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    Wednesday, May 19, 2021

    Fallout: New Vegas | I am proud of this for some reason

    Fallout: New Vegas | I am proud of this for some reason

    I am proud of this for some reason

    Posted: 19 May 2021 07:53 AM PDT

    I love doing this to Tumbleweeds

    Posted: 18 May 2021 03:42 PM PDT

    I tried to sum up how effed up one is in the wasteland...

    Posted: 19 May 2021 07:47 AM PDT

    Size of the NCR Rangers

    Posted: 19 May 2021 06:55 AM PDT

    I literally could not sleep last night because of it. I recall someone named Cynic_Nerd making a theory a year ago that the size of the NCR Army in the Mojave being around 32,000~, and that the NCR Army in the wasteland being 2-3 times that number, 96,000~. 8 out of 10 people fail selection, meaning only 2 out of 10 people pass.

    2%×96,000 = 1,920. There are 1,920 Rangers in the Wasteland.

    Organisation wise, a squad can consists of 5 Rangers (like the one that assists the NCR Courier in Hoover Dam), most likely split into 2 fire teams. 2 squads make up a section (10), 3 sections make up a platoon (30), 3 platoons make up a company (90), and 4 companies make up a battalion (360).

    1,920÷270 = 5.3 There are 5 Battalions in the Rangers, and possibly other independent subunits. This matches up seeing as SSgt. Balmoral in the Divide is from 3rd Platoon, Cazador Company of the 4th Ranger Battalion.

    Its size and division to battalions makes the Rangers what is essentially a Regiment, just like the real U.S. Army Rangers, just less paramilitary and divided. This also means that Chief Hanlon is on par of the rank of Colonel, putting him against odds with Colonel Moore and also meaning that he's technically under the authority of General Lee Oliver. (The distance between Colonel and General is quite far, so even if they're in seperate branches, Oliver can still overrule Hanlon. This also explains why Hanlon has to resort to deception to get the Rangers out of the Mojave.)

    Needless to say, the organisation of the Rangers is weirdly realistic. And I can finally sleep peacefully.

    submitted by /u/fleur-de-tristesse
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    Welcome to level 19

    Posted: 18 May 2021 09:36 PM PDT

    [TTW Overhaul] WIP Remake of FO3's story to Play out more like New Vegas

    Posted: 19 May 2021 02:37 AM PDT

    [TTW Overhaul] WIP Remake of FO3's story to Play out more like New Vegas

    Solutions to the Problem / Choosing a Side

    Vithrol and Quest

    The Followers of the One

    Alastus Kex

    Functioning Factions

    General Questions for Vithrol

    Basically, an overhaul for FO3 TTW I've been doing in the meantime to make the Capitol Wasteland play out more like a sequel adventure the Courier goes on later, after Hoover Dam- intended to function with FPGE (post game). Intended to do it just for my own sanity but it's gotten big enough to where I may end up releasing it. Removes the entire main story of FO3, removes the "father" connection, turns the Capital Wasteland into a worldspace with multiple new factions fighting over it. No brotherhood / Enclave rehashing, ect. New storyline moreso about how the Capital has actually been rebuilt about 30% by the Capitol Union, a society built on what one could call communist ideals but sort of falls into line with libertarian ideas (extreme personal freedom) are in conflict with futurists known as the Followers of the One, a caste-based society with different human-types, run by a non-human made by radiation (a colossal fungal / plant hive creature who's intent is benevolent but has had his teachings of enlightenment misconstrued by his creations). Two other groups but no good images of them yet. Removes generic raiders and stuff, has other smaller factions similar to powder gangers and such in place of them- more organized, but still raiders (and you can work with them!). Also adds a bit more variation to the worldspace itself and makes 'districts' like NV, where certain parts of the map are very dangerous and some parts are fairly safe. Thematically, the story is about humanity making peace with all the new life that exists in the world (a topic I thought could be really interesting but has generally been ignored in FO1/2/NV), and the player can decide to try to make some sort of peace or synthesis, pick a side to survive, or destroy both in favor of their own ideals. Figured people may be interested in seeing it!

    submitted by /u/AbbaAltmer
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    You can only kill Oliver Swanick, Malcolm Holmes OR Private Kowalski, just one, not two or all three. Whom do you kill?

    Posted: 19 May 2021 09:15 AM PDT

    First playthrough. Any tips? (No spoilers please)

    Posted: 19 May 2021 04:51 AM PDT

    See title.

    I'm playing on 360. Anything I should know to help set me up for success? As an example, my friend I was talking to said I should dump Charisma since all the checks are based off skill level anyway. That's the kind of help I'm looking for.

