• Breaking News

    Monday, April 19, 2021

    Fallout | Netflix/HBO should make a series of episodes titled The Vaults similar to Black Mirror which tells a story of each unique vaults in the Fallout universe.

    Fallout | Netflix/HBO should make a series of episodes titled The Vaults similar to Black Mirror which tells a story of each unique vaults in the Fallout universe.

    Netflix/HBO should make a series of episodes titled The Vaults similar to Black Mirror which tells a story of each unique vaults in the Fallout universe.

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 11:23 AM PDT

    Garyyyyyyyyyy...... garrryyyyyyyy..........

    submitted by /u/Geektro
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    Playing through Nuka World DLC reminded me of New Vegas.

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 01:02 AM PDT

    Specifically the Dry Rock Gulch park and the area between parks. The sandy colored soil and sunlight just looked so much like a New Vegas remaster would undoubtedly look. I just felt I needed to share this, because in Dry Rock Gulch I felt I was back in the Mojave, looking for a Platinum Chip, if just for a minute.

    submitted by /u/kelleyheman42
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    The ability to stop time in NV?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 01:50 AM PDT

    I had this question on fall out new Vegas coupon years ago I was playing NV and I was inside of one of the casinos and randomly decided to do all the drugs and alcohol I had in my inventory and as a result of that once i got off my pit boy it was like time stopped i was walking around and my screen was Color blue the entire time I was wondering if anyone has encountered anything like this before I was on xbox360 at the time

    submitted by /u/Chunky-dummy
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    10 Hours into Fallout New Vegas and I love it!

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 07:43 PM PDT

    After hearing so many good things about it I've decided to give fallout New Vegas a try. The only other fallout game I've played was Fallout 4 and I just never really got into it I honestly found it a bit boring. But with New Vegas I loved it from the start, the factions are so much more interesting and I've found myself doing every quest I can. The dialogue and story choices I personally think are a lot better too. There's more RPG elements to New Vegas which I love. I feel like you can customize your character more both story and gameplay wise. The only thing fallout 4 does better is graphics and gunplay but even then I actually like the graphics and gunplay in New Vegas so it's not much of a downside. At 10 hours I just left Boulder City and I'm excited for what's to come!

    submitted by /u/Braveheart132
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    One of the biggest problems with bethesda’s rendition of fallout.

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 11:43 AM PDT

    i've been playing the fallout series since Tatics (my personal favorite and imo the series at its best) and i was excited when bethesda bought the ip for fallout, mostly because i spent so much time with oblivion. the newer fallouts are fine story and gameplay wise. my main grievance is how the over-sexualized the radroaches in the game. i can go three feet without seeing sex-bugs roaming like headless chickens. they're suppose to be irradiated roaches, not sex objects. even beyond the cosmetic look of them, they break the lore. i hope the big-wigs at bethesda see this and make some chances effective immediately.

    submitted by /u/Inner_Attitude
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    Any way to increase luck over 10 in F:NV?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 01:47 AM PDT

    Playing fallout NV rn, needed alot of caps and already have 10 luck for them crits so I decided to play some slots. Ended up losing almost 1k caps even though 10 luck is supposed to be almost guranteed profit, so now I wanna know if I can increase my luck further to get my money back

    submitted by /u/Nemisis_HD
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    I completed my Nuka Cola, Nuka Cola Quantum, and Sunset Sarsaparilla posters! All links included!

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 11:20 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, I finally finished my third poster. This last one is honestly my least favorite of the three, but I really wanted to try and capture that Arizona feel, so it was the best I could do at present.

    Linked below are examples of what the desktop images look like, but I'd suggest downloading them from the Google Drive link below since the files are too big for Imgur to take on their own, and I have to compress them quite a bit.

    Sunset Sarsaparilla: https://i.imgur.com/agiFilj.png

    Sunset Sarsaparilla (No Grime): https://i.imgur.com/jIMct7F.png

    Nuka Cola Quantum: https://i.imgur.com/EFu7YP5.png

    Nuka Cola Quantum (No Grime): https://i.imgur.com/ovpX94I.png

    Nuka Cola Classic: https://i.imgur.com/iTMlozT.png

    Nuka Cola Classic (No Grime): https://i.imgur.com/ljMXIMo.png

    So far, I've only printed one of the posters, but it does look awesome when printed out and hung up!

    If you have any suggestions or critiques, I'd be happy to hear them!

    Google Drive Link for the 20x30inch posters and the desktop wallpapers: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1hkVYFT8Z1jDrYa_4zzt2yTetLd2KMZHz?usp=sharing

    And for any modders who might want the assets I had to make from scratch, here are the labels:

    Nuka Cola Quantum: https://i.imgur.com/9XHsiqT.png

    Sunset Sarsaparilla: https://i.redd.it/pqduu1qarus61.png

    Also, I can be paid to make other stuff if you want to fork over the caps. Thanks for the kind words so far, and I hope you guys enjoy the posters.

    submitted by /u/Brandilio
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    Can you help me out? (Survey, plus giveaway)

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 01:33 AM PDT

    Hi! I hope it's OK to post this here - it's a survey for gaming and science (plus, there's a giveaway)

    My name is Eyvindur, and I'm a student and gamer from Iceland. I am working on a study of gaming motivation for my masters degree in marketing, and I would love your help. You could also win some gaming moolah, if you help me out.

