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    Friday, April 24, 2020

    Fallout | In the next fallout game we need to see an actual effect on the game based on our choices.

    Fallout | In the next fallout game we need to see an actual effect on the game based on our choices.

    In the next fallout game we need to see an actual effect on the game based on our choices.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 11:00 PM PDT

    I was very disappointed to go through the entire BOS questline and then nothing changes. Like I want to see ghouls super mutants and raiders being killed off and see new advanced settlements and refurbished buildings with some of the tech theyve recovered from the commonwealth. I would like to see patrols of brotherhood soldiers roaming the streets and feel somewhat safe to walk around outside of my power armor for once. But anyways that's just my thoughts. I'm curious to see what yall would like to see

    submitted by /u/Is7_Soviet_Heavy
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    TIL Fallout 2's Myron is voiced by the same VA as FNV's Boone

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 06:58 AM PDT

    Only occurred to me when my GF namedropped their two names together and I had to do a double take on the Nukapedia pages. Couldn't believe my eyes.

    Shifty, squeaky, slave-killing, human trash Myron is voiced by the same man who portrayed a vengeful, yet noble NCR Sniper who's only will is to take out every cruel legionary who crosses his path.



    Awesome to find out he returned after 12 years to portray Boone!

    submitted by /u/Midnight_Starr
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    Strange to wear power armor in new vegas

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    Am i the only one who can't wear power armor in new vegas? I love the t-51b but it feels out of place going with it in casinos or when freeside thugs atack you with a lead pipe. A bounty hunter duster or smth like that feels more appropiate.

    submitted by /u/30dayspls
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    Just Got A New Quest In Fallout 4

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    "Ghoul Problems At The Slog" imagine lmfao

    submitted by /u/ethanisweird-
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    Ron Perlman thinks I’m a piece of shit

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 07:18 PM PDT

    I just did another play through of fallout 3, I had Fawkes activate Project Purity and Ron Perlman pretty much says I'm a coward and then verbally sucks my Dad's dick. Sorry for not dying for no reason. Also my Dad sucks, he left me in a vault that he threw into disarray; how did he think they were going to treat his son?

    Overall, I didn't have Fawkes as an option for my other play throughs, so it was fun. I think I tried way back in the day before the DLC, but he gave me some bull shit about how even though he's immune, he wouldn't take my destiny from me. It was awkward.

    submitted by /u/talesofthewasteland
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    Fallout definitely isnt in this universe. If it was, none of the holatapes would work on your pip boy because it wouldn't be backwards compatible

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 02:21 AM PDT

    I wish we could wear certain clothing over the Power Armor present in FO4 and FO76

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 03:23 AM PDT

    For example a poncho, Clint Eastwood style, for that super-heavy cowboy/ranger look.

    I don't mean shirts and pants, just clothing that would normally be worn over other clothing.

    submitted by /u/off-and-on
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    New Vegas Service Rifle and Fallout 3 R91 Together at Last

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 03:07 PM PDT

    East Meets West

    On the left is a Service Rifle, fielded by the NCR on the west coast. It's an older, A1-style upper with a forward assist but no shell deflector; from my understanding by 2281 the NCR was using an updated upper receiver. I got it from a trader who claimed he was from "The Hub".

    The R91 is ubiquitous for its popularity amongst denizens of the Capital Wasteland out east, or at least that's what I'm told. I've never been that way myself. Both rifles are chambered in 5.56x45mm, which I believe was the standard, you know, before the bombs. I picked up the R91 and the pipboy from some jackass in a blue suit.

    submitted by /u/HelsinkiTorpedo
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    deacon next to sturges in sanctuary

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    I made myself a swatter while bored in quaratine!

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 03:58 PM PDT

    Here are the pictures!

    I took an old baseball bat, spray painted it matte black, got some old barbed wire from a friend and fastened it to the bat with some nails, I think it came out perfect!

