• Breaking News

    Monday, February 17, 2020

    Fallout: New Vegas | Being able to use different skills to socially persuade character makes the game so much more immersive. IRL you don't always have to be charismatic or have skillful wordplay, sometimes you just have to know what you are talking about to convince people.

    Fallout: New Vegas | Being able to use different skills to socially persuade character makes the game so much more immersive. IRL you don't always have to be charismatic or have skillful wordplay, sometimes you just have to know what you are talking about to convince people.

    Being able to use different skills to socially persuade character makes the game so much more immersive. IRL you don't always have to be charismatic or have skillful wordplay, sometimes you just have to know what you are talking about to convince people.

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 07:15 AM PST

    I drove to good springs today

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 04:53 PM PST

    I finally did it.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 05:16 PM PST

    I got this picture of the Hoover Dam from the Mike O'Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge- Perfect for a legion invasion!

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 08:14 PM PST

    Oof that's gotta hurt

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 01:34 PM PST

    Took a nice screenshot with an ENB

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 07:29 AM PST

    Ever wonder what these two machines are? The one on the left is a manual lathe. The one on the right is a manual mill. As a machinist I appreciate Obsidian including these two amazing machines in New Vegas.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 10:45 PM PST

    Brotherhood of Steel vs Great Khans NPC Battle at Boulder City

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 03:52 AM PST

    Can anyone tell if the Cloud Residue in Sierra Madre respawns after being collected?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 03:13 AM PST

    I recently clipped into the floor of the abandoned bunker and ended up back in the Villa. What I noticed is piles of residue in very obvious places. Places I shouldn't have missed.

    If there's one thing I did thoroughly in Dead Money - it's residue collecting. I'm 95% sure I couldn't miss those residue piles, which made me think that they might be able to respawn after a while, just like plants.

    I couldn't find anything on the wiki or through Google, so I came to this community in hopes of getting an answer.

    Does it respawn naturaly if I wait long enough within the Sierra Madre?

    Was the respawn a bug since I wasn't supposed to be back there?

    Or am I just severely overestimating how perceptive I am, which means that nothing respawns and I did simply miss all those numerous piles of residue that were right in front of my face?

    submitted by /u/Silver-Wraith
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    I can't install Tale Of The Wastelands,How do I solve this problem?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 06:43 AM PST


    I just downloaded the mod Tale Of The Two Wastelands,I uninstalled Fallout New Vegas,and reinstalled it than even Installed Fallout 3,I tried to the Install Tales Of The Two Wastelands nothing happened other than a message coming up saying this version of Fallout 3 is unsupported is there anyway to solve this.

    submitted by /u/roman2886
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    Papa Khan is a shadow of his former self (Glitch)

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 09:36 PM PST

    Damn, you're not looking like you today, Veronica

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 07:15 PM PST

    Dead Money CASINO !?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 08:50 AM PST

    How far can i get into the quests and still have ACCESS TO THE WHOLE CASINO ?

    submitted by /u/FarmingSimulatorGuy
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    Lonesome road ending loot (Kind of a spoiler?)

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 03:48 AM PST

    I was thinking about this the other day and thought I would see how everyone else feels.

    When I play New Vegas, same as when I play the other Fallout or roleplaying games, I like to equip my characters with faction of the armour I am siding with. This means for my BoS character, I wear power armour and use energy weapons, for my NCR character I use guns and wear military type clothing.

    At the end of Lonesome road, you can choose to nuke either the NCR or Legion, both or neither.

    If you are a character who has side with the legion, then it would make sense to nuke the NCR. Your main reward from this action is getting NCR ranger armour and Salved power armour, neither of which you will wear, and the special reward is the NCR Scorched Sierra power armour, and the custom grenade rifle. But a legion character, if you are roleplaying, would take it as a trophy, but wouldn't wear it as it literally has NCR emblems on and therefore would make it look like you support the NCR.

    With the NCR, you would launch a nuke at the legion and get the armour of the 87th tribe which is an amazing armour, but for a legion character (again if you are roleplaying) but it isn't something an NCR character would wear as it is literally a legion armour similar to legate Lanius's armour.

    I understand for a lot of people that isn't an issue because not everyone role plays, and they just wear whatever, but for me it is a bit of an issue. Not matter what character I have, if it is either legion or NCR I basically end up nuking both sides, the enemy side for obvious reasons, and the side of the faction I am siding with to get their loot.

    I understand why it is like, as when you nuke the legion for example, it will be them who dies and therefore you get their gear, it is just a shame you can't get the loot another way and not have to pick between getting the most relevant loot and nuking a faction you like, or missing out and only nuking the enemy faction.

    submitted by /u/TheAICommander
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    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 07:42 PM PST

    Heading to deathclaw promontory wish me luck bois

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 04:20 PM PST

    Poor Veronica

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 03:23 PM PST

    For those of you keeping up with RWBY

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 09:34 PM PST

    FNV is broken for me (closing immediately after clicking play on launcher)

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 09:08 PM PST

    So I reset my computer recently, and I'm trying to play FNV. However, after clicking play on the launcher it just closes the launcher and the game stops (steam shows it as not playing too). I've validated and reinstalled a bunch of times, and I'm not sure what to do at this point.

    Anyone here know what the answer to this might be?

    submitted by /u/FalloutGN
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    Dead money

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 03:16 PM PST

    is level 22 high enough

    submitted by /u/FarmingSimulatorGuy
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    Dieing very quickly?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 05:52 PM PST

    I am level 10 just recently bought the ultimate edition playing on normal and it seems like 3/4 hits I'm dead, is this normal? I'm wearing either the ncr armor or merc armor, any suggestions on living longer? Also I can't seem to find enough ammo,this is a stark difference from FO4 which seems to have so many more containers. Am I missing something here?

    submitted by /u/ramadadcc
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