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    Fallout | One of the most evil things you can do in New Vegas

    Fallout | One of the most evil things you can do in New Vegas

    One of the most evil things you can do in New Vegas

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 11:45 PM PDT

    Sending Manny to be headshotted by Boone and then convincing Boone that Manny was guilty for his wife's murder. It's so fucked up in every aspect because Manny used to be Boone's best friend and he was innocent of Carla's murder, when you make Boone kill him you let the real guilty person go free and if you keep Boone as your companion at the end of his companion quest you are basically the only person he trusts and he doesn't know you willingly made him kill his best friend for nothing.

    submitted by /u/AVeryConfusedMice
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    Just Beat New Vegas

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 01:51 PM PDT

    I took the wild card/yes man ending. It was one of the best games I ever played.

    submitted by /u/fuchkoughff1969
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    What's your favorite Fallout theory, no matter how outlandish?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 12:48 PM PDT

    I've seen a lot of good ones, everything from the Zeta Aliens are behind Vault-Tec to experiment on humans to Deacon is actually Shaun. I want to hear more!

    submitted by /u/Lwmons
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    What is your introduction to the fallout games?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 07:24 PM PDT

    What was your introduction to the fallout games/universe .mine was minecraft fallout mashup pack.

    submitted by /u/Anarchemy
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    Fun Fact: Fallout Tactics Designer and Writer Dan Levin shared some new info in the comment section of a YouTube video and an Instagram post regarding another cancelled version of Fallout Tactics 2.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 03:00 AM PDT

    According to Dan Levin, after he moved from Interplay/14 Degrees East to Shiny Entertainment, and before Interplay sold Shiny off to Atari, Inc in April 2002. He pitched an idea for a sequel, this version of Fallout Tactics 2 would've been a follow up to the Barnaky ending of the first game. Where in that ending, the xenophobic Midwest BOS under General Barnaky/The Calculator's leadership wages war against the rebel movement called, the Mutant Liberation Army. A storyboard for the opening cutscene of the game, would've showed the Brotherhood successfully raiding the base of the MLA, in which it concluded with mass executions. For verification of this info, I'll provide the sources right now! A video made by YouTuber named Donbros on all the endings of Fallout Tactics, you'll find Dan replying to comment made by a user named Droepram. An Instagram post made by a user named ilovefallout where Dan yet again, mentioned this cancelled version of the game in a comment on their post, and then made another comment in which he shared the storyboard of the raid. All information was originally discovered by ilovefallout on Instagram. I'm just simply putting this here because of how intriguing it is. A second attempt at making a Fallout Tactics 2!? Just like Interplay/Black Isle's cancelled Fallout 3.

    submitted by /u/Vault0Enforcer
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    Just Cleared the entire REPCONN basement with a single Stealth Boy

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 04:14 PM PDT

    New Vegas if you didn't figure it out.

    Typically I like to use the loud and proud approach in just about everything I do but I was curious if there was a way to not kill anyone in the REPCONN basement and still proceed with the quest. Turns out you can, noticing a stealth boy in my inventory I figured I'd give it a try. After a few practice runs to remember the layout I was able to do it. Probably not a huge accomplishment for people who are super familiar with this game but I'm happy with myself nonetheless.

    I may take this approach for all of my future runs of NV because it's good for my conscious and like I said I only needed to use a single stealth boy to progress.

    submitted by /u/KATCHUPMACHINE
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    Crashing when trying to enter Cambridge Police Station on Xbox one

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 09:23 PM PDT

    I'm trying to enter Cambridge Police Station to finish the "Cleansing the Commonwealth" quest but every time I try to enter my game crashes. On a previous game it kept crashing while trying to enter the Vault 81 atrium ( but I was able to fix that by teleporting there with the cheat terminal ). Can anyone help?

    submitted by /u/Kylar_The_Greatest
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    "There, you bunch of rot-brained lunatics. Have all the radiation you like!"

