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    Tuesday, June 8, 2021

    Fallout | You are given 50 thousand soldiers, weapons and ammunitions, enough caps and technology to administer a good chunk of land to create a nation within the American Wasteland, what would be the name of your nation, what would be the form of government and what would you do in your rule?

    Fallout | You are given 50 thousand soldiers, weapons and ammunitions, enough caps and technology to administer a good chunk of land to create a nation within the American Wasteland, what would be the name of your nation, what would be the form of government and what would you do in your rule?

    You are given 50 thousand soldiers, weapons and ammunitions, enough caps and technology to administer a good chunk of land to create a nation within the American Wasteland, what would be the name of your nation, what would be the form of government and what would you do in your rule?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 07:04 AM PDT

    Rules: You have enough caps to revitalize the industry and start a research sector. The rest is up to you.

    submitted by /u/Fresh-Counter338
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    The Railroad and the Institute.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 07:09 PM PDT

    I'm playing through the game… again. Play through number who the hell knows anymore. And after all this time I still can't come to terms with the institute and why I have to wipeout the railroad to side with them or vice versa.

    I want so badly to be able to take control of the institute and rework its entire deal. I want to give other department heads voices and run it like a real leader, unlike father. I want to put a stop to kidnapping people from the commonwealth. I want to side with the railroad and bring them aboard with us as advisors on humanitarian issues regarding synths.

    I want to make the institute the commonwealths best chance of survival. Not continue running it as their boogeyman. There's just so much untapped potential in that area that I feel could've given the game so much more depth and made the full story so much more fulfilling. I can take up my sons work and make it better than he ever did instead of just destroying it because I refuse to be a shitty dictatorial leader.

    TLDR; why can't I choose the institute without being a shitty person.

    submitted by /u/reece0809
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    Decided to play New Vegas again and have maximum fun. Dumb and strong, baby. And now rich AF!

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 10:48 PM PDT

    So after a several different runs years ago with different endings, this time I decided I'd jump in once again having maximum fun. Set up my character with Intelligence 1, Strength 10, Agility 10 etc. 30 levels later, 100 guns, 100 melee weapons but still as dumb as a shoe. GTA style character.

    Before, I always used speech and some energy weapons but I never gave Legion a shot. In my twisted mind however, Caesar's ideas resonate with how I imagine a wasteland could work, lol. I have the worst karma in-game, I've stolen everything and killed everyone since day 1 and boy, it is some fun having no moral barrier.

    So I made my first serious caps on Dead Money, which is a pain with 1 intelligence and 5 science. Got 35k out of it, but almost stopped playing.

    After getting back and starting playing for the Caesar's Legion I was surprised by a command to destroy the brotherhood of steel. Not that I gave it a second thought. Fully upgraded anti-materiel rifle with explosive and armour piercing rounds and Sierra Madre armour reinforced and I killed every last 1 in the first bunker (L1). Got a perk to fast travel over-encumbered and sold all their weapons, ammo and armour. I came back and some were alive again! Repeated this for 3-4 times before it bored me and I blew these guys up. After selling all of the supplies I gathered to multiple traders I now ended up with 168k caps and tons of ammo (30k worth of ammo for the guns I use).

    Damn, this game is so much fun however you decide to play it, even after so many years. I never realised how fun it can be to be stupid and strong. Also, big up to Obsidian for enabling me to do this and have the more intelligent characters poke a lot of fun on my account! Cheers!

    TL;DR: Stupid, strong, max guns. Stole everything, finished Dead Money (painful when you're stupid) and killed BoS for Caesar getting 168k caps in process.

    submitted by /u/curious_but_dumb
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    Fallout 4 Theory: What if the Nuke that destroyed Boston wasn't a Nuke at all?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 12:44 AM PDT

    If a Nuke was dropped in that location, you would've seen the smoke trail the missile would make from the rocket in the back, but when that explosion went off as you went in Vault 111, there was no such trail, just a sudden explosion. It's also worth mentioning that there is, or was a Reactor Site there. Now looking at the map, the site itself is a bit away from the Impact Crater, but what if the Pre-War location of the crater was just another Reactor Site that just had a very bad day?

