• Breaking News

    Friday, January 24, 2020

    Fallout | I think Harold is the only character that can compare with the protagonists of the series in status

    Fallout | I think Harold is the only character that can compare with the protagonists of the series in status

    I think Harold is the only character that can compare with the protagonists of the series in status

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 03:20 PM PST

    Harold is such a legendary character. He's been everywhere, done everything. He was born before the war, he emerged from Vault 29, which was really messed up. he was at the Mariposa military base with Richard Grey, hell, his expedition basically created the Master. He travelled everywhere, fixed the problems of the Gecko power plant, became it's leader. And he ended up in the Capital Wasteland became a god tree, where he either died at the mercy of the Lone Wanderer of continued spreading his oasis.

    He's the only character who can compete with the protagonists in terms of 'legendary' status. Sure Robert House, Caesar, the Master, or the founders of NCR were great figures, but that wandering quality that all the protagonists have was only matched by Harold.

    submitted by /u/Bristerst
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    Mr. House's birthday coming up

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 05:07 PM PST

    Friendly reminder that Mr. House will be born July 25th of this year.

    submitted by /u/suetr6
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    Fallout TV series

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 04:54 PM PST

    I was just thinking about all the deep lore in fallout and wouldn't a fallout show be super interesting? Of course if it's done right and just to the video games I think that a show on life in the wastelands would be neat! We just got the Witcher series on Netflix so it could happen!

    submitted by /u/JC_P2000
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    [FO3] Underrated location: Shalebridge tunnels, the friendly ant colony

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 07:52 PM PST

    I was bored, and exploring the wasteland in an attempt to discover every location. And then i found Shalebridge, home to a war between two ant colonies.

    In shalebridge tunnels, you find a group of friendly, tiny ants, who you can help out by injecting a stimpak into their eggs to make the colony grow faster. But theyre also under attack by bad giant ants at the other colony. If you go to the other colony and kill the queen, the friendly ant colony can keep growing without worrying about them.

    I have never heard of this place before, and it was very wholesome helping the little ants get their feet off the ground. Plus, its a steady source of Ant nectar.

    If youve never heard of it, its on the far west border of the map, directly below where the Potomac river divides the map in two. Please check it out! You'll love it.

    submitted by /u/DankalorYT
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    Spectacle Island Docking Bay

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 08:12 PM PST

    A weird cage with radios in FO4

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 03:32 AM PST

    Did any of y'all happen to come across west of Rotten Landfill, under the overpass?

    There is a cage with a radioactive waste barrel, two or three skeletons, a dog bowl and three radios with three different frequencies on top of it.

    Weird thing is, the shack next to it is decorated with skeletons and stuff. Wondering if it was a refrence to a movie/game or there is more to it.

    submitted by /u/JigsawJoystick
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    Why is the NCR hated in New Vegas

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 02:15 PM PST

    I'm playing New Vegas for the first time and there's lots of graffiti saying "fuck NCR" and other negative stuff like that, so why are they hated?

    submitted by /u/Standardgrapes
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    Just beat Fallout 4 Institute ending tonight.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 09:42 PM PST

    Epic, can't wait to try other factions!

    submitted by /u/ADogOnReddit
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    Is there any reason why Brotherhood of Steel in FO4 uses latin sometimes?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 09:10 PM PST

    I completed every single Fallout game (exept 76), and i absolutely don't know why BOS members sometimes uses latin pharses like "Ad Victoriam", is there is explanation somewhere, or its just fanservice for newbies that was stolen from Caesar Legion? (At least legionaries has a real reason to speak in latin)

    submitted by /u/Jesnglesez
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    Fallout 4 Triple Monitor Fix

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 02:51 AM PST

    Hi everyone I used this program to fix my Fallout 4 and Skyrim running on triple monitors I have uploaded a video showing how to use the program and fix some hud and ui bugs. Just wanted to share it, really glad to be able to fix it, skip to 1:42 for guide

    Flawless Widescreen: http://www.flawlesswidescreen.org/

    My Tutorial Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDM6wiJL_F0&feature=youtu.be

    submitted by /u/AbangHandsome
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    How to keep residents from sleeping in your house on Fallout 4?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 05:34 PM PST

    Marcy keeps entering my house and sleeping on my bed, and it's getting really annoying, especially when I'm low on sleep and just got done raiding / looting for hours.

    submitted by /u/CuddlesWithSatan
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    Pre-combined problem with my mod

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 04:26 AM PST

    Hi guys!

    I'm working on a big project called Apocalyptic Commonwealth and I have a big problem with Concord. I committed the mistake to touch some objects that were part of pre-combined and, since I edited the 90% of that location, I would not like at all to work on it from scratch.