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 06:44 PM PDT

    Longfellow after you blow the Children of Atom. Probably one of the best quotes from all the fallout series.

    submitted by /u/TsunamiDayne
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    Is there a mod for Fallout 4 to increase the max amount of settlers?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 09:40 PM PDT

    Playing on Series X and was just wondering if it's possible? I'm already maxed out in my Sanctuary settlement. (Also is this flair good?)

    submitted by /u/wave_wave_wave
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    wasn't there a horrible mutated girl on the pitt somewhere ?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 10:23 PM PDT

    before i had fallout 3 i remember seeing a top 10 or something for ugliest characters and in one of those was a girl that only appeared in the pitt but i don't remember where exactly it was so i am looking for help to find her location

    submitted by /u/Arykso
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    Do you think the Enclave is fully 'gone'?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 02:17 PM PDT

    In my own opinion, after the events of Fallout 3, believe that the Enclave is out there somewhere, hiding and waiting, an organization as big as the US government, wouldn't be destroyed by losing 3 main bases (The Rig, Navarro, and Raven Rock), they also have tons of rely stations, in-between Navarro and Raven Rock, these stations are considered 'lost' due to their radio communications being down, meaning there could be Enclave forces waiting for orders.

    submitted by /u/rpgmole
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    I see people make this claim a lot, so I figured it might be good to say this: There is absolutely ZERO proof or hints that the Brotherhood of Steel destroyed Rivet City.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 12:19 AM PDT

    So, for those not in the know, people claim that Maxson destroyed Rivet City and took it's nuclear reactor for the Prydwen, due to a terminal entry saying that they took the reactor from "that aircraft carrier". Here are the reasons this is false:

    1. Every US nuclear carrier has 2 nuclear reactors IRL. In the Fallout universe, where nuclear energy is much more prolific than IRL, I imagine most carriers could even have 8, like CV-65 Enterprise did IRL. Even if Fallout carriers still just had 2, I highly doubt Rivet City, a broken and bisected aircraft carrier, needs both, and the Prydwen only need one. Even if they did need both, they could easily get the Prydwen's old reactor.

    2. Rivet City might well have been abandoned by the time of Fallout 4. While the Capital Wasteland is, IIRC, still worse off than the Commonwealth, it is probably much safer than it was in Fallout

    3. Given that the Capital Wasteland is improving, has had it's super mutant problem dealt with and has clean water, I wouldn't be surprised to see people choose to live out in the wasteland, rather than in, y'know, a 200 year old rusty wreck.

    4. They say they got the reactor from "that aircraft carrier", not Rivet City specifically. Now, I know you might think it unlikely that they just happened to find another carrier, but consider this: From 1941 to 1945, the US produced over 100 escort carriers, over 30 fleet carriers, and over 20 light carriers. The war with Japan was 4 years, the war with China 11. Given that China was able to land in Alaska and remain there for 11 years, I would imagine that the People's Liberation Army Navy was far closer in strength to the United States Navy than the Imperial Japanese Navy was in WW2, and the extent of Chinese occupied territory may well have been what Japan occupied in WW2 and more. Fallout 4's intro literally mentions combat against communists, likely Chinese, happening in the Philippines. Therefore, when the entire Pacific was presumably under siege by China for 11 years, the US likely had at least several dozen nuclear carriers. Therefore, the Brotherhood finding another derelict carrier isn't too unlikely.

    5. Danse says that he grew up in Rivet City, and he doesn't seem the type to be loyal to an organization that slaughtered his hometown.

    In conclusion, there is really nothing to suggest the Brotherhood practically went Nipton on Rivet City like so many people say.

    EDIT: Spelling.

    submitted by /u/EtruscanKing023
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    What if Easy Pete joined in the battle of Hoover Dam?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 04:01 AM PDT

    What if, the Most powerfull being in the Universe joined in the battle of Hoover damn who would he fight and would he win?

    1: Everyone he'd fight everyone NCR Legion House Powder gangers he doesn't care he's all powerfull the only reason anyone is still alive in the Mojave is because Easy Pete chooses to let them live

    2: Offcourse he would fucking win he's the Easy Pete for christ's sake.

    How would his victory affect the future of the Mojave? The Mojave would become the new Empire of Peteland and he would rule with an Iron fist as the All powerfull God Emperor.

    submitted by /u/LittleDeus1
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    What are the “must have” mods for F4 on PS4?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 08:16 PM PDT

    As of now I have maybe 10 mods running. I'm looking to expand but don't even know where to start.

    I suppose I'd be looking for things like graphical, weather, combat, something similar to "Immersive Fallout" (I hate the pitch black nights), anything that improves settlement building, maybe some weapon/armor crafting stuff and anything else you think I should try out.

    Right now, I have the Unofficial Patch, Immersive Fallout, Place Anything, STS (I think that's what it's called) and a few other random mods like dismemberment.