    What do you think of this? Could be a nice little headcanon for your next playthrough.

    submitted by /u/TheCrowsNestTV
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    Hi, can anyone help me with F4 taking independence quest?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 10:35 PM PDT

    So, a killed the queen and destroyed all the eggs, but the game says "Destroy the egg clutches" and "Meet the Minutemen in the courtyyard" i already did the travel to Sanctuary and back trick, but nothing. I can't talk to Preston he always says "We need to focus on taking the Castle back".

    No milelurks left at the Castle, and also i play on PS4 so no console commands :(

    Can anyone help me bypass or solve this quest , i dont want to restart my whole playtrough because of this quest, and i dont have any previous save before the glitch....

    If anyone helps i buy him a nuka-cola :D


    submitted by /u/Lame88889
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    11. Heartache By The Number

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 03:57 AM PDT

    Before the nuclear fire engulfed the planet, the world enjoyed an era of surplus for a while. The atomic age was marked by the finally solved question of energy supply. Nuclear power was ubiquitous and found its reckless way into everyday life in many places. Refrigerators, household robots and even cars were powered by various atomic fuels or even small reactors. But a humanity that builds unsinkable ships and entrusts its money to banks that are too big to fail has nothing to fear. Corporations like Red Rocket, Poseidon Energy, GDA Fusion, Bysshe Company, Mass Fusion and Versicorps provided the american society with enough energy to power all the megalomaniacal fantasies of the average citizen. Questioning the safety, sustainability, or cleanliness of these concepts was tantamount to ideological contamination, and anyone who asked such question was treated as the dirty communist he happened to be!

    The hall is packed. Quite a few guests have gathered to attend today's performance. Today's program is said to be groundbreaking and to set new standards. The showmaster of the casino hotel Vikki and Vance has once again outdone himself. I have quite a good seat, but still have a few rows in front of me. Most of the audience consists of NCR soldiers, but I also see a lot of ordinary, poorly dressed people around me. Making its way through the rows is an overworked Protektron-type robot. He wears the ridiculous cap of a bellboy and tries to sell Fancy Lad's Snacks to the restless audience. In the seat in front of me sits a soldier with a green beret, shifting restlessly back and forth in his seat. The insignia on his shoulders identifies him as a lieutenant.

    „A damn circus this is," he murmurs, sharing the impatience that is spreading through the audience. As if on cue, the lights in the hall are dimmed and a drum roll is heard.

    The eyes are tensely directed to the stage, whose red curtain still promisingly hides the sensations of this evening. A metallic fanfare sounds from the loudspeakers and slowly the heavy curtain is pulled up.

    On the stage stands a roller coaster. Constructed on a scale that fills the entire stage. The ride leads over three small uphill and downhill sections, completes a curve and, after another curve, leads back to the beginning. The structure doesn't give me an overly reliable impression overall. On the tracks at ground level stands a small blue wagon on which red flames have been painted and next to it stands an elderly gentleman with a wrinkled face reminiscent of a ripe fig. The audience applauds and focuses all their attention on the turtle-like man and the roller coaster. The man raises his hands and the audience abruptly falls silent.

    "Ladies and gentlemen! The Vikki and Vance Casino Hotel has spared no expense or effort to present you with an unprecedented performance today!"

    The applause swells again and the turtleman has to raise and lower his arms several times in a placating manner before the audience quiets down again.

    "Life is a roller coaster ride. We all live to love and suffer, you good people know that all too well!"

    I look around and see in the dim light many of the audience nodding silently with spellbound stares.

    "And just as karma draws us a picture out of black and white, so too are right and wrong in eternal competition with each other!"

    A spotlight casts a black and white checkered pattern onto the stage, spinning kaleidoscopically on its axis.

    "Ladies and gentlemen! Join me in welcoming a humble and righteous servant of the law. A knight in arms of law and order, Deputy Beagle!"

    On to the stage marches a young man. His long white-blond hair is slicked back with a plethora of pomade, reflecting the spotlight like a glistening star. The audience once again falls into applause. The soldier in the green beret claps his hands vigorously and comments on the lawman's performance with a bassy "Bravo!"

    Deputy Beagle stops next to the showmaster and waves naively and smugly to the audience. With a glistening smile that rivals his hairstyle.

    The turtleman has to wave his turtlearms again to calm the crowd.

    "But if you think now that the good and the righteous in this struggle have committed themselves forever to virtue and are immune from the temptation of vice and crooked ways, you are mistaken."

