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    Fallout | Hired a prostitute on accident :(

    Fallout | Hired a prostitute on accident :(

    Hired a prostitute on accident :(

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 09:21 AM PST

    Playing Fallout 3 for the first time. I was on my way to Megaton and went into Moriarty's saloon. There I found a girl named Nova. I asked how much it would be to hire her thinking I would get her as a follower. She said all I had to do was rent a room cuz that's how she gets paid. Took a nap in the bed and she was in the bed when I awoke. And kids that is the story of how I accidentally hired a prostitute.

    submitted by /u/shadow_kiin
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    Fallout New Vegas in third person is way better than I thought it would be

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 05:48 PM PST

    It's just great. Gunplay feels good, sometimes even better than first person. You can appreciate the armour and clothing, the animations of drinking, having a limb be crippled, the limping, everything. And seeing your character run is much better than just doing it in first person.

    submitted by /u/bluetundra123
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    F**cked a robot on accident :(

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 02:09 AM PST

    Playing Far Harbor for the first time. I was solving the case in Vault 188. There I talked to a Robo-Brain who used to be an actress named Gilda. As I was solving a case, I naturally chose the skill-check conversation options as I had been the whole play-through as my character had high charisma, as well as the lady-killer perk. This resulted me in choosing to suggest sharing a bottle of wine thinking it'd loosen her hypothetical tongue, and let slip who the killer was. Instead the next thing I know the screen goes black, and my character has his first sexual encounter in over 200 years since before Shaun was born.

    edit: because no one noticed yet, I'm just going to subtly shout out shadow_kiin, who inspired me to share this story

    submitted by /u/Obanon
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    Came across this person. He definitely has his problems. I can’t post images so here is a link to it.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 04:11 AM PST

    in the fallout universe did the ENTIRE usa got nuked or just a few states

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 02:55 AM PST

    Is there any way to get a DOS Executable for Fallout 1?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 09:54 PM PST

    Hello everyone! I have an interesting question for all you lovely redditors out there. Is there any way to get a DOS executable from my copy of Fallout 1? I got the classics pack for free from Bethesda after buying 76, and am looking to run it on a portable using DOSBox (the PSP specifically). I was just wondering if it is possible to port over the copy I have on my pc from Bethesda's launcher. Any help is appreciated, thanks!

    submitted by /u/Green-Cap08
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    In nukaworld does it matter how many commonwealth settlements a faction gets or not? By that I mean Who betrays me

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 02:50 AM PST

    Which is worse? Glowing sea, the glow, divide, vault 87, or whatever your pick is for bomb drop sites?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 07:40 PM PST

    All of these locations have a theme in common: they were ground zero for drop sites of nuclear bombs. The question is: which is worse? By worse, I mean hellish, and irradiated.

    On a side note, the first time I visited the glowing sea, I thought about how the world would be different if such a catastrophic war did break out between the Warsaw Pact and nato. Even today, it still has a chance of happening. That's why the saying is true even in the real world: war never changes. It never has changed: it's about killing each other.

    submitted by /u/Ryanmaidenfan2001
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    What’s The “Problem” With Fallout 4?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 04:48 PM PST

    I started playing fallout 4 a few months ago and prior to this I had almost no experience/information about the game franchise so I went in blind to the opinions about the game. Since I started playing I've become "obsessed" with the franchise and especially the lore, but while watching videos and reading about the lore I found some strong opinions about fallout 4, yet I haven't seen anyone really explain why they dislike the game (all are fans of the franchise), when I've searched I've only come across discussions about fallout 76 (and I get why that game is so disliked).

    So I'm asking here to see WHY and WHAT people dislike about fallout 4, and discuss the reasons since I've also found a lot of opinions about how great the game is.

    (First time posting so sorry if something's off or wrong about the post)

    submitted by /u/Toofzzz
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    Fallout New Vegas, Partner quest suddenly ended.

