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    Saturday, December 21, 2019

    Fallout Lore | 2291 in cannon lore? so i was searching the wiki timeline to see something about fo2 when i saw this, in which game this happens? or is referenced? didnt 4 end in 2289?

    Fallout Lore | 2291 in cannon lore? so i was searching the wiki timeline to see something about fo2 when i saw this, in which game this happens? or is referenced? didnt 4 end in 2289?

    2291 in cannon lore? so i was searching the wiki timeline to see something about fo2 when i saw this, in which game this happens? or is referenced? didnt 4 end in 2289?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 11:57 AM PST

    2291-Office of Science and Industry studies projects a possible food shortage within the New California Republic due to overpopulation

    submitted by /u/Thomas_Rz
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    Could the gunners and the minutemen be related?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 08:37 PM PST

    So, it's not canon, but I think most agree that the gunners origins may be from vault 75. The super soldier kids who killed their masters and fled into the commonwealth. But what if instead of most of them founding the gunners, a few split from the group and founded the minutemen. The lore states the two groups hated each other before Quincy, and even though the gunners have superior tech, the minutemen are pretty well trained and have some unique innovations of their own; the laser musket and the cannons. They've gone toe to toe multiple times, and still survive to this day. Perhaps some kids didnt want to loot and kill, and instead wished to fulfill some form of what they were raised to do?

    submitted by /u/hunkaliciousnerd
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    What do the brain tesla coils do, exactly?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 03:00 AM PST

    From what I could make sense of whatever the Think Tank did to the Courier, they implanted something that lets the body operate without its brain. This also makes their head immune to being crippled. How?

    For that first part, does the brain operate the body remotely or does the body access the brain remotely (how necessary is the brain?). The former seems suspect because the brain and body can clearly differ in intent and want. The latter seems to make more sense, but then doesn't that mean the body has a mind of its own (even if it doesn't have a brain); and if so, would that mean the body could exist if the brain was destroyed or just cut off (even if it ends up losing whatever information the brain had)?

    As for the second part, why does the head become immune to being crippled? It's not like a structural-based immunity like what spineless does. Being crippled in the head means a penalty to perception. That makes sense since your primary sensory organs are there along with the brain. But if the Courier is Brainless and becomes immune to head crippling, then it would point to damage to the brain being the main part of head cripple status (or whatever)... but having Big Brained does the same. So clearly having a brain doesn't matter; so what did the surgery actually do to the Courier's head to make it that way?

    submitted by /u/Necrikus
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    Other than Fallout 1 with 2, what's the closest two or more playable areas from separate games have come closest to overlapping geographically? (Including DLCs)

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 08:26 AM PST

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