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    Fallout Lore | How much is Fallout New California lore friendly?

    Fallout Lore | How much is Fallout New California lore friendly?

    How much is Fallout New California lore friendly?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 12:32 AM PST

    I downloaded the mod a few days ago and have been having an absolute blast, however i was wondering how much the content added by the mod was lore friendly and believable.

    submitted by /u/chaininghook62
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    The institute and freeze. The wants and needs of characters and conflict.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 01:36 AM PST

    I have a question. What does the institute in fallout 4 want or needs that brings them into conflict with the other organisations?

    Ok for some background information it is good to know that characters in a story come into conflict because their wants and needs are conflicting. This is why I added freeza in the title because dragonball z does this very well in the freeza arc.

    In the freeza arc freeza wants to dragonballs for immortality, Vegeta also wants the dragonballs for immortality and the heroes want the dragonballs to help their friends. Because the dragonballs can only be used for a limited amount of wishes these goals come into conflict. Only 1 side can get what they want.

    The important thing to notice here is that the heroes are not in conflict with freeza simply because he is a bad guy but because they have opposing incompatible goals.

    We see the same structure work in most fallout games. In 1 the master wants to turn everyone into supermutants to save the earth and the vualt and brotherhood want to stay human, hence their conflict.

    (We see a smaller version of this earlier in the game with the water chip. You can come into conflict with the ghouls becasue you need the water chip.)

    This relation between wants/ needs and conflict also explain the dialog driven solutions to the games. Once you have confinced the master that his pan is doomed to fail his want/need to make everyone into a supermutant dissapears and the conflict between you stops.

    In fallout 2 the enclave want to destroy all non pure humans and the rest want to survive. Again opposing wants and needs that cause conflict.

    In fallout 3 both the enclave and brotherhood want to control the purifier (and the president has his own opposing want to insert the virus).

    In new vegas all factions want to control the mojave. Only 1 can so their wants are in conflict.

    This brings us to fallout 4 where the wants of most factions are clear enough. The brotherhood wants to destroy all sybths because they see them as abominations. The minutemen just want to live without fear of the institute and the railroad want to safe synths.

    The goals of the brotherhood and railroad are in conflict so these organisations are hostile towards eachother. But what about the institute, what do they want/need?

    It seems like a lot of the things they do is randomly evil. Their point of seems to indicate that they see the waste as evil and irrideemable and thus want to live safely underground.

    Then they kidnap people and replace them with synths, Why? this only makes enemies. And the one example where they have replaced that farmer was total nonsense. They also could have made their own farm to test their crops.

    They make supermutants and release them on the wastes. Again there is no clear reason why they do this. It is even said that they know the FEV program had no new results for a long time.

    The only thing that is consistent in their wants and needs is that they want to use synths as tools whitch brings them in conflict with the brotherhood and railroad. But they do not need to expose themselves to these groups if they did not do their randomly evil activities.

    In the end it feels like the institute wants to live underground away from the world but acts against this want with cartoonish villiany. Did I mis something?

    submitted by /u/unit5421
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    In FO4, why did Shaun have Kellogg take little Shaun to Diamond City to live together..?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 09:19 AM PST

    I haven't finished playing the FO4 yet but... why doesn't Nate realize Shaun is gonna be older than a baby?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 11:01 AM PST

    Try to prevent major spoilers please, I just now started playing and I'm by the mission Nate is having an interview with Valentine about the kindapping, I've seen videos years ago and know that Shaun is an old man (don't know any other details really, only major spoiler I've accidentally witnessed). But why is everyone so stupid?

    When Shaun was kidnapped, Nate fell dormant again after witnessing the scene, it's obvious a long time elapsed, he's even aware that the machine was a cryo machine... why no one realizes "well, some time must have elapsed since then... I bet the baby is no longer a baby"

    submitted by /u/Hedrite
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