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    Wednesday, November 25, 2020

    Fallout: New Vegas | I built a LEGO Lucky 38

    Fallout: New Vegas | I built a LEGO Lucky 38

    I built a LEGO Lucky 38

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 06:08 AM PST

    Crits for days

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 05:43 AM PST

    Hey guys figured I’d give you an update on my fallout tattoo just finished it today

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 12:45 PM PST

    Here we go, inspired by a recent comment here I’m starting a bad karma NCR sneering imperialist run. Meet “The Colonel”.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 05:54 AM PST

    Folks'll tell you that they seen ghouls up near the rocket factory.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 05:09 PM PST

    Just Another Day [TTW]

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 05:45 AM PST

    Ave true to House

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 09:43 AM PST

    What is your opinion of Honest Hearts?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 05:43 AM PST

    So I've never played Honest Hearts before but I have been over the last few days. The world design is great and the addition of rain effects actually adds to the atmosphere of the game. Joshua Graham is also such a great character. One thing which lacks for me is the story. It doesn't really pull me in. Still sucks that the Happy Trails Trading Company get killed off almost instantly. Anyways, what's your opinion of the DLC?

    submitted by /u/Tomvaughan20
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    Meet Bleugh, the perfect man. Can swing a burning sword like nobody’s business, and is so damn charismatic people bend over backwards for him.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 08:15 AM PST

    My FNV character tier list

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 12:44 PM PST

    Could the game BE anymore rigged?!

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 09:37 AM PST

    I dont really know what to say. Sorry for taking a picture of the screen, its on the Xbox 360 and I dont know how/if you can take screenshots.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 03:07 PM PST

    Time Well Spent.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 08:35 PM PST

    ED-E's fucked

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 06:33 PM PST

    Vulpes and some legion boys!

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 07:34 PM PST

    Game crash after intro, I can barely see the ceiling fan and it crash. (using the U.L.T.I.M.A.T.E. modding guide)

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 03:51 AM PST

    The Legion is apparently experimenting with a new boy-band regiment at Cottonwood Cove

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 02:58 PM PST

    Enemy red dots on compass

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 10:25 AM PST

    in there any mod that removes them?

    submitted by /u/Kotalbuluc
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    Is Simply Uncut compatible with these other mods?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 10:22 AM PST

    Is the mod Simply Uncut compatible with these 2 other similar mods:

    -New Vegas Uncut 1_2_3_4_5_6_7 -New Vegas Uncut - Outside Bets

    Also are there any other mods you guys could recommend in a similar fashion ti spice up my game world?

    Thanks in advance guys!

    EDIT: Removed a mod that I confirmed to be incompatible, the other two listed still remain unknown to me.

    submitted by /u/XeElectrik
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    Gettting back into FNV

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 05:37 AM PST

    I want to get back into playing FNV. I want to know if there are any QoL mods so the game doesn't crash every five steps. I know that there is NVSE and some plugins that remove stutter issues and crashes and mods like NVEC but I usually end up getting all of them because I don't know what they do specifically or how they do what they do. The mods I'm interested are mods that improve performance and mods that fix bugs.

    My OS is win10, don't know if that's relevant.

    submitted by /u/Bye-nary
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    What would a legion courier do in the quest Ghost Town Fight?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 05:13 AM PST

    Would they side with the Powder Gangers or would they side with Goodsprings as a form of gratitude for fixing him up? I understand that the legion is inherently evil however it wouldn't make sense to side with a gang of ex cons so perhaps the courier would be grateful and side with Goodsprings, thoughts?

    submitted by /u/CensorshipLover69
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    [XBOX] Any way possible at all to return to the Sierra Madre?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 12:24 AM PST

    I reallllyyyy want the assassin's suit

    submitted by /u/I_N0_SC0P3D_JFK_
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