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    Saturday, December 21, 2019

    Fallout | Why were the advanced Institute Laser weapons SO MUCH WORSE than the primitive wasteland counterparts?

    Fallout | Why were the advanced Institute Laser weapons SO MUCH WORSE than the primitive wasteland counterparts?

    Why were the advanced Institute Laser weapons SO MUCH WORSE than the primitive wasteland counterparts?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 08:49 PM PST

    While it's true that the institute valued research and science more than combat, that doesn't mean their weapons would be worse, especially if their goal is always about optimization and being efficient. It always baffled me how the most technologically advanced faction can have such an inferior class of weapons.

    It's higher fire rate doesn't remotely come close to making up for their inferior damage as it just means it takes far more fusion cells to achieve the same goals as a typical laser weapon, less efficient critical, and just takes longer to kill things overall.

    In my opinion, wasteland and institute laser weapons should trade stats. Wasteland should fire fast, but ultimately harmless, while institute lasers should be the ones that can hurt.

    submitted by /u/GreenColoured
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    My other Half's description of Fallout is something

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 04:30 AM PST

    Talking to someone else's girlfriend at a Xmas party last week:

    "What's that game you're always playing, that's in the future or the past, where everybody's dead & you shoot those weirdos wearing that stupid blue suit?"

    Just about covers it I think.

    submitted by /u/Guyrbailey
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    My irrelevant opinion on the whole 'sole survivor is a synth' thing

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 04:07 PM PST

    I would absolutely hate it to be a confirmed to be an absolute fact. Whether or not it's true is an entirely different thing, because evidence does show it as making sense. I want my character to be it's own thing, not have another forced characteristic placed on them, which is a big enough problem as is with fallout 4. I really do feel like that theory should never be confirmed and just left up to the player to decide whether or not they're a synth.

    submitted by /u/absoluteworst99
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    Is it still worth it to get Fallout 4 now? I’ve played it on PS4 and the performance and graphics weren’t great and mods were very limited. I now have a gaming laptop with good specs and I’m planning on either buying FO4 on PC or another game.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 10:35 PM PST

    I just ran a “Pick up everything/ get everything you can” run on Fallout 3. Dammit... that goddamn knife that you can only get from the good karma perk. Man. Still trying to perfect this game. I’d say ran a 99% game though.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 10:21 PM PST

    A question for the gun nut Fallout lore bois

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 11:47 PM PST

    So, I've been playing Fallout a lot more recently and something has always bothered me about their choices in weaponry or their lack thereof.

    For example, in Fallout 4 they barely used any irl guns aside from the Tommy gun, double barrel shotgun, and the mini gun.

    Is there a lore reason as to why we don't see guns like the M16, M4, AK74, G36, MP5, and etc? Or is it just Bethesda being lazy or something? I'd really like to know cause I love fallout and I'm also a gun lover. Any info would be nice.

    submitted by /u/Augustus-Octavian
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    Fallout 4: The Running/Disappearing Man?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 05:36 PM PST

    So yesterday while playing Fallout 4 I came across something I've never seen before. I was using a cooking station and as I stood up to exit it I saw a person sprinting down the road in the background. Curious as to who this person was and where they were running to I chased after them. After a few seconds they disappeared crossing the small bridge from Sanctuary to Red Rocket. Has anyone else seen something similar to this or know what this encounter was?

    submitted by /u/Freakshow4444
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    30k .44 mag for for my Lincoln Repeater/ Callahan’s Magnum (endgame bs).

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 01:21 AM PST

    So (FO3), this was the first run that I didn't kill the Brotherhood Outcasts, and I realized, their deal is pretty good. See, you trade them your shit power armor and and plasma/laser weapons for .556 ammo. Then you take that ammo to the Pitt to press it. .44 ammo all day, Lincoln Repeater all day!

    submitted by /u/IslamObamaWigWam
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    [New Vegas] How can I find an armour's exact model?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 11:21 PM PST

    I'm experiencing model errors with the Dead Money assassin suit. I asked a friend and he said it's a model error but I don't know much about game models and modding. How can I find the exact model that the Assassin suit uses to fix it?