    The turtle takes a dramatic pause and revels in the silent anticipation of its audience.

    "Ladies and gentlemen! As the fallen angel that he is, I present to you the wanted criminal and former Sheriff Meyers!"

    Even before the chilling example takes the stage, the audience erupts into boos and whistles.

    On stage comes a man in blue convict clothes and a black hat. He remains standing next to Deputy Beagle and endures the defamatory shouts of the audience with an indifferent, stoic calm.

    The showmaster allows the audience to echo for a while before he brings the crowd to its senses and resumes the thread.

    "Ladies and gentlemen! See today! The final decision of the battle of good and evil! The showdown that should be an exemplary memorial to all who think crime pays! For all who think their own selfish motives are a moral basis for any dissocial and inhuman behavior!"

    The soldier with the green beret in front of me yells a fervent "Exactly!" at the turtle.

    "As you can easily see, we have painstakingly erected a colossal structure. A roller coaster!"

    The audience once again falls into applause, although they are already familiar with the sight of the roller coaster.

    "Our shining hero will now enter the wagon!"

    I watch as Deputy Beagle squeezes into the wagon. The cabin is so small that the man has to tighten his knees to chin level. The image is so ridiculous that I'm surprised the audience doesn't burst out laughing. But anyone who has once been presented to them as a hero is apparently above such a degrading effect.

    "The noble deputy will propel his vehicle from pure muscle power! Deputy Beagle, how do the pedals feel?"

    The white-blond lard curl gives an outstretched thumb to indicate that everything, really everything is in perfect order.

    "Now, my esteemed audience, former Sheriff Meyers will take his position on the roadway. Today we want to find out if the Angel can run as fast as he fell!"

    This is now the cue for the audience to erupt in uproarious laughter. I look around and see gleeful grimaces and outstretched fingers spitting mockery and spittle towards the stage.

    "But as in real life, evil has a head start. For evil takes us good people by surprise and while we play by the rules and are good citizens of the NCR, individuals like Meyers take advantage of our piety. So it seems that evil is always faster and all too often one step ahead of us. Today we want to show that this is not so!"

    Loud shouts ring out again and the lieutenant in front of me raises his fist in a threatening gesture.

    "Sheriff Meyers! I grant you five seconds before our fearless knight gives chase. Run, Meyers show some gratitude!"

    Former Sheriff Meyers takes off running and sprints down the lane. At the first rise of the lane, his speed slows and I think I detect the first signs of panic in him as he realizes what fate awaits over. The audience, on the other hand, goes into a frenzy, raving and jeering.

    "Go, Beagle, get him!" shouts the turtle, and the deputy starts pedaling.

    The ridiculous wagon is slow to pick up speed. The deputy wobbles back and forth in his wagon, stripping a bit of his dignity with each kick. Meyers has reached the top of the climb and looks back. Beagle gradually gains momentum, but slows again as the hill goes up. Meyers regains his courage and runs back down the lane on the other side, taking the run-up with him and making the next climb a little faster. Beagle again reaches his peak and the mood in the audience rises in sync. As the deputy descends again and rapidly picks up speed, the roar of the audience is louder than the rattle of the roller coaster. Meyers, on the other hand, has conquered the next climb and runs over to the third and final one. Beagle takes the momentum with him and rushes up the second hill with ease. Meyers looks behind him again, looks at the rest of the roller coaster and realizes that he won't be able to escape by just running. He stops on the third hill and waits until Beagle passes through the second valley and is now heading straight for Meyers at its top. When Beagle is halfway up the hill, Meyers takes a running start and jumps over Beagle's wagon. The former sheriff flies over the deputy and lands rather poorly back on the bottom of the roadway. The crowd is looses itself with anger and outrage. Mixed in with the roar of cheers, is an ominous hiss. Beagle looks back in puzzlement and pedals energetically. He now has to leave the remaining lane behind him and try to catch Meyers next time. He speeds down the final descent at risky speeds and races into the curve behind, his wagon leaning dangerously to one side.

    "And there we see, ladies and gentlemen, the deviousness and guile of evil. How it stops at nothing and tries to trick us good citizens again and again! A daring leap, nevertheless. Almost to the moon - oh what do I say. Almost to Mercury!"