    It's gonna be mounted on the wall in front of my battlestation.

    submitted by /u/ranarrdealer
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    PSA [sorta?] About Creation Club content for fallout 4 and Starting a new Vanilla game.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 08:56 PM PDT

    So when you start a new game on fallout 4 and you have a lot of CC installed, you should wait around 10 to 15 minutes after picking up the Pipboy before you try and trigger the door, then when you get topside you should wait for all of your CC content to load.

    If you don't then Vault 111 won't open for you to leave and Codsworth will be unresponsive or lock up, preventing you from interacting with him. If you glitch out of Vault 111, then VATS won't function anymore.

    I ran a test. First time I went straight to open the door and all that happened was the klaxon went off and the arm didn't move. I reloaded my save and picked up the pipboy then waited for around 15 minutes and the door opened without error.

    My understanding is that the scripts for CC stuff don't run until you pick up the Pipboy and them all running/starting will cause the door to freeze until they are all done, but the door still may not trigger even after, so waiting before accessing the door will ensure it does.

    When you get topside it is the same bug with Codsworth. It's causing the game to get confused cause so much is starting at once that it locks Codsworth until it is done, or in the cases I have experienced, it locks him down permanently.

    So the point to all of this is to pick up the pipboy and then walk around the vault for about 15 or so minutes. Loot stuff you missed, go read the terminal and what have you. Once 15 minutes has passed you should be good to go, and topside you just gotta hang out near vault 111 until all the quests end.

    Stay safe out in the Commonwealth, folks.

    submitted by /u/IndianaGroans
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    Is it safe to buy stuff for 0 caps from player venders?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 06:54 PM PDT

    Okay so weird question,

    I was visiting local player camps to buy plans and such and found one player that was Selling wall mounts and ammo for 0-10 caps. I'm a fairly new player but that just seemed odd to me.

    I had heard in the past about people being able to get into the store room or something where there's all game items, I was wondering if it's safe to buy the 0 priced items (don't wanna get banned)

    submitted by /u/Lord-Dravakin
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    My character's arms turn yellow in first person. Anyone else get this bug? I can't find any sort of fix for it. (Image Below) Does anyone know a fix?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 11:15 PM PDT

    Armor System in Fallout 5

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 02:59 AM PDT

    Everyone's (hyperbole) talking about the story or role playing elements of the next Fallout and what they do/do not want. Well, the armor system is just as important to make the gameplay smooth and crisp. Here's my ideas.

    Split the system into three categories. Armor Class, Damage Resistance, and Damage Threshold.

    Armor Class

    Armor class would be what damage type a piece of armor is most effective against. For example, metal armor would be most effective against laser weapons, leather armor would be most effective against bullet weapons, and combat armor would be equally effective against both (and, therefore plasma weapons).

    I don't really know how the math for this would go but maybe metal automatically takes only 5/6s damage from lasers (In Shining Armor), leather is the same with bullets, and combat armor takes 7/8s damage from everything.

    This would necessitate these types of armor being relatively rare because an automatic reduction to certain kinds of damage is pretty powerful. It would also necessitate a relatively even spread of both types of weapons used by enemies, otherwise people would choose metal because laser weapons are relatively rare.

    Damage Resistance

    This is relatively simple. It's a flat percentage-based reduction system. 100 DR is complete immunity to damage (and would be unobtainable). This would have to be extremely rare, with it only being obtainable permanently through quest reward perks. There would be consumables capable of boosting it temporarily, but the quest perks are the main way to get it.

    Damage Threshold

    This is the main way armor would work. It's a subtraction/percentage-based system. If you have 20 DT and are shot with a weapon that does 20 damage, you take 1 point of damage (armor absorbs 95%). If you have 10 DT and are shot with a weapon that does 20 damage, you take 10 points of damage (10 points get through armor).