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 06:33 AM PST

    So i am working on getting rex a new brain, i helped the doc with his nightstalker research and got a brain from old gibby diddy, but when i talk to the doc he doesnt have an option for replacing the brain, looking in my quests, the quest is no longer available, but theres still an unfinished objective. How do i reenable the quest to make sure the pupper has a fresh brain?

    submitted by /u/TheCupcakeScrub
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    Fallout 4 purchase

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 11:00 PM PST

    I've played F:nv and 1, but disliked the gameplay. I've been looking into F:4 and I like the new implementation of power armor, but anyway is it worth the €30 or should I wait for a sale?

    submitted by /u/TijmoanTheRedditor
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    Have you ever found smith and casey's garage on accident?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 08:04 PM PST

    I just wanted to know cause I feel like that would have been wild ass hell if that happened randomly to me

    submitted by /u/LlamafaA
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    Compared to Fallout 4 and its world, is Fallout 3 better than Fallout New Vegas ?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 04:32 AM PST

    Hello :) I'm sorry if someone already asked this question, I'm sure it is asked every day, so you can just link me a post that has already been answered ! Or if you want, you can help me : I loved Fallout 4 (this is the only fallout game I played) for its ambience, I felt I was living in this destroyed world. Even if the story wasn't good, I didn't really care ; I absolutely loved visiting the world and creating the best shelters possible... So is Fallout 3 better for what I like ? I heard that FNV has a better story, but Fallout 3 a better world, is that true ? Thank you :D

    submitted by /u/Slagreo
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    My friend at work got me some Fallout prints as a thank you.

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 06:23 PM PST

    He said he owed me for inviting him to Thanksgiving last year, and the guy brought me a bottle a scotch the day of already!!

    Then he laid these on me today, im framing the New Vegas portrait without a logo and the "zap that thirst" nuka girl and putting them in my hallway http://imgur.com/a/h5aHenx

    Not sure if he's on here, but he's a huge gamer and he knows that i know him by "Good Country" and i appreciate you man

    submitted by /u/PowerliftingMolester
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    Thoughts on New Vegas' endings (spoilers, maybe?)

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 03:59 AM PST

    Legion is almost certainly the very bad one. I know that Caesar has plans to sort of 'reform' his maniac army in the long run, but it's just far too risky. When Caesar inevitably dies, so will the Legion. There's just no Caesar 2.0 to lead with such charisma.

    The Independent ending, although presented to us as being one of the best options, just might not work. There are far too many variables and wildcards at stake here. I know I'll get a lot of flames for this, but I just can't see how the Courier alone (irrespective of the knowledge and wisdom they've gained over the years and DLCs) can really work things out all by themselves. The best hope is that the Courier will use this opportunity to make amends for what happened in The Divide, and that they can start anew with building a society. So, in summary, Independent is probably the second-best option for me.

    The NCR is a façade of an ending. It seems 'good' and correct. Hell, the main menu screen and tons of promotional art makes it seem that the Courier should side with the NCR (look at all the Courier fanart, etc. which depicts the Courier wearing NCR gear, especially the Veteran Ranger outfit), but this ain't right.

    IMHO, letting the NCR advance across America is just asking for another Great War far into the future (or perhaps not so far?) It's a corrupt excuse of democracy that's doomed to repeat the failings of the Old World. In short, the NCR ending is the false-good one. It's actually bad as well, although not as much as the Legion.

    I think Ulysses got it right when he said the NCR and Legion are practically two sides of the same coin (or something to that effect).

    Mr. House is a despot, yes, but I view him as a sort of 'good' ending to this game. A LOT of players love to point out House's flaws while also glorifying the NCR and the Independent one, but they forget that House has had decades upon decades to reflect upon things.

    Many players also love to reference Cass' Mr. House ending slide when she says they're going 'full steam ahead but facing backwards this whole time', but how true is that really? Do you honestly think that House will be worse than the NCR? He's actually been there when the Old World was squabbling over resources, when they were corrupt as hell, and when the bombs finally fell.

    Let's talk about the NCR for a moment. If they do win, what do you think they'll do with House's technology? It'll be used to enforce security everywhere, and I'm sure all their scientists will scramble like crazy trying to steal some of House's life-extending technology for themselves. Between that and a corrupt, annexing system, it'll just be one big mess.

    Just like the Legion is only sustainable while fighting for something, so is the NCR (sort of). I think we all know that, should the Legion ultimately win, they'll eventually devolve into infighting and civil war once their foes (and Caesar) are gone. And as for the NCR, it'll stagnate into becoming as bad as the Old World's governments — if not worse.

    What was the Great War all about? Pride, prejudice, incompetence, and a severe lack of resources. The NCR is almost certainly falling into many of those categories.

