, or Ceaser's Legion would want to conquer it, and I'm doubting that the Sorrows would be able to do anything to stop that. I would have considered fleeing to some place less desirable even without the White Legs attacking.

    Also, if you do side with Joshua Graham, Daniel's fears do come to pass in part. The Sorrows become more warlike, which has pros and cons. They and the Dead Horses make the area safer, pushing back more barbaric tribes...but they eventually fall prey to a bit of the same barbarism that tends to plague most people in the wasteland. They bicker and have occasionally violent feuds with each other over land and resources.

    The main reason I sided with Daniel though had to do with something not even mentioned in the game. The Vault 22 virus...the one that creates the spore beasts, seems like it might be spreading throughout Zion. Spore beasts can be found in multiple caves throughout Zion, and in one place, even in the open. The Sorrows superstitiously avoid certain caves, and these caves just so happen to often be filled with the Vault 22 virus. Perhaps that's the only reason why the virus hasn't spread to the Sorrows.

    The White Legs have no such superstitions. I like to imagine the Sorrows fleeing Zion with Daniel to live peacefully in an area that's so undesirable nobody bothers them, but getting used to it themselves, enough that it's fine for them to live in. Meanwhile, The White Legs end up mostly being turned into plant-zombies after entering some new cave or other.

    submitted by /u/Goulgameg0
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    Omg i didn't know this was possible

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 09:24 AM PST

    Why House is probably the best choice for New Vegas

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 08:47 AM PST

    I think the leaderless New Vegas in the ending where you kill house and drive off all other factions would just lead to chaos...so I don't think that's a good ending. I don't think Ceaser's Legion is a good faction. The type of culture he builds does create selfless, unified, brave, strong people...but they're dumb, blind followers and vicious. In my mind a bird in the bag is worth 2 in the bush, and if Ceaser's culture pays off at all...it'll be over the long run. Meanwhile he's wreaking havoc everywhere he goes and I don't think building a society of blind, dumb followers will lead to anything good anyway. That leaves the NCR or House as the two best endings in my mind. The NCR seems to do a lot of good things...but nobody seems thrilled about their presence in the New Vegas area and many people express no opinion of them besides a fear of losing their independence. Therefore, if the NCR is hugely positive influence on the area...that means the bureaucratic NCR politicians know more about what's best for the locals than most of the locals do. That's my main reason for not wanting the NCR to control the area: listening to what the locals say about them. Not many people say anything bad about House though. The NCR has two main problems. Their problem #1. is that they're quite possible expanding too quickly without really being able to defend the areas they expand into or embracing the local cultures. They just kind of recklessly roll over everything, and as a result, despite them being so powerful Ceaser's Legion is a major threat to them and crime and corruption flows everywhere they go. Stopping their expansion through not letting them take over New Vegas could influence them to slow down a bit. Their problem #2 is that there's something about their government that rewards corruption, and as a result through they have many, many wonderful people as soldiers and humanitarians who have little power...their leadership tends to be quite horrible. Examples are the following: The NCR has close ties to the Crimson Caravan trading company that literally assassinates its competition. The NCR tolerates the activities of Heck Gunderson who hires criminals to drive off his competition. The chief science researcher of the NCR is a monster who paid people to go to vault 22 and didn't tell any of them how dangerous it was. He also wants research done their...and I would bet there's a pretty good chance if he gets that research we're going to find out in the New Vegas sequel that half the NCR has been taken over by spore beasts in a few years because he messed something up. Also, there's some pretty good evidence that the NCR would be fine with the destruction of the peaceful colony of super mutants in the ski lodge area and that they paid mercenaries to drive them off. Also, they often don't care about following any legal process when they apply their laws. In one area an NCR official just outright shoots someone just for dealing chems. Keep in mind...this is not in NCR country yet. They therefore are forcing their laws on locals who didn't vote for those laws. So those are the NCR's weaknesses. They do have strengths too...it's just that most of those strengths come from the little people - the regular soldiers and doctors and such.

    Finally there's House. He says he demands obedience, but he will not interfere in people's regular lives. So...if you do what he says, and he'll make demands rarely, it seems to me he'll give the people of the Mojave the freedom they insist they want all throughout the game. He saved New Vegas...using his brilliant intellect to keep it save nuclear attacks, which shows that he's far-thinking and intelligent. He is a very cold, callous person, but his cold, callous actions usually have a reason for them. He's ignored most of the suffering of the Mojave because there was nothing about alleviating that suffering that could benefit him. When he found a way to alleviate suffering that could benefit him, he acted on that though. He could have wasted resources, and possibly failed, hunting down the once violent tribes that now form the ruling families that run the casinos...but instead he offered them a reason to become mostly law-abiding. He turned cannibals and raiders into business people...and there is still some rot within their cultures, but at least those tribes are no longer practicing open violence and reveling in wreaking havoc.

