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    Fallout | What are your favorite character lines from Fallout 4?

    Fallout | What are your favorite character lines from Fallout 4?

    What are your favorite character lines from Fallout 4?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 09:02 PM PST

    I've got a few. This one is really funny to people who actually live in Massachusetts:

    Triggerman (Human): "So, I got a question. Why the hell would anyone build a Vault out of a subway station? This place is like... the exact opposite of air-tight."

    Triggerman (Ghoul): "Because they weren't planning to use it, you moron. We used to pull this kind of con all the time back before the war. Get a bunch of union boys to work some construction job that would go nowhere. Keep everyone on payroll."

    (This is referring to Mass's "Big Dig" project https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Dig a subject of some conspiracy theory)


    ...and speaking of Conspiracy Theory, this one really made me laugh:

    Interviewer: This is Vault-Tech interview #87 for the position of Overseer for Vault 114. The candidate has refused to give his real name and has only provided the name "Soup Can Harry."

    Soup Can Harry: That's right, I ain't telling you nothing. My name is the name I call myself not the rank and number the government brands on me, no sir.

    Interviewer: Fascinating. Mister, um, Soupcan, would you mind telling me why you're distrustful of the government?

    Soup Can Harry: I've seen what they do. Gum up the works with red tape and bureaucracy, take every hard earned cent and use it to fund their Illuminati free mason sex parties. I'm a free man! I should be able to live as I see fit! My taxes pay for them streets and alleys and dumpsters. I'll sleep where I want!

    Interviewer: Sir, according to this you haven't paid taxes in many years...

    Soup Can Harry: I seen the back of them Abraxo boxes! "Not for consumption?" Don't you tell me what to do, I'll eat what I want!

    Interviewer: Sir, you may just be the perfect candidate. How would you like to be the new Overseer for Vault 114?

    Soup Can Harry: I ain't wearing no goddamn tie. Or pants.


    And both of these conversations are so wonderfully reminiscent of real world American Culture.

    submitted by /u/__mongoose__
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    Every fallout game has had ups and downs but no fallout game is objectively bad.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 01:58 PM PST

    Fallout 1 is really hard to play, offers a now outdated playstyle and at times can show it's age but the story, characters and world reel you in coming back for more not matter how hard the game can be to get through.

    Fallout 2 improved on alot of the mechanics of the first while having a world that seemed more open and fun even though all in all the story wasn't as good, some aspects of the story are ham fisted and it also really shows it's age fallout 2 also keeps you coming back for more time and time again.

    Fallout 3 can at times be weird, buggy, static and the gunplay is one of the worst of the series, the story while cool and well told has boring parts and at times can feel predictable what really shines is the bleak world that takes you back to the feelings of Fallout 1 while still allowing for a fun if not buggy memorable experience.

    Fallout New Vegas is a gold standard in story telling everywhere you go, NPCs, factions and weapons are fun to use and give the player a real sense of progression through the world, the gunplay is severely improved and VATS is no longer needed 100% of the time but for all the good the dusty trail of the Mojave is just not as gripping as the scenes of past games. You walk and walk an walk in open desert fund a dusty town crawling with enemies or a faction base and then do it all over again. Unlike DC or Boston the landmarks are the only real part of NV that you go for as the rest is litterally all desert with nothing but billboards in it.

    Fallout 4 suffers in almost the complete other way, is the story good? Debatable. The factions while flashy and well implemented into the world can feel one note and bland even to their Fallout 3 counterparts the world is packed full of things to do, stories to find and fringe factions that make fallout 4 a masterclass in world building. Not to mention settlement building if it's your thing can eat up thousands of hours turning the wastes into your personal hotel chain.

    Fallout 76 would have not have made this list 2 years ago and that's coming from a BETA player who held onto the project even until this day. But what it lacks in impactful story telling it makes up with a beautiful world with deep lore and a surprising attention to detail in it's storytelling when looking outside of the main story. Despite all these major factions being stuffed into a 5 part story all of them feel well fleshed out the more you look into their deralict strongholds and it really shows the storytellers of the project actually cared alot about what type of story they were trying to tell. Now none of this matters if you don't like MMO RPGs but I think 76 gets alot of flak for what it was rather than what it is (which is by no means perfect there are still many problems but again just the usual bugginess that comes with Bethesda games)

    Edit: Never played tactics but I heard it's alright and we don't talk about BoS.