    Beagle pedals like a madman, riding the straight back to the beginning and struggling back up the first hill. Meyers, on the other hand, climbs back up to the third peak and awaits Beagle's arrival to perform his daring maneuver one more time.

    Beagle's hairstyle, meanwhile, is a mess from the sweat and wind of the ride, despite all the pomade, and his self-righteous grin has given way to a strained, distorted expression. As he approaches the former sheriff for the second time, he takes another leap. The leap succeeds, but Meyers lands more awkwardly than the first time, falls and remains on the bottom of the roadway. Beagle, on the other hand, rushes into the curve faster than last time, the wagon leans even more to one side and tips out of the tracks. The wagon tumbles off the roadway and lands crashing on the stage, burying the deputy underneath.

    The audience screams and parts of the audience stand up. Giving in to their excitement and curiosity, they crane their necks to get a closer look at what's happening on stage.

    Meyers doubles over on the roadway, straightens up lying down and holds his right shin, which sticks out at an unnatural angle. Under the wreckage of the wagon, Deputy Beagle rises and staggers dazedly aside. The onlookers lose themselves in chaotic shouts. They demand blood, they demand justice. Between their shouts, the hissing increases, mixed with a scraping. Beagle scrambles back onto the roadway and limps toward Meyers, who is still on the ground, unable to get up. The deputy lunges and kicks Meyers in the head. Meyers ducks away to the side and takes advantage of his opponent's unsteady footing to grab his leg. Meyers takes Beagle down and they both lie on the roadway wrestling with each other. The crowd is unstoppable and degenerates into a surge of screaming, hissing and scraping. Meyers manages to knock Beagle's head onto one of the steel tracks. The first blow is followed by two more, and Meyers wraps his hands around the deputy's throat. His thumbs crush his windpipe as he slams his head on the tracks several more times. When the Turtle finally makes it to the two opponents, Beagle is already dead. The showmaster pulls a 10mm pistol from his tails, holds it to Meyers' temple and pulls the trigger.

    The crowd instantly falls silent as the Turtle slowly turns to face the audience.

    "And so justice always triumphs in the end, the justice of the NCR! Although it must also, from time to time be bought dearly!"

    The audience rises from its seats and gives a fanatical cheer to the stage. The lieutenant, clapping his hands in frenetic applause, drowns out the rest of the audience with his jubilant shouts. Only the hissing and scraping remains unmistakably loud and present.

    I also rise and slowly turn to the side to leave the performance. At this moment, the lieutenant abruptly turns to me. He has stopped clapping and stares at me. In his eyes I see no iris, no pupil. His eyeballs are matte platinum. In the middle of his forehead gapes an ugly bullet hole from which a deep red river of blood runs down his face. "HAVE YOU HEARD THE STORY OF MERKUR AND HIS SENSATIONAL JOURNEY THROUGH THE MOJAVE WASTELAND?"

    I wake up in a wet sweat and stare into the darkness of the gas station. ED-E is making warning sounds. Its beeping and whimpering jerks me from sleep. My pulse is throbbing in my ears, as is my jerky breathing. After a few seconds, however, I also hear that hissing and scraping from my dream and I straighten up with soft knees. The sparse sunlight makes me suspect that it is already morning, while I lean on the counter and try to arrive in the here and now. In the corner of my left eye, I see a dark outline wandering around, a vague, round shape that towers over the counter by a few inches. The hissing and scraping grows louder, and around the counter to my left, two scissors slowly slide. The scissors are followed by a black chitinous carapace, which is carried by four beetles scraping across the wooden floor. The indistinct shape that towers over the counter turns out to be a massive stinger. The rad-scorpion measures a good one and a half meters and moves slowly around the counter, looking at me with eight glittering eyes. A slavering mouth gapes between the massive claws, which are surrounded by two impatiently trembling jaw claws. The scorpion makes hissing sounds as its mouth spreads the first digestive juices on the floor. I pause and do not move a millimeter. The scorpion also pauses, waiting. I stand between the counter and the wall, my back also to the wall. My only escape route is over the counter, but I don't know how quickly the scorpion will react. At this point, we're both standing still, and it's impossible for me to tell whether it's waiting for the right moment or having trouble seeing me. It doesn't seem to react to ED-E's nervous whirring either. I take a cautious step backward, whereupon the scorpion reacts on the spot, pushing its chitinous body another inch in my direction. Possibly the monstrosity registers the vibrations on the ground, which explains why it pays no attention to the hovering ED-E.

