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    Fallout Lore | Where do the boomers fuck?

    Fallout Lore | Where do the boomers fuck?

    Where do the boomers fuck?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 10:38 AM PDT

    They have like two quarters for men and women individually so where are they supposed to have sex? Is it like a Spartan type practice where you're supposed to sneak your partner in or what?

    submitted by /u/-Constantinos-
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    Would the Capital Wasteland “realistically” have vegetation during/around the events of Fallout 3?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 02:58 PM PDT

    Obviously, the events of our world and the events of the Fallout world are a kind of apple-and-orange situation. Realistically, we cannot know for sure what would happen in the event of a nuclear war of the supposed scale of the Great War (I know there was a user who mentioned how the Great War was so catastrophic that it shifted tectonic plates; new mountain ranges formed, and oceans boiled away, which is debatable but sounds cool AF), but something that has been bothering my friend and I for a while is the vegetation, or lack thereof, in the Capital Wasteland. I say this, while also understanding that in Fallout 3 there is a quest called Oasis where you encounter the Fallouts 1 and 2 character, Harold, and are given three choices - to stop his growth, to speed up his growth (and thus return vegetation to the Capital Wasteland) or to kill him.

    Looking at both nuclear meltdown disasters, ie; Chernobyl and Fukushima Daiichi (which I know are not really comparable because meltdown vs. bombing, but the environmental impacts are what I'm looking at) and actual nuclear bombings, ie; the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the Tsar Bomba test, for inspiration, I pose this question: would the Capital Wasteland "realistically" have vegetation during or around the events of Fallout 3?

    First, the Chernobyl disaster.


    "Chernobyl has become a byword for catastrophe." The effects of the Chernobyl disaster led to a populous city turning into a ghost town and the implementation of a 2,600 sq.km. exclusion zone (1,000 sq.mi. for my non-metric readers), which isn't actually devoid of life. Wolves, bears and boars have returned to the area, and "…all but the most vulnerable and exposed plant life survived. Even in the most radioactive areas of the zone, vegetation was recovering within three years." (pg. 11 of the PDF).

    Plants develop in a much more flexible way in comparison to mammals such as humans and certain animals. Most parts of the mammalian cells can be replaced if they are damaged, but DNA is the crucial exception – at higher doses of [gamma] radiation, DNA becomes "garbled" and cells rapidly deteriorate and die, whereas lower doses can cause a more subtle damage in the form of mutations which alter the way cells function, e.g.; "causing [a cell] to become cancerous, multiply uncontrollably, and spread to other parts of the body." Because plants can't move, they have to adapt in order to overcome the circumstances in which they find themselves. "Rather than having a defined structure as an animal does, plants make it up as the go along… Critically, unlike animal cells, almost all plant cells have the capacity to create new cells of any type the plant needs." In short, it means that plants have the ability to replace dead or damaged cells and/or tissues a hell of a lot more easily than animals, regardless of if this damage is due to being attacked by an animal or because of radiation exposure.

    "Life is now thriving around Chernobyl." While this resurgence of nature may be surprising to most, the populations of many plant and animal species are actually greater00988-4?_returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS0960982215009884%3Fshowall%3Dtrue) than what they were before the disaster.

    Second, the Fukushima Daiichi accident.


    Similarly like Chernobyl, most people know about the Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant accident, a casualty of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami (東北地方太平洋沖地震)/Great East Japan earthquake (東日本大震災). I was able to find more information regarding the environmental impacts of Fukushima Daiichi than I was regarding Chernobyl so buckle in.

    The accident resulted in the release of radioactive material known as radionuclides into the atmosphere, and the fallout "was dispersed locally, regionally and globally over land and sea" via wind and precipitation, with areas to the north-west of the plant receiving high levels of radioactive contamination, particularly (surprise, surprise) the prefecture of Fukushima. However, outside of Japan, the radioactive material contamination levels from the reactors were low.

    Radionuclides of iodine, tellurium ("which decays into radioactive iodine") and caesium/cesium were particularly relevant in terms of environmental radioactive contamination; some of the more well-known, in a way, radionuclides are/were caesium-134 (134Cs) and caesium-137 (137Cs), and iodine-131 (131I). "Half-lives of up to eight days mean that radioactive iodine released in a reactor accident disappears from the environment after about three months. This was also the case in Fukushima. Contamination with radioactive caesium, with a half-life up to around 30 years, remains in the environment for a long time. It is principally responsible for the increased radiation levels still present in the area around Fukushima."

    Radioactive material also contaminated foodstuffs – the material may have been deposited onto the leaves or directly onto crops such as fruit and vegetables, or it may have been absorbed through the crops' roots.