    So all in all every fallout game has it's pitfalls and it's triumphs. Is any game the best? It really depends on what you care about but remember that all of them are worth atleast picking up because what's the worst that happens? You don't enjoy a video game that's below $20 at most retailers?

    submitted by /u/garmdian
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    Why are the Enclave and the Brotherhood fighting in Fallout 3?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 02:41 PM PST

    One thing I just noticed from the playing for the first time in like a decade. Why exactly are these two fighting? I mean, the entire plot is centered around this water purifier thing, so you assume the Enclave probably want to do evil things with it but... They don't? I mean Eden clearly does, but has anyone ever realized Eden's plans aren't actually what the Enclave wants to do? This is obvious for two reasons:

    1. Rather than give the FEV to one of his soldiers or to Colonel Autumn, he hands it over to this complete stranger who knows nothing about him and has no reason to trust him and does it in complete secrecy, to the point of turning his own robots against his own soldiers to make sure you're allowed to escape
    2. The most important one, Colonel Autumn flatout tells you this. If you present him the FEV vial, he's shocked and horrified. He thought those plans got scrapped. He doesn't want to use it. This means that the Enclave's goal throughout the game is not to put the FEV in the water purifier. All he wants to do is turn the purifier on to distribute water all over the place, make sure there are no booleggers or anything like that and that's it.

    So why are they fighting the Brotherhood when the BoS wants the same thing? They're not the assholeish tech raiders they are in the rest of the series since Bethesda rebuilt them for that game as basically perfect angels. If this chapter of the brotherhood is separate from the west coast chapter, then if we assume the same about Enclave then is the Enclave actually ever established to be evil in any real sense? In FO2 it's made abundantly clear right from the very intro sequence, but in this game the Enclave doesn't actually do anything evil, they're hardly even a presence until you try to turn on the purifier and they show up, and from then on the only "evil" thing they do is try to shoot you for no apparent reason (which if you're evil that would actually be considered a good thing). There's also Autumn shooting an innocent woman but I would argue that makes him more ruthless than evil, since if we see it from his point of view he wants to save the wasteland and isn't willing to leave any stone unturned to make sure it happens. The only thing that seems to differentiate them from the Brotherhood is that they're more authoritarian, but ultimately considering how much they share in common I don't see why the BoS and the Enclave couldn't work out those differences. Am I missing something here?

    submitted by /u/WolvenStormsAh0y
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    What's your favorite sneaky trap from the Fallout series that surprised you or caught you off guard? (spoilers ahead)

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 07:00 PM PST

    Mine was in Fallout 3, in the town of Old Olney. The town is infested with death claws, and if you're not careful you may step on a grating that drops you into the sewers. The sewers are suitably horrible, as expected, but I thought the trap was really cool.

    submitted by /u/Intangible_Currency
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    Mix Membership in Fallout 4?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 03:13 AM PST

    Is it possible to be apart of the Brotherhood, Institute and Railroad and do their associated quests up until the end where you choose a side?

    submitted by /u/CoRnElIuStheOdD
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    I really appreciate Fallout 4 for what it is, but I still enjoy the older Fallout games as well

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 07:37 AM PST

    I'm playing Fallout 4 on Survival difficulty and I love it. I completed the main story and am level 52 with a powerful sniper build. Yeah, Fallout 4 might be lackluster in terms of roleplaying elements, but it's a very nice shooter with lots of awesome enemies to fight. I am constantly searching for more challenges and stronger monsters. It's an awesome experience and while I love the older Fallout games as well and hope FO5 will have more roleplaying elements, FO4 is a really good shooter.

    submitted by /u/Lovoskea
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    What generation of super mutant is Lily?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 11:40 PM PST

    I'm still new to the fallout franchise and I'm slowly learning about it's lore. I'm doing some research into supermutants and I don't really know what to classify her as.

    I think it's quite clear Markus and Neil are Gen 1 based on their intelligence but I've in wrong please correct me

    submitted by /u/thorismorepowwrfult
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    I know someone has done it in New Vegas, but do you think it's possible to beat fallout 4 with only a big iron on your hip? (The .44 revolver.)

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 01:39 AM PST

    Raider playthrough, fallout 4

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 11:20 PM PST

    Just curious, For those that try a raider playthrough, who do you finish the game with? Because the Nuka World Raiders storyline ends after Power Play.

    Because with an alternate start mod, I made my character start at level 25, and got to level 30 early on. Depravity is a good mod to play through, but it has no real end game.