    "But as a hungry scorpion, I wouldn't be interested in a piece of metal either," I think to myself and reach into my pocket. I grab the 9mm, check the chamber, and take the safety off the pistol. ED-E floats to my side and we face the Scorpion a meter away.

    I decide to take the initiative, aim at one of the pair of eyes and pull the trigger. The shot shatters the morning silence and the muzzle flash illuminates the still-slumbering gas station for a brief moment. The bullet strikes one of the scorpion's eyes and hurls a green-white mass into the air. The scorpion darts forward with terrifying speed and its stinger descends on me. I duck to the side and the blow passes over my head and hits the 200-year-old cash register. Several copper coins patter on the floor. The many small vibrations irritate the scorpion. His stinger also gets stuck in the cash register, which now hangs on the tip of his poisonous weapon. The stinger now looks more like a club. The scorpion slaps its stinger on the ground several times in an attempt to shake off the irritating, unfamiliar object. I take the opportunity to climb over the counter to the other side. As I run toward the door, even without the shrill trill of ED-E, I notice a second scorpion sitting in front of the door. The scorpion behind the counter is still struggling with the cash register while the second one runs toward me. A bright red flash of light fills the room and hurts my dilated pupils. A red laser beam travels from one of ED-E's numerous, indefinable instruments and hits the second scorpion's stinger squarely. An acrid smell rises to my nose and a yellowish, steaming jelly drips to the ground from the venom gland. The scorpion's pain seems worse than the numbing stench in my nose, as trembling flushes, and spastic convulsions run through the creature. The hissing now resembles a throaty, wet growl from which sheer hatred and anger speak. I hear no fear. Dragging the stinger behind it, the monster leaps forward and snatches at my feet with its claws. I jump up and actually manage to dodge the attack. Behind me I hear a clatter and a glance over my shoulder reveals that the first scorpion has freed itself from its predicament and is now coming around the counter.

    I reach into my pocket and get hold of a plate-sized object and my caps. I take a handful of the latter and hurl the costly diversion across the room.

    To my relief, the scorpions actually pause and turn irritatedly in every possible direction, to all the little caps bouncing around on the floor, falling between wooden floorboards and rolling under the shelves. I seize the moment, sprint to the door, tear it open and step outside. The morning sun is just rising and the air is still cold from the night. Around the gas station and its pumps lies the morning, shrouding the desert in sleepy silence. Smoke rises on the distant eastern horizon, A huge column of black smoke moves into the sky in front of the rising morning sun. I look around and on the numerous black rocks, still shines the dew, which will evaporate very soon in the sun. Black rocks I can't remember. Black rocks with legs. Black rocks that slowly start to move and begin to raise long, large stings into the air.

    I am seized with ice-cold panic. In paralyzing horror, I recall the plate-sized object in my pocket. I reach for it, pull it out and hold the mine from Primm in my hands. A brief moment of happiness is followed by a frantic search for the socket wrench I need to arm it. The first scorpions are approaching and I realize that I don't have time to search in my ridiculous pouch for this little thing. I squeeze between two pumps and already hear the first sting hit the sand. I drop the mine behind the gas pumps and start running, praying that the scorpions are too big to fit between the gas pumps. I look behind me and my hope is confirmed. I gain a few seconds, turn around and start firing at the mine with my 9mm. My shots are uncoordinated, my posture bad and my nerves at the end. I almost fire my entire magazine as the Scorpions are already coming around the petrol pumps and preparing to give chase. I won't be able to shake them off in the open, I think to myself, and pull the trigger one last time.

    The fireball hurls a brutal wave of pressure and heat at me, knocking me backwards to the ground. I hit the mine, detonating it and blowing up the entire gas station. A mushroom cloud of smoke and fire rises in front of me, while pieces of debris and scorpions rain down on the sand all around me.

    The shrill hum of ED-E's breaks my rigid fascination and I stand up. I run, stumble, crawl, get back up and run again. Behind me a nuclear hell flickers, spewing lumps and jelly. Spews fire and poison into the Mojave, the place that lacks everything but fire and poison.