    I'm quite familiar with Fallout 3, so I don't need anything super basic.

    submitted by /u/Whipstache_Designs
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    Canon Courier from Lonesome Road

    Posted: 19 May 2021 02:23 AM PDT

    Canon Courier from Lonesome Road

    Hand-made mix of armors to make the coolest looking canon courier while still remaining accurate. Took a while, but it feels good.







    submitted by /u/AbbaAltmer
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    Fun Fact- The Mysterious Stranger does roughly 8000 Damage per shot

    Posted: 19 May 2021 07:50 AM PDT

    I recently got the "Living Anatomy" perk, which indicates a target's HP and DT.

    I also have the "Mysterious Stranger" perk, not because it's super useful, but because I always thought it was cool especially when playing Fallout 3 as a kid.

    Let me tell you, I had no idea how much damage this guy was putting out till he appeared in VATS. The gecko I was trying to kill went from 3 HP to -24000 HP in three shots from the stranger.

    I knew whatever he shot was a guaranteed kill, but I hadn't thought about his damage in terms of sheer numbers until now.

    submitted by /u/ChawInMyJaw
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    Y'all already know what I'm playing over the air tonight!

    Posted: 18 May 2021 10:32 PM PDT

    About still in the dark mission

    Posted: 19 May 2021 06:32 AM PDT

    So I returned to the BoS bunker after getting the parts from the vaults then they all opened fire on me. Why?

    submitted by /u/ApacheWithAnM231
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    How do I increase fps and make my game run smoother

    Posted: 19 May 2021 10:15 AM PDT

    As the title suggests I'm having trouble with the fallout new vegas optimization. I'm running the game at around 50fps, which decreases a lot whenever im in crowded area's or in combat etc. I've downloaded one mod ( the stutter remove mod ). Any help/ tips on how to improve performance?

    (I have an amd ryzen 5 2600 six-core processor, and 16g's of ram, and a 2560x1440 144hz monitor. Idk if there's any other useful info)

    submitted by /u/Sylux046ALT
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    Fallout NV perk tier list (lv 8 to 12)

    Posted: 18 May 2021 06:15 PM PDT

    This is a continuation of my previous thread here so I will just copy the intro and go from there

    have too much free time and like optimizing characters a little too much so after much testing I have decided to rank all leveling perks in NV from best to worst. I have ranked each tier S - F based off the criteria below,

    S: Amazing perk for virtually every build

    A: Strong perk that will be essential to some builds

    B: Decent perk, take this if there is nothing better to grab

    C: Weak perk with niche uses

    D: Terrible perk, only useful for roleplay or challenge runs

    F: Doesn't work or makes your character worse

    With this in mind, onto the ratings


    • A: Shotgun Surgeon

    • B: The Professional


    -Shotgun Surgeon: Shotguns get gimped by armor since smaller dmg instances are resisted better by armor. Take this perk to mitigate this downside in a shotgun build.

    - The Professional: Boosts all crits not just sneak attacks so it gives a decent damage bonus to crit pistol builds. That being said, 70 sneak a pretty steep cost for what this perk provides. Take only if you are maxing sneak anyway or have nothing better to dump skill points into.

    • LV 8 PERKS

    • A: Cowboy, Super Slam!, Grunt

    • B: Packrat, Quickdraw, Stonewall

    • C: Commando, Living Anatomy

    • D: Rad Resistance, Scrounger, Terrifying Presence, Home on the Range, Sneering Imperialist, Tribal Wisdom, Fight the Power,


    -Cowboy/Grunt: Generic DPS perks nothing specials here. Do note that combat knives benefit from both cowboy AND grunt making Chance's Knife a strong melee choice if you want to invest the perks and skills into taking both.

    -Super Slam!: Allows melee builds to stunlock their enemies until they die. This perk does not work with full auto melee weapons like the chainsaw or thermic lance so keep that in mind.

    -Packrat: This perks allows you to carry more crafting supplies, food and ammunition in hardcore mode. Great for low strength characters or when there are no better perks to take.

    -Quickdraw: Great for builds that require weapon switching or constant holstering due to your primary weapon dropping movespeed. Another niche use for this perk is that switching weapons will fully reload your last weapon equipped allowing you to squeeze more DPS out of weapons with lengthy reloads.

    -Stonewall: Knockback is just as deadly to the player as it is to the enemy so making yourself completely immune to it takes away a lot of the danger from certian encounters. Also the +5 DT against melee enemies is helpful for tank and melee builds.

    -Commando: Its grunt but for rifles. VATS still sucks but if you're building around it take this perk for rifles.

    -Living Anatomy: Being able to see your enemies health and DT is actually quite helpful but rarely if ever necessary due to the existence of the internet. The damage bonus is negligible and only works against humans and ghouls so don't bother taking this perk for dmg. The best use for this perk is adding it to your character via console when you want to DPS test or perform various experiments.