    So who do you finish the game with if you try a raider playthrough?

    submitted by /u/Nickpnz23
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    How exactly does a pipe gun....work?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 03:22 PM PST


    I don't get how the single bolt "trigger" is used to expand a .38 or god forbid .50 BMG from the barrel. Is it just raider tech, or something a lot more lore explained?

    submitted by /u/rasterofmuppets
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    My real problem with Fallout 4

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 04:08 AM PST

    I've been playing FO4. I've never beat it and only played it for a week or two after launch. Something about the game never sat right with me and while I could go on pointing out things I don't like about it, I'm actually more satisfied than displeased now that I'm replaying it.

    For the most part the gameplay is much better than any of the previous Fallouts. It's just the story kind of sucks, but it's not really the story itself. For me it's the main character having a voice actor. When an rpg does a fully voiced lead the choices get widdled down to just a few options that generally lead to the same outcome.

    The lead voice actor in fallout 4 is horrible. I would love to play a mod where there isnt a voice actor and the choices arent vague representations of what your character is saying. A mod like this might completely fix the funk this game has.

    Anyways, as a fan of the franchise I've realized on this new playthrough that I've given Fallout 4 and Bethesda much more hate than I should of over this game. I don't ever mess with 76, but I think over all the series has been getting better as it goes and Fallout 4 is an exceptional game. I just hope they improve the lead voice acting too or drop it entirely. Preferably the latter.

    submitted by /u/Grandmastermoogle
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    FO4 - Mac Bootcamp??

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 11:50 PM PST

    Hello all,

    I Bootcamped my 2016 Mac with Windows 10 and it's a dream, I can play many games that aren't super graphics and have no problems (on the Mac, Steam crashes all the time hah cool)

    So the question is obvious, what would it be like with FO4? I have been wanting to play since it came out and now is my chance but if the game is too unplayable then, it's not worth it, is it.

    Any experience?

    Thanks :))))))

    submitted by /u/Ok_Size5856
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    Raul is by far the greatest follower in all the series of fallout

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 03:34 AM PST

    A ghoul who remembers pre-war life that is okay with a gun and repairs all of your stuff to excellent condition.

    "I expect to be awed by your dizzying mercantile sense, boss"

    "I'm sure you'll be fair and equitable, Boss"

    "Okay Boss, I'll just wait here, alone. While my heavily armed companion goes on without me. I'm sure nothing will happen."

    "Shoot first, poke bodies later. Got it Boss".

    "That's sounding dangerously close to a plan, Boss"

    "Got it, I'll be way back here, Boss"

    "Oh, I wouldn't dream of getting too far away, Boss"

    "Sure, I'll stop using my rather effective gun, and switch to this, uh, piece of metal tubing here. Great plan, Boss"

    "I'm always eager for more of your scintillating conversation, boss"

    submitted by /u/Panneorraim
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    Any new dialogue with Ulysses for completing DLC?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 07:37 PM PST

    So I've played dead money before and generally enjoyed it, as tedious as it was. In my current playthrough of new vegas though, I've done HH and OWB and was going to do Dead Money and leave Lonesome road for last. I was wondering if there is any dialogue that gets added in with the BOS or Veronica after dead money? And I was also wondering if more dialogue gets added to the talk with Ulysses in Lonesome road depending on which DLCs you did? TL;DR: Does any dialogue get added with Ulysses for completing the DLCs?

    submitted by /u/MrJoJ627
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    Fallout 3 for PC recommended mods and improvements?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 06:21 PM PST

    What are some recommended mods that make the game more stable for a fresh install of Fallout 3. I have already disabled Games for Windows Live, and am looking for mods that improve the vanilla experience without adding or overhauling too many things. Also, I don't have New Vegas, so I can't use Take of Two Wastelands.

    submitted by /u/greywolf1013
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    Power Armour VS Non Power Armour for a Bloodied build. Resistance stacking?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 03:34 PM PST

    I want to run a super high damage build, and so I've opted to go for Bloodied weapons, taken the Adrenal Serum, Nerd Rage etc so as to increase my damage as much as possible. Because I'll mainly always be fighting at range, using a commando style build.

    Due to my constantly low health, I need a lot of resistance to be able to keep myself alive. I'm a few perks like Barbarian and the AGL perk that keeps resistance high the higher my AGL, but I still don't feel as tanky as I want to be. My question is do I really need power Armour to maintain a high resistance and keep my damage high at the same time? I've never really liked power Armour and would generally prefer not to use it, but I will if it means I can run high resist and high damage.

    I know there are a few other perks like Ironclad that would help and the Junk perk that increases resist the more Junk I carry which I could incorporate. I have also got the Grounded and Scaly Skin mutations so that's helping.

    Also, for a commando build what legendary effects can stack best? Bloodied/explosive/two shot are the ones I want, but I know you can't get all three on a single piece. What's the most effective DPS wise? Is two shot better than explosive or is the AoE of the explosion the big hitter?

