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    Fallout Lore | Is the Wasteland Survival Guide in Fallout 4 Derived from the Wasteland Survival Guide in Fallout 3?

    Fallout Lore | Is the Wasteland Survival Guide in Fallout 4 Derived from the Wasteland Survival Guide in Fallout 3?

    Is the Wasteland Survival Guide in Fallout 4 Derived from the Wasteland Survival Guide in Fallout 3?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 04:17 AM PDT

    In Fallout 3, there is a book called the Wasteland Survival Guide produced by Moira Brown and the Lone Wanderer. In Fallout 4, there is magazine series called the Wasteland Survival Guide. Is there anything in Fallout 4 that establishes whether the magazine series was derived from the book or whether the naming was coincidental?

    submitted by /u/OldFortNiagara
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    Clarifying/Musing on Legion Territory and how Caesar can both control the Four Corners whilst also having a purely nomadic army.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    There seems to be a fair bit of confusion on how the Legion looks, east of the Mojave. This is understandable as it is not entirely clear, and the Legion (as well as NCR, in truth) operates on different conceptions of statehood and borders than we do. My "argument" here is likely nothing new to some people and is very much old news, but I've seen a fair few in the Fallout community speculating on Legion "cities" and what their territory is like. So I thought I'd try to clarify.

    Firstly, let's talk about New Mexico. Caesar claims to control "all" of the state of New Mexico, and yet this doesn't add up, right? Considering that Denver is marked by Lanius and Ulysses as being effectively the Legion's most eastern frontier, parallel to the Mojave as it's most western and both equally difficult to besiege. However I would argue that this isn't a bluff on Caesar's part but rather a divergence in the player's understanding of borders, and societies within post-nuclear America's understanding of it.

    I'd say a good rule of thumb for the Legion's easternly border is probably Interstate 25 at the Colorado/New Mexico border. This would especially make sense with their pre-established capturing/interaction with the Midwestern Brotherhood based out at Cheynne mountain. Though, if the Legion managed to overcome then during their Denver campaign and it was supposed to be their main HQ, I imagine the Midwest BoS is in a very dire state indeed. Or never was in a good one, depending on how they actually exist in the canon.

    Secondly, though this is more speculative than my last point. Caesar's claims may not be bluffs at all, but what he considers control/claim is just fundamentally different to what our assumptions are. Namely, he likely isn't at all thinking about map borders beyond easy reference for region naming. In the real world, much of our conception of borders comes from ideas formed after the Peace of Westphalia. I pretty firmly believe that in the Wasteland, these ideas don't exist. The closest is likely NCR but even their way of control/influence is much more fluid than modern nation-states.

    Instead, Caesar's claims could be more-so fixated on the power balance in the respective regions, i.e how unchallenged his "influence" or claim is. Even if the Legion doesn't literally stretch to the border of Kansas within New Mexico, if the Legion has absorbed or destroyed basically all of the main or relevant societies within the state, and the rest is barren Wasteland, then the state is his. Compare it to say, the Fallout 1 world map https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/7/78/FO1_WorldMap.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20080524040043 (i.e picture hypothetical New Mexico wasteland maps in a similar fashion), if Caesar is coming from the southwest, and sieges Boneyard, Hub, Brotherhood and Necropolis. Does it matter if his territory literally reaches Mariposa, Vault 15 or the Glow? Not really, no (Unless the Unity is at Mariposa). The region is his. But in the technical sense, the Legion's most eastern point would be Necropolis. Shady Sands in this scenario would likely trade with the Legion, and use their currency. Much in the same way that the Legion's most easternly point in New Mexico could be Albuquerque, but if most everything east and southeast of that city is either totally barren of socities or devoid of meaningful resources, then the state is his. Whatever podunk towns exist in or around their turf, are the ones who trade with Legion.

    This actually gives more credence to his approach in Colorado and Utah rather than the traditional interpretation of him being a bullshitter. "Much of the Utah" is his because he's disintegrated various tribes there already, destroyed the state's most powerful and basically only point of civilization and has a highly populated, well armed nomadic raider-tribe under his direct influence. Are there any Legion stationed at the Great Salt Lake? No. But it doesn't matter, because his influence/power within the state is dominant and growing, though he can't claim it completely as there are still large pockets of competition/resistance (surviving New Canaanites, Sorrows, Dead Horses etc) and the same is likely true of Colorado. I'd imagine his ease of access also plays a part, he claims less of Colorado because navigating and squeezing resources is a logistical nightmare.