    Pics: https://imgur.com/a/0F3uH4Y

    Also maybe this isn't the right place to post it but I have tried to get help in other subreddits such as r/falloutmods and r/fnv before but none of them really help. A post I made two weeks ago about it had well over a 100 upvotes and NO replies.

    submitted by /u/Ovledd
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    Completely new to Fallout.

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 02:43 AM PST

    I have 2 games. New vegas and 4, which should I play first/which is better?

    submitted by /u/Joe545445
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    What gives the player more freedom: Fallout 4 or New Vegas?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 12:14 PM PST

    Compare them to Skyrim (the game with the most freedom that I've played) if possible.

    Edit: I love how everyone's comments are contradicting each other. Opinions are fine, but can your facts please align?

    submitted by /u/SuperEdgyBoi666
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    How to rename NPCs (Fallout 4)

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 01:52 AM PST

    How do you rename NPCs WITHOUT MODS?

    submitted by /u/gabestriker
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    Audio issue with New Vegas.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 06:45 PM PST

    This is a pretty weird issue I've been having with audio in New Vegas.

    Radio music stutters and then skips during certain loading phases of the game. Namely, it happens when entering a new map through doors, when auto-saving, fast traveling or hacking a terminal.

    It's only the music that stutters, regular audio works normally and even when there's talking coming from the radio, it works. Only the songs are problematic. I tried a couple of fixes I found lying around like tampering with the ini file but it didn't change anything.

    Is there a possible fix or do I just ignore the issue as best I can?

    submitted by /u/JimAbaddon
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    how does the fev virus do to my game/ending is it good or bad

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 07:44 PM PST

    Port Parsons (The Slog)

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 02:13 PM PST

    Weapons as references in Fallout.

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 02:41 AM PST

    Most people know about the Blade runner pistol being used in the original games and Fallout New Vegas.

    One I've not seen many people refer to is the fact the Fallout 4 10mm redesign is very similar to the handgun from the 2000s Battlestar Galactica show, which, like Fallout 4 (and Blade runner) deals a lot with synthetic humans.

    What are some other Fallout weapon designs that make good reference to other works of fiction?

    submitted by /u/AlteredByron
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    I am making a tabletop RPG for fallout including all the fallouts stuff I just want to know if anybody wants to give me suggestions on things already got guns races etc.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 04:15 PM PST

    The Truly Most Powerful Factions in Fallout

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 01:10 AM PST

    A similar post to this was made recently but I think the rankings are incredibly flawed, so I'm going to post my list and try my best to explain my reasons. Assume that all factions listed are at the height of their power.

    10 - The Brotherhood of Steel

    The Brotherhood of Steel is perhaps the most iconic faction within the Fallout universe, their use of power armor and high grade weaponry ranging from miniguns and rocket launchers to high power energy weapons are incredible feats, and their constant training ensures they each man is prepared to make the maximum use of their almost unfair standard issue gear. However the Brotherhood of Steel is a small faction which refuses to interact with the outer world in many ways; they rarely admit outsiders into their midst and when they do it usually takes a suicide mission to win their friendship. Their ideological refusal to recruit, or to adapt with the changing world around them is a flaw that even sits with them when at their most powerful and which would damn them in generations to come.