    Tldr: Can I be a tanky boi without power Armour and maintain high damage through bloodied builds, or is power Armour necessary?

    submitted by /u/Alabane
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    Fallout 4 Piper companion

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 10:46 PM PST

    Hi guys so basically I'm playin and my companion is piper and how do I have her to fall in love with me, also every now and then I ask her about our relationship so someone please tell me :)?

    submitted by /u/Plaztec1037
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    Fallen opponent outfits synchronized to your movements?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 10:34 PM PST

    I've noticed since Fallout 4 that certain outfits worn by fallen people tend to visibly whip around when you turn towards them. Does anyone know why that is happening?

    submitted by /u/devonapple
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    What BS is this? Giant Radscorpion killed Easy Pete and Cobb.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 02:19 AM PST

    Started a new play through and I get hit with this shit... sadly I'm on Xbox so no console commands. I'll have to start again.

    submitted by /u/112DB
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    FORUM POST: Give lazy OP ideas for a toronto based fallout

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 11:10 AM PST

    Greetings, smoothskins. I'm the head of a dev team creating a toronto-based fallout, Fallout: Ashen Frost. The plot is a backdrop of old combat, with the old CALF(Canadian Armed Liberation Front), VS Enclave refugees(the game is set in 2261, so refugees from PosOil platform), Vault-Tec Remnants, and a rogue, pam-like, malicious A.I, called the Basilisk. Hit me with your best shots.

    submitted by /u/Leninsgreasydildo
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    Odd Idea: A Fallout Theme park

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 07:53 PM PST

    After seeing Super Mario World open in Japan, I began thinking about the possibility and dynamics of other game franchises becoming theme parks with the same level of detail and dedication given to Mario. I think Fallout would be an interesting variant of a typical themepark, but so far, I've come up with only a few ideas.

    There would be 5 distinct areas: New California, The Mojave, The Midwasteland, Vault 145 , and Boston. Each would have distinct buildings, respective to each game they were based from, and be populated by Settlers, Soldiers of various Factions, and the occasional super mutant.

    Vault 145: a test on vampant consumerism and consumption in an themed environment. The theme? Vault-Tec, or more specifically, Vault Boy. Guests can get their picture taken with Vault Boy, pick up various souvenirs (mugs, hats, bobbleheads) and even pick up their own vault suit or lab coat. They can also explore the history of Vault-tec, the various Vaults built, and even explore a model vault (without any nefarious experiments happening).

    Each area will have smaller subdivisions, mimicking famous locations in each respective territory.

    New California will include: New Reno, The Hub, Vault City, and Junk Town. I'm not sure about attractions in NC, but anything that would be interesting, please post in the comments.

    The Mojave includes: New Vegas, Goodsprings, Novac (with Dinky the Dinosaur), Hoover Dam, and the Sierra Madre. The Sierra won't be a dedicated area, instead it will be a prelude to an attraction where you and your party ride in autonomous vehicles on the search for the treasure of the Sierra Madre. Hoover Dam will be a stage area, with a simulated battle between the Legion and NCR, depending on the time of day the Courier (who will change each show) will be on either faction, and win the dam for their respective side.

    The Midwasteland: This area is a bit different, instead being a series of camps for raider gangs, or at least tribes of some type. Operators, Pack, Disciples, Fiends, and Gunners could make their homes here. Operators run a interactive theater show, where they attempt to rob everyone. The Pack hold a petting zoo and have a daily show with them (this will be done as humanely as possible). Disciples would have a ride, The Cutthroat Coaster, with their style of decorating laid throughout. Fiends run the souvenir kiosks, with specialty candy that mimics chems in appearance. Gunners run games and "contracts" where you collect items from across the park and get a custom gunner dog Tag as a reward.

    Boston: Diamond City, where you eat Power Noodles and pick up a swatter plus various other souvenirs. Sanctuary, where you can see and even stay in a new settlement home (for a price). Mass Fusion, where you can see great views of the park and race down the interior while escaping from a battle between the Institute and The Brotherhood of Steel. You can explore Pickman's Gallery and even help him paint a new piece. You can get your photo taken by Tinker Tom or another Railroad member to reveal who amongst your party is actually a synth.

    These are only concepts, so any thoughts would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/MrHandsDowmAwesome
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    In fo4 i got 2000 or something fusion cores i do not know how

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 09:59 PM PST

    I don't know how i got it i didn't buy any or find any

    submitted by /u/Aidan2021
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