    This would necessitate weapons becoming less powerful than in 4 (604 gauss rifle, anyone?) but since armor is upgradeable, it would be able to keep up with the weapon upgrades.

    submitted by /u/CMDR_Kai
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    [NO SPOILERS] Why are my settlers not happy?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 09:34 PM PDT

    When I go into my workshop it shows me that everything is good. It's all in the green but my settlers happiness is still going down. Does anyone know why?

    submitted by /u/--soulz--
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    Returning to Fo76 w/ new PC after update and getting horrific FPS. Suggestions?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 11:18 PM PDT

    So I've returned to the wasteland to check out the new update on a much better PC. The game ran like shit before, but that was on my 9 year old PC (Intel 980X + GTX 780). I now have a Threadripper 1900X, 32GB of RAM and a RTX 2080 Ti. I'm getting 25-30 FPS on 2560x1080 resolution. I've tried messing with the graphic options a bit with no real improvement. Anyone else experiencing this shit?

    submitted by /u/SpaceHobo1000
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    Nakano Residence agony (ps4)

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 09:14 PM PDT

    I'm playing the GOTY edition and am looking for the Nakano Residence. For starters, I can't find Valentine's radio station, and no interactions with Valentine have started the mission. I am not using any mods. I've walked right along the shoreline for what seems like hours. The residence isn't even showing up on my in-game map. I'm hoping that this isn't a glitch, but that honestly seems to be the case. This is really getting on my nerves. What, if anything, can I do?

    submitted by /u/3eyedCrowTRobot
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    What would be your ideal quest scenario in the next Fallout title?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 04:21 AM PDT

    I'd really like to see a more nuanced approach to the Brotherhood of Steel quests.

    Since Fallout 3, Bethesdas Fallout mainly sees the Brotherhood as this dominating force across America (For the greater good). I'd really prefer to see a much more insulated and xenophobic BoS similar to their depiction from Interplay (and later Obsidian). More semi-religious, isolationist technological hoarders who arrogantly graciously pillage liberate tech for the sake of humanity.

    I'd like to see a quest in which an Elder disappears from an Enclave leaving the BoS without a chain of command (Similar to NV). But it always struck me as odd that the BoS would ever admit weakness to some random wastelander. Straight out of Cults for Dummies, you'd never even know the cult leader Elder went rogue, rather that they went down in a blaze of glory (Or embark on some grand quest all Elders take at some point in time). All in order to keep the integrity of the structure intact. So rather than admit any shortcoming you wouldn't specifically be told of this, just that a important member has gone missing. Perhaps a suspicious Paladin or Head Scribe asks you to look into the matter. And maybe if we look into a few high ranking members terminals we could infer that the previous Elder went missing, but never be told explicitly until after the fact.

    Last seen at a Fusion Core (or fusion cell) manufacturing facility, you arrive to see ruins. Talking to nearby settlers they talk about a new settlement which popped up after the explosion. Or maybe there are signs of survivors travelling in a certain direction. Either way, not far from the site you find a small settlement full of ghouls (Not the feral type mind you). Talking to the tight lipped residents you get all sorts of speech checks (persuasion checks, intimidation checks and maybe even skill checks if they ever return).
    Just a side note - I hope the next games dialogue and skill/perk mechanic are overhauled and take after earlier titles. I miss the child at heart perk where you talk to some annoying kid before slapping on the friendship necklace. Also how charisma affects your attractiveness in the earlier Fallout titles was hilarious. Same goes for low intelligence in dialogue.

    Through a number of ways you finally earn the trust (or submission) of the local populace and find out they used to work at the ruined facility and that some are former members of the BoS. Just that dynamic alone is something that is sorely missing in Fallout titles.You saw some of it in F4 (the dude who had a soft spot for ghouls and with Danse) but those quests felt lackluster in both writing, design and scope.

    At this point there'd be various ways to go about the quest.