    A result of the accident was not only the release of radioactive material into the atmosphere, but also into the water. This water was "primarily the water that was fed into the reactor for emergency cooling, but also the groundwater penetrating into the reactor. Large quantities of contaminated water were pumped out of the reactor, cleaned of radioactivity [via] filtering and stored in numerous tanks on the reactor site."

    Japanese authorities are focused mainly on decontaminating areas of radioactive caesium. In cultivated areas, they remove up to 5 cm (1.97 inches) of the topsoil and replace it with crushed granite, and in areas further away from the power plants, they apply substances that are "known to fix or substitute caesium such as potassium fertilisers and zeolite powders." This topsoil removal is effective but expensive, costing Japan about £21 billion (almost US$29 billion), and I don't think would be really feasible in the Fallout universe.

    Now onto the actual environmental stuff. Researchers from Fukushima University's Institute of Environmental Radioactivity were working alongside researchers from the University of Georgia's Beasley Wildlife Lab, wanting to investigate the return of animals to the exclusion zone. Their theory was based on Chernobyl and "how wildlife repopulated the abandoned land… after its 1986 nuclear accident," so they wanted to see if it was likely to happen in Japan as well. They were right and were able to capture over 267,000 wildlife photographs that recorded more than 20 species, including wild boar, Japanese hare, macaques, pheasant, fox, and the raccoon dog (related to the fox) in various areas of the landscape, including walking tracks and the abandoned communities. "Species that are often in conflict with humans, particularly wild boar, were predominantly captured on camera in human-evacuated areas or zones," according to UGA wildlife biologist James Beasley. The report can be found here: Rewilding of Fukushima's human evacuation zone.

    Further reading for the interested individual:

    Third, the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


    Likely due to being even earlier than Chernobyl, I was unable to find much information on the environmental effects of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In 1946, the oleander flower (Nerium oleander) began to grow again, just a year after the bombings, giving the people of Japan hope. So, unfortunately, this specific one eludes me a bit and I apologise for that.

    Further reading for the interested individual:

    Finally, the test of the Tsar Bomba.


    The Tsar Bomba testing site, Novaya Zelmya, "represents the greatest single source of artificial radioactive contamination in the Arctic." The Tsar Bomba was over 1,750x more powerful than Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined, and at 50 Mt, was 10x as powerful as all of the ordinance exploded during the entirety of WWII. However, Tsar Bomba was also hard to find some research on, purely because I think the Russians wouldn't really want people knowing about its effects. I do know that immediately following the test that "all [the] buildings in the village of Severny (both wooden and brick), located 55 kilometres (34 mi) from ground zero within the Sukhoy Nos test range were destroyed…) and there was a lack of biodiversity from the plants that had managed to survive the monster. Just in case anyone was wondering, Severny was uninhabited.

    Further reading for the interested individual:

    General further reading for the interested individual:

    Despite the lack of references for the actual bombings, and despite the Oasis quest in Fallout 3, I think it would be fair to say that "realisitically" the Capital Wasteland would have some degree, and possibly some variety, of vegetation considering it has been 200 years since it was supposedly bombed to hell and back.

    TLDR: "Realistically," the Capital Wasteland would could have vegetation during/around the events of Fallout 3 using (mostly) Chernobyl and Fukushima Daiichi as a basis.

    This is without taking into consideration, a) the extended periods of time where the Capital Wasteland experiences moderate to severe lack of rain (it may be game engine limitations but, as u/KnightofTorchlight pointed out, the fact that pure water is held in such high regard and the lack of any major infrastructure/efforts to collect and store rainwater points to a drastic decline in rainfall levels in comparison to the pre-War Capital), and b) the mass desertification of much of the world following the Great War coupled with a possible nuclear war/the blasting of unprecedented amounts of dirt and ash into the atmosphere and u/Descriptor27's hypothesis (I think, sorry if I got that wrong) that much of DC's soil is nutrient-poor rubble from the Great War, levelled in a way similar to the Glowing Sea in Fallout 4.

    Hopefully this doesn't seem like a random mess of a post, my apologies if it is. I drafted this over like a week when I know others spend an actually decent amount of time on some of their posts so, again, apologies if this is just a hot mess.

    EDIT: changed the TLDR a bit. Added a little-ish note after the TLDR.

    submitted by /u/JMMJr-13072258
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    How I know that thousands of people live in diamond city

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 10:59 PM PDT

    Piper supports both herself and her kid sister on a newspaper stand that makes like 5 issues throughout your gameplay.

    This, combined with the size of Fenway Park itself, must mean that loads of people live in diamond city otherwise this bitch wouldn't be able to eat or feed her sister. Plus she's a home & business owner!

    Yes, I'm aware that other settlements also buy her paper, but as far as I'm concerned good neighbor and all those other places probably would have to have caravans buy the paper in bulk and transport it, meaning that a larger number of people live at those settlements too

    It's just basic business sense

    submitted by /u/LawrenceCatNeedsHelp
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