    After a few yards down the road, I slow my pace. I look behind me and see the burning ruin of the gas station greeting the morning. As my gaze falls to the east, I again see the meter-high column of smoke on the horizon. Apparently I'm not the only one who has a fabulously shitty start to the day.

    Sweat and urine. Hammers pounding on wood, screams and crunching ropes. Tony clutches his note shakily and smells nothing but sweat and urine. The man with the fox head talks and talks and Tony doesn't understand a word. The man with the fox head is angry, upset and Tony doesn't know why. The man with the fox head is calling out numbers and people are stepping out of the crowd with slips of paper like he has one. They all have numbers, Tony thinks everyone has a different number. People are being punished for their numbers, but Tony doesn't understand why, because they can't help what number they drew. Tony is scared and hopes that Mr. Handy is fine. Tony knows that Rosie is not fine. Rosie has stopped talking and looks more glassy-eyed than usual. The sight of Rosie makes Tony sad. As his eyes fill with tears and his nose with snot, he stops smelling the sweat and urine for a moment. But he can still hear the screams. The pounding of hammers, the hacking of machetes, the crunching of ropes, the grinding of motionless bodies in the dirt. The hissing and roaring of flames. And Tony hears the numbers and the crying. Tony thinks he won't find woman after all.

    Ranger Ghost sits on her roof, peering into the morning. The sharpshooter tracks the early midday sun behind her sunglasses, which is gradually making its way south. She quickly loses interest and returns her gaze to the eastern horizon and the column of smoke rising there. That's new. The Mojave Outpost marks the easternmost border of the NCR, beyond the border is the wasteland of the Mojave and the scene of the largest military campaign the jung Republic has undertaken to date.

    From a purely military perspective, the post is quiet. The area is further secured and Legion troops are, it is assumed, a long way off.

    And yet, smoke rises in the east.

    Back To Index

    submitted by /u/Gwingleblum
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    Fallout 4 Addiction

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 10:46 AM PDT

    I've known about Fallout for years and my friend has bothered me about it for years as well. One day while checking out gamepass, I decided to give Fallout 4 a try. Thinking, "what the heck."

    That was a month ago.

    Why is this game so addicting? I haven't had a gaming experience like this in years, I absolutely adore this game!

    submitted by /u/ItsYaBoi-SkinnyBum
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    Inmortalizar a Drako

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 09:47 PM PDT

    Hola buenas noches mañana o tardes no sé hablar en inglés y espero que me puedan ayudar a que llegue a alguien del estudio para que hagamos realidad esto son las 11:43 PM hora de México y acabo de perder a mi perro se llamaba Drako el me ayudó con mi depresión a superar mis ataques de ansiedad poder superar la muerte de mi hermano y padre y quisiera que me ayudaran a meter a mi perrito en el juego Fallout 76 el siempre estaba conmigo mientras jugaba aunque perdía me muriera siempre estaba ahí conmigo me podrían ayudar poder seguirlo viendo ahí poder tenerlo ahí conmigo para siempre lo agradecería mucho

    submitted by /u/Ill-Orchid2192
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    People ask for Remakes, Sequels would be a better idea

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 04:27 PM PDT

    Lots of posts from people asking for a remake of FNV. The biggest problem with any remake would be people endlessly complaining that the part/character/location/group from the original FNV that they liked the most wasn't done exactly the way they wanted it to be done. A sequel set in the same area might, might I say, work out better. Any direct remake is not going to happen, too many people would not bother to buy it. But a sequel could, and probably would, be a much bigger seller than the original.

    One point of departure for a sequel to FNV would be to make a small change to the end of Dead Money, and have Christine return to the Mojave with The Courier. Whereat The Courier re-introduces her to Veronica and then disappears from the game. So the sequel becomes "The Adventures of Veronica and Christine After the Second Battle of Hoover Dam."

