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    Monday, December 7, 2020

    Fallout 3 | Having maxed out stealth can be real fun. Stayed for a while watching these guys dancing. I think that's my favourite DLC in F3.

    Fallout 3 | Having maxed out stealth can be real fun. Stayed for a while watching these guys dancing. I think that's my favourite DLC in F3.

    Having maxed out stealth can be real fun. Stayed for a while watching these guys dancing. I think that's my favourite DLC in F3.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 01:02 PM PST

    Sometimes, it's good to be ugly.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 05:13 PM PST

    What happened on your first fallout 3 playthrough.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 06:49 AM PST

    Go off

    submitted by /u/N___THOR
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    My idea for fallout five (was wondering how the fallout three ppl think of it)

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 07:30 AM PST

    You start out in a Vault called Vault 32 (I'm not sure if that number is taken yet)

    This vault is an experiment to test how long people can go without food and water. Eventually the people of the vault want more food and water so they storm the overseers office in the year 2292

    You first appear in your apartment and choose stats and specials, then you exit your apartment, and your screen turns white and says 1 month later. Your brother wakes you up and says there going to try to storm the overseer office,(also your mom and dad died of starvation and dehydration)and YOU need to gather up the people of vault 34. You can recruit 6 people to be temp followers then you storm the overseers office with security guards attacking you (you can talk to them but you can only convince one of them to calm down)then you reach the overseers office, and the overseer sh oots your brother and kills him, so the fight happens but in a last ditch effort the overseer blows up the water purifier and the garden. So your temp followers will rationalize and decide to leave the vault. So you leave and your under the liberty statue in New York so you leave the statue and you start swimming to shore, a group of mirelirks attack you and your group causing your group to split up and go separate ways. (You can find one group member in a ghoul towers (twin towers becuse they survived in this universe) ghoulified and you can recruit him to be a permanent follower the others you can find in random encounters and can tell them to go to one of your settlements ) anyways you go to the nearest town to get food and water (also you have a thrist bar and hunger bar that can be turned off) the town has a problem with mirelurks, and if you solve the problem it starts you on the main quest, there will be three different endings, the Ghoul ending , the enclave ending, and the NYC (nuke york citizens) I will put a different paragraph for each ending

    Ghoul ending (neutral)

    You get info to go to the empire state building where the enclave have been hording all the pure water. You get in and almost no enclave soldiers are useing power armor, you stop at the front gate where the a guard tells you to state your business. (You can pass a speech check to be let or you can go on a side quest if you fail where you have to get them blueprints for power armor. That makes 6/10 enclave soldiers have power armor. ) so you get in and go meet with the boss of the enclave ,Colonel Augustus Autumn ( I know its tacky but we all want him back.) So now you can join him or not for the ghoul playthrough you do not, then you can kill him or not you leave and if you do not kill him you have the option to go back and join him but you will have a lower rank. So you leave (and if you killed him you will have the enclave on your ass) and on your way out you see a NYC TROOPER and a ghoul arguing you can choose to kill one , kill them both, or go back to ones "base" , for this you side with the ghoul and kill the TROOPER (and get the NYC on your ass to (but can be redeemed.))or you can side with the ghoul and not kill the TROOPER. So the ghoul will take you back to the twin towers where you evil eyed for being a smooth skin. So you go up to meet the big boss that calls himself the lord of the atom. So you talk to him and same options with the leader (side with em, kill em, dont side with and leave) this your going to side with em, he tells you that there might just be a cure for ghouls, but before he tells you more he needs to know that he can trust you, and for him to trust you, you need to become a ghoul . (To become a ghoul you need to get max rads. And you have a 50:50 chance of becoming a ghoul or dying) so you become a ghoul and go back to the lord of the atom, and he tells you the plan to get the cure. He tells you about vault 113 where vault tec was experimenting on pre war ghouls ( ghouls that when behind a car and got blasted with rads ) you get to vault 113 and it's like vault 87 but more feral ghouls and bugs, and you get the info on ghouls ,there is also ghoul there that's roaming around that is just on the brink of going feral and he can be recruited as a companion. So you head back to the twin towers where you give the info to the lord of the atom. He tells you that they need some FEV , and that's in a secret base outside nuke york. So you go there and fight super mutants and get some FEV and then go back, so the lord of the atom tells you know they just need ,colonel Augustus Autumn because he is a gen 3 synth and he has 2 clones more clones of himself under the empire state building, now you can go in alone or with an army, For the alone one you sneak in and you go to the basement and program the synth into 2 different personalities (colonel Augustus Autumn or president eden) and this synth becomes a perm companion but temp companion for the mission. And you fight your way through the base and head back to the twin towers to give the synth to the lord of the atom (killing him) and get the cure or not and get the companion but choosing the ladder gets you banned from the towers, now the other option is to go in with an army, first you go into the radio station of the towers and talk to Jimmy R ( radio host) about going gathering an army using his radio station. But to do this he need a larger radio frequency. By doing a quest simmaler to 3 dogs quest in fallout 3. So a bunch of ghouls gather to the twin towers and then you gather them and go fight the enclave, you get in there place dynamite everywhere kidnap colonel Augustus Autumn take his vertibird and leave to the twin towers ( also you pilot the vertibird) and then get the cure, end credits