    My question is: would the game properly load pre-combined generated from scratch and putted in a ba2 archive with the same name? would the game recognize it?.

    I would like to create a ba2 archive equal to the one made by bethesda, excluding all the objects that are causing this problem.

    I don't want to restore those objects because this will make my mod a mess and difficult to fix.

    Anyway, due to this problem, I started working on a new esp but this time I'm not touching objects that are part of pre-combined. I'll also create pre-combined for my modifications. I'm working on the Vault 111 exterior.

    The project: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/38932

    Hope you can help me!

    submitted by /u/Maxosis
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    I haven’t played the Nuka World DLC yet

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 03:21 AM PST

    I've beat the game before and I am on another play through and finally got the far harbor dlc as well as nuka world. I haven't played either yet because I read that you had to be a higher level than when they are introduced to you. But I wanted to discuss the fact that for some reason I really want to side with the raiders but I have so many successful settlements and I know Preston is gonna dislike my decision. A part of me is like too bad I think it would be cool to run with the raiders but the other part I'm like well I've worked so hard on these settlements.

    submitted by /u/BritLR924
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    Can New Vegas run on Windows 10?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 02:53 AM PST

    I bought fallout 3 and was having trouble running it on Windows 10 even after checking off compatibility and running as administrator, so i uninstalled and lossed my money there. As for New Vegas, will i have this same problem? Im scared to drop money on a game just to tinker with it and not be playable...

    Thanks in advance !

    submitted by /u/bruhjrami
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    Fan theories you consider cannon?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 12:54 PM PST

    Personally, I like to think that No-Bark is the Chosen One from Fallout 2.

    submitted by /u/Podracer_Anakin
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    Can Strong use armor??

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 01:05 AM PST

    i'm new to this game and i have no clue how to play this game

    submitted by /u/KatjaaRa
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    [Theory] The untold details of how Robert House from New Vegas prepared for the apocalypse.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 06:23 PM PST

    We all know Mr. House lived before the Great War and survived it after preparing for the day for 15 years after calculating that it would happen. Mr. House never goes into detail what he did to prepare but from what we see in the Lucky 38 he did a lot from creating securitrons and extending his life.

    I want to explore how he did this and the reasoning he came to his current state we find him at the Lucky 38. I don't think we have the full picture of what occurred to survive.

    Let's start from the subject of how he got the technology to extend his life.

    Courier: How have you stayed alive all this time?

    Mr. House: Let's just say it was very... costly. But I was willing to make the sacrifices longevity entailed, financial and otherwise.

    Hmm. Remember the fact he said costly for later. Let's look at more dialogue.

    Courier: The lifespan you're claiming is impossible, except for ghouls and super mutants.

    Mr. House: I see you've made a study of the topic. My knowledge of the science of longevity would fill several text books... Perhaps, after a decade or two of economic reconstruction, I can commercialize these technologies and offer to others, such as yourself.

    Notice how Mr. House kind of avoid discussing how he survived? He doesn't go into detail. Now this is where we dive into the theory territory.

    So Mr. House runs RobCo Industries, they build robots. How does robotics get involve in longevity? Well, RobCo actually had ties with an organization that does: Vault-Tec. We learn the two worked together in some cases like RobCo creating the Pip-Boys for the vaults. Below is from a PA system in Fallout 3 when in Vault 101.

    Did you know that the Vault-Tec/RobCo partnership is considered the most successful joint venture in the history of American industry?

    Vault-Tec had lots of experimental stuff, some of which were tested on its inhabitants. We know longevity is one of them in two places, Vault 112 and Vault 111.

    Vault 112 (Fallout 3) had dwellers kept in suspended animation and living inside a simulation for hundreds of years. Vault 111 (Fallout 4) kept people cryogenically frozen. I believe Mr. House used his connection with Vault-Tec to access their research into longevity.

    The negative effects of longevity are consistent between Vault 112 and Mr. House. Dr. Stanislaus Braun stated that him and the other dwellers can't leave the simulation pods even if they wanted to otherwise they will be too weak and die off soon. Sounds like Mr. House when we find his frail body.

    Also, it is possible Mr. House reversed engineered the simulation tec for it to also display the outside world. We know he lives in something comfy but limited. It is explained by Jane the securitron that "on the outside [she] looks like a securitron but in the inside [she] is an exact copy of Mr. House's favorite girl." Also, we learn from our favorite ghoul mechanic, Raul, that house scanned the actual Jane (maybe Marylin) in multiple clothes for in the simulation.

