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    Fallout Lore | Why did other nations launch nuclear warheads during the Great War?

    Fallout Lore | Why did other nations launch nuclear warheads during the Great War?

    Why did other nations launch nuclear warheads during the Great War?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    If I am correct, the USA and China began sending nukes only at each other, and other nations took this as an act of war and bombed each other. So . . . what the hell?! Why would you drag yourselves into this?

    submitted by /u/Gr1mTheReaper
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    Did Caesar's Legion Pose a Real Threat?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 02:55 PM PDT

    Realistically speaking, did the Legion actually have a chance against the NCR as a whole? There just seems to be so many factors that work against them.

    For one, the Legion lives by conquering and absorbing disparate tribes. The Core Region that makes up the NCR has largely been pacified and unified under the bear. They have cities and towns with education, medicine, electricity, industry and infrastructure. All things that would make it really hard to convince people to join a neoprimitive fascist slave-legion. Yeah sure the Legion could press-gang people, but it seems like it would be really unrealistic for them to be able to recruit in numbers great enough to withstand the collective might of the NCR.

    On that point, the Legion has another disadvantage. They would be invading the NCR's home territory. The Legion survived in Vegas against the NCR by exploiting the internal conflicts and "spread too thin" state of NCR. The moment a hostile army set foot on NCR soil, you gotta assume internal divisions would be set aside and the NCR would turn to face the Legion as a direct threat. The Legion's usual shock and horror tactics might actually work against them, and rather than demoralize the population it could galvanize them. Crucifying settlers works on the frontier, where people can see it and say "you know what? This new frontier isn't worth it. I am going back home to my settled regions." But if there is no where else to go, if it's your neighbor crucified on your front lawn? That would probably just encourage stronger resistance.

    And that resistance probably involves a whole hell of a lot of firearms. I mean, there is a reason no one pisses off the Gunrunners and lives long. Theres a reason the NCR has the industry to mass produce firearms. Yeah the service rifle might suck, but the NCR was able to fuck up the BoS by utilizing mass troop tactics and small arms. The Legion likewise might utilize mass troops, but can they field greater numbers than the NCR? And would it even matter, when their gear is comprised of repurposed sporting equipment, machetes and maybe one firearm per ten soldiers? Yes they might be superior skirmishers, but they are the invading army on foreign land. The NCR knows the territory better and while Caesar was from NCR, his knowledge alone wouldn't be enough to overcome that.

    One advantage the Legion has is their Frumentarii. Depending on how widespread the couriers are actually used within settled NCR territory, they could cause some good sabotage and intelligence gathering for the Legion. But I feel like it wouldn't be enough to really turn the tides.

    The other thing is that the Legion wouldn't just be attacking and raiding the NCR territory. They would be trying to conquer and occupy it. Could they dig in deep enough that the NCR couldn't just shell their camps with artillery strikes? Could they actually manage to maintain a supply train all the way back across Nevada and into Colorado? It's been made a point a few times that there are few direct routes through the wastes, it doesn't seem too impossible for say some veteran rangers to collapse some mountain paths, blow the hoover dam entirely, and just booby trap highways, cutting the Legion off from resupply.

    I dunno, the Legion just doesn't seem like a threat outside of the fringes of NCR territory. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/Crashen17
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    Why is there a disparity for NCR Arms in New Vegas?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    The average rifle for NCR Forces is the Service Rifle. Yet, throughout different camps, you'll see a wide variety of weapons. 10MM and 9mm Pistols and SMG's, Caravan Shotguns and even Hunting Rifles.

    Is it ever stated as to why the arms differ between personnel, is it logistics issues forcing them to buy their own weaponry?

    submitted by /u/That_One_Engi
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    Can the Globe atomic shop item be used as lore?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 01:47 AM PDT

    So if you've ever been adventuring through a camp and found that big brown globe, you probably have spun it and saw all the bombs go off. My question is: are these bomb sites lore accurate? And if so, can we use them to determine the state of other nations? As far as I can tell, nukes land on DC, Boston and Vegas on the globe, could it possibly be as accurate for the others? I first got the gloves in my head after someone pointed out the glitch/potential lore point of the Mediterranean Sea being missing on the globe junk items in 4 and 76

    submitted by /u/ScaredOfRobots
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    What happened to Canada after the great War?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    Was it annexed by America as the games suggest? I doubt that Canada would just let American troops just waltz in and setup shop. Especially amaerica being weakened from the war and depleting their recourses. Or was canada nuked too.

    submitted by /u/jurassicjake3oh2
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    Fallout new vagas sad death question

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 10:22 PM PDT

    In fallout new vagas honest hearts dlc you can come across the child sized corpses did they die as the bombs went down or was it the radiation or the fall

    submitted by /u/hvcthelittlegrim
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