    Enclave ending (evil)

    so you get info to go to empire state building where you get to the gate where you can pass the speech check or go on the side quest. Then you talk to autumn but this time you side with him your first mission is to go to a military base where there is a prime hellfire mark 3 power armor. You fight off some robots and then put on the power armor and go back to base, then you give your power armor to autumn (he gives it back after next main quest) You now need to go to vault 113 because the ghouls sent a new recruit to there and there trying to build a cure for ghouls. You go there to stop them you find out it's a friend from vault 34 then you can convince him to join the enclave or kill him, (both makeing the ghouls mad ) then you go into vault 113 (can download info on ghouls) and blow vault 113 up, and you go back to base. He gives you your power armor back and tells you to go to the NYC base ( radio city music hall) so you go and kill everyone and have a conversation with the leader she is named Elizabeth. You can kill her, or leave her be (if leave her be, she can be found in random encounter where two enclave soldiers shoot her. Then you go back and autumn says he has a gift for you, and you go down to his basement where he tells you to load edens programming into the his cloned body . Where now you have a new follower. Then you have to go to the nuka cola lab where they helped make nuka cola quantum. And you need to gather a nuclear isotope. So you go beat up nuka lurks and your off to base where you need to then go into the twin towers with a group of enclave soldiers get into the sewers below where there is a water purifier and inject the isotope killing half the wastelands population so the enclave can make their move and control nuke york End credits

    NYC ending (good)

    So same thing happens as the ghoul one except when you see the ghoul and trooper arguing you side with the NYC TROOPER, so you go back to their base and they want to have clean water for everyone and no rads in food for everyone. So you need to go to a super duper mart and get as much food as possible. And you kill raiders along the way . Then you go back and now you need to go get a pick-me-up truck to get into the red rocket HQ and to get the truck you need to go to the crumbling 5 story parking lot. Fighting threw raiders and when you get to the top the truck us driven by a raider chick named bomb you can recruit her to be a perm companion. So you get the truck and go to the red rocket HQ to get blueprints for a car engine, to work the food processor. So you get back then you need to go to the junkyard and get scrap for the prosseser. But as you go out you come back to see the enclave and NYC in a fight (and if you did the mini quest for the enclave at the gate then they win if not the NYC win.) So you go to the top and Elizabeth tells you to go to the twin towers sewer and build the food processor with the water purifier to make clean water and food for everyone, you do that and End credits

    Okay that was my original post I'm just adding on to it and reposting it all New stuff is below this

    There will be some towns below with there additional quests

    Liberty (the first town you see)