    The biggest plot difficulty of course would be deciding who won the battle, because that determines who controls what and who got wiped out and where they can go adventuring. But a sequel would make all of the old territory, and some new, available for adventuring. Maybe carrying on some old plot lines, visiting the DLC locations and seeing what's happened and such. And room to add new locations and groups and characters. It would be a bit different to have two main characters instead of a lone/sole one, another novelty to attract buyers.

    submitted by /u/TileEngineer
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    What is Lanius’s deal?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 04:24 PM PDT

    I've always wondered this and I'm curious what yous guys think because this always bugged me, Lanius is the final boss of New Vegas in most cases, but he's always been kind of mysterious, Caesar gives you his backstory of being apart of a tribe the legion conquered but continuing to fight beyond mutilation and only surrendering and swearing loyalty to Caesar alone, but that story doesn't line up with the story Lucius, Antony, or Joshua Graham gives, and if you kill him and take off his helmet it Doesn't match up with Caesars story either of supposedly having half his face ripped off, and if you'd say he's more of a mythic figure then how come Joshua Graham, who's been in the legion nearly the longest, had never heard of him before he took his job? So are they all lying? If so why? I want to know what y'all think.

    submitted by /u/S0mecallme
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    Is Moira (Fallout 3) manipulating you or she legit got no sense of danger? (Or both?)

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 09:14 PM PDT

    You know, sending you on suicidal missions with "extras" for getting even more suicidal. Also, i don't know but at some moments (like when you claim to be the ambassor of vault 101) sound too forced. We got a case of villain hidden in plain sight here?

    I know that when you're a gun for hire you can't be too picky, but her stuff is a whole different level.

    submitted by /u/RifleBro
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    Survival Mode Pain

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 06:06 PM PDT

    I just want someone to read this and feel my pain so I can feel better. I was playing Fallout 4 Survival Mode, my guy woke up and headed out from Diamond City to the Glowing Sea for a quest. I make it in and out of the Sea but not without fighting about 12 radscorpions first. I then head east along the south side of the map to find a quarry full of what had to be two dozen hard Raiders. After careful sniping and an eventual shootout, I conquered the quarry after some time. Finishing up there, I head east again to see a shootout going on between the groups of Big Mack the Super Mutant and Clint the Gunner. It started as a few Gunners attacking Big Mack at his factory, and I let them fight it out for a few minutes before stepping into the factory to clear out numerous Gunners, super mutants, and Big Mack himself. My character was already tired by then, but I had plenty of Nuka Cola for that. Since I killed at least a half dozen Gunners, I decided to move next door to what ended up being the Quincy Ruins that Preston Garvey's group escaped from. After a long fight in and out of buildings and on rooftops fighting Gunners among the Ruins, I spot their leader Clint up on the highway and manage to snipe him down and watch his body fall off the highway into the street. I scavenged a Mighty Fat Man, good power armor and ammo, etc. from the ruins to the point that I needed a Grilled Radstag and Bufftats to increase carry weight to hold my loot, and Cait was holding the power armor and little more. After the Glowing Sea, the Quarry, the Factory, and the Quincy Ruins, I was holding way too much loot, I had one Bufftats left to make it home to Hangman's Alley near Diamond City. I try sprinting north from the Ruins but find Jamaica Plains full of feral ghouls. I spend at least 10-15 minutes there clearing out ghouls because I could establish Jamaica Plains as a settlement, make a bed, and save. The workshop won't work til they're gone, and I can't find them all despite my efforts. Running out of supplies to carry my loot home in time, I say fuck it and leave to head north again. At the edge of Jamaica Plains, I'm talking to Cait to move gear around one more time before finally making a mad dash home. Except I don't make it home. As I'm getting ready to exit the trade screen, the screen freezes. I look into the Cait's frozen eyes and think "oh god no, don't do this, please." The screen turns blue after a second and says an error has occured on the PS4, and the application has closed. I had not found a bed to save the game. Over three hours of my life gone in an instant. Pain.

    submitted by /u/MagnaNazer
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    Silver Submachinegun Texture Bug?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 09:43 PM PDT

    On console and wanted to add the Silver Submachinegun to my arsenal, but the gun lost it's silvery exterior shortly after the mission now looking like an average submachinegun. Is there any fix for this?

    submitted by /u/KABOOM3EP
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    Is it possible the synth test at Good Neighbor was made by a synth to deliberately provide them with a false sense of security and control, while actually being mostly infiltrated?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 08:23 PM PDT

    Are guns leveled with you in 4?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 09:28 PM PDT

