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    Wednesday, March 3, 2021

    Fallout | I absolutely loved fallout 3, but my god Feral Gouls Reaver, Supermutant Overlords, and Albino Radscorpions are pretty insanely owerpowered.

    Fallout | I absolutely loved fallout 3, but my god Feral Gouls Reaver, Supermutant Overlords, and Albino Radscorpions are pretty insanely owerpowered.

    I absolutely loved fallout 3, but my god Feral Gouls Reaver, Supermutant Overlords, and Albino Radscorpions are pretty insanely owerpowered.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 05:58 AM PST

    For real these 3 takes 80 Bullets to kill but takes out a third of your health bar even inside a Brotherhood of steel power armor on normal mode. And the Supermutant Overlord aims PERFECTLY at you everytime with his 3-shots laser rifle, pissed me off like crazy lol.

    submitted by /u/bobo0509
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    Fallout 76 would’ve been better as an offline game

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 07:18 PM PST

    Opinions down below :)

    submitted by /u/fote4576
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    The historical and legendary inspiration for Cannibal Johnson

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 01:55 AM PST

    I was researching American folklore and I came across a familiar name. I believe I've cracked this case wide open:

    We all know and love Cannibal Johnson.

    But have you ever heard of Liver-Eating Johnson? He was a legendary figure in American folklore, famous for his 25 year long blood feud with the Crow.

    The two have a lot in common:

    Both men served in the American military before fleeing towards a new life.

    • Cannibal Johnson was a member of the Enclave before the NCR Sack of Navarro.

    • Liver-Eating Johnson fought in the Mexican-American War, but deserted after striking a superior officer.

    Aside from obviously sharing the same surname, their nicknames both stem from them eating the flesh of their fallen enemies.

    • Cannibal Johnson ate the heart of a raider in order to distract them.

    • Liver-Eating Johnson ate (you guessed it) the livers of the approximately 300 Crow he killed as an insult (the Crow believed the liver to be vital if one was to go on to the afterlife).

    Both were feared and legendary hunters and "mountain men" living in the wilderness.

    • Cannibal Johnson is a literal hermit living in a cave, and iirc rumors have spread about him throughout the Mojave.

    • Liver-Eating Johnson was a survivalist would trek the wilderness for a living, eventually becoming a campfire story.

    Both men married a beloved tribal woman, but failed to have any children with her before her untimely death.

    • Cannibal Johnson "[had] a wife for awhile - tribal girl, really pretty eyes - but she's been gone a long time now."

    • Liver-Eating Johnson famously married a Native American woman of the Flathead tribe who he loved dearly. Her murder at the hands of the Crow is what set off his one-man-army campaign of guerilla warfare against them.

    Both men made peace and integrated with their former enemies.

    • Cannibal Johnson is highly sympathetic to the NCR, despite fighting them in the past and having had his home destroyed by them. He even tried to integrate into their society after the Sack of Navarro.

    • Liver-Eating Johnson eventually made peace with the Crow, and was even adopted into the tribe as their brother.

    Both men participated in a new conflict against a slave-state later in their lives.

    • Cannibal Johnson will wish to help the NCR fight against the Legion in the quest For Auld Lang Syne.

    • Liver-Eating Johnson rejoined the American Army to help fight for the Union during the Civil War.

    submitted by /u/iguanaparrots
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    Brotherhood of Steel - Maxson poster (Fallout 4) (OC)

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 09:28 PM PST

    My first try on a Brotherhoods of Steel poster :)


    submitted by /u/LoneGhostWolf88
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    Diamond city people will starve to death

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 12:04 PM PST

    The food is so expensive, could anyone even manage to buy it?

    Well heres the answer.

    Breakfast: Thats something light not a huge stake or noodles, problery some mutfruit which are free and water whats 40 caps.

    Cost: 40 caps

    Lunch: This would be a noodle cup whats 40 caps + 40 caps for the water.

    Cost: 120 caps

    Dinner: This would be a noodle cup or a stake both are around 40 caps + water.

    Cost: 220 caps

    Lets say they get discounts beacuse they live in Diamond city.

    Cost: 110 caps

    Thats still a lot + people have kids too. So I would say 180 caps maybe.

    Cost: 180 caps

    That 180 caps a day when you have a kid and get a discount.

    110 caps if you dont have a kid.

    Also people want to go to the Dugout In thats + 100 caps a month maybe. For (SOME) people.

    Everyone knows that Moe dosent earn enough money but even Arturo would not survive. Diamond city guards (I have only seen them use) pipepistols and they have the cheapest ammo so you wont earn much there. Also no one in Diamond city buys these big fancy guns, just regular pipepistols that are max 40 caps a piece and you only need one. So Arturo would only survive when you buy his stuff or when huge caravans would visit Diamond city regulary.