    Liberty quests

    " witch doctor " To start this quest you go to the town docter "Dr.Morris" and ask him to heal you, he dose but in the when you exit your hp is only restored half way and you get a dose of 400 rads and the quest is started. The objective you get is to go ask around Town about morris the town's people tell you to go to Harrisons house the town gaurd who got injured and went to the doc for help but has been bed ridden since, he tells you that hes turning into a ghoul after his treatment and he says that the doctor is useing unlawful methods of healing and that if you poke around his clinic to find some banned "healing" items He can kick him out of the town. So you do and find the items and kick him out. You can ask Harrison for caps and he pays you or you can say nothing and gain good rep for liberty. Then he asks you if you can go find a doctor to replace him. You Can say no and the town gets wiped out in 30 in game days and can be turned into a settlement. Or you can say yes and get a doctor from the "ENCLAVE","NYC" or that turns their town to their faction or fix a Mrs nanny with a repair skill of 30 to be doctor and that keep the towns rep just the town and then you report back to Harrison he says that the town wont accept him as a ghoul and asks you If he can come with you and becomes a perm companion or you can say no and he goes to ghoul twin towers for recruitment later. IF your do not complete the quest within 80 days Harrison gets kicked out of town for being a ghoul and goes to ghoul twin towers and cant be recruited as a companion and the town 30 days later gets destroyed by Morris because of his bad health care. And the mrs nanny robot can be recruited to go to a settlement if she isn't interacted with in the quest.

    And the main quest here as the other quest.

    Arena (a town in a wrestling arena)

    Arena quests

    "For the fight"

    immediately after entering the town the quest starts 2 Arena gangsters say you have to put your stuff in a locker. If you dont Arena turns hostile and attacks you. So let's say you put your stuff in the locker the AGs (Arena gangsters) say that you have to pass the ring before anything you can go anywhere. they give you a pair of boxing gloves and wrestling shorts. The screen turns back and your now in the ring a announcer says that there are three rounds and then on the other side of the cage is a "night scorpion"(black radscorpion that has 2 stingers and you cant sneak up on in enclosed spaces or in the night ) the screen goes black when you kill it and then the announcer says round two and this time on the other side is a 8-leg (big spider that shot weeping to make you stuck in place for five seconds if it hits ) then after you kill that the screen turns black and the announcer says round three where a glowing one is on the other side you kill him and the door on the side of the ring swings open and "the announcer" comes out and give you a "novice AG championship belt" Then he let's you roam free around the town But he asks you to do another fight and if you get past them you can defeat the champion and you can use your other melee weapons against them, but before you go fighting monsters you go pick up your stuff from viper (the person who told you to put your stuff in the locker) when you pick up your stuff your long ranged weapons are all broken and when you ask him about it he says that he the AGs dont use guns only melee and that you can keep guns on you just dont show them off or use them, now back to the announcer. Round one you fight a mirelurk and round two you fight a young death claw. Then the announcer gives you the "intermediate AG championship belt" now the last fight. The last fight is against the champion "Cloak" a Nightkin who uses stealth boys and has broken power armor over him when you knock him out you get the "AG champion belt" and you can get cloak as a companion. The announcer then says you can fight in the ring anytime against anything (mandated bugs, animals and feral ghouls)

    "Power ghouls"

    The announcer says that he needs some stronger fighters In the ring to promote more AGs to pay for a ticket to come so he thinks it's a good idea to put ghouls in power armor as fighters, he says that the "rusty scrap yard" north of the town might have some rusty power armor. He says he needs three rustic power armor suits for his fighters and he will pay you handsomely for each suit so you go to the scrap yard (that can be turned into a settlement) There are four suits total and when you return back to him with the three suits he gives you a "AG power armor paint job" a new opponent in the ring gets unlocked (power armored ghouls) and he allows you to use guns in the ring now.

    Vault 65 (a vault where the experiment is to have inbreeding between the residents while the, vault tec employees live a happy life below the vault looking on the inbred people that they've made.)

    Vault 65 Quests

    "For science or not....."

