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    Thursday, November 26, 2020

    Fallout | Do you prefer Riot gear or Ranger armor?

    Fallout | Do you prefer Riot gear or Ranger armor?

    Do you prefer Riot gear or Ranger armor?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 09:50 AM PST

    Title says it all. Just wondering which one people prefer aesthetically though, not really which one has better stats and whatnot.

    I'm personally more of a Ranger armor guy myself, specifically the Desert Ranger variant from Honest Hearts.

    submitted by /u/mrswordguy29
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    Are the far harbor and nuka cola expansion for fo4 any good?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 12:04 AM PST

    I'm seeing that the game is on sale, and the goty edition is only 10 dollars more but I don't know if the expansions are worth playing, I finished the vanilla game on PS4 but now that I have a pc I can use mods. So I'm wondering if the expansions would bring that much extra to the game

    submitted by /u/bumbleblast
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    How Vault-tec is Handled and how you want to see them handled in the future

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 06:22 AM PST

    First, I'm largely ignorant of the first two games. That said, Vault-tec from Fallout 3, NV, and 4 has intrigued me.

    They seem to capture the "untouchable boogeyman" better than the Institute did. They did all of these terrible things and then disappeared. We are left with nothing but the ripple effects of their evils. And yet we also are dependent upon them for at least a couple of our protagonists.

    What do you think about how the games have handled Vault-tec? Do you want an opportunity for them (their descendants, them as ghouls) to be put at the forefront of a game's questline? Should they forever remain untouchable? Did I miss something major about them in 3, NV, or 4?

    submitted by /u/Thomas_Creed
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    The fallout series is a masterpiece masquerading as mediocrity

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 12:59 AM PST

    This series has so many moments that are masterfully written and crafted but are completely overshadowed by fallout4 because it is the most recent one that isn't 76 so most of what people see of the series is from this game where the series is at an all time low and this is disappointing overall when even fallout 3 is leagues better than 4.

    submitted by /u/Plugshirt
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    Rideable Deathclaws.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 04:13 PM PST

    I am not aware whether there is a mod for this, but I think rideable deathclaws could be a pretty neat feature for a future Fallout game. Imagine deathclaw cavalry units plundering settlements and farms, leaving behind a trail of pure carnage, Mongol style. Entire towns completely drowned by these deathclaw swarms. Imagine charging into a skirmish, mounted on your deathclaw, shredding everything to bits with your minigun.

    Maybe there could be a faction of nomadic raiders who rediscovered lost enclave technology and were able to tame the deathclaws in this manner. Now, they go around pillaging settlements and towns, looting and butchering for their amusement. Perhaps they could be a joinable faction.

    submitted by /u/weary27
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    Why there's little to no signs of slavery in the Commonwealth?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 01:35 PM PST

    Slavery is a big part of the Fallout series. In Fallout 3 there are a lot of quests involving slaves, and there's Paradise Falls, an entire settlement of slavers. Fallout New Vegas has the Caesar Legion, who enslaved people from the settlements and tribes they take over.

    Then we have Fallout 4, where I couldn't find anything really related to slavery during my normal gameplay. There were only minor mentions (like Cait saying her parents sold her to a group os slavers), but I didn't encounter a single slave.

    Slavery only reapper on the Nuka World DLC, as there are some slaves there using a shock collar.

    Is there an explanation on why there's no slaves on the Commonwealth (and Far Harbor) or this is basically Bethesda forgetting a lore element in one of their games?

    I personally think that's the second option.

    submitted by /u/gustavolorenzo
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    I need help with some mod problems I'm having with Fallout 4

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 01:32 AM PST

    So recently I got a new pc and have been able to finally move on from new vegas to fallout 4, and I'm really enjoying it. I am having problems with mods though. I'm using nexus mod manager and I have plenty of experience with it from New Vegas, but none of my mods are working. I have them activated and installed and I using Fallout 4 SE. I think it may have something to do with the fact that steam and all its stuff is downloaded on my nvme, but I download my games to my HDD. Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You!

    submitted by /u/Xvelta8412
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    Why is almost everything in Fallout 4 tiled?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 07:16 PM PST

    The ads are tiled. The movie screens are tiled. The giant nuka cola bottles in nuka world are tiled. The planets in galactic zone are tiled. Skyscrapers are tiled.

