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    Fallout Lore | Why couldn’t we use the vault 81 cure on father’s cancer

    Fallout Lore | Why couldn’t we use the vault 81 cure on father’s cancer

    Why couldn’t we use the vault 81 cure on father’s cancer

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 12:14 AM PST

    Is there a loophole on talking about Big MT/Empty outside of Big MT/Empty?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 07:14 AM PST

    Due to all the implants and lobotomization done to the Courier at Big MT, they cannot talk about Big MT outside of Big MT, but could they write notes about it in Big MT and tape it to their arm when they leave in hopes someone takes it and finds out about the Research Facility?

    submitted by /u/TheCrowsNestTV
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    Is there any lore reason why the Chinese assault rifle is only on the east coast?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 11:53 PM PST

    Title says all.

    submitted by /u/cinisxiii
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    Did Mr.House invent any new technologies after the great war

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 06:00 PM PST

    I know that Mr.House was a genius and helped to maintain the pre war tech in vegas but did he make anything new

    submitted by /u/Dusty_Bio
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    Steel Dawn: Do we know how long the BOS will be around?Also, have the BOS mentioned anything about Tennessee?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 09:40 PM PST

    I don't yet have FO76 so I can't just go read the terminal entries... but to anyone who's ayed Steel Dawn extensively; what is your answers to thr abovr question?

    submitted by /u/ProfVerstrooid
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    Can someone explain why are there almost no tribals on the East Coast?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 05:38 PM PST

    Almost every West Coast location we've been in had some form tribals in the game. My question is is there a specific reason some locations are so thick with tribals and why some aren't?

    submitted by /u/SE20299
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    Has the bombs eradicated “Old world racism”?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 11:50 AM PST

    Out of curiosity, did the bombs "bury" old world racism? So far, the only prejudice that's shown in the games is towards Ghouls & Synths, rather than towards Wastelanders.

    submitted by /u/scarlettvvitch
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    What happened to the smaller parts of Vegas during the battle at the dam?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 01:44 AM PST

    im aware that Freeside has some interactions either supporting or revolting against the NCR during the conflict and the fiends at South Vegas attack the NCR headquarters in the area, but what about the other settlements like West and North sides? Do they take any sides?

    submitted by /u/Ribilino
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    Inflation and the Fallout Universe

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 01:13 PM PST

    I got to thinking today about how bad inflation of currency was in the Fallout universe. We see it clearly is there, but it's not really spelled out just what one USD would be worth on the global market in 2077 versus what it is worth today.

    While we do see examples of the inflated values in some of the everyday objects in the game, we also need to consider that some of those numbers would fluctuate depending on the scarcity of some of the products themselves. For example, you couldn't base inflation on the price of gasoline alone, nor could you base it off of the price of just a gallon of milk. You'd need several items to work out some kind of average.

    So I started doing that. Now, bear in mind I am not a mathematician. I am also not an economist. So, I had to 'dumb down' some things to make the spreadsheet I concocted work properly:




    -Average rate of inflation in the US from 2010-2020 was 2.175% per year. That average was applied to calculations when estimating cost increase year over year. Obviously, this would be subject to some fluctuation from year to year, but we will assume this average holds for ease of calculations.

    -Calculations are based off established item prices, as directly observed in-game, and current prices for similar real-world equivalents. Current real-world cost is multiplied by the rate of inflation to reach a new value. That value is then used as the 'base rate' for the calculation for the next year.

    -Because there must be a baseline for comparison against current existing prices, this means that items exclusive to the Fallout universe that don't exist in real life (such as Giddyup Buttercup) are not included in the comparisons. Where real world equivalents exist (IE: Washington Post newspaper, Subway meatball sub), those are used as comparators.

    NOTE List is limited as I am currently just sourcing available online material. It will grow as I observe pre-war item prices in game.

    All of that out of the way, here's what I've found so far:


    Description Cost - Fallout Universe Cost - real life, 2020 2077 cost, real life, factoring in inflation Ratio % of Fallout inflation to Real inflation
    Newspaper $56.00 $2.00 $6.81 +822
    One gallon 'regular' gas $7450.99 $2.21 $7.53 +98,950
    2 gallons engine coolant $119.99 $31.00 $105.68 +113
    Guns and Bullets magazine $33.00 $4.99 $17.01 +194
    Coffee and Jelly Donut $30.00 $2.50 $8.50 +353
    Meatball sub and soda $55.00 $9.20 $31.30 +176
    Nuka Cola $0.10 $1.19 $4.05 -4050


    So, based off this admittedly limited dataset, we can see that for the most part, the inflated prices we see in the Fallout universe are not really that far off what could be expected in reality. In fact, if you account for variables changing the inflation rate numbers (such as military conflicts, resource shortages), those numbers could actually be pretty damn close to reality. The only ones that are off kilter are gasoline (which is understandable, given the resource wars) and foodstuffs (also understandable given the rationing and food shortages). For some reason, Nuka Cola is ridiculously cheap as well, with promotional materials listing its retail price even in 2077 as just '10 cents'.

    If anyone is willing to contribute in game observed item prices as comments, I would be happy to keep going on this and update as they come in so we can get a real sense of just how bad the inflation got. With enough data, we could even probably try to extrapolate some of the 'fantastical' items and speculate on what a real-world equivalent would be if the technology existed (I'm looking at you, Corvega!).

    EDIT - Trying to format table

    submitted by /u/macguy9
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    The Courier would have sided with Yes Man and created a nation for the Mojave

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 02:26 AM PST

    The reason for my theory is that the ending of The Lonesome Road shows a Courier walking with a duster with a 21 on it and the fact that the other game endings would be considered too boring for such a magnificent masterpiece of a game. Other than that, with an independent New Vegas, the Brotherhood of Steel can roam around freely and at the same time, won't interfere with the Courier's Securitron Army. Other than that, what if the next Fallout game is set in the West Coast? Wouldn't a three sided war between the NCR, the Legion and the Courier's new nation be interesting?

    submitted by /u/GamerAlex8
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    How was the NCR created?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 01:23 AM PST

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