    You enter the vault where theres people who have three eyes or 1 leg, and shit like that. To start the quest you can talk to the overseer "overseer Darla" a person with red eyes and no hair other from a green beard (she is female) or by hearing someone saying hello from an intercom with a camera. Let's do the Darla version first, she says that the vault was one big family vault in the beginning everyone was related to each other, everyone liked that idea until they got in the vault and realized they had to procreate with one another. So she says that there is a secret lab beneath them and that they've been spying on them through camera she want you to kill them for making them inbreed all these years.so you go to the locked door near the intercom. Now let's do the other option. The intercom says hello and you say hello back, the researcher on the other side tells you that there mission was to watch over the people above and see what happens. They didn't expect them to get this odd looking you the researcher tells you to eradicate them so they can move up above and start letting outsiders into the vault and they say that they will give you a " lunch box gun" that shoots mini emp grenades and has infinit ammo. (This interaction is the same whether you speak to Darla or not). So you have two options convince the researcher to let you in the lab so you can kill them, or kill the inbreeders up above so the lab people can move in. If you bring up the saying that you might kill the inbreeders for the lab people to Darla she will offer a vault stealth suit that is like a infinite stealth boy suit when sneaking. No matter what you choose you can turn the vault into a settlement and everyone turns into settlement people.(if you side with lab people one inbreeder escapes and you see her in a random encounter where you can convince her you were right and she will go to your settlement (as long as it's not vault 65).

    "Going on a limb"

    If you helped the inbreeders darla will give you a quest to help the people of the vault look normal and bring in different peope from the outside. So you go around the vault to each person fixing them (eg giving darla a wig ,some bule eyed contact lenses and a shaver to shave her beard) once you fix everyone darla asks you to find someone who can fix limbs (like make one leg guy another leg) and none other then mrs nanny from liberty can help. Then you Send 10 settlers to the vault to live their. Then darla can become a perm companion and 400 caps and the mrs nanny can now perform facial reconstruction on you to make you look better.

    Hardwire ( a town that is built outside an electrical facility and every one has knowledge of electrical stuff)

    "Shock an awe"

    To start this quest you need to speak to a person named "E" E says that he is working on a defense system for the town that he calls "project tesla" E wants to integrate the protections and mr.gutsys With tesla power armor the enclave uses. So first you need to go in the electrical facilities basement where the protections and mr.gutsys are. When you go down there a RoboBrain named Sarah who's memorys of her formal self are coming back from the brain wipe of the people who made her. (She was a pre war stripper) who tells you that to get the robots she wants all her memories back and to give her this you need a repair of 50 or a science of 45 Or you can just kill her. But no matter what you do, you get the bots, and give them to E now you need to find tesla power armor, that can be bought from the enclave shop in the empire state building or an enclave soldier can be killed and you take it of there body. So you give E the armor and he fixes the robots and gives you one to bring to your settlement ( a "tesla gutsy" or a "tesla tron") and a wire showing power armor paint job. (And sharah is a perm companion)

    "The new chapter"

    Did you really think the brotherhood wouldn't make an appearance in this? Anyways "elder skynyrd" comes just outside hardwire just 30 in game days after you start(and another 120 days before they just take over the town). With 4 Paladins with him. He says he wants to convert the town to the brotherhood to start a new chapter in nuke york.the brotherhood wants you to recruit the people of the town and make the town their base of operations. To do this you need to talk to each hardwire citizen.

    -E will help the brotherhood by being the scribe of robotics if you did the quest for him -Glen (the town cook) will Join the brotherhood with 20 sugar bombs given to him -Sugar (the town light fixer)will join the brotherhood with a skill check of 40 repair Echo (the town leader) will join the brotherhood as long as she gets to be the right hand woman, (pass a speech check of 50 for the elder to agree) and with her ,5 unnamed people of hardwire join the brotherhood as well.

    Them the brotherhood with your help kills off the rest of the town and takes over,and gives you the "brotherhood power armor paint job" and some T-45 power armor.

