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    Fallout 3 | Sponsored by RobCo

    Fallout 3 | Sponsored by RobCo

    Sponsored by RobCo

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 06:43 AM PST

    Stealing Independence: Can't give Button Gwinnett the ink?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 05:28 AM PST

    I agreed to the forgery, and I got the ink container from the library, but when I talk to Button, there isn't an option to give it to him and he acts like I still need to accept his terms. Is there something else I need to get or is it just a glitch? I'm using the Fo3 ultimate bugfix patch

    submitted by /u/nintrader
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    I'm pretty lost right now.

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 12:55 AM PST

    I've just started Fallout 3. Right now I've talked to Moriarty (I hate him) and he asks for 300 caps. Then I talked to Lucy West, who sent me to a settlement with a dead family and some cool people. Then I talked to some utility seller called Moira who tells me to go to a toy store. My only weapons are a combat knife, a .32 pistol, a flamethrower and the initial .10 pistol. I come from Fallout 4. Any recommendations?

    submitted by /u/danklekandrey
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    My first fallout 3 play through (spoiler free)

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 12:58 PM PST

    This was a few years ago, and I have played this game much more since then, but I thought I would share some of what I remember from my first play through.

    I was a little kid when I first got it. I only got it because everyone at school was talking about "the fallout game" but looking back I think they were all playing shelter. I wanted some friends so I bought it. When I exited the vault I got killed by the eye bot because I thought it was an enemy and shot at it. That happened a few times before I gave up and let it be. Then I did a few circles around megaton because I didn't know what it was. While going around left of the entrance I saw some guys in power armor fighting something (though at the time I thought they were fighting eachother) and thinking it was other people (like other players) because they were wearing the armor on the cover so I thought that meant they were other players I attacked them and was quickly killed. Then I think I made it all the way to arefu on accident, though I'm not sure, I just remember being charged by mirelurks and getting super confused as to why they were absorbing all my baseball bat bonks because I didn't want to use my 10mm because I didn't know where to find ammo and was a hoarder. And I got killed. Then after a few days of essentially repeating this I finally found out that I could go in the big circle of metal sheets that I liked to play ring around the rosey at and got killed by the settlers when I shot the Brahmin with a BB gun. I also activated the minefield quest for Moira, though I wouldn't do it for well over a real life year. Anyways, after a while of messing around with that Brahmin I mentioned, I finally continued the main quest a bit by heading to dc to find three dog. I didn't understand I was supposed to go through the metro so I spent a few hours trying to get over the rubble skyrim mountain climbing style. Then I eventually found out that the little arrow on the compass pointed to where I needed to go and got lost in the metro. After a while I gave up and having heard about the swampy place with the mutfruit (which I thought was some kind of paradise at the time) I sold almost everything I had and headed there. Then when I realized I couldn't leave because I didn't have any money and was super creeped out I decided to see if I could scrounge some caps from that motel. Well, I came to a certain locked room, broke two lock picks getting it open, found what looked like the witch doctors lair inside (you'll know what room I'm talking about if you've seen it) got super scared and turned off the Xbox, not touching that game for at least two years.

    Everything after this point is things that I can't remember the order of, so I just put them in no particular order.

    While looking around for that cannibal cult I can't remember the name of I spent a lot of time in the cave place (I'm sorry I can't remember the names of any of these locations) and got lost somehow. Then I finally made it out and got stuck in a kill loop with three mole rats that were waiting outside. I can't remember how I got out of that one. Also while looking for the cannibal cult I found myself at a drivethrough which I think was one of the locations you were sent to in the quest, and remember getting a missile launcher from a super mutant there and taking everything on the tables. I later sold the missile launcher (which I didn't have any ammo for) to Moira so I could go to point lookout. Yet again involving that cannibal cult quest (I promise this is the last one about this quest) I got to the location on my map where arefu was supposed to be and couldn't find it. I was used too not being able to get on the highway bridge things so I didn't try. Took me a solid 2 hours to figure that one out. While trying to get to the docks so I could go too point lookout (the first time, before I realized I didn't have the caps and had to go back) I remember passing the nuka cola factory and wanting to go in because I though there would be tons of caps there since it is a soda factory. Sadly, I was soon being chased off by three raiders, one with a baseball bat and a motorcycle helmet, one with a ripper, and one with a gun of some sort. I hopped a barrier and tried to get away but couldn't. After killing the girl with the baseball bat I was killed by something, not sure what I don't think it was one of the raiders, and was sent all the way back to the megaton gate. I can't remember how I ever made it to the dock. Alright, I know I promised I wouldn't say anything else about that cannibal cult quest, but I can remember a lot from my first time going through it. When I came to the grocery store I took everything in there and sold it to Moira, because that was how I though you were supposed to get money, by selling a ton of junk. Eventually I found my way down to that ghoul who buys sugar bombs, but I never found the hatch to go down to the metro and find the cult because I was afraid he would attack me if I went in his little clubhouse. I also remember not being able to hack the computer terminal and open the safe, and then deciding that I would dump all my points into science when I next leveled up. Don't know if I did, but I do know I never went back and opened that safe. I was also confused as to why there was rubble behind the door in the back for some reason. When I first got to Springvale (well, when I first decided to not attack the eyebot when I went there) I looted every dumpster in town, found silver, let her be, and got super scared of the idea of that elementary school and therefore never went in. While headed for three dog I can remember three things specifically. I found gramma sparkles shack and was attacked by a woman with a Chinese pistol (which I gladly took). I tried to shoot some raiders on the memorial bridge from afar (and failed). I found my way into a super mutant camp across the river and after killing a centaur I set free the captive there. I was then killed by another centaur. Another thing I remember happening at some time while exploring dc happened near super duper mart. I fell onto some rocks in the water and, not wanting to go into any more deeper water for fear of drowning or something (speaking of which, how does the line wanderer know how to swim from the get go?) I say there with two super mutants on the ledge above me, one of which had a mini gun, and wasted all my radaway before eventually making a run for it and, you guessed it, getting killed.