    Is this just a design quirk or am I going crazy?

    submitted by /u/RetroKev1
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    Why the Nuka world dlc is poorly written

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 04:39 PM PST

    In the base game you can either side with the BoS (what I think is canon) institute (second contender) railroad and Minutemen. Each of these factions have a follower to basically act as a whistleblower and mentor. They are personifications of there factions ideals. They each have there own set of likes and dislikes. Deacon, Danse, Preston and X6-88 both dislike/abhor the Raiders. So the sole survivor would be betraying his own friends. Cait is the only one who likes the raiders, so maybe the ss (it cait is romanced) would sorta do it for her. This still doesn't make sense though, If the ss sides with the raiders (youre kind of forced to) that'd mean the ss somehow had his ideals flipped over once he went to Nuka world. Bethesda made the dlc because people complained about the lack of evil choices, but why they didn't include a good ending with achievements, loot, etc. is kind of bad on their part. Ok rant over

    submitted by /u/Scolville0
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    Fallout 4 and fallout 76

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 03:12 AM PST

    Fallout 76 gets a lot of hate, why? People keep saying "Fallout 76 has a lot of bugs" or "It's a broken game" but fallout 4 has way more bugs than I've ever seen in fallout 76

    submitted by /u/HauntedStrawberry15
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    Fallout 76 or Fallout 4

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 08:12 PM PST

    Crazy deals on Steam right now. $13.19 for Fallout 76 and $19.79 for Fallout 4 GOTY.

    I've already had 5 playthroughs of Fallout 4 on my PlayStation. However, the reason I'm even considering buying it for the PC is for the mods.

    I've played a little bit of Fallout 76 but not enough to decide if it's really as bad as they say. I've heard good things about Wastelanders and the new Brotherhood of Steel update.

    Thanks to anyone who can help me make my decision.

    submitted by /u/TheCxre
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    Fallout 76 BE weapons

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 02:07 AM PST

    Are BE weapons still good in 76 because I've not played in a while

    submitted by /u/badboyquinny
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    Help with Performance in Fallout games.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 09:19 PM PST

    So I have recently gotten back into fallout because I have gotten myself a new computer recently. On Fallout 4 with heavy texture mods and an ENB if runs great capped at 60fps. This is mainly cause I have a 2060 super and a Ryzen 5 3600. However Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas both run terribly. Fallout 3 will get 40 fps in the wasteland, and in areas like the Prospect Saloon in FNV I get a stuttery 60 fps. I just don't understand. I have tried performance mods and fixes on both games and nothing works. It's so odd because the game never uses my GPU up to 50 percent or my CPU up to 30 percent, they always run low then even lower in certain areas for no reason and I have no clue why. If anyone can help me or has had this issue help would be very appreciated. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/overgrown-fetus
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    Fallout 4: Aftergame

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 06:13 PM PST

    So, I thought about it some more as its been quite a few years since I finished Fallout 4. Looking back on it, I think the game's limitations put a constraint on lore after the game is finished but before we dive into the main question, I was going to put some base guidelines for this discussion.

    • It is assumed the Sole Survivor was a low ranking non-commissioned or commissioned officer (E-4 / W-1)
    • It is assumed the Sole Survivor sided with the Minutemen and rebuilt every claimable settlement
    • It is assumed the Sole Survivor destroyed Nuka World's raider leadership but it's fate after which is up in the air.
    • It is assumed the Commonwealth Minutemen co-exist with the Railroad and the Commonwealth Chapter of Steel.
    • The events of Fallout 4 in general ended in a way that favored the Minutemen and the Sole Survivor.
    • In Far Harbor, Avery's secret was kept, Arcadia and Far Harbor were saved and claimed by the Minutemen, and The Nucleus was destroyed by the Sole Survivor.

