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    Saturday, February 22, 2020

    Fallout 3 | About to start Friendship Asylum. Wish me luck

    Fallout 3 | About to start Friendship Asylum. Wish me luck

    About to start Friendship Asylum. Wish me luck

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 01:47 AM PST

    Thanks for cheering me on!

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 08:21 AM PST

    Mod making for beginners - advice wanted

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 03:21 PM PST

    Hey nifty America, it's me, your President John Hen- Hahaa, gotcha! Three Dog here, how's everyone doin'? Listen up for a super important public service announcement.

    Hey gang, for reasons I won't bore you with I'm replaying 3 for the first time in years. This time around I've got proper mod support and it's absolutely revolutionized my experience. I forgot how much I love the Capital Wastes.

    Today I finally laid hands on the riot gear from Lonesome Road, courtesy of this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/17370

    There's still a clipping issue with the pipboy, the fix that was uploaded apparently got removed. But it doesn't matter, the duds look sweet as hell and I'm finally ready to head down to 112 and show the old man what a wasteland hardass his little lad's become.

    ANYWAY. To get to my point. Now I've got the armor, I miss my 45-70 revolver. I was using a tip-top scopeless hunting revolver mod in NV, which sat better with me than stealing or consoling a Sequoia. SO, in the absence of a hunting revolver mod for 3, I was thinking about making one myself based on NV assets.

    I've used shit tons of mods for 3, NV and 4 but never attempted making or editing anything myself before. I'm vaguely aware of the file structure and I know about the existence of tools such as the GECK, BSA browser, Nifskope and things of that nature. But despite a search I haven't been able to find a modding guide for n00bs, much less specifics on converting assets from one game to the other.

    Could anyone in this rather splendid sub comment on the feasibility of my proposal, and/or point me in the direction of some guidance? Or am I wasting my time which could be better spent actually adventuring?

    Thanks for listening, chiiiiiildren! This is Three Dog, awooooo! And you're listening to Galaxy News Radio. Bringing you the truth, no matter how bad it hurts...

    submitted by /u/swiss_sanchez
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    Fallout 3 no voices, no lip movement

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 02:24 PM PST

    So, all the npcs in my game suddenly went silent. There's no voice audio and no lip movement. It all worked just fine literal seconds earlier.

    >Windows 7
    >Not on 5.1 or anything like that, just normal stereo
    >All the files are alright
    >All the other game sounds work
    >About 4 popular mods

    Please, help.

    submitted by /u/IHaveNoIdeaForANick
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