    And the settlers without houses would have to drink dirty water and eat mutfruits their entire lives. Because they have no income.

    submitted by /u/Estro1111
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    Who's broadcasting the "Please Stand By" signal across the Wasteland?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 06:30 PM PST

    As a few of the older fans here may remember, back in the days of antenna TV when a station ended its programming at night they would display the "Please Stand By" card till morning. So its not a built in TV screen saver, it's an actual continuing broadcast. Not only continuing, but incredibly strong as well if you think about it, because it's broadcasting to every TV that can power up regardless of channel or location. So who is sending the signal and from where?

    submitted by /u/GeistMD
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    The people who complain about vats are the same people who didn’t know you could turn deathclaws into chumps

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 10:16 AM PST

    Recently came across a guy who thought vats was absolutely useless. Saying why would I ever go for anything other then the chest or head? And that vats was completely useless and needed to be thrown away or replaced. Meanwhile I'm over here using vats to shoot the wings off of cazadors and absolutely stomp them, heck you can even shoot the tails of deathclaws in fo4 and give them crippling depression. Just because you never think about a situation more than HeAd dul DaMage doesn't mean that the mechanics of the game are useless.

    The vats system can be your best friend if you know what to do with it. So I implore you all to at least try to use it for more then just vats = damage.

    submitted by /u/wild-shamen
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    A lot of people like to talk about how the New Vegas Deathclaws are so much more terrifying than the Fallout 3 Deatclaws, but can we talk about how the Ghoul Reavers are 10 times as terrifying in 3 compared to New Vegas?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 08:12 AM PST

    As somebody who played Fallout 4 first, then New Vegas, then 3 i had encountered my fair share of ghouls in the Mojave Wasteland. One of them was the Ghoul Reavers. And yeah, they're a decent fight, especially if you're underleveled but nothing that you can't kill with mid tier weaponry. So you can imagine my shock when i entered point lookout and the same Reavers took 4 full clips of my Chinese assault rifle and 2 rockets to the face to kill. Like seriously, Fallout 3's high level enemies are no fucking joke

    submitted by /u/prossnip42
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    I am stuck in a part in new vagas

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 02:58 AM PST

    So I just got new vagas for game pass a few days ago(loving it so far) but the "they-went-that-a-way" mission where I need to go into the casino.

    I already taken out the gaurds protecting the doors but I cannot get passed everyone inside, I tried shooting some then existing out of the door and getting in and repeating but they just gun me down too fast.

    Edit: I understood what happened I will continue with the quest, thanks alot.

    submitted by /u/lazeroe
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    Is there a rare dialogue with Benny where he’s shocked to see you wearing power armor?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 06:30 PM PST

    So I read on an old forum that if you wear power armor to confront Benny, right after he says "What in the god damn" and then he mentions that you weren't wearing power armor before and then just goes off to his regular dialogue. I tested this theory and managed to gather a full suit of X-01 from the unmarked location "Deathclaw Promontory" and Silver peak mine and he just says his regular old dialogue. So was this cut content or did I just not do something right? I scrounged YouTube for videos and can't find anything on it

    submitted by /u/thorismorepowwrfult
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    Who else wants the enclave in the next game?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 03:19 AM PST

    Like especially people who started with fo4 or NV the enclave really isn't explored in these 2. (Other than the remnants) even in fo3 they are treated as "THEY ARE EVIL KILL THEM ALL" like there isn't an option to see their side and their history. I would love the next fallout game to explore the enclave just as much as the brotherhood that would be cool. Also who doesn't want to be apart of a fascist, paramilitary objectively evil faction like hey! Most of us joined a fascist, technocratic, paramilitary, objectively evil brotherhood in fo4 or new Vegas (fo3 doesn't count the Lyons brotherhood is lame)

    So yeah Enclave in fo5 maybe set near New Reno and northern NCR territories. The enclave could be in some underground bunker similar to the BOS in new Vegas in hiding and you can either destroy them or restore their glory and take over the world in the name of the president!

    submitted by /u/Bazza2903
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    which faction do you believe is the most altruistic? And why?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 06:19 PM PST

    This can be faction major or minor.

    submitted by /u/Claptraps_hero
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    In the next release, I really hope they leave the pipe weapons behind (at least, as they’re implemented in 4 and 76)

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 02:42 AM PST

    As a preface, I have nothing against kitbashed or homemade firearms. In real life or in video games. However, most of the pipe weapons in 4 and 76 would literally not function as firearms. On top of that, there's plenty of cheap and durable weapons that would fit the wasteland aesthetic and would make sense from a game balancing standpoint that wouldn't make me want to gouge out my eyes.

    Case in point, the M3 "Grease Gun" SMG. This was in New Vegas as the 9mm SMG, and though I never used it because I wasn't big on SMGs it added variety and flavor to enemy encounters and let me stock up on tons of 9mm rounds for Maria. This weapon is cheap, easy to make using stuff you can find in your garage, and it can be easily maintained.

    Another weapon that would fit the aesthetic but has never been in a Fallout game would be a homemade hand-cranked .22 Gatling gun. Now, that guy's weapon was lameified by our dumbass gun laws but ain't nobody gonna care about that in the wasteland. Slap a huge drum on it, un-steampunkify it, and go to town.