    1. You could talk to a child whose parent turned ghoul (Another interesting dynamic). She talks about her imaginary friend who turns out to be some squire from the main base. She tells you they used to meet at the outpost overlooking the factory. But on the day the factory blew up she saw him run down from the ridge. Track him down (through survival skill checks ,perception checks for noticing tracks, speech checks or maybe even finding out the patrol schedule and wait for him to leave the base so you can talk to him). Possibilities are endless tbh. Find out that he saw the patrol go in and out of the factory shortly before it blew up. At this point you reach the common quest path.
    2. Maybe there are clues lying around the factory ruins. Maybe evidence of foul play. Perhaps the ghouls tell you there's an entrance via the outgoing waste and water pipes. This leads you to the underground level where you find a holotape from the Elder revealing that he was on a tour of the facility. But his ramblings would reveal that the tour was just an excuse to check up on the factories logs since he became suspicious of certain members of the chapter. Naming a specific patrol group/member who alerts him to this fact.
    3. Perhaps some of the local ghouls have information squirreled away somewhere. Maybe a knight on duty at the time has a diary/log which reveals that a patrol stopped by before the 'accident'. Using this you can then confront the Knight turned ghoul and ask about the patrol revealing they stopped for 'supplies'.
    4. And at any point you can go back to the BoS and tell them there is a feral ghoul population nearby their old factory. Waiting to be cleared out lmao.

    The quest then evolves into a apparent grand conspiracy to usurp the Elder because he didn't want to share the technology the faction recently acquired (Something like a water chip or some sort of GECK prototype) with the surrounding settlers who were suffering from drought/diseased crops/whatever (Settlers who are supplying the BoS in return for protection). This decision would just compound on any of his previous decisions that were to the detriment of the chapter. You'd learn this from holotapes left in some sort of bread crumb trail from the missing Elder and offhanded comments from BoS members involved.

    First twist. Towards the end of the quest you'd find the previous Elder who is now also a ghoul (not feral) whose dialogue tree could be narrative gold. At this point the dialogue ends with him either killing himself, attacking the player or living in self exile. Maybe you let him know there are others like him not far from the factory who he could join.
    Second twist. At the end of the quest you would discover/determine that it was just the patrol group you confronted earlier and that they acted independently. They'd reveal that it was their patrol who initially found the technology. And because they've become sympathetic/attached to the locals who they constantly provide protection for, they slowly became disillusioned because of the Elders decision. So they decided to replace the Elder in hopes of saving the local populace. They'd also reveal that the huge explosion was an accident and that they only meant to harm the Elder. As the player you decide whether or not to tell the current Elder/quest giver the whole truth of just part of it. Convince the patrol group to come clean or stay silent, it's up to the player.

    And again at any point in this quest (even after its completion) you can tell the BoS about the ghoul settlement in need of assistance. Maybe the next time you visit the base after informing them you hear a crazy story about a poor little girl who was kidnapped and brainwashed by a group of 'feral' ghouls.

    submitted by /u/Hatchee
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    Carnivale series is a perfect accurate environment and lifestyle depiction of Fallout 3

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 04:18 AM PDT

    For whoever watched the series (who haven't i deffo recommend it to everyone), the setting, the characters, the atmosphere, THE MUSIC: they are so familiar and similar to Fallout 3.

    Taking place during the great depression, the series revolves around a group of Carnival caravans moving from place to place. Most of the performers have "mutations", while the dwellings, clothes and general atmosphere is identical to Fallout 3.

    It is a proper wasteland, but one which is perfectly similar to Fallout nevertheless.

    Check out some screenshots, and be amazed!

    submitted by /u/alexdd88
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    Fallout 5 NEEDS to be the best in the series

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 12:27 AM PDT

    I think we are at a serious turning point with the Fallout series. After constant misteps, we've finally seen some pretty good story telling with Fallout 76. I expect Fallout 5 to be the BEST in the series, and nothing less! Considering we will have to wait a few more years (and probably more) for Fallout 5, my expectations are at an all time high. I believe we saw Bethesda hit rock bottom lately, and now they have the opportunity to make one of the greatest games of all time. The storytelling needs to be better than New Vegas/2 and I also expect nearly flawless gameplay mechanics that are better than 4 in every way. Sorry for this little rant, I just wanted to share what I think the future of Fallout could be.

    submitted by /u/RushinPancake
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    what are the most popular things in player vending?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 04:06 AM PDT

    i'd like to sell more things at my camp, but i'm not too sure what's most wanted/needed. i know plans are popular, is there anything else? i'm open to any suggestions!

    submitted by /u/FiresInAugust
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    If Bethesda goes through with their "One Wasteland" plan for Fallout 76, it will be one of the most un-Fallout things ever in a Fallout game.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 04:03 AM PDT

    This summer Bethesda plans to implement "One Wasteland" a system where enemies scale to the player they are fighting meaning that if both a level 5 player & a level 500 one are fighting the same monster together their damage and damage intake will be scaled to their level(I'm sure it's much more complicated than that but that's the gist of it).

