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    Fallout | I'm getting Fallout 4

    Fallout | I'm getting Fallout 4

    I'm getting Fallout 4

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 10:57 AM PDT

    Tonight my mom is going to go pick up Fallout 4, I'm so exited

    submitted by /u/PoggerGuy123
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    Going to play Fallout 4 while on chemotherapy and super excited!

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 02:42 PM PDT

    Hey guys long story short I got diagnosed with testicular cancer, had my lefty removed 2 weeks ago, and about to start chemotherapy very soon. I have a PS5 which I've only played call of duty on when a friend of mine recommended to try out fallout 4 which is for free via the PS PLUS. He explained it's a survival game and I said hmmmm I'll take a look. Downloaded it last night and so far it's a blast and I spent hours just walking around exploring without doing my first mission lol. I was truly bummed about chemotherapy but now I can look forward to playing something I like instead of thinking negative.


    Why do merchants have so little caps lol!

    Edit: To the people that have been extremely thoughtful in sending good vibes my way, it truly means a lot in all honesty. I've been depressed for some time now and seeing good people being kind truly makes me smile and makes my day better. Thank you again. Happy tears!!! ✊

    submitted by /u/MrWhitex_
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    They really wasted Kellogg

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 10:40 AM PDT

    He had so much potential to play a bigger part in the story.. They could've created an interesting dynamic with kellogg taking control of nick valentine after the memory den scene where Kellogg talks to you briefly

    butting in sporadically to foil the players plans or attack the player forcing you to down nick and reset him or something. They could've given you an optional companion quest, the good route to erase Kellogg's imprint or the bad route to let Kellogg completely take over nick and have Kellogg Valentine be your new companion.

    I'm just brainstorming and thinking of what could've been but regardless they had a chance to do something cool with that moment and they didn't which sucks

    submitted by /u/idostuffyh
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    Imagine how explosive car crashes were in pre war Fallout

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 03:52 AM PDT

    Fallout needs another major faction

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 07:04 PM PDT

    Other then the brotherhood or the enclave. Fallout 5 needs a permanent faction that will continue to be the series. I doubt the minuteman or railroad are coming back in Fallout 5 as a major faction because it wouldn't make sense.

    I know this is worded terribly. I'm really tired.

    submitted by /u/Throwaway63826391
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    is there a mod to show all quests prior to getting them?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 11:09 PM PDT

    I want to do a 100% completionist run and its kind of immersion breaking to have to keep alt tabbing between the game and the wiki. is there a mod that just shows me where all the quest-givers are?

    This is for new vegas

    submitted by /u/Firstasatragedy
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    My love/hate relationship with wandering through the wasteland

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 03:16 PM PDT

    Seriously, I love the game. And there's one thing on the games that I love but also hate, at the same time.

    Everytime I go wandering through the wastelands going from point A to point B there are these muffled gunshots in the distance. First when I started playing the game I thought they were part of the ambient sounds, but then one day I was walking towards the direction of the gunshots and they became louder a clearer. Then, after a while I saw myself between a Three Way Fight between the BoS, some Raiders and Muties.

    From that day on everytime I hear gunshots in the distance I feel myself obliged to investigate whats going on. And I hate the fact that I can't proceed on my way. It's stronger than me. And also I love the fact that this shows how the game is not player-centered, things happen in the wasteland even when you're not taking part.

    Seriously, because of these things a 30 minute quest evolves into a few hours of exploration...

    Man, I love these games!

    submitted by /u/gustavolorenzo
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    What should I know about Fallout 3 before playing?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 09:22 PM PDT

    Greetings everyone. I plan on playing fallout 3 and all the dlcs for the first time sometime in July. I have played fallout 4 and fallout new vegas. New vegas is one of my fav games of all time. What general tips do you have? Is there anything I should know about this one that makes it particularly unique? Thanks for any help! I am excited to jump back into the fallout universe again. FYI I am playing on Xbox one X.

    submitted by /u/Gamester12
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    Well here we go AGAIN!!