    This is a questionnaire that takes less than 10 minutes to complete, and will be of immense help to my research. The objective is to study the motivations of gamers, with the aim to contribute to the industry, in terms of game design and marketing.

    Three lucky respondents have a chance to win a $50 gift card to a gaming platform of their choice, too, so in addition to my undying gratitude, you have a chance to win!

    I would be very thankful to all who take the time to answer this survey, and share it on. None of the answers will be traced back to you, and submitting your email address for the sweepstakes is of course entirely optional.

    It's right here: https://www.questionpro.com/t/ASXjxZl3K4

    Thanks so much!


    submitted by /u/svarthjalmar
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    Fallout 4: Calling the President

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 01:25 AM PDT

    Hi, y'all. I'm new to this subreddit, so forgive me if this has already been discussed. I looked through this page some to see if there were any similar posts, and I didn't find any.

    A few years ago, I was watching Fallout 4 videos on YouTube one night and came across one showing how to unlock a secret ending where you call the president before the bombs fall, talk him out of a panic attack, and help him sort out a nuclear armistice with other nations. I was invested in my first play-through at the time and didn't want to take the time to find out myself if it's true, so I (foolishly) just believed that the video was legit.

    Now, let's cut to last weekend. I'm hanging out w/ some friends, and we get on the topic of Fallout 4. We're talking about which factions we sided w/ and which ending we thought was best, and I decided to bring up this "fact" abt the phone call w/ the president. One of my friends who's invested far more time into the game than I have said he'd never heard of this, so I tried to pull up that old video for him but couldn't find it anywhere. We then both looked for some discerning proof that a video like this existed, and I came across an article (which I've linked to this post) that states exactly what I described above and went into further detail abt the situation. In fact, as I read the article, more details from the video starting coming back to me, and I realized that it was describing the video's events in its entirety. However, the article also includes screenshots of the kitchen to show where the phone is located, and all of the appliances (including the phone) are red instead of the usual light blue (and greenish-teal kinda color).

    I started a new game earlier this week to see if there was any truth behind that article, which obviously, there's not, and I've looked more over the last few days for a video or another article discussing this, but I've found nothing. If anyone has a similar recollection of something like that or even found the video or more conclusive evidence that it existed, would you mind commenting on this post? My friends are saying that I dreamt it and that never existed, and I gotta prove them wrong.

    Thanks, and have a great day!

    Super Secret Fallout 4 Easter Eggs

    submitted by /u/Elegant-Narwhal-506
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    Colonel Royez missing

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 03:03 AM PDT

    I've defeated Colonel Royez when I first went into Long 15 and later realized that I needed power armor training to wear the power armor. So I put it back in his inventory to save some space. After doing the BoS side quest I managed to get the power armor training. So, I went back to Long 15 and all the ghouls I killed went back to life so I had to kill them again, and now I can't find colonel royez's corpse with the freaking power armor in it. Can anyone help?

    submitted by /u/pauloguian
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    who's the best fallout 4 stealth companion?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 10:22 PM PDT

    i have been trying to make a stealth build for fallout 4 for a while now and i cant decide who is the best stealth companion. ive narrowed it down to deacon and dogmeat but cant decide whos better.

    submitted by /u/knotshan
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    Fallout NV Base game is better without the dlc

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 09:32 PM PDT

    Love FNV played it a million times as well as the dlc but on my most recent playthrough after years away I just yearn to be in New Vegas and not playing any of the dlc. I think the base game is very good without them.

    submitted by /u/unsolvedpodcast
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    Stoked to finally play Fallout 4 again.

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 01:39 PM PDT

    I wasn't able to complete Fallout 4 on my original Xbox One. I think because of the update to optimize it for the One X it screwed the game up on the original Xbox One. It kept freezing and crashing in Boston Commons and the area around Goodneighbor. I eliminated mods as the culprit. On the Series X though it runs smoothly. So stoked to finally play it again.

    submitted by /u/DisillusionedSoul
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    Finally got it back from the shop

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 03:09 PM PDT


    My father worked for a US state's unemployment agency decades ago that apparently had a bunch of these kits in storage until they decided it wasn't worth storing them anymore. He grabbed one while the rest were thrown out. He's downsizing so this is now mine.

    submitted by /u/SevenToucan
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    Pulling my hair out with New Vegas mods, please help

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 12:12 AM PDT

    I've spent like 10 hours trying to mod this game following guides and am about to quit and not even play it i'm so frustrated.

    All I really want is updated visuals, nothing overly crazy.