    9 - The Institute

    The institute are not great fighters on their own, however their scientific prowess has allowed them to create powerful synths which can operate as expendable soldiers with no regard to personal safety and with minimal logistical requirements. Their soldiers are armed with Institute made laser weapons (though concerning for a faction with limited supplies their variant of the laser rifle sacrifices ammo efficiency for higher rates of fire). Their soldiers can be teleported into battle and their elite coarsers are almost one man armies, demonstrating human levels of intelligence and superhuman toughness not found on ordinary synths. What makes this faction so especially powerful though is their use of synths to capture and replace people, they can infiltrate communities, use synth animals to observe the enemy in plain sights they even control the most prosperous settlement in the region this way. The reason they are so low on the list however is that they are very limited by supplies. Their lack of materials and power prevents them from being a major factor outside of their local region, and their only interest is in securing the safety and prosperity of their home which limits their ambition. Furthermore their leadership is determined by scientific merit and not by military or civil knowledge, in fact they may not have any significant military experience in their ranks. This is an incredibly major issue which cannot be overlooked.

    8 - The White Legs

    A tribal group, they are extremely reliant on raiding for everything they do; lacking even hunting skills to tend to their supply issues. This gives rise to a strong warrior culture which emphasizes military conflict as the center of their society, their members are powerful enough to defend themselves from the mighty wildlife that occupies the Zion Valley area including Yao Gaui and mutant giant Cazadors. Aside from that impressive feat their weapons buy them this slot on the list; their signature weapon is a powerful Thompson sub-machinegun; one of the most devastating conventional weapons in the series. They also supplement their weaponry with other powerful guns like the Bush gun, Anti-Materiel rifle, and a variety of melee weaponry including some made from the fierce animals of Zion like the giant mantis. They also regularly use poisons made from the plants of Zion and have a decent supply and knowledge of explosive weaponry. Their numbers and reliance on raiding for supplies are the primary limiting factors.

    7 - The Unity

    Super Mutants are a rare sight in the late 23rd century but once upon a time they stood poised to take over the entire world. Created by an insane psychic mutant known as the Master the Unity sought to end the problems with a divided mankind by hastening them forward to the next stage of human evolution; a race of smarter, stronger, and more civicly minded beings were destined to inherit the Earth after humanity burned it to a crisp. Super mutants are individually bullet resistant without armor, reistant to pain, 'adapted' to the changing enivorment (read: immune to the harmful effects of radiation, and willing to eat even the foulest of mutant meats including rat or bloat flies); super mutants in the Master's army commonly carried heavy weapons like flamethrowers and miniguns. These potent combatants often sought to enslave their foes with the ultimate goal of bringing them back to the base for transformation into more super mutants loyal to the cause. They even had an intelligence network of human collaborators who operated under the guise of a religious sect. A limiting factor in the power of the super mutant army is their common intelligence, while the master eventually found ways of making super mutants without robbing them of their intelligence it required rare stock with little exposure to radiation like vault dwellers. Most super mutants were dumb, easy to fool, and engaged their foes head on.

    6 - New Vegas

    The city of Las Vegas was saved by the genius of a man who would come to rule it, Mr Robert House. Predicting the war years ahead of time House's preparations secured the salvation of his beloved city, when the time for the war came he was able to disable or destroy all but two of the nuclear warheads which targeted the city, none of which hit the city directly. After the war house organized some of the tribals who had taken residence in the city and converted them into something resembling the pre-war glitzy Vegas culture. After the arrival of the NCR House wisely negotiated away much while maintaining everything he needed to one day control the city; while the NCR came expecting to annex the territory it found itself becoming the basis of New Vegas's booming economy, it's casinos promised the good life to anyone who made the pilgrimage and lucked out; in reality most left the Strip empty handed and drunk after a little partying. NCR engineers also restored power to Hoover dam securing power and clean water for the strip. When the Legion came New Vegas found it had essentially borrowed the NCR army for it's own defense; all the while Mr House plotted to reclaim what truly belonged to him. After securing the Mark II upgrade for his systems and reactivating a stashed army New Vegas had more to put up a fight with than a few tribal groups; Mister House had an army of advanced Securitron robots, armed with highly advanced armor, repair systems, and long range laser and explosive weapons. Between his excellent skills of understanding and manipulating events to his favor, nearly endless sums of money at his disposal, and an army of highly advanced and deadly robots there is presumably little Mister House could not reckon with.