    For reference, this is not because I want the Fallout world to be perfect, I am simply following what seems to be the pattern for previous games and what is most likely based off actual lore and inference.

    My question was going to be basically what happens after the events of Fallout 4.

    With these in mind, the most likely situation I see happening is a series of events that snowballs the Commonwealth Minutemen into a regional power or a full on nation. (the latter being most likely.)

    The quick run down without undue elaboration is simple really.

    • Railroad is absorbed in a manner similar to the Desert Rangers and NCR.
    • All criminal organizations in Minutemen turf go under, disband, or are broken up.
    • Far Harbor and Nuka World are occupied and controlled by the Minutemen.
    • All remaining settlements are absorbed or annexed by the Minutemen. (ex: Atom Cats Garage, Vault 81, Diamond City, Goodneighbor)

    With this in mind, the more pressing question is how this Minuteman nation interacts with other folk. With the Eastern Brotherhood controlling basically all of D.C with it being likely the Brotherhood chapter expanded beyond D.C after the events of Fallout 3. (As evidenced by the Prydwen being in Boston.) From here, it's interesting to think of what happens when the Minutemen interact with the Brotherhood. Obviously the Sole Survivor has established relations with the Prydwen as in canon, they would be a Knight/Paladin of the Brotherhood expedition.

    From here, I suspect a resource (not Europe-Middle East style) war or a diplomatic stand off with all the bureaucracy and checks and balances that comes with that. I do not believe that 2 large nations with such varying goals can co-exist unless one holds a position of dominance over the other.

    From here, I think a similar situation to the West Coast would happen. The Eastern Brotherhood would probably maintain their independence, especially after Nate's good relations with the Boston Expedition and the destruction of the Institute. However, like I said, it'd likely mirror the West coast NCR and Brotherhood so some skirmishes, border wars, and maybe even a short all card war are possible.

    I don't think that the Minutemen policy regarding synths, super mutants, ghouls, and technology would be good either. (With Nate's experience at Anchorage, laser muskets, etc the Minutemen likely take to mass producing new energy weapons, power armor, etc. Which would not rub well with the Brotherhood, no matter good relations.)

    It is also of note that the Minutemen would without a doubt expand which obviously clashes some helmets with the Eastern Chapter for obvious reasons. The Minutemen would quickly expand and take over Rhode Island, Connecticut, and portions of New Hampshire and Maine which is going to put them at heads with not just the Brotherhood, but whatever tribes, factions, criminals, and maybe even existing governments that are in those areas.

    I think that a most likely cause of war would be New York. New York in our timeline is an absolute hub of technology, wealth, resources, and power. In a Fallout universe where 100X the amount of resources and tech exist? That is hands down going to be fought over, especially with a group like the Brotherhood.

    I can definitely see a Fallout game with a battle of the Brotherhood and Minutemen based in the bombed out ruins of New York.

    Anyways, that's just my two cents, I'd like to see what people besides me think what happens after the events of the game, but really its all up in the air.

    submitted by /u/YaBoiMos3s
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    Anyone know what year the DVD-style case came out for Fallout 1?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 03:54 AM PST

    I know it originally released in a jewel case but I can't find any info on when this released https://imgur.com/a/qlLlsbz

    submitted by /u/Shynagua
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    I can’t build a robot!

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 11:54 PM PST

    I haven't completely finished the quests for the automatron dlc but I've gotten to the point of making a new robot friend but the button for "build base robot" isn't lit up and I can't build it, any tips 😬

    submitted by /u/Phoisen
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    Mods for a New Vegas noob

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 03:30 AM PST

    I keep hearing all of you saying how awesome New Vegas is all year long, thus I have decided to jump in and get in during this Black Friday sale!!! (the Ultimate Edition, btw)

    Let's do this! What mods should I get right away? I am looking mostly for visual enhancement mods, to mitigate the fact that this is a 10-year-old game. My favorite part of FO games is exploring the open world, so any mods tips in that area will also be appreciated. Also, should I use mod managers?


    submitted by /u/nesuno
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    How do I get brotherhood paint job for the T-51b

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 06:39 PM PST

    So I beat the steel dawn for fallout 76 and didn't get the brotherhood of steel paint job for the T-51b power armor and I didn't see how to get it on YouTube so can you tell me how to get it or if you can't get it

    submitted by /u/thenudeboy
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    I'd like to know about your characters! A lot of us like to make detailed stories and I love that and for those who have nowhere else to talk about your characters, I want to make a thread for it.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 06:25 PM PST

    I'll start!