    This will allow a low level player to go anywhere and find a reasonable challenge while for higher level players the game will get consistently harder. I can see Bethesda's intent here but it seems like that would just break how a RPG world unravels and the natural feel of progression and zipping around the map right out of the vault just doesn't seem very Fallout to me. Having a fresh out of the vault character and one that has become master of the Wasteland through years of combat facing a similar difficulty from the same molerat feels off putting.

    Granted, the game does have late game boredom issues & early difficulty spikes but normalizing the difficulty doesn't seem like the right choice here. Instead, with instanced dungeons (some of which are in Wastelanders) there would be plenty of challenges for higher levels & making it easier for new players to maximize their perk card builds (it's a total slog to redistribute perk points) along with more understandable mechanics(there is no in game information what a lot of weapon/armor mods do) the game play loop could be greatly improved.

    I'm also concerned with how well it would be implemented if Bethesda reworked the game as I wouldn't be surprised if One Wasteland led to even more new problems potentially making the game unplayable with a high level character(76 rewards grinding both with Atoms and now Bullion). There are also tons of bugs/bad mechanics that I would much rather have them be working on. I also just feel like if they were going to rework leveling they should have done it with Wastelanders and now that the opportunity has passed they should just let the idea die.

    submitted by /u/Swendsen
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    Girdershade is fucking annoying.(Fallout 3) Why do so many deathclaws and other enemies spawn there?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 12:14 AM PDT

    I might not be the only one who noticed this,girdershade used to be known as a "magnet for deathclaws" or something like that but fallout players forget how annoying it can be especially when fast travelling.I swear everytime i fast travel there i get ambushed by at least 5 monsters.Everytime i get to girdershade i encounter at least one giant radscorpion,2 yao guai,sometimes i even encounter fucking deathclaws and albino radscorpions,etc. That location is cursed.And no,these monsters ambush me RIGHT NEAR THE HOUSE,not in that valley,near the house. Once when i fast traveled there and went down the valley(where the rocks are) i have encountered 1 albino fighting one deathclaw.Does anybody know why so many yao guais,radscorpions and deathclaws spawn there all the time? Why do powerfull monsters spawn there so often? It does not happen in any other location for me.And I have discovered almost all fallout 3 locations.This is the only one where if I fast travel,i already know i will get ambushed by yao guais,or albinos.Last time i went there i saw 2 yao guais fighting a giant radscorpion.I am thinking about going there again,today.I wonder what else would i find(even if it would be no surprise).And the worst thing is I am level 16 and I did not even make the broken steel dlc.Yes i have all dlcs(the goty repack) but from what i know u first need to finish broken steel dlc for albinos to spawn,something i did not do.And at a level that is so low,and with no dlcs completed(even if I have them all) Albinos still appear.ESPECIALLY AT GIRDER-FUCKING-SHADE. So ,why do they spawn there so often? i SWEAR that when I go there today,i will take a fucking power armor full repair,fat man and fucking vengeance.Coming there with fawkes.I will see what i encounter this time.

    Edit: went there,and fuck me.....i have encountered 3 yao guais.thankfully i have killed them all(power armor+fat man+ vengeance+alien blaster+ fawkes=ez)

    submitted by /u/AmatonSlayer
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    Is the atomic shop Chinese power armour canon?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    The new Red Shift items in the atomic shop look really cool and I love the idea of roleplaying a communist spy, but the power armour? I thought China didn't know how to make any of that? Are microtransactions canon?

    submitted by /u/WheatAMinute
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