    -Rad Resistance: Unless you plan on being Rad Man of Rad Land don't take this perk, radiation is a non issue.

    -Scrounger: Not nearly as bad as cap collector, but making money is trivial in FNV and so is buying ammo. If you think you need this perk here's what you do. Negotiate the hostage release and let the Khans go in Boulder City as this will grant you "liked" by the Great Khans. This will grant you access to the Great Khan armory, a vendor that stockpiles ridiculous amounts of ammunition and with a barter of 25 you hit the FNV buy/sell maximum values for all items. If you don't like the Khans then the Quartermaster in Hoover Dam is your next best bet.

    -Terrifying Presence: This perk grants you a whopping 18 extra dialogue options, half of which just lead to combat and all of which have better ways of resolving themselves. Only useful for roleplaying purposes.

    -Home on the Range: Maybe this perk has some uses in survival but beds are plenty common and fast travel exists for a reason.

    -Sneering Imperialist: Makes you better against some of the weakest human enemies in the game, yay. Only take for the funny dialogue options given in Honest Hearts.

    -Tribal Wisdom: Eat the bugs to save the planet, bigot.

    • LV 10 PERKS

    • S: And Stay Back

    • A: Finesse

    • C: Math Wrath, Nerd Rage, Plasma Spaz,

    • D: Animal Friend, Mr Sandman, Miss Fortune, Mysterious Stranger, Night Person, Fight the Power!

    • F: Here and Now


    -And Stay Back: Normally I wouldn't put a perk that applies to such a narrow category of weapons in S tier, but And Stay Back trivializes the entire game when combined with the riot shotgun. Even if you aren't running a shotgun build you can always just take this perk, grab a riot shotgun and cheese your way through almost every fight in the game. Do note that Ulysses is immune to all knockback effects so he can't be cheesed via this method.

    -Finesse: This single perk grants 5 luck worth of crit and has no SPEICAL or skill requirements. Mandatory in crit builds, ignore in no-crit builds.

    -Math Wrath: Only useful in a VATS centric build where the 10% reduction results in an extra hit inside of VATS. Combine this with the science requirement and I would only run this perk in builds that utilize other VATS reduction perks and Concentrated Fire.

    -Nerd Rage: Grants significant durability if your health gets low, but you will usually be overkilled before you can fall into the 20% health threshold required to proc this perk limiting its usefulness to tank builds.

    -Plasma Spaz: This Perk + Math Wrath + Fast Shot allows you to to drop the Q-35 matter modulator VATS cost to 16 per shot. This perk makes VATS Plasma a viable option but outside of that specific build there is no reason to take this perk.

    -Animal Friend: You won't be attacked by the weakest enemy type in the game. Great, never take this. And this perk has the gall to have two equally useless ranks.

    -Mr. Sandman You gain the ability to instantly kill sleeping people as if this was some kind of challenge. Just shoot/burn/stab them like a normal psycho and ignore this perk.

    -Night Person: Like all other situational SPECIAL granting perks, this one is not worth the chore to maintain.

    -Fight the Power!: Situational damage increases against NCR or legion soldiers. Helps a little with the Ranger/Legion ambushes but not enough to waste a whole perk point.

    -Miss Fortune/Mysterious Stranger: 10% chance when your VATS attacks end that one of these goons will be summoned to dunk on your foes. These perks are great for comedy, not so great for combat.

    -Fight the Power: Situational damage increase against faction enemies. Consider this if you're going for a genocide run but just like all other situational damage perks it's not really worth it.

    -Here and Now: A complete waste of a perk point, if you're looking for build filler take anything else that isn't F tier.

    • LV 12 PERKS

    • A: Piercing Strike, Pyromaniac, Silent Running,

    • B: Hit the Deck, Long Haul, Splash Damage, Heavyweight

    • C: Fast Metabolism, Life Giver, Robotics Expert, Sniper, Hobbler, Unstoppable Force

    • D: Ghastly Scavenger, Alertness


    -Piercing Strike: Armor stops your damage so take piercing strike to stop their armor. One thing to note is that the armor piercing effects of full auto melee weapons are broken so Piercing Strike is highly recommended in the full auto melee build.

    -Pyromaniac: A perk about burning people but the best use for it is in melee builds because it effects Shishkebabs and the Super Heated Saturnite Fist. Shame this perk scales with explosives making it a chore to get the skill requirements for.

    -Silent Running: Makes you sneak even sneakier. Gives a lot of power for its skill requirement so just by getting 50 sneak and grabbing this perk you can make any build semi-stealth.

    -Hit the Deck: While enemies that use explosive weapons are fairly rare, the ones that do usually cause instant death if they catch you unaware. This perk makes your instant death a little less instant, also useful for explosive builds where you hit yourself a lot.