    My NV character was Kupo Stevenson, son of a Legion soldier and a trader. Kupo was an NCR vet by the end of the game as far as I'm concerned. He would later side with Yes Man in the second battle for hoover dam, and would go on to the Big MT and get all cyborgifyed. A month after this, he would venture to Utah. He'd go on to marry Arcade Ganon*.

    I have two Wanderers, the Wicke twins. Jackie was the one to do the main story, and grew up in the vault. He'd die in Rivet City after helping an android go missing and would in turn have his brain yeeted into a synth body. His brother, Vincent, grew up in the brotherhood. He would grow into a strong fighter, and would become sentinel of the Dragons of Steel (formerly Lyon's Pride) under Elder Sarah Lyons. Vincent has extensive ptsd and survivor's guilt, having had watched Sarah die. He would take the main circle of the Dragons of Steel and make right what Maxson ruined. Danse would be offered a home in the Dragon's Den.

    My Blue is Griff Claw, former US soldier. He would enter vault 111 human and leave a synth. After a short stint with wanting to join the BoS, he'd go on to lead the Minutemen. After shooting his son in the face, he would end the Institute for good. Somewhere along his journey, he'd begin a relationship with Nick Valentine** and meet Ada. A month after the Institute falls, Griff would meet travel to Nuka World and Far Harbor.

    Let me romance the cute doctor, Obsi.*
    Let me romance the prototype, Beth.**

    submitted by /u/Synth-Toaster
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    Fallout 4 Factions

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 10:29 PM PST

    I'm on my (probably) 18th playthrough of FO4, and I wanna know.. which faction did you side with, and what was your reasoning?

    submitted by /u/thatguy3495
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    Which fallout game you would love to have a remaster in the future besides Fallout 4 and 76?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 10:27 PM PST

    just a random thought, but just knowing that gaming consoles are going next gen (yes, even the PC) seems to leave the old games that are golden back in the old days. I've only played fallout 4 on the PS4 tho, so I don't know what are your opinions about it.

    submitted by /u/Jobigboi
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    Suggestion for games

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 10:11 PM PST

    Hi, I recently got into fallout, which game should I buy? I have never played a fallout game before and i've always wanted to buy games, but since it's on sale which should I buy?

    submitted by /u/ParticularSolarTank
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    Fallout 4 GOTY PC No Product Code

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 10:09 PM PST

    Hi there I am unsure if anyone has posted about this as i am new to fallout and wanted to purchase my first copy of fallout 4 (76 didnt seem like the biggest catch to me) from my local London Drugs in Canada. It was their only copy, freshly sealed, No markings of damage, for $79.99 CAD. I purchased the game and went home to open it and notice the "additional add on" code was for XBOX ONE. This threw me off as well as there was no manual just the poster. I inserted the disc into my USB Disc reader to install it into my pc. I pressed set up and it asked me for a "Product Code". I checked inside the box, under everything, on the back of everything, and there was no product code visible to me. I checked on the back of the poster and tried using the code from the XBOX ONE add on thing and that didn't work. I contacted the store I purchased it from but they said I can have a refund if i bring the receipt, only thing is I don't have a receipt I said no thanks to that so I'd have to wait for them to pull up the receipt on their end which would take forever and probably not get a refund. I have been trying to contact Bethesda but thats a dead end. Any suggestions other than to burn the store down?

    Pics of the game case n stuff.

    submitted by /u/OfficialMXZZI
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