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    Friday, June 25, 2021

    Fallout | Thought I'd share some recent fallout weapon repaints I've done

    Fallout | Thought I'd share some recent fallout weapon repaints I've done

    Thought I'd share some recent fallout weapon repaints I've done

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 08:20 PM PDT


    Both are 3d prints. Pipe revolver has real metal screws. Just finished the 10mm today.

    submitted by /u/El_Jorge44
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    Most underrated character in fallout?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 08:38 PM PDT

    Who do you all think is the most underrated character in fallout? Can be from any game of course.

    submitted by /u/Official_DarkPurple
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    Sci-fi reverse horror

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 03:55 AM PDT

    I'm practicing style replication, so for the Rick and Morty style, I thought it would be fun to draw some FO4 characters. Here's Mason! He was so fun to draw lol

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 02:25 AM PDT

    FALLOUT 3: Dogmeat cannot be killed by almost anything, he is almost immortal, is this normal?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 01:50 PM PDT

    FALLOUT 3: Dogmeat cannot be killed by almost anything, he is almost immortal, is this normal?

    I just want to know if this is normal, even I cannot kill Dogmeat (not that I would want to), but I just want to know if this is normal? Dogmeat seems mega tanky even on Very Hard

    I don't know if its bugged, scales with my armour, or is just very tanky by default. save and try to kill your dogmeat, it takes mags and mags, might even kill you

    submitted by /u/Enlil_Abzu
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    Whats wrong with my faĺout 4

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 03:56 AM PDT

    Why my game just directly sent me to main menu after death, and my quicksaves are gone?

    submitted by /u/SaltyNuggey
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    The Legion sucks.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 08:34 AM PDT

    All my homies hate the Legion.

    Boone, Arcade, Veronica, and Cass.

    submitted by /u/ArkhamAsylum-GOTY
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    Would be cool if the NW had more interaction with the Main game

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 12:53 PM PDT

    Wouldnt it be cool if the NW dlc had more interaction with the base game

    For example people in major cities (diamond city, goodneigbour etc) recognized you as the Overboss of the raiders

    Or better yet there couldve been a side quest where you take over diamond city and have it as a major outpost in the commonwealth

    Or even better yet there couldve been a New ending where you attack the institiue with NW raiders

    Its a big shame bethesda rushed the dlc but it is what it is

    So what do you guys think? Is it ok as it is now or should have they added more content to the dlc?

    submitted by /u/mr_bugas
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    Anyone else feel pretty bad about inevitably having to kill innocents in Fallout 4? (Lots of spoilers)

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 12:00 PM PDT

    I know it's a Fallout game and the whole point is to force you to make tough moral choices, but I just recently wrapped up doing a playthrough for the first time since I got the game years ago and I had forgotten just how much collateral damage is incurred on complete innocents. Even if you're doing a White Hat playthrough.

    I decided to go full Railroad this time and free the Synths since I think that's kind of what the game had in mind as the heroic victory (I mean, it's the Underground Railroad FFS) but that necessitates you killing ALL of The Brotherhood and as I was planting bombs on The Prydwen I remembered

    "Wait a second, there's children on this blimp..." And then I remembered "Wait a second, Quinlan has a little kitty cat on this blimp!" But there are no other options. None whatsoever. And that doesn't gel with the character I was RPing as.

    The thing is though, looking back at my first playthrough where I got peace between Railroad and BoS wasn't exactly great about the whole slaughtering innocents either, which I was reminded of once I got to The Institute on this playthrough.

    Why is there no option to get at least SOME of the scientists or their children out? Why is it just Synths? There were plenty of nice scientists, they mostly end up gunned down. Father can suck a BoS chode but why is guns blazing the only option? Couldn't there have been some appeal to reason and then only have to kill the hardliners?

    I didn't want to kill those poor gorillas.

    submitted by /u/lostinthesauceguy
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    Should my settlers live in multiple group houses or live in their own separate houses?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 08:32 PM PDT

    Title above.

    submitted by /u/Mrminutemansupreme
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    Something That's Gonna Outlive Me, a Fallout 4 Fanfiction on AO3

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 04:53 AM PDT

    Hello! I'm thatonebutton on AO3, and I'm here to share my Fallout 4 Fanfiction, Something That's Gonna Outlive Me.

    One year after the fall of the Institute, General James Nathan Blue has watched the Minutemen grow and grow into a major player in the Commonwealth.

    But Blue knows they could be so much more.

    With Preston, Codsworth, Nick, Hancock, and the rest of the gang by his side, Blue seeks to turn the Minutemen into something that's going to outlive him.

    The only question is, how long does it need to last?

    Here's an excerpt from Chapter 1: In Which Blue Realizes What It Means to Lead the Minutemen

    "War. War never changes.

    On October 23rd, 2077, the world burned with the fire of nuclear war. So much was lost on that day. So many people, so much history. A nation that had stood for three-hundred years, lost to mushroom clouds.

    But regardless, mankind survived. They rebuilt. There were those who sought to destroy what had been recreated, but like many other times in history, heroes rose up and fought against them. For over one hundred years, the Minutemen protected Diamond City and the Commonwealth from those that would harm it, be it Raiders, Supermutants, or more recently, the Institute. There were those that believed that the Minutemen were on their dying breaths, that marking themselves as enemies of the Institute would be suicide. But they were proven wrong. The Minutemen have established themselves, once again, as guardians of the Commonwealth, protecting people at a minute's notice. And after a year since that fateful battle with the Institute, the Minutemen are stranger than ever. On this day, we commemorate the sacrifice that-"

    "Hold on a second", Preston inquired, interrupting the General practicing his speech. "'Stranger than ever?' Are you sure you read that right?"