    -Long Haul: Makes inventory management easier by allowing the player to teleport to vendors whenever they pick up too much loot. Some people swear by this perk but IMO the inventory management perks are unnecessary outside of hardcore mode but I will leave it at B due to its usefulness.

    -Splash Damage: Great perk for explosive builds, but I recommend pairing it with Hit the Deck to avoid embarrassing deaths.

    -Heavyweight: Allows you to weapon toolbox easier without having to worry about carry weight. Highly recommend this perk if you're a "bring the right gun for the right job" kind of player.

    -Fast Metabolism: Get more out of your stimpacks, as if healing is rare in FNV. I've heard this perk is good in hardcore mode where you can't just jam 50 stickpacks into your arm and live anything.

    -Life Giver: Gives 1.5 END worth of health. 30 health points will rarely make the difference between life and death, but this trait is useful in combination with trait that makes you do more damage below 50% or the companion DR perk because the health granted by life giver goes not count against your half health requirement.

    -Robotics Expert: Would be in D if not for robo scorpions being one of the most annoying enemy types on the planet. Take to make OWB easier.

    -Sniper: VATS isn't great but if you do want to make a VATS build take this.

    -Hobbler: See what I said for sniper. Some people may trash this in favor of sniper but crippling legs is a fantastic strategy vs hard enemies like deathclaws.

    -Unstoppable Force: If this perk prevented melee stagger from hitting a blocking enemy it would be C tier but it doesn't so it gets D tier.

    -Ghastly Scavenger: It's cannibal, but for even rarer enemy types. You could combine both the cannibal perks and I would still chose Here and Now over the cannibal perk. It's that bad.

    -Alertness: Wow two whole perception, the most useless SPEICAL in the game rendered even more useless by EDE's enhanced sensors. Even if this perk set your perception to 10 when crouched and standing it would still suck.

    That's it for the lv 8-12 perks. Hopefully I get around to 14-20 soon because that's where you start getting some real winners.

    submitted by /u/Nazbowling11
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    Do any storylines/areas/dialogue/etc change much, (Besides the Legion main camp) if i wear the Legion's armor?

    Posted: 19 May 2021 09:35 AM PDT

    It says I'm disguised as a Legion member, so I was pretty surprised when the Vulpus Invicta or whatever guy at Nipton talked to me like i was just some Vault dude who passed on by like a tumbleweed. Maybe that scene is just hard coded or I missed some dialogue about how he sees through the disguise?

    submitted by /u/SalineSaltines
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    "Proper Illumination inside The Strip. (Especially needed for darker nights users)" My mod request post about getting proper lighting inside The Strip! Thank you for checking this :)

    Posted: 19 May 2021 08:54 AM PDT

    Poor Performance at 1440p and 144Hz

    Posted: 19 May 2021 04:24 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    Recently upgraded my setup. I'm currently running:

    AMD Radeon 6900XT Ryzen 5800x 32GB Ram All SSD's

    Also using a 1440p monitor at 144Hz.

    So you can understand my confusion when I boot up New Vegas (a game this PC should destroy) and I barely get 90 fps. The game is stuttering all over the place and is just about unplayable. I've tried all kinds of graphics combinations and resolutions with no improvements.

    Anyone got any ideas for a solution? I'm happy to mod the game if that will fix it

    submitted by /u/TheSarcasticSpud
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    Save Limit reached

    Posted: 19 May 2021 01:57 AM PDT

    I have reached my save limit and dont know what do, is there a way of removing old saves or a way of extending the ammount of saves?

    submitted by /u/ObamerBeanLadder
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    Would a mercenary character likely be more interested in working for the NCR or Mr. House?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 11:49 PM PDT

    I'm playing a neutral/slightly evil ninja/mercenary character and I'm not sure which faction I should side with. My first play through I did yes man, so I'm thinking working for the ncr likely would likely give more variety compared to me house in terms of gameplay.

    However, I feel like mr house would appeal more financially to a mercenary who doesn't care about politics.

    submitted by /u/Abstainingone
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    Will the Sorrows in Zion discover The Father a.k.a Dean Clark Story

    Posted: 18 May 2021 11:31 PM PDT

    Will they discover the body or even the story of him because its so sad that they will just forget about him to me they will eventually because someone in the tribe that is not superstitious as the rest just goes to the caves and discovers all of his stories and tragedies

    submitted by /u/Tobig_Russia
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    I'm stuck in dead money

    Posted: 18 May 2021 08:44 PM PDT

    So in the quest where you go down the vault elevator in dead money it says I need recordings I can't find these recordings or all of them on YouTube am I just stupid Edit:I also need the locations of the vera Keyes holotapes

    submitted by /u/Grouchy-Builder-3159
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    Finally satisfied with how my game looks, time to start playing for the 999th time!

    Posted: 18 May 2021 11:39 AM PDT

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