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 03:56 AM PDT

    Each couple of years i get the urge to play fallout again. Today marks the start of my 4th playthrough of the tales of two wastelands!

    These games remain one of the only games that i continue enjoy even while gaming becomes less interesting by the year.

    Cannot count how many times i completed a fallout game be it the isometric ones or the 1st/3rd person ones.

    Too bad its already 6 years since the last one and there is none on the horizon.

    submitted by /u/The_Bear_Dad
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    I've decided it is time. I'm going to play Fallout 3 and New Vegas for the first time ever, for real. (Both of them together courtesy of Tale of Two Wastelands).

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 07:59 AM PDT

    To be very specific, I'm using The Best of Times modlist by the guy who did Viva New Vegas. I'm an old hand at Elder Scrolls modding, but I never stepped into Fallout properly. It's high time I changed that.

    I did try New Vegas once, long ago, but I never made it out of Goodsprings. This time, I'm gonna see it through.

    Wish me luck!

    submitted by /u/Rudrahp72
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    There are alot of characters mentioned in dialog that don't appear. Of them who would you want in f5 ?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 04:11 PM PDT

    My top two Anthony House's and long dick Johnson. Why you might ask ?

    Anthony house has a hat that stop tcg players from stealing his thought energy for china, it must be a fancy hat and I want it. Also they were smart enough to make a override code to get in to the lucky 38. Could be fun.

    Long dick Johnson. Why the fuck not. Its long dick jonson, let's see if he lives up to the name.

    submitted by /u/Dthirds3
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    Fallout 4 tips needed

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 10:26 PM PDT

    Recently continued my saved play-through of the game from a couple years ago.

    I remember the story so I don't need to restart nor really wish to.

    I just completed a quest where I returned to and therefore joined the brotherhood. So I'm around that part of the game in progression.

    What are some tips to re-immerse myself?

    Armor, weapons, good things to do first before progressing too much, etc...


    submitted by /u/violetprismsnthings
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    Does Raul heal when he is irradiated?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 07:38 PM PDT

    I have Raul as a companion and I gave him a fat man because why not, and so far he has used it six or seven times where he just drops the mini nuke at his feet and annihilates everything(almost including me) and then just walks away at full health. Is this because he heals from the radiation, like other ghouls, or is there something else that keeps him alive during these kamikaze nukes? I am in hardcore mode and have been since the beginning of the game.

    submitted by /u/GAMERBOY1127
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    How are the people who create DLC sized mods able to support themselves financially?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 11:05 AM PDT

    With London coming out recently, and Frontier not too long before that, I was wondering how these huge mods, which have multiple developers and voice actors, are able to work on projects like these for an extended period of time if they can't charge money for them?

    submitted by /u/StrongmanCole
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    Talk me out of getting Fallout 76

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 09:36 PM PDT

    for context new vegas is my favorite with 4 in a close second, always have steered away from 76 because of all the negative reviews but my curiosity is getting the best of me!!

    submitted by /u/wouldntyoulike2kno1
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    DLC talk (fallout 3)

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 08:47 PM PDT


    Broken steel was an amazing DLC, it expands the main campaign, and it was so good, the problem? the DLC itself, why is the problem the DLC? Because Broken steel shouldn't be a DLC, broken steel should've been the base game.

    Point Lookout was a flawless masterpiece, with tons of explorable land, i don't even need to talk about point lookout, it's just flawless

    The pitt was an interesting experience, since when i played it after point lookout, it just felt like point lookout but no water ;), sure the main place was awesome, amd the arena for me was the best, but for me, the pitt was ok

    Do i even need to talk about Operation : Anchorage and Mothership Zeta? fine, how about the good things first, being in space is cool, seeing aliens is weird but cool, playing a videogame inside a videgame was sick, getting a winterized t51b Power Armor was awesome and the final battle in Zeta was awesome, but FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WHY DO THESE 2 DLC EXIST IN A GAME LIKE FALLOUT?!