    5 - The New California Republic

    Formed by Settlers after the collapse of Vault 15, The New California Republic grew from a small village, to a rising city state, to capital of it's own modern nation state. Based on old-world ideals the NCR has more or less restarted a version of pre-war society, giving most people within it's borders a chance for a semi-normal life. Claiming vast swaths of territory and holding hundreds of thousands under it's banner the NCR was certainly one of the largest factions to rise from the ashes of the old world. It maintained a mostly modern army based on the pre-war US army, although far less well equipped. Most NCR troopers were armed with modest armor and modern weaponry which was manufactured by post-war entities like the Gun Runners or M&A Gun Manufacturers. In addition the NCR boasted a separate elite ranger battalion with origins to one of the earliest citizens of the NCR; armed to the teeth and armored in advanced post war armor on par with pre-war US army issue. There was even a corps of infantry equipped with non-functional power armor converted from captured suits from a previous engagement with the Brotherhood of Steel. The NCR however is quite outstretched in it's zeal to bring more wasteland communities under it's grasp, much of it's territory is not truly secure and subject to attacks from raiders, wild life, and even slavers from the nefarious Caesar's Legion. In addition the NCR has big issues with supplying it's troops adequately and with overall strategy. Many of it's newer soldiers have trouble getting a hold of body armor, and even areas in direct conflict like camp Forlorn hope have difficulties getting enough supplies and soldiers to keep the fight going. High command has been handed to 'wait and see' Oliver, who intends to show up a previous victory by the shrewd Ranger Chief Hanlon with a single glorious victory over the Legion in a straight up slugfest at Hoover dam, to the great expense of literally every other NCR operation in the region.

    4 - Caesar's Legion

    A faction born from the ideology of one man placed in a rough circumstance, the Legion encompassed far more than military conquest for it's own sake but believed that it would create a culture that would withstand the harsh conditions of the post war wastes by embracing the culture of a previous nation which had survived such harsh conditions; mastering both the world around them and creating a civic state which devoted it's people to a higher calling than petty individualism. Caesar's forces were exceedingly successful at overwhelming local tribes and intimidating or tricking them into joining then destroying culture and replacing it with their own. Their soldiers were lightly armed, often with semi-improvised weaponry and armor however their soldiers were extremely driven and well trained, capable of charging down soldiers with semi-automatic rifles using nothing but crude swords and successfully overrunning the enemy. Caesar did see fit to use some weapons, however they prized reliability most of all and as such mainly used lever action and bolt action weaponry, although it such weapons were in relatively abundant supply in the Mojave region. More advanced soldiers used even futuristic weapons like the thermal lance or the ballistic fists which were standard issue to Caesar's personal guard. Caesar's Legion also drew upon the services of an ultra-advanced spy force rivaled only by the Institute synths, capable of embedding themselves into the enemy years beforehand and lying in wait. The Legion's shrew tactics and aggressive strategy was extremely useful in the later phases of the war between it and the NCR; striking deep behind enemies lines without fear many NCR troopers would die in Legion ambushes and those were the lucky ones. Many troopers ended up lashed to crosses, a far more gruesome fate.

    3 - The Enclave

    A faction descended from the per-war Federal government; the Enclave were a genocidal army of 'pure' humans who believed that everyone who wasn't them was a mutant, and that mutants had to be purged from the Earth for the good of 'true' humanity. Their forces were well trained and highly equipped, soldiers were standard issued a post war model of power armor more protective than pre-war versions, additionally armed with exotic weapons utilizing caseless ammunition. They also maintained a fleet of VTOL aircraft to make the maximum use of their limited forces. The Enclave were also very difficult to strike at, as their main base of operations was situated on an old oil rig which was not easily reached. The true testament to their power however was their nearly finished weapon, a modified strain of the forced evolutionary virus; after undergoing extensive human testing the virus would be able to successful target and kill all infected life on Earth, the Enclave would have deployed it by spraying it into the Gulf Stream, however the weapon was never finished which is a deduction of points.