    And of course, there's the other weapons like a 9mm pistol, the Varmint Rifle, a .22 silenced pistol, a 10mm pistol, a 10mm SMG, a .357/.38 revolver, a .357/.38 lever action rifle, a double barrel side-by-side shotgun (12 gauge), a double barrel over-under shotgun (20 gauge), a single shot shotgun (8 gauge), and a lever action shotgun (20 gauge). Hell, really early game could have you using crossbows. Mid game could have you using an AK clone.

    submitted by /u/CMDR_Kai
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    A thought surrounding the Ghoul Mummy and if Ghouls eat.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 10:56 PM PST

    Fallout 4 generated a lot of... 'discussion' over whether Ghouls require food and water thanks to the Kid in a Fridge quest. Sometimes when people mention Ghouls needed to eat in the old games, I've seen others respond with Woody the Mummy/Ghoul in Fallout 2 who was comatose and spent a month in a wooden casket without eating. Essentially people saying "Well if it happened then why can't it happen now?".

    In Fallout 4, Feral Ghouls are capable of laying still and almost dead for long periods of time and only 'reanimate' when prey wakes them up.

    I was thinking then it could be that Ghouls do require food and water, but as they increasingly turn Feral their metabolism slows and they can 'hibernate' in comatose states where they don't eat for extended periods of time. Which would make Woody in the final stages of turning Feral.

    Maybe it's been said here before or is a known theory, but I just thought about it and wanted to hear other's thoughts.

    submitted by /u/Quitthesht
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    Was the dart gun in Fallout 3 generally unknown or slept on? What are some others?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 03:47 PM PST

    I was reading the comments on the popular post about albino rad scorpions reaver ghouls and overlords and it suprised me that only like 3 people mentioned the dart gun for the rad scorpions and reavers people were mentioning mines explosives ect but the dart gun did what they were setting out to do much better and it made me curious in your opinion what are some of the most slept on weapons of the fallout series?

    submitted by /u/johnsontheotter
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    The improvement in dungeon design between Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 is outstanding.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 12:46 AM PST

    Where many of Fallout 3's dungeons were basically just hallways, Fallout 4 greatly improved the layout in a way that felt both fun to explore and tense to fight in.

    submitted by /u/HasSomeSelfEsteem
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    Short Fallout Survey!

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 12:00 PM PST

    Hello! Survey here! Should take about 5 minutes. Closed!

    I'm just a nerd who wants to ask the tough questions, like the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow what each of us is really looking for in a Fallout game. I would have asked more questions including some jokes and demographics but the free version of SurveyMonkey only allows 10...

    All the data will be posted here in the future, with graphs!


    Edit: Survey Closed. I have now learned the free version of Survey Monkey is also limited to 40 responses! Which REALLY SUCKS but thanks to everyone for participating!

    Also doesn't even let you export the data. Maybe avoid SurveyMonkey you guys.

    submitted by /u/brumagem
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    I built a Nuka Cola Quantum Arcade cabinet!

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 08:20 AM PST

    Need help finding Codsworth on Xbox One

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 09:14 PM PST

    So I took Spectacle Island and decided to make it my main base and home. As such I wanted all my followers to live on it so I could find them all. The Truck Stop was my initial thought for a Base but I liked being able to make something homey. So I used the Settlement Menu to move Codsworth and Dogmeat. Neither showed up and I was confused.

    Later I found out Dogmeat was still at the Truck Stop, where I left him. So I recruited him then dismissed him to Spectacle Island. He showed up after that. But Codsworth was nowhere to be seen in Sanctuary. I tried moving my settlers and waiting a few days, nothing happened. I've searched every settlement I have and haven't found Codsworth. He's just vanished.

    submitted by /u/SilverBunny3
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    should i buy fallout new vegas or fallout 3?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 02:51 AM PST

    i have about 2500 hours on fallout 4, ive played fallout 1 and 2, and now i wanna start playing a new fallout, im finished with 76 too, wich should i buy first? new vegas or fallout 3? my play style is very much exploring and meeting new npcs etc, so wich game is better for my play style?

    submitted by /u/hapuman69666
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    I would love a new isometric Fallout game

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 02:41 AM PST

    Over the last year, I've been super into isometric CRPGs like Baldurs Gate, Planescape, Fallout 1 and 2, Pillars of Eternity, Wasteland 2, etc.

    MS has got Obsidian, Bethesda, and inXile all under the same umbrella. Bethesda has Fallout; both Obsidian and inXile have been key players in the CRPG renaissance. I don't have an argument for why this should happen but just make it happen.

    submitted by /u/-Jaws-
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    Tæles of Chivalrie Magazine cover Art

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 02:10 PM PST

    Not sure if too many know, but the Tæles of Chivalrie cover art design is based off of some German knight figures produced by a company called Schleich. Playing with these figures for years and then seeing them pop up randomly in a Fallout game was a cool little inside look into the art development of New Vegas.



    submitted by /u/54749014
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