    Sure all those things i said about Anchorage and Zeta was good, but what we're talking is a non explorable DLC on an Open world game, exploration on zeta was bad, and exploration on Achorage was horrible, and why does zeta was so fucking hard (because of the alien with shields that takes 2 fatman shots duh).

    in conclusion here are rating for all the 5 DLC's

    Broken steel : 4/5 should be in the base game

    Point lookout : 10/5 flawless masterpiece

    The pitt : 4/5 arena is masterpiece

    Anchorage and Zeta : 1/5 Enjoyable but bad exploration and overall horible DLC (I found out Zeta and Anchorage was horrible after the 2nd time i played it, 1st time i played, i think it's very gud)

    if you have thoughts for this, just comment,

    submitted by /u/greenchamp69
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    Can anyone recommend a good YouTuber to watch a 100% play through of fallout 3?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 10:57 PM PDT

    I'm currently doing a killer playthrough in New Vegas and it's the funniest thing I've done in a long time

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 05:39 PM PDT

    I always did playthroughs where I was a good person, so this is a pretty fun change.

    submitted by /u/_SomeRedditUser
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    I am playing Fo3 and dogmeat isnt at the scrapyard i did a full circle and killed 4 raiders 3 talon company merks but he just isnt there i also have the puppies perk and he isnt near vault 101?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 04:37 PM PDT

    The title dogmeat is missing and not at the scrapyard but the raiders were where else could he be?

    Edit:dogmeat just appeared for me in megaton

    submitted by /u/Trex-1837ii2i
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    Since Starfield has vehicles, it’s high time Fallout does too

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 02:10 AM PDT

    The new Creation engine teased with Starfield seems to allow vehicles, and likely vehicle combat (Space Pirates). Given the engine upgrade, I say it's high time for the next Fallout to have steampunk motorcycles and cars. We find rusted cars everywhere in the fallout universe….why not add a wood burning steam car? Or someone add locomotives on the tracks?

    Heck, it could even be a new faction that is the reneging threat in 5, an army of steam and iron to resurrect the Old World. It even ties into the 'War Never Changes' trope, and an excuse to get Ron Perlman to voice some lines. Bumming around with a beater bike with a sidecar for Dogmeat would instantly make for hundreds of hours of fun in FO5, and a must buy game for myself.

    Seriously, give us advancements in world tech as people are not idiots. Have the steam faction fight the enclave or something. Have the steam faction create a steampunk Liberty Prime. Lets have some fun with huge open world.

    submitted by /u/crackedcactus
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    I know there is a TV show in the making, but regardless of it's quality, I will make a movie/TV show that will honor the games perfectly at some point in my life

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 07:12 PM PDT

    I was doing a bit of a write up about the games while simultaneously thinking about my future film career, and I just got so inspired. I've thought about making a movie or miniseries in the Fallout universe since I played New Vegas three years ago (which instantly became my favorite game I've ever played and an instant obsession for me). I know this post is crazy. I haven't made a movie yet, haven't even been on a film set yet. I know how much I would have to work my way up for a production to throw money at a project like this, but I promise you guys, I this is going to happen. I have devoted so many hours to teaching myself what makes each piece of art unique, and I have done the same thing with Fallout. I can't describe it, but I have this ability to just rip things apart and understand why it's good. I'm rambling now, but I just wanted to get this out into the universe somewhere. This is going to happen. Everyone do that "remindme/15 years" thing...

    submitted by /u/StudyRoom-F
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    Questions about the brotherhood of steel in fallout New Vegas

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 01:04 AM PDT

    Hi, so I'm doing a play through of new Vegas where I "side" with the brotherhood and basically play the game as if they were one of the major factions trying to take new vegas. So my question is, want factions would the Mojave brotherhood destroy, help, or ignore. Like would they destroy the boomers, great khans, or the enclave remnants? Would they use or destroy the securitron army? Any ideas or thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Nai_Markinator125
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    Pls help, fallout bugvegas is doing this

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 12:57 AM PDT

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