    2 - The Think Tank

    Composed of five brilliant pre war scientists driven mad by drug use, psychosis, and cybernetic prolongment of their lifves; as well as the various experiments that they created the Think Tank were only kept in check by one former member who created an elaborate lie that would ensure their permanent self-imprisonment within the confines of the Big MT research complex. In their trail they left an army of technological horrors, lobotomized humans driven partially feral and strengthens by cybernetic enhancements, mutant creatures which would escape into the wastelands and become man eating ferocious monsters, berserk robots intent on indiscriminate slaughter and even foul poisons and toxins that could render entire communities dead and locations uninhabitable. Were that the Think Tank to ever escape the confines of the radar fence it is almost assured that all of humanity would pay the price for the Think Tanks madness and blind pursuit of scientific advancement.

    1 - Goodsprings

    "Where is your god now?" - Easy Pete

    Actually 1 - Father Elijah's Ghost army.

    An almost unfathomably faction which could have scoured any location clean of any threat with near no weakness to exploit in turn. If the courier decides to side with Father Elijah within months rockets filled with the blood red cloud which blanket the Sierra Madre casino could descend anywhere that Father Elijah wished to claim forcing people to flee or die while leaving old world technology intact, and in it's wake the deployment of holographic soldiers which were immune to all forms of fire, capable of laying down punishing volleys of heavy fire; the Ghost Army was able to deny any enemy the ability to occupy any chosen area with no risk. In addition to mere combat power another treasure of the Madre were it's vending machines, actually incredibly complex nano-assembly machines which could dynamically forge anything the user could wish for from weapon parts and ammunition to clothes, medicine, and food. Father Elijah would also be able to command the loyalty of any who bowed down to his rule, or kill those who resisted, with the use of bomb collars created after a pre-war design; the collars could be remotely detonated to kill anyone at the press of a button, they were also outfitted with tracking equipment and microphones which would broadcast any speech from the wearer to Father Elijah.

    submitted by /u/RoadTheExile
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    I got interesting quest in fallout 4

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 12:21 AM PST

    So I'm going to start off with my experience with fallout 4 I like the game it's very enjoyable. There are some things that glitched the game like frame drops but I love it. but a weird quest I got was a brotherhood of steel quest. I don't remember the name, but it asked me take a brotherhood squire all the way to far harbor to clear out a building. Once I found out that I had to go to far harbor, I didn't want to do the far harbor quest line yet and wanted to level up. So I tried not the doing quest till I found out the kid wouldn't leave you until you finish the quest. you can't hurt the kid cuz the brotherhood would shoot you on sight and he is super annoying.so I did the quest and it little bit ruin far harbor a bit. again not saying I hate the game just disappointed.

    submitted by /u/hyperstrike99
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    Fallout 4 BOS Vertiberd Bugs

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 05:39 PM PST

    Hey does anyone else when playing fallout have problems with the Vertibird's whenever I use one to travel place to place it seems to crash right after I get off. Any words of advice or help to stop it from happening?

    submitted by /u/YTubeCam123
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    Have people just gone back to fallout 4 or have they just moved on from fallout following 76

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 05:05 PM PST

    [Spoiler] Is this normal

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 03:59 PM PST

    I was doing the museum of witch craft mission and in stead it just being the 1 deathclaw their were 2 sturmclaws that spawned in, in random places that i had to kill. I watched a video and that didn't happen so did it only happen to me? So am I just really unlucky or did it happen to anyone else just wondering.

    submitted by /u/DeliriousMushroom
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    Can I run Fallout 4 on my pc if my processor is just .4gh under the minimum requirement?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 09:51 PM PST

    I bought F4 a while back cause it was on sale, only to find out my processor was lacking and it would crash upon startup. I refunded it and I see it on sale again and I'm wondering if my laptop can run it despite being just .4gh short.

    submitted by /u/Silver_Archer13
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