    James turned around in surprise, not knowing Garvey had come into his office. "Did I say stranger? Hold on a moment, Preston." He cracked open the door and peeked out at the desk just outside.

    "Hey, Piper, did we mean 'stronger', here?", James asked the young woman. Piper didn't even look up from her new-well, new to her- typewriter. "What does it say?", she said, as if she hadn't written it, or even seen it before. "...And after a year, the Minutemen are stranger than ever.", Blue recited, reading off the paper. Piper looked up at her friend and shrugged. "Hey, either way, it's true. I'll fix that right now.", she joked, taking the speech from his hands.

    Piper had gotten the typewriter from Nat as a birthday present, and as a congratulations gift for her new job as Executive Secretary of the Minutemen. Of course, she was also the General's Personal Assistant, Speechwriter, and Friend, but she enjoyed every part of the job, not to mention that "The General's Personal Assistant, Speechwriter, and Friend" didn't fit as well on a placard. Plus, she got exclusive access to Minutemen activities for Publick Occurrences, so that really made it even better. After she changed the "a" in stranger to an "o" and handed the corrected speech to James, she got back to her article as Blue returned to his office.

    James Blue had never thought he'd ever be a General. But as much as he liked to believe he was never cut out for a top brass role, he wore the position rather well. Preston, on the other hand, had complete and utter confidence in his decision to make the former Vault Dweller General of the Minutemen in the first place. After saving them in the Museum of Freedom and helping their efforts across the Commonwealth, not to mention retaking the Castle and revamping their artillery network, Preston was absolutely certain that Blue had the knowledge, wherewithal, and strength of character to rebuild the Minutemen. But rebuilding the Minutemen was one thing... running them was quite another.

    "So, you were saying, Preston?", James asked, adjusting the chest-plate on the General's uniform. Preston cleared his throat and brought his mind back to the goings-on at the Castle. "Well, General: Curie is back from training medics at the hospital in Hangman's Alley, Colonel Shaw is still working on the cannon for the speech at Diamond City, and the upgrades to Radio Freedom are working wonderfully. But..."

    James turned around. "Yes?"

    Preston gulped, a little nervous about the situation. "We've gotten reports that the missing provisioner has been found."

    James' expression turned grave. "Dead, I presume?" Preston shook his head. "Worse, he was murdered."

    "What happened?", the General pressed. "Raiders? Supermutants?"

    Preston shook his head again. "It was the Brotherhood."

    submitted by /u/Intelleblue
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    How Many Possible Caps?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 12:48 AM PDT

    In Fallout New Vegas how many possible caps could you make without cheating? If you completed every quest, sold everything you found, every single bent can, every burnt book, etc, from every location and DLC how many caps would you end up with?

    submitted by /u/SkyFish45
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    I’m starting Fallout 1 for the first time does anyone have any tips for completing the game?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 05:15 PM PDT

    I recently bought fallout 1 but I have only played 3,NV and 4 does anyone have tips for me as I start?

    submitted by /u/MarvelNerd5
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    So, I downloaded the original Fallout onto my computer since it was added to gamepass and I plan on playing it when I wake up. Anything I should know going in? I don't want any spoiler, but I mean what to expect?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 03:30 AM PDT

    I'm going into Fallout 3 blind, any essential mods?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 03:29 AM PDT

    Morrowboomer here, are there any mods that are absolutely necessary?

    For Morrowind you kind of need the unofficial codepatch to get rid of Bethesda's infamous bugs. Is there such a thing necessary for F3?

    I'm playing the GOG version if that makes any difference.

    submitted by /u/TheFirstBobEver
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    Fallout 76 leveling process

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 02:47 AM PDT

    Fallout 76

    Is their any reason why I struggle to level up while people jump around me at like 300 400 500 💀 what am I missing. Btw. How can most people not like this. I think it's great. Fallout without mods. Sure it's weird but common you can finally play with ur friends. What's this secret to leveling up YouTube can't show me.

    submitted by /u/Ayenenemalo
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    NukaWorld / Minuteman failsave

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 02:25 AM PDT

    what happens if u start killing all factions except minutemen after nuka world raider ending ? before ending the main quest ? will the minuteman still work or not? answers please i want the minuteman ending so bad but i want aeternus or alternatively how can i get aeternus without the raider ending making preston mad? i know i can start a game and meet preston after the raider ending but i already
    meet preston and dont want to start a new game

    submitted by /u/tayfun333
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    [FO3] Missing Text From Menus

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 01:22 AM PDT

    All text from all menus are missing, from the main menu to dialogue.

    All mods used are from the following guide.


    submitted by /u/GunchapRed
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    Here’s my mod list for Fallout New Vegas. Need help on why whenever I go on the game it says “FCO- Russel.esp is missing required files: SomeguySeries.esm Russel.esp”

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 12:27 AM PDT

    New Vegas DLC bug

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 12:08 AM PDT

    I recently used my discs from my ultimate edition of new Vegas to play it some more. After I installed it all and it synced my cloud saves. I went to load a save and I said that some of content was missing from my installs and it would be missing. My problem is I installed all the dlc for the game

    submitted by /u/Big_Shamrock1234
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    Fallout 4 pip boy accessories?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 12:04 AM PDT

    I just got my fallout 4 collectors edition pip boy (I know, took a while) and I was wondering if the the Holotape Minikit was an optional accessory? Or if there are any other accessories? Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/TheRoamingWeeb
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    Question on New Vegas Dlc's

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 11:32 AM PDT

    Beat base new vegas last year, and interested in buying the dlcs because they are on sale. However dead money has bad reviews, so should i skip on that? Is there a certain order the dlcs must be played? Are they all even worth it?

    submitted by /u/edhesivehelp123
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