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    Friday, August 21, 2020

    Fallout Lore | Are there radstorm hurricanes or other types of radioactive weather systems?

    Fallout Lore | Are there radstorm hurricanes or other types of radioactive weather systems?

    Are there radstorm hurricanes or other types of radioactive weather systems?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 06:27 AM PDT

    Like maybe radtornadoes in central us or radioactive snowstorms in the north?

    submitted by /u/1ROYinHD1
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    Why are bears called yao guai?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 12:58 AM PDT

    Seeing how sinophobic Americans in the fallout universe are, it doesn't make much sense that they would give bears a Chinese name.

    submitted by /u/Little-Essay
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    Why does the Western United States have more realistic guns and Eastern United States have more uniquely shaped guns?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 02:28 PM PDT

    Also why does the Eastern Coast have such a limited amount of gun variety vs the huge arsenal you can amass in new vegas?

    submitted by /u/TheroryGuy1
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    Has there been any new music created after the Great War?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 11:45 PM PDT

    We all know that throughout Fallout 3, New Vegas, 4, and 76, there's radios hosting a variety of old world tunes.

    But this brings the question; why haven't we heard of any new music? Surely after 200 years people would try to settle pick up a guitar and make some new hit singles.

    Is there something I'm missing here or has culture really just stagnated so much that even humanities bread and butter, music, has gone the way of the dodo?

    submitted by /u/efil_si_ko
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    What happened to Arroyo after the events of Fallout 2?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 07:00 PM PDT

    In the ending slides of Fallout 2, we see that the Chosen's tribe and members of vault 13 made it back to the mainland safely, and that they resettled, (possibly at a new location,) a new Arroyo. They used the Geck, and judging by the image on the ending slide, the town was very prosperous. There appears to be some form of electric lighting, so they definitely use technology, placing them closer to vault city in terms of technological levels. (This can also be assumed that since they both used a GECK, they would end up somewhat similar.) There are very well-lit buildings, appearing to have been made as imperialist architecture.

    Such an impressive location, with technology and power rivaling both Vault City and the NCR, is barely referenced again in the series. Did anything happen to it? In between Fallout 2 and New Vegas, 40 years have passed, but we don't hear much about Arroyo at all. Surely there would be some large developments since that time? Did they decide decided to expand and become an imperialist republic, like the NCR did? Perhaps even become part of the NCR, willingly or not? Did they get razed to the ground? Surely something must have happened in fourty years. I just find the lack of the series acknowledging Arroyo to be strange. It is one of the most significant locations in the wasteland, with the original Vault Dweller founding it, and the Chosen One saving and rebuilding it into an amazing civilization, surely the series would want to revisit it?

    Obviously since we have so little to go off of, most of this is just going to be educated guessing, but I am very curious as to what people can find for info. Be it in the Fallout Bible, a passing mention in New Vegas, FO4, or anything else, anything would be good. It is one of the most important locations in Fallout history, so I believe it should be discussed.

    submitted by /u/ReallyNotThatGood
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    What's up with birds and fish? Birds don't seem mutated at all, and fish are nowhere to be seen. Is there an explanation for this?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 04:44 PM PDT

    The Mole Miner Pyre Mystery

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 07:18 AM PDT

    This is something I recently discovered (although it's been in game for a long time) as on the PTS, one of these areas was slightly changed. I won't go over that content as it's currently not in the live game, but it's what brought this to my attention.

    In the Savage Divide, there are three unmarked locations with a similar theme. In the files they are referred to, starting left to right, as LocMountainsMoleMinerNetwork01Location, LocMountainsMoleMinerNetwork02Location, and LocMountainsMoleMinerNetwork03Location. All three have pyres located at them, as seen here, here, and here. These locations have mine-like entrances that appear to go into solid rock, but may just be a specific entrance for the Mole Miners, who are capable of burrowing through dirt to get to the surface (as seen in Breach and Clear), and through walls (as seen in Lode Bearing or Uranium Fever). Obviously, on live, Mole Miners spawn at these locations and hang around them.

    To not get too far into speculation, all I would say this indicates is we may know where the Savage Divide Mole Miners set out from to go salvage other locations that are otherwise unoccupied by them. 01 has a fence with a warning posted outside of it, possibly marking it as a pre-war location, while 02 and 03 appear to be entirely post-war. The function of the pyre is unclear, but it likely isn't acting as a smoke signal given 01 is not visible from 02 and 03, and in fact barely rises above the rock around it. It could act as a mechanism to help them breathe if their lungs are better adapted to polluted air, or some other indicator. It's a mystery for now.

    submitted by /u/Gearsthecool
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    How is Arcade part of the Enclave?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 06:51 PM PDT

    In lore it took the chosen 1 a year to destroy the oil rig in 2242, then sometime afterward the NCR or. Brotherhood attacked Navarro, hence the password. Both of his parents were enclave but they stayed behind while the rest of the enclave went East, than 4 years later they have a son, he was never an enclave member, maybe his dad said he was one, but that doesn't make it true, he wasn't even alive for the destruction.

    submitted by /u/buneter
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    Why does BoS in FO3 feels honored by my presence?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    It's one of those idle lines that runs on repeat when you're in the Citadel ("you honor us with your presence") and I wonder why's that?

    I know that this particular BoS chapter is not as opposed to wastelanders as some other chapters, but when you enter the Citadel you were basically on the run for your life from the Enclave with shaken Li at your side, so it doesn't exactly instill the "yup that person is important and deserves our respect."

    Up until that point the Lone Wanderer hasn't done that much of importance, the majority of main story missions focusing on finding your dad, so I don't know? Are they honored by association? Because you're James's child? It doesn't sound BoS style especially since you haven't done anything big personally, but I don't know.

    I was thinking that they may just generally be honored because they know not many wastelanders get into the Citadel, so they just assume that if Lyons let you in, you're important and should be respected?

    submitted by /u/catfishedagirl
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    Is in lore written the origin of Ghouls?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    Is there something in lore about the origin of Ghouls that would explain why they are everywhere?

    I thought, that ... some people with heavy dose of antirad medicine before the war, may have turned into ghouls during nuclear bombing. Of course those, that hid before the blast, but were irradiated. In F4 we see a lot of nuclear powered devices everywhere, from small to huge ones. And each would sooner or later irradiate people around in some way and they needed a cure (pre-war). I would not be suprised, if even some would be put into tap water for population "tweak" by government (predecessor of FEV). If corporates faked the antirad tests, then is also plausible, that antirad altered DNA in some stage of improvements. All together would be ideal coctail to have ghouls everywhere in North America.

    submitted by /u/Useriky
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