    Idk why but I am getting completely bent over a counter. The enemies I'm against one shot me but it takes me so long to kill them. I don't even have enough meds to survive most of the time. I was trying to do some mission called freedom trail and there were enemies along it that destroyed me. Do I just need to grind some XP first? Edit: side question. Do the dlc ever go on sale? They're sorta expensive

    submitted by /u/A-Cheeseburger
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    Do you use mods in fallout 4?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 02:45 PM PDT

    I was wondering how many people actually use mods and which ones they tend to use.

    submitted by /u/chumgey
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    What is the best fallout 4 DLC?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 03:51 AM PDT

    Can't download Vault 22 data, can't cheat them back either (Fallout NV)

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 03:28 AM PDT

    So I'm stuck doing the I could make you care quest. I'm supposed to recover the data from Vault 22, but since I already did There stands the grass and sold them to Dr. Hildern, they're not there. Apparently typing set e6a6a.DataState to 0 in console resets the data and makes them downloadable again, so I was gonna try that but for some reason I can't type numbers in the console at all, it does absolutely nothing when I press the keys. Letters and special characters work, also number 1 works for some reason but nothing else. I tried using both numeric keyboards, switching the num lock on & off, pressing Shift, nothing works (expect the number 1). Outside the game my keybord works normally.

    There's also a cheat that triggers Veronica's dialogue again and I can choose to go for one of the other two options instead, but I can't use that either since it contains numbers as well.

    I tried restarting the game & changing up my keyboard layout a bit but it didn't help. I have a legit copy from Steam and am running it on Linux Mint via SteamPlay if that's relevant. Thanks for any advice

    submitted by /u/removables
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    Fallout 3 seemingly unplayable on my hardware + Windows 10 in 2021?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 07:37 PM PDT

    I've been playing Fallout 3 since release, it's probably my favorite and most played game of all time. Played it originally on PS3, then spent over 1000 hours playing and modding it on PC.

    The game has always been temperamental, requiring a bunch of mods and fixes to run well. In recent years, the lack of GFWL (Games for Windows Live) has also made the game more difficult to access and has required installing old versions of the software or disabling it entirely.

    The last time I played Fallout 3 I was able to get it running by installing an old version of GFWL to launch, then using a mod to disable GFWL. My latest attempt to play the game has sadly been fruitless.

    Now, in 2021 with new hardware, I'm unable to launch the game at all no matter what I try. I've tried compatibility modes for Windows XP, Windows Vista, I've tried running the game as an administrator, I've tried installing GFWL and I've tried disabling GFWL, tried running with FOSE, even tried running the game in Windowed mode. Everything results in a CTD as soon as the game launches. I can't even get into the main menu.

    Does anybody have advice? I really want to play this game again and I feel like all the guides are just providing suggestions I've already attempted.

    My hardware:

    • AMD Ryzen 5950x
    • 64GB Crucial Ballistix 3600mhz CL16 RAM (BL2K32G36C16U4B)
    • MSI Armor Radeon RX 580 8GB
    • ASUS TUF x570-PRO

    Edit: Not sure if this is worth noting, but Fallout: New Vegas launches with a fresh install and no modifications.

    submitted by /u/MoneyConvo420
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    Resident Evil 1 costume mod for Fallout 4 on Xbox?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 02:48 AM PDT

    I love Fallout and I love Resident Evil. I would like to roleplay as one of the characters from the first RE game using their costumes from said game. Unfortunately I lack the skills to make mods and it is not currently on the Xbox mod page for Fallout 4. If such a mod does exist could somebody kindly port it to Xbox?

    submitted by /u/RECollector0912
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    Please help me find it

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 12:52 PM PDT

    I know it exists, but I forgot the name. The mod puts some books around the prydwen to let you craft all the BoS paints, but I forgot the name.

    submitted by /u/Slow_Meringue5181
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    Adam and Eve vault idea:

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 01:06 PM PDT

    I don't know if there's any record of a vault like this but it would be very interesting to see an "Adam and Eve" vault, a vault that started only with one man and woman, forcing the two vault dwellers to inbreed a lot in order to survive and create future generations. I would also like to know about vault 69 in future fallout games in a realistic setting to see what caos may follow.

    submitted by /u/Account_250
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    Communist RP New Vegas

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 02:31 AM PDT

    any suggestions for skills to tag or perks to choose while role playing as a communist revolutionary in new vegas? not to mention are there any mods i should download to make this more immersive?

    submitted by /u/cybersold1er
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