    I can remember more but it's hard to type on a phone, maybe I'll post a few more things I can remember later.

    submitted by /u/TheFiend100
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    Suggestions on character builds?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 05:34 PM PST

    Hi everyone!

    I'm coming back to fo3 after about 4-5 years of not playing it. My favorite fallout game is by far NV, but I want to play fo3 on my twitch stream just to see if i like it.

    If anyone has any suggestions on good builds for returning players that'd be awesome!!

    submitted by /u/Maxim235
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    I think going through the Museum of History offices was legitimately the scariest area of Fallout 3 so far

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 10:51 AM PST

    • Your reading The Adventures of CrisperLace and her first time playing Fallout 3! Today's episode – To Gettysburg for History:

    Friendly reminder the Xbox One is my first console and this is my first video game so please refrain from spoilers. [Also don't feed the Yao guai]

    After spending probably way too much time exploring Metro Central I found myself exiting via Mall Northwest where I stumbled upon what was left of the Lincoln Memorial. Upon meeting Silas/Leroy Walker in the maintenance room, finding out about Hannibal Hamlin starting Head of State I stealth-fully put them and the rest at the Memorial down before heading off.

    Caleb Smith directed me to the Museum of History to retrieve picture of the Lincoln Memorial after finding the Temple of the Union. I think going through the Museum of History offices was legitimately the scariest area of Fallout 3 so far. I have brightness in the display settings lowered so light/dark are more realistic alongside the Pip-Boy light, I've found this makes things like flames look really good. The offices in Museum of History is the darkest area I've been in so far.

    I snuck around a reaver and ran into four glowing ones in the next room, they slowly surrounded me without noticing as I stood still crouched. Made the hair on my neck stand on end. Then seemingly all at once they noticed I was there, thankfully the hunting rifle did the trick. I made my way to the second floor were I ran into two more reavers, thankfully they didn't notice me. Decided one on one is far better than me vs three reavers so I went back to the original reaver and used the dart gun then circled the halls using the combat shotgun as the reaver followed seemingly still way too fast, I literally had 1 HP left after that encounter because I got stuck running backwards at points. Healed up via the bathroom sink then readied to take on one of the two upstairs, unfortunately my combat shotgun was weakening quickly. The combat shotgun had full durability when I entered the area and literally broke upon the final shot taking out the last reaver, I once again had 1 HP left. If the final shot hadn't landed and killed I would've died.

    I found the Lincoln's repeater which is now my favorite unique weapon in the game, completed Head of State and something I really liked is how overtime the Temple of the Union group fixes the Lincoln Memorial and sets up tents in the area with Hannibal Hamlin reciting a speech

    submitted by /u/CrisperLace8106
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    How to play the first and only playthrough?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 07:56 PM PST

    Hello everybody,

    As the title says, how do you guy recommend me playing Fallout 3, vanilla or with which mods?

    People tend to say go vanilla on the first playthrough, but I honestly almost never do a second playthrough, especially in very long games such as those from Bethesda. So if I was only going to play it once, what is the best way to enjoy the experience?

    Also, this is my introduction to Fallout games, but I loved Skyrim, especially the exploration, the world scenery, the interaction with the npcs, the music, even the combat.

    Some general preferences I have regarding gameplay:

    -I like games to be challenging, not impossible, but challenging. Does the vanilla game have a good and balanced difficulty level? Is it better with any mod?

    -I like rpgs elements as skills and customization options as well as plenty of options in appearance and weapons, etc? Does vanilla have enough weapons/items, any mod to improve this without having overpowered god-like weapons?

    -Since the game is kind of old now, any mod to improve appearance?

    -I tend to like keeping the game as faithful as possible to the original, no changes that are TOO drastic.

    I will be playing the game on PC. Any recommendation would be greatly appreciated! Looking forward to starting it!

    submitted by /u/Ynwa1011
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