    I remember there were some weird stories about him, especially near the end. She said they never, um... don't make me spell it out, boss. Anyway, she said all he wanted to do was scan her brain and make her dress up in different outfits.

    Also, in cut content the player was going to be scanned inside a simulation pod when they chose to be able to seduce Mr. House as a female Courier.

    Also, it is possible Mr. House looked into having his brain removed but the robobrains by General Atomics showed him why it wasn't able to be done. We learn this when we fail a medicine check and he gives this response.

    While brains demonstrated some use as organic processors in the robots produced by General Atomics International, they never retained personality once removed from the human body.

    He could also learned more with connections to General Atomics since his company also worked together in the creation of Liberty Prime to liberate anchorage. We know Mr. House was preparing for a war so why take this if he saw the bombs inevitable? One, to get money for his preparations and second to get any information about the brain removal from those within General Atomics. I'm sure Mr. House is aware his body isn't going to be around for long and maybe his brain would be left eventually. Who knows.

    Another thing is when how Mr. House prepared to defend New Vegas from the missiles. He had missiles and lasers, the former being seen all the way from Mexico City according to Raul. Mr. House was packing serious firepower. I speculate he likely got it as a deal by the government for RobCo assisting in developing Liberty Prime. Mr. House was a negotiator and his company also sold robots to the army in the past. He would work out something since he was very high-profile.

    Another source for the firepower is the Enclave itself. Eyebots were created by RobCo and those are associated with the Enclave. Could it be House discovered them while looking through Vault-Tec for useful assets to survive? Maybe they gave him the things they were making in Vault-Tec in agreement for his silence since he knew learn the true purpose of the vaults. Who knows.

    Mr. House's using and associating with Vault-Tec stuff also explains why he was interested in Vault 21 located under Vegas. He had the residents evicted and had the entire vault stripped of any useful electronics before filling up some of it with concrete. Like, why concrete? Was he paranoid there was something down there like another experiment the dwellers weren't aware of? Also, Mr. House struggled at the time, saying he almost died from protecting Vegas alone when the bombs fell, to the point where he had constant power outages and the 38 reactor almost melting. Since he used Vaul-Tec stuff, Vault 21 had what he needed in order to fix some things. That or it was just the closest place to find working stuff to salvage.

    In conclusion, Mr. House bought and bribed stuff from Vault-Tec and the army for his survival. Still, what do you guys think? No doubt Mr. House was a genius but he was one made that specialized in the robotics industry, not longevity. It explains how he managed to get enough together in 15 years to survive.

    tl;dr Mr. House likely used bribery and connections to other groups to be able to successfully survive the apocalypse and be immortal.

    submitted by /u/Hope1820
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    Beginner to new Vegas.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 12:05 AM PST

    I'm new to playing new Vegas and I'm having a hard time killing enemies. I'm level 6 or 7 and I have legion assassin's coming after me. I can't kill them and it takes so much ammo to kill them. Can I have some tips and advise to not die in the wasteland and to kill enemies? I have a 50-60 gun skill too.

    submitted by /u/DodgeHyena
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    Can raiders deactivate generators in your settlement?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 04:01 PM PST

    I am wondering if i should defend my generators with turrets or keep them in a enclosed area.

    submitted by /u/RockruffR
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    Power armor disappeared?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 07:11 PM PST

    I had my overlord power armor at red rocket and well went back to get it and it was gone does anyone knw why and maybe how to fix it?

    submitted by /u/Hashimoto1
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    Best ways to play FO3 on mac?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 08:56 PM PST

    I've really got the itch to play this again, but not on console. I dl'ed virtualbox but couldn't get it to run. It's the only way I've ever attempted to run pc games on my mac.

    What other ways have you all found successful? I trust you all more that a google search.

    submitted by /u/YoBeNice
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    Question about npcs in fallout 4

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 02:32 PM PST

    Is there any way kill Preston or just to make him non hostile after I began raiding the commonwealth with the nuka world dlc without completing the main story line

    submitted by /u/sevenscope
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    So. What Happened to NATO in the Fallout Universe?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 11:40 AM PST

    It seems odd that NATO never formed in 1949 to counter the Soviet Union in the Fallout universe. Yes, I know that in Fallout's universe, China is the main pre-war antagonist towards the West, but the Chinese Civil War didn't end until 1950 AFTER NATO was formed. So why didn't NATO form anyways to counter the Soviet threat at the time? Did it form and just disband for some reason like the United Nations? Did the United States and the West just decide not to form it? This has always been something I have been trying to figure out and I was wondering if some of ya'll could help me on this one.

    submitted by /u/titanicandthomasfan0
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