    Unlike the NCR, House doesn't pretend the corruption of human nature doesn't exist, and let it grow in the dark like an unseen fungus. Unlike Ceaser's Legion, he doesn't waste energy trying to change humanity. Unlike a leaderless New Vegas, House would provide a form of power that, while I doubt he would worry much about minor threats outside his city, he'll have the power to stop major threats from ruling his lands. House, instead, acknowledges humanity's darker side and uses it to his advantage. The NCR taxes people as a source of funding...taking money from fiercely independent individuals who have oftentimes known what's best for them for their whole lives and giving it to corrupt politicians. House, on the other hand, is funded through his casinos. He therefore only takes money from people foolish enough to go to his casinos, or who have enough excess money that it won't bother them. House's form of taxation only taxes people who wouldn't spend their money well anyway...and it leaves everybody else alone.

    In my mind, what the Fallout needs most is more medical technology and the kind of technology that can increase people's standards of living...and though House only talks about expanding into the stars, he does seem to have big plans for the world. I'm hoping those would involve the development of that kind of humanity-assisting technology. I don't know that...but even if he only focuses on space travel, I still think he's a better leader than most people in the NCR.

    Now...on to House's weaknesses, and there are some big ones. He's intelligent, but brutally cold. He annihilates any threats to him without hesitation. In his quest line you have to destroy the Brotherhood of Steel. However, so far as I can tell the Brotherhood of Steel may be a more destructive force than Ceaser's Legion, on a per person basis. A group of them wipe out an entire outpost of the most peaceful, humanitarian group in the game: the Followers of the Apocalypse, just because they might have learned some of their technology. Another group of them attempt to assassinate the courier and Veronica just because she considers leaving. Furthermore, there really isn't any purpose to their fanatical desire to obtain technology. You can find energy weapons all over the place - even in the hands of the fiends. People throughout the game talk about their violence too. They're a violent, dangerous group of people and though the NCR can make a peace treaty with them...given how violent they've been that may be a pretty unsafe route.

    Finally there's what I consider House's biggest weakness...how he treats the Kings if you have the Kings be friendly towards the NCR. He accuses them of being traitors and insists that they leave, and when they don't he destroys them all. Now, he does like them if the Kings are hostile to the NCR and lets them continue to rule Freeside, but the NCR's main presence in the New Vegas city consisted of a charity outpost that was giving out food...so this seems quite cruel and, also, stupid of House to me, because the Kings are a stabilizing influence. They can be seen fighting criminals and rewarding the player for doing the same.. This is only real sign in the game I see of him being corrupt. However, he's a far thinker. He knows the NCR might still want New Vegas. He knows they want to annex his city...and in the NCR quest line you do kill House. He might know that's their end goal. Furthermore the Kings were right in the area in front of his casinos...his main source of funding. If they rebelled they could essentially cut off his oxygen supply...and he did ask them to leave and they were foolish enough to rebel against his robots, which showed they had a foolish stubborn streak, which could make them undesirable to be anywhere near him.

    So...because House Kills the Kings if they are friendly with the NCR, I think he's a corrupt dictator who is probably going to make big mistakes like that once in awhile in the future...but I think he's also a very far-thinking, usually extremely intelligent dictator...and the second best choice in my mind, the NCR, are also filled with corrupt leaders who wreak havoc, but ones who aren't nearly as far-thinking or intelligent...so I just influence the Kings to become hostile to the NCR so House doesn't wipe them out, and side with House.

    submitted by /u/Goulgameg0
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    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 05:45 AM PST

    When someone is ghoulifying, what exactly would happen to their skin? Does it soon peel off like wax or sunburnt skin does? If it did would those areas bleed?

    Does it just shrivel up and get rough and such?

    Also, any other ideas or facts about ghoulifiation would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/EnchantedLives
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    Patrolling the NCR always makes me wish for a degenerates crucifixion

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 05:37 AM PST


    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 04:13 AM PST

    Wild Wasteland Trait

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 01:14 AM PST

    How to make a Death Claw fly

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 01:38 PM PST

    Step 1: Buy as many Plasma and Frag Mines you could possibly get your hands on.

    Step 2: Head to the Quarry under the cover of Night

    Step 3: Plant as many mines in the entrance of the Quarry

    Step 4: Fire your gun in the air to get the Deathclaws' attention

    Step 5: Enjoy the free Acrobatics Show

    submitted by /u/DarthSquidward1
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    Game crashes whenever I jump

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 04:55 AM PST

    So basically the game crashes whenever I jump and I have no clue how to fix it

    Modlist and ESP's here

    submitted by /u/BoneCrusher03
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    Game crashes whenever I enter the strip. Here's my list of mods

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 10:23 PM PST

    Does anyone know the ID of the courier from NVBII and The Inheritance?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 01:20 PM PST

    I've waited for weeks and traveled to the last 3 dlc locations, but I don't get any messages. I have completed both mods. I've had this bug before (he was stuck in zion) but I can't find him in this playthrough. Does anyone know his ID so I can teleport him to me?

    submitted by /u/pivot_ob
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    Where the hell do you find mini nukes?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 11:58 AM PST

    My fatman is basically useless because I can't find any goddamn ammo. Ps3, but I don't think this information will be helpful for anyone.

    submitted by /u/DragonbornTom
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