    I'll take any suggestions. A Google search had only yielded old lists where a lot of the mods are strictly PC. I'm looking for PS4.


    submitted by /u/zippyzabadoo
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    Does anyone know how to get a 3D model of Ada from Fallout 4?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 03:23 AM PDT

    Hey, I am trying to make a project for my computer aided design class and I want to make Ada from FO4. While I know you can modify her significantly, I am looking to just design her in the default design she has when you meet her after the caravan attack. Unfortunately, I cannot find any high definition photos of her and even if there was one I could find, I would need multiple angles. Was wondering how to get a 3D model of her? I'm pretty sure modders need 3D models of NPCs to create mods of them, etc., so I'm sure there is a 3D model out there. I've only found an STL file of a 3D model for a regular Assaultron though.

    submitted by /u/Zilex-Red
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    (Spoilers) Why won't the Raider bosses leave the Nuka World power plant

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 05:40 PM PDT

    Every time I said with the Raiders at Nuka world the bosses won't leave the plant. For example I killed Mags but Nisha and Mason just stay on the outside of the plant.I can still talk to them and all. How can I fix this. This has happened on multiple playthroughs.

    submitted by /u/Saxxy_boi
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    Fallout 3 good karma but regulators have a bounty on me? Also crash issues

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 02:17 AM PDT

    Hello, I have good karma I think it's urban legend. I pick the buff where I can sell fingers and not the other where I lose karma. I use chinese stealth armor to see what they have and they have a bounty on me. It says to bring my head for rewards but the regulators are not hostile to me so I don't get it.

    Also 31h in I can't actually progress any further as the game crashes when I save. I have dowloaded unofficial patch and launch fo3 on modorganizer2. I haven't had any problems. Also I don't hoard on stuff, I have low strength and my weight isn't even capped for items. Any ideas or should I just skip to Fallout New Vegas?

    submitted by /u/n00bh4ck
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    idea for a fallout vault. vault 57 (the underground city)

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 01:30 AM PDT

    located in Puyallup Washington vault 57 was designed to hold 679 residents and 154 staff and it had a very different experiment in mind
    unlike the steel corridors and narrow passages of other vaults the interior of vault 57 was designed to look exactly like a small American town with suburban houses shops a theater a diner and even a pool disguised as an artificial lake the illusion was so complete that the ceiling of vault 88 was artificially lit with a fake sun and moon and thousands of small star lights
    the experiment was actually ingenious the point of the experiment was to test if you could convince a population that an artificial environment was real and in only a few generations erase all knowledge of any previous disaster
    essentially tricking all of the population into thinking that they were never in a vault and that the war had never happened
    like vault 101 vault 57 was designed to never open
    this idea was inspired by a few things
    the Truman show
    some vault 88 builds
    synecdoche new york
    has anyone ever done something like this before
    please tell me I'm actually quite curious

    submitted by /u/HurricaneRocker
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    Fallout 4 - high noon at the gulch bug - when Bloodword queen spawns xbox

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 11:10 PM PDT

    Basically when the bloodworm queen spawns I can't quick save, save or exit the location.

    I've seen a few other posts, but this relates to PC, but I'm on Xbox. Any suggestions for fixes. All I've really seen is console commands for PC as a way to resolve.

    Could it be a Mod I'm running ?

    submitted by /u/abgy237
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    How do I calculate the damage f a critical hit in Fallout 4?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 03:58 AM PDT

    I posted this on FalloutBuilds but haven't had any joy.

    I have a stealthy sniper using a .50 pipe bolt-action pistol. Base damage is 177 so what is my base critical hit? I have all the useful perks like Better Criticals and the sneak/sniper multipliers maxed out but unless I know the base critical damage I can't work out my maximum damage. I've looked up https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Critical_Hit#Critical_Damage_2 but I can't work it out.

    Does anyone know how it works?

    submitted by /u/mhicreachtain
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    What’s a feature you’d like to see in the next Fallout game? (Spinoff or Mainline)

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 02:47 PM PDT

    Personally I'd love to see a personal mercenary group that you can assign contracts to or a nemesis system like Shadow of Modor

    submitted by /u/swagomon
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    Under the map in The Pitt

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 05:52 PM PDT

    Anyone else found the area in The Pitt where you can walk through the wall of a factory and walk around underneath the entire map?

    Can't seem to find any other posts regarding it?

    submitted by /u/BeanBranning
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    Im thinking of creating a youtube series for fallout 4 but i want to know what people think of the idea first

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 04:33 PM PDT

    So i dont know if i can post this here so im sorry if i cant. Anyway i want to make a fallout 4 youtube series similar to the storyteller but instead of lore it would be a unique story that would carry on each episode. Please give me your opinion and feel free to pm me too. It will take a while for me to start bringing out episodes with no funding or anyone helping out so if you would want to help me by ether helping creat the videos or just help fund them then let me know in my inbox 😊 would love to hear your opinions on this 😊

    submitted by /u/graywolf-gaming
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