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    Friday, January 24, 2020

    Fallout Lore | What happens to those who fail the G.O.A.T

    Fallout Lore | What happens to those who fail the G.O.A.T

    What happens to those who fail the G.O.A.T

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 08:35 AM PST

    What happens to those who fail the G.O.A.T. In fallout 3 the teacher in class said "You don't want to know what happen to those who fail the goat." I assume that the only way to fail would be if you don't answer any question or not show up for it at all. This had me wondering what does happen to a person who fails the G.O.A.T.?

    submitted by /u/cat210803
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    How does Mirelurk Farming work?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 10:24 AM PST

    Throughout the series there have been multiple groups who have tried to raise Mirelurks like cattle, from the unlucky Ted who tried his luck managing the Mirelurks of the Anchorage Memorial to the Raiders maintaining the Mirelurk pens of Thicket Excavations, people across the coasts have tried to domesticate Mirelurks so they could harvest their (apparently delicious) meat.

    My question is how do they do this? These are man-sized crabs with massive claws capable of snipping you in half, it would be like trying to raise rabid bears like they were pigs or velociraptors like they were chickens. So while most of these ventures admittedly fail, some have been running for generations, and I am curious as to how they do this and your thoughts on this?

    submitted by /u/PiedPipersPipe
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    In your own words, explain to me the differences is goals/values between the major factions?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 12:16 PM PST

    Ugh, I don't like asking people things....but here goes:

    I've only played Fallout 3 so far, and my next purchase will be New Vegas. I "only" have a PS2, PS3, DSi, 3DS, Kindle Fire, and Alcatel MyFlip, so I won't be playing the older or newer games anytime soon. I would like to though. I've read up on the lore for all the games, but the lack of in-game experience leaves me with more questions than answers.

    Like many people, my own values seem to affect my gameplay. I play all sides, favor smaller communities, and will probably shoot for the independent ending in New Vegas. At least based on what I've read; of course, my experiences in-game might change my mind. Or you folks might. :) For more context: I disarm the bomb in Megaton, do trade with Tenpenny Tower, hop the wall instead of paying to get in, try to help most slaves, do trade with Paradise Falls, and side with Ashur in The Pitt. Basically anti-interventionist unless I really feel called to help.

    In other words, a lot of the bigger factions ultimately seem very similar to me. I notice the obvious differences - Caesar's Legion is quite misogynistic, the Enclave is xenophobic toward "tainted" individuals, NCR and BoS are designated "good" guys, etc - but they all come across as expansionist or imperialist "big government" types. At least raiders don't put on such airs of formality.

    TL;DR Please explain to a friendly raider-type the differences in values between Caesar's Legion, the Enclave, the New California Republic, and the various Brotherhood of Steel factions.

    Sorry if this question is stupid or doesn't belong here!

    submitted by /u/TheonuclearPyrophyte
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    [Fo4] Why were they making the Silver Shroud pilot at Hubris Comics?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 03:30 PM PST

    Something that's always bugged me about the Silver Shroud subplot and lore in Fallout 4 is why a television show that the company hopes will expand the fandom beyond Boston is being shot in a tiny attic stage at a comic shop in Boston rather than an actual studio? There appears to be a single backdrop without an actual set to go with it, and the shop doesn't appear to have a mainframe that could handle visual effects, just a few terminals for email and script writing.

    I suppose you could argue that the television industry is in a dire state in Pre-War America, with color TVs being very rare and most of them being those small, clunky CRT screens from Radiation King, but it still strikes me as odd. Even in the actual 1950s, DC wasn't shooting Adventures of Superman at their New York office, it was an actual Hollywood production.

    (Though really I suspect this was just something done for in-game convenience rather than even trying to make sense within the lore.)

    submitted by /u/GreyWardenThorga
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