    So I tried to use a more simple guide and followed it:


    Installed all of the "Base and Fixes'' section and ''visuals'' section.

    After finishing, I'm getting missing mesh or something right in the tutorial:


    It happens even if I disable all the plugins...

    Is this fixable? Or did I mess up the whole mod install?

    Here are my plugin orders along with an error that LOOT is showing me.

    submitted by /u/dontbearichardD
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    What's the best way for someone new to Fallout to play New Vegas for the first time?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 10:58 AM PDT

    Vanilla? Graphics mods? Gameplay tweaks mods? I'm on PC and have never played a Fallout game.

    submitted by /u/gmoneyballs95
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    I have a question about nate at anchorage before the bombs

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 05:43 PM PDT

    At the end of fo4's intro we see nate as a soldier walking away, i know he has combat armor but idk what type and I know he has a laser rifle but i dint know the mods he could had on it if anyone knows please tell me imma have my next playthrough using the weapons he used at anchorage.

    submitted by /u/SSPanzerSoldat
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    for $14 , is Fallout new vegas game of the year edition a good deal or no?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 09:39 AM PDT

    i would put a picture but the subreddit doesnt allow it

    submitted by /u/chad_mcchadington
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    NV is running wayyy too fast

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 07:44 PM PDT

    I'm super sprinting across doc Mitchell's house rn. Not cool.

    I have nvse and the 4gb patch installed.

    Any ideas on how I can stop the super sprinting, and the super fast sensitivity (it's on one)?

    submitted by /u/D7TNT
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    Vault Quest Ideas

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 09:33 PM PDT

    Hello everyone! I've recently started laying out plans for a Fallout tabletop and I was hoping to get some inspiration for one of the early stages. So the players are moving into the new worldspace as one consolidated group, with roughly the same base of experiences, I've decided to have them all start as vault dwellers, that being a useful narrative device to excuse their lack of knowledge about the greater world.

    The vault itself is a control Vault, though it is organized in a somewhat more rigid and technocratic way than usual. The primary initiating plot event of the main story is the seizure of this vault by one of the local factions, essentially an upjumped gang of raiders with access to mining equipment. While this part of the story is fairly well developed and plotted out, I've realized that if that's how the game begins, there's probably not going to be overly much emotional connection to the vault itself.

    To that end, I've decided to introduce an opening sort of vault section, acting as a prologue of sorts. In this section, they'd essentially go through job assignments, meet some of the dweller characters, and general get an idea as to what their 'home' is like. To further flesh out this area, I was hoping to get some help coming up with ideas for small, thematically fitting quests for inside the vault. These probably don't have exceptionally high stakes, serving mostly to introduce the players to game mechanics and one another's characters.


    submitted by /u/DavidRowen
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    Far Harbour, The Brotherhood, And A Single Choice..

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 02:29 PM PDT

    I recently began the story of Far Harbour for the first time, playing on my only save file. I recently finished Nuka World, and felt very satisfied with the writing, the story, and location it offered. As I delve into the island north, I very much appreciate the ambience it provides, the local, setting, and everything else. I have only recently met DiMA, and am aware I can notify the Brotherhood of the new synth colony gathering rogue/lost synths to a single community, to aid them in their journey of self discovery. Now, I very much would like to explore some of the avenues of choice I have with each faction, and I am aware there are multiple "endings" that effect the island, and its inhabitants, though I agree with MOST of the Brotherhoods beliefs, I plan on informing them of this colony at some point.

    Now this leads me to my question, which believe me I've searched far and wide for this answer yielding no results, can I go through the entirety of the DLC's story, make my decision for the outcome of events to play out, then finally after all that, alert the Brotherhood? I haven't found any answers to this question, only people commenting on what happens if you do this the moment the opportunity arises, but not after the story is completed. Thank you.

    Ad Victoriam.

    submitted by /u/The_Marine708
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    HELP WITH BUG: Cannot talk to Gage after defeating Coulter

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 09:16 PM PDT

    After defeating Coulter, Gage goes and talks about how I am the new boss, and when he says that he will "show the boss around" he just walks off and starts killing all the raiders which were watching the fight. After killing everyone, he just stands still and I am unable to talk to him, as I can't get close to him.

    He is "busy" and so I cannot talk to him throughout all this. i am stuck in the nuka cars arena, and can literally move nowhere.

    I do not have any mods which could possibly affect this on PS4, the mods are just for infinite settlement resources, cheat terminal, an OP revolver mod, and nuka+far harbor creature spawns in the Commonwealth.

    I have attempted to fight him numerous times by reloading a save, but nothing changes.

    submitted by /u/BrandonJ006
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    How does skinny malone and the rest of the trigger men get into vault 114?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 03:11 PM PDT

    None of them have pip boys and if the door was already open how is it closed when you find it?

    submitted by /u/FML647
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    How do I get clean armor?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 04:08 PM PDT

    How do I get the clean version of the heavy synth armor? I'm lvl 81 but I can only find sturdy pieces

    submitted by /u/Haxryd
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