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    Wednesday, March 17, 2021

    Fallout 3 | What's the maximum amount of havoc I can wreak in Rivet City

    Fallout 3 | What's the maximum amount of havoc I can wreak in Rivet City

    What's the maximum amount of havoc I can wreak in Rivet City

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 09:26 PM PDT

    When I was level 2, I joined up with Burke and destroyed megaton, took that suite, killed the ghoul hideout to help Tenpenny, I then went on my merry way to my next victim, Three-Dog, after murdering him, I got horrified at the sight of actual centaurs and went to Rivet City, by now I'm level 5, in what way (even if it's later on) can I destroy or harm Rivet City?

    submitted by /u/d_vult8544
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