    IMHO, the best ending is a combination of the main game and DLCs. A good-karma Courier taking control of Big MT (and being a positive influence on the Think Tank over time) will work wonders alongside Mr. House.

    Both of them will be able to keep on going for a long time after the second battle of Hoover Dam, seeing as House has his technology, and the Courier can basically store their brain away once their body gives in.

    Both House and the Courier would have the means to go out and view the progress of society up-close as well. House has his eyes and ears via the Securitrons, and the Courier could either take over (or create?) themselves a new body or place their brain in one as well.

    Don't flame me for doing such guesswork, please, but the Courier could perhaps try and experiment on Synth-like technology to give themselves a platform to roam about. Anything is possible at Big MT. Hell, the Courier could even take over the bodies of missing folks or create themselves a new identity. Just imagine the Courier blending in with society while also keeping an eye on things. I'm sure Lily and Raul would appreciate the prolonged company of their friend.

    Anyway, my personal view is that having Mr. House (who, despite his arrogance and all that, shows respect towards the Courier) working hand in hand with a good karma'd, technologically adept Courier would do wonders for the New World.

    I can see House trying to enforce his progressive push far too much and far too soon on the wasteland, which could possibly fail. Then the Courier will gradually convince House that it takes small steps to build up for a brighter future for humanity.

    Think things like the Diamond City schoolhouse: free education for the future.

    Mr. House is not an idiot. He'll eventually reflect upon and ease up on his hardcore push towards a technological nation. Both he and the Courier will have years and years to see things out gradually and sustainably.

    Hell, even without having Big MT, a good Courier can still be of benefit to and alongside Mr. House. Both can learn a good deal off the other, which will ultimately be of benefit to Nevada and, possibly, beyond.

    I know a lot of this opinion is based on guesswork and stuff, and that it assumes the Courier does end up being good, but it's one of the better endings, IMO.

    So, yeah, that's just my two cents on the endings of FNV.

    submitted by /u/Vg65
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    GOG's having a Bethesda publisher sale

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 03:49 PM PST

    1, 2, Tactics, 3 GOTY and FNV Ultimate are all 70% off- If you're missing any, now's the time to grab 'em!

    submitted by /u/TheUnspeakableHorror
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    (Fo4) Crashing in Boston

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 04:15 PM PST

    It seems that it is inevitable that I crash when wondering the streets of Boston, I can walk through anywhere else outside the city just fine without a crash, but walking through the city I can get from one side to the other without crashing. Any help to get me through the streets would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Blue_Summit
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    I failed a Minuteman quest in Fallout 4

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 05:57 PM PST

    I got the "Defend Taffington Boathouse" so i fast traveled there. Right after that i got max affinity for Preston Garvey. I ended up taking too much time chatting and the Super Mutants had already arrived. I killed them, but failed the mission. Is this bad?

    submitted by /u/Pigbacon_
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    So, I paid attention to Lanius's greatsword "blade of the east" and its not even sharpened.

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 05:08 AM PST

    I mean how could he even cleave people in two with that bumper? Some dialogues say that he decapitates in one blow but it looks quite difficult to do with piece of bumper. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/pie_addict35
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    I really wish the endings of Lonesome Road had more of an effect on the main story

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 12:46 PM PST

    It's really funny how you're able to negotiate with General Oliver or Lanius and have them return to their territories, and even barter a trade deal with Oliver, when they have no territory to return to, or have chief Hanlon become a congressman for a town that has just been presumably nuked to ashes.

    What's somewhat even funnier is how if you're idolised by either you only get brought down to Wild Child and they don't attack you on sight, despite the fact that you quite literally destroyed their civilisation and their history, but going to a few radio stations or mending a howitzer apparently outweighs that

    I wish Obsidian had more time to work on New Vegas.

    submitted by /u/TheHomesteadTurkey
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    Where to sweet flying fuck can I find some rad x in fallout 1

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 01:32 PM PST

    [Fallout 1] How viable is a leather jacket only?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 05:11 PM PST

    I want to play as a wasteland greaser, but I'm somewhat of a newbie. How viable is it with this current build I have? And if it isn't, what can I do to make it viable?

    6 ST / 8 PE / 5 EN / 5 CH / 6 IN / 9 AG / 8 LK

    Skills: +Doctor +Small Guns +Speech Traits: Finesse, Gifted

    submitted by /u/BoeyPimpin
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