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    Wednesday, June 23, 2021

    Fallout Lore | Why there isnt Followers of The Apocalypse presence in the East Coast?

    Fallout Lore | Why there isnt Followers of The Apocalypse presence in the East Coast?

    Why there isnt Followers of The Apocalypse presence in the East Coast?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 06:47 AM PDT

    Or maybe other parts of the US that were mentioned in previous games? (like Chicago, Canada, Texas, etc...)

    The destruction of the Master by the Vault Dweller removed the only clear obstacle in the way of Follower expansion. The Followers gradually established control over the Boneyard, as a center of higher learning and research. When the New California Republic formed, the fledgling nation-state joined forces with the Followers. The influx of knowledge and education helped solidify a strong relationship.[5] The Followers focused on their goals and eventually, the Boneyard became the first known place in the wasteland to boast a University. Staffed and maintained by the Followers, the school would offer courses on a non-profit basis to anyone willing to learn.[11] By 2246, the Followers had enough resources and influence to send out scholars on expeditions to gather knowledge, including information on tribal dialects. That year was when the fateful expedition of Edward Sallow was sent to the Grand Canyon, irreversibly starting a chain of events that would lead to the emergence of the Legion

    -Fallout Wiki

    They had resources, they had manpower and they could do expeditions, so how come they didnt reach the East Coast?

    submitted by /u/le_demarco
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    Is there any real explanation on why there are so many Nuka Cola bottles lying around even after more than 200 years after the production ceased?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 03:42 PM PDT

    It's widely known that Nuka Cola were the #1 soda in the market, being consumed by almost all of american citizens. But for me it's quite odd that they are extremely common through the wastelands, even to a point where there are still a lot of vending machines with some o them inside.

    And the games keep telling that they're widely consumed too, as there are some characters that are literally addicted to the drink.

    Of course having some of them easily acessible is more a gameplay choice than lore related, but it's constantly said that even 200 years after production ceased it's broadly avaliable to the wastelanders, which means that the moment the bombs fell there were lots of nuka cola bottles lying around.

    It would not be normal to produce a beverage at this excess rate just because of simple logistics and space limitations.

    For me there's only few possible explanations.

    A - The consumption was decreasing right before the war, but the production was kept at the same level, which led to an absurd amount of production excess.

    B- They were expecting an absurd increase with consumption right before the Great War, meaning that they boosted production to the max to supply this increase in demand.

    C- Nuka Cola isn't that popular amongst the Wastelanders - this also explains why people don't care about the bottles that are easily accessible, like in Nuka Fridges outside of some buildings.

    Is there any explanation of the kind in the games?

    submitted by /u/gustavolorenzo
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    Was Wayne Gorski the first feral ghoul?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 01:39 PM PDT

    From what the location and terminal entries imply, it looks like Wayne Gorski turned himself into a feral ghoul while trying to make a nuke in his bunker. Since he doesn't seem to have left the bunker since before the war, I wonder if he was the first feral ghoul, or if there are other, earlier examples in other Fallout games.

    submitted by /u/Shiny_Shiny_Shiny
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    Is it mentioned somewhere the scavengers found the platinum chip before it was delivered to House?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 02:05 PM PDT

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