    "Hubris"(a town that was "hubris comics press" but after the war a bunch of people came and worshiped the superheros as gods and dresses up like them)

    Hubris quests

    "Helping heroes"

    This quest is started by talking to the mechanist. Then the mechanist, says that the antagonizer is terrorizing the town by sending ants after them. So the mechanist becomes a temporary companion, gives you the mechno lass outfit and tells you to gather up "the black devil", "grognak the barbarian", "the silver shroud" and "ila fantoma" to do this you need to poke around there homes for their comic book, and then a new speech option appears where you state something they like from the comic book to be your temp follower. Once you decide you have enough help you report back to the mechanist and say your ready to attack the antagonizers lair, but when you leave the front gate, she already sent a wave of giant ants toward you. Then after you kill them you go to the lair. Where some fire ants are after you kill them you enter the lair. 5 worker ants attack you, then the antagonizer comes on the speaker and says "that was only the warm up, round 2 will be harder" then 10 gaint ants attack then after you kill them she says "you mess with the ant you get the mandables but more fiery this time" and 15 fire ants attack. Then she says you've destroyed all her ants other from this one, then she, comes out riding on a ant queen that can spawn ant queen guardians. Then once you destroy the ant queen. The antagonizer says lying on the ground. "Do it kill me" where you kill her, or if you read "the mechanist vs the antagonizer" in the mechanist house, you can say that at the end of the book the mechanist didn't kill you, because you were to perform greater things. And then say you deserve a chance to change. She says "only if you teach me...." and starts to die but with a med check of 45 you can heal her and she becomes a perm companion, and then the mechanist says thank you for your help and says if you ever need a superhero call us. And gives you the "mechno radio" that can be used to call anyone that you got to come along with you in the fight.(you can only call one superhero at a time, (for a day) and only once per superhero.

    " the unstoppables"

    This quest is started by the sliver shroud, he says that he wants to create "the unstoppables" and tells you the 5 superheros he needs in it- Mistress of mystery, Grognak the barbarian,the inspector and manta man and himself, first he tells you to go speak to grognak the barbarian. And with a speech check of 60 you convince him to join.the next person is mantaman who is in the mirelurk den off liberty island, that attacked you early game, you go to the den and kill some mirelurks and a mirelurk queen, to save manta man form capture. He tells you that, the mistress of mystery is in vault 48 (experiment is to have made everyone blind after entering the vault and see how they live) shes trying to find "vault boys chain gang" when you get her,you then have to find "the inspector" who is in death crater (where a nuke got dropped) and has the most irradiated monsters ever. So you save her from a nuclear deathclaw (glowing one but deathclaw version)then you head back to hubris and get 5 new calls on your "mechno radio"(if you didn't get silver should or grognak to join you) these include manta man, mistress of mystery,the inspector, the sliver shroud and grognak the barbarian.

    "AG camp"(the arena gangsters camp to get monsters to bring them back to Arena)(also it only appears 5 in game days after finishing "for the fight")

    AG camp quests

    "Clawing for an opportunity"

    Usher (the announcers right hand man) tells you that theres a special glowing death claw in death crater, and if you could kill her and take the eggs then it would be a great for the arena to attract new AGs. So you go to the deathclaw but find that its male so it dont have eggs,so you tell Usher and he says to check if there's any tunnels or anything. So you go back and you find a tunnel, that you go down to find dead NYC and Enclave soldiers everywhere, apparently there fighting over "the deathclaw egg" And theres still some soldiers left. And the enclave have the egg but are trapped by the NYC. "general leana" of the NYC comes up to you and asks for your help to get the egg (unless your rep with them is bad then they just attack, you kill them give the egg to the enclave or the AGs) so you go over to the enclave side where ,Colonel Augustus Autumn is (no worries hes just on a protechtron) now you go up to him and (let's say you choose NYC) can pass a speech check, or an Intelligence check to get him to flee (unless you have bad rep with them then you just have to kill them) now let's say you side with him instead. He tells you to go over to the NYC get behind there leader, kill her than the Enclave will attack.or with a good karma check, you can convince Augustus Autumn to give you a decoy egg to give to NYC so no one gets hurt. But rep goes down with them. SO you can give the egg to the enclave or NYC but rep goes down with the other one and you fail the quest or you complete it and you

    submitted by /u/N___THOR
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    Just bought GOTY edition and wondering which DLC to play first!

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 01:49 AM PST

    I've already played broken steel as I bought it on the store! So I'd love some opinions on which dlc I should go for.

    submitted by /u/_mink__
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    Civilization Bingo Bango Bongo

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 05:37 PM PST

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