    My third point connects to my second, in that I think people underestimate the savagery/primitive state of the Four Corner Wasteland, and how they haven't as been as developmentally lucky as the Mojave or California. We are given flavour of this in Honest Hearts, where Utah is very much painted as a completely primitive state. New Canaan is the only place safe/worth trading with, and the region is otherwise inhabited by outright tent-dwelling tribals, nomadic primitive raider-tribes or stationary warlords with "Gas-station forts". I.e in Utah without New Canaanites, your highest standard of civilization is basically equivalent to Motor-Runner or Driver Nephi. Raul and Caesar both imply that Arizona, and by extension the rest of the Legion's territory is very much the same way. Pockets of civilization surrounded by a majority population of tribalistic raiders.

    Thus to my mind, the Legion has effectively pulled a more rape-y katamari damacy on the entirety of the societies within the comparatively barren Four-Corners Wasteland and in that way their claims are both legitimate whilst also the Legion itself still maintains its role as a purely nomadic army that takes its entire rolling momentum wherever it goes. As Dale Barton shows, pockets of subservient civilization exist within these territories but they are minimal and were always the absolute minority compared to the majority tribal population (which is now absorbed entirely into the Legion) of the Four Corner states. The Legion doesn't have cities or industry. It has territory the same way an apex predator in the wild might, all within it exist with the possibility of being sucked up of resources or slaves, and those "civilized" podunk communities are apparently nothing compared to what exists out West.

    This is why the Mojave and the West are so critical/important to the Legion: Not only will it represent a fundamental change in the structure of the Legion, but the vastly more civilized and connected lands of the Mojave and California will force the Legion to adopt entirely new methodss and ways of running their territory/claims. Arizona is likely a crucible of Legion millitary power and likely has numerous camps/war-settlements feeding into the Mojave, and I would say if there's anything close to NCR's running of territory within the Legion, it would be central Arizona. But overall, Legion territorial claim is all about the power and influence rather than literal borders, trade routes and stationed garrisons as with the NCR

    submitted by /u/CosmicTraveller
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    What are other working vehicles other than vertibirds?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 02:21 AM PDT

    Let me elaborate; have any factions or individuals fixed up and used/ are using any prewar transports? Like fallout 4's apcs/tanks, cars, or bikes, or planes

    My only thought is the highwayman from fallout 2 Edit: Also the Valdez tanker

    submitted by /u/redranger50
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    Are first generation Mariposa Super Mutants on average the same intelligence of humans?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:03 AM PDT

    I understand that some were very dumb but when Marcus says "Don't forget, I knew the folks involved. They were the best humanity had to offer. Your people are going to tell the story a different way, right?" Does it imply that the vast majority are as intelligent as Marcus?

    submitted by /u/Michael6198
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    Of how many non-feral Glowing Ones do we know of?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    I know there's Jason Bright in NV and Oswald in 4 but are there others that we know of?

    submitted by /u/Holyrapid
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    Was entertainment(books,holodiscs,etc.) that did not adhere or that went against the ideology of the pre-war US,but that did not promote communism or that even spoke out against it, permitted?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 06:16 PM PDT

    Why and when did Yao Guai become preferred over bear?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    I know the name originates with Chinese internment camp prisoners, but why did wastelanders start calling them Yao Guai? It seems like the number of prisoners is far too small and uninfluential to get an entire continent using their term instead a pre-existing widely accepted name. Did Pre-war Americans use Yao Guai? Or only wastelanders?

    submitted by /u/pmmeyourpossums
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    Why the Enclave insist on cleansing the American Wasteland, but not rule over it?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 11:07 PM PDT

    We all know that both the Enclave in Fallout 2 and Fallout 3 are trying to kill everything that's not Enclave, but have they thought about the aftermath of cleansing the American Wasteland?

    If possible they really killed everything in the Wasteland and not losing any soldiers, it will end up as a real wasteland, that only Enclave personnel is living on it. Only thousands, or at most ten thousands of Enclave members and remnants will be living on US soil, how can they rebuild a civilisation with this amount of manpower? And how to continue the bloodline if they really insist only people born in Enclave can be Enclave personnel, inbreeding?

    submitted by /u/BillyHerr
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    It says on Ethel Fallout: Wikia that the Vault Dweller is mentioned in Fallout 3. Although I doing recall a conversation talking about him. Anyone knows one?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 04:05 PM PDT

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