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    Fallout Lore | regarding the end goal of the overseer and vault 79

    Fallout Lore | regarding the end goal of the overseer and vault 79

    regarding the end goal of the overseer and vault 79

    Posted: 19 May 2020 04:31 AM PDT

    So at the end of the wastelanders dlc you get some gold in the sorting room and then go to the controll room where all the secret service is( and where you can trade plans).

    What I'm wondering is who's in controll of all the gold in vault 79 now. Is it the overseer? Is it the secret service? Is it who you sided with?

    Was the overseers goal to secure all the gold or just make sure someone was securing it?

    Also this ones probably just for gameplay but what's the lore of treasury notes just laying around for people to give out.

    Just trying to get the canon straight!

    Thanks on advance

    submitted by /u/leaffastr
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    How Rad-X would theoretically work.

    Posted: 19 May 2020 08:21 PM PDT

    While I by no means claim to be an expert on nuclear radiation and its effects on the human body, I do have a rough idea of how it causes damage to organic life, and thus a theory on how Rad-X repairs the damage.

    The particles emitted by radiation of any kind, even the UV radiation that causes sunburn, are incredibly small; but gamma radiation from atomic weapons or reactors produces probably the smallest. So small in fact that when passing through your body they can actually rip apart your DNA at the molecular level, as if you'd put it in front of a gatling gun. This means that the cells in your body have no instructions on how to do the active 'repair' work necessary to keep your body in one piece, let alone alive.

    In effect, the resulting ARS causes your body and everything in it to slowly stop repairing itself and start rotting away while you're still alive. And if the accounts from Chernobyl and other such accidents are anything to go by, it's far from painless.

    So in theory, Rad-X would have to do one of two possible things:

    A: Repair DNA-level damage, essentially piecing it back together like a broken plate.

    B: Replace parts of or the entirety of DNA with a 'suitable' substitute; logical given the medical (mal)practices of pre-war America.

    The question is how it would do either of those things...

    submitted by /u/AlternativeQuality2
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    Are the recipes from the fallout cookbook cannon?

    Posted: 19 May 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    I recently made the Nuka Cola recipe and was kinda surprised it didn't have a Coke taste, more like a cream soda type deal. Is the taste ever described as one way or the other?

    submitted by /u/plummer101
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    What sense do we have about daily Vault life?

    Posted: 19 May 2020 06:47 PM PDT

    This can encompass any Vault included in canon, but I don't want us to try and set aside the social experiments most were subjected. But from the records we have, what was daily Vault life like? Did people enjoy their jobs? Were there sports teams? Was non-experimental crime a common occurrence? That kind of stuff. I suppose it does vary, but what are some common trends? And how do active vault dwellers perceive the wasteland?

    submitted by /u/StarShot77
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    Fallout 76 pre war nuking

    Posted: 19 May 2020 02:36 PM PDT

    So I have always been confused on one thing. Where did exactly the nukes hit in West Virginia. Unlike fallout 4 (to my knowledge) there is no exact spot where the nukes dropped. Because with fallout 4 the glowing sea is where the nukes dropped. But for fallout 76 we don't know for sure (again to my knowledge) where the nukes dropped.

    I was going through vault 79. When I noticed I found a holo tape. That I didn't know was there before. Once I looted it and listened to it I got even more confused. It was of the secret service agent AC talking in the time after the nukes dropped. He said how he could hear the nukes going off.

    So this made me think. Wait where is the nukes actually drop. After some thinking they could have dropped in any of the following states. Kentucky, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, or Ohio. Now after do a little more digging, I came up with the most likely solution for all the radiation damage that has devastated West Virginia would be Ohio.

    That being said. There is a location called Ohio River adventures. And that Im thinking, sometime in fallout 76's life cycle we might go into Ohio.

    I'm new to this so bare with me this is probably not accurate at all or even good at all but I feel like it's good

    submitted by /u/mello_the_jello
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    Are the Mr. Handy’s sentient/sapient?

    Posted: 19 May 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    I was playing a bit of Fallout 4 when I noticed something, Cosworth has his own opinions,his own sense of right and wrong,Which makes me wonder if he's sentient like the GEN 3 synths

    submitted by /u/Orion-The-King
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    When were the vaults supposed to open?

    Posted: 19 May 2020 04:18 PM PDT

    In Fallout 3, Vault 101 is said to be an exception for staying shut for 200 years. And indeed, it looks like most of the other vaults that you see around have been opened quite some time ago.

    In the logs for Vault 111, it's said that they planned on opening at 180 days, but the world was too irradiated at that time and they'd all die. But they ran out of food and there was a revolt and everybody died anyway. Go figure.

    If 180 days would be suicide, but 200 years was too long, when was the right time?

    submitted by /u/Jacob_wallace
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    In Far Harbor, why does DiMa have so many tubes and wires poking out of him? Several vacuum tubes on his head and his artificial skin having holes to make way for wires. Why? what could be the purpose?

    Posted: 19 May 2020 09:58 PM PDT

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