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    Sunday, February 7, 2021

    Fallout | I actually like the green tint of fallout 3 and dislike it's removal in fallout 4

    Fallout | I actually like the green tint of fallout 3 and dislike it's removal in fallout 4

    I actually like the green tint of fallout 3 and dislike it's removal in fallout 4

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 07:26 PM PST

    I know this is a strange opinion but I actually love the green tint in the sky of fallout 3. I just think it makes the whole world look more unsettling and disturbing. I like it for the same reason I like the yellow tint in deus ex human revolution. I just think it adds an extra level of visual uniqueness and style. I sort of wish it was a toggle option but overall I like the green tint.

    submitted by /u/Flat-Moon
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    I want radioactive snails in fallout

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 10:27 PM PST

    I feel like radioactive snails in fallout would be awesome! Imagine walking down a road and seeing a giant glowing snail, it could retreat into its shell to protect itself and the shell would act as extremely good armor, when attacking it could charge you and cover you in radioactive slime

    Idk what else to write i just had this idea

    submitted by /u/NexusRaven7
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    Anybody else kill mr house because he was mean to you?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 06:15 AM PST

    I didn't like him so I always go to the ante chamber and off him

    submitted by /u/The_Great_Madman
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    Is it me or quite a lot of people don't really get what the Enclave actually is?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 12:53 AM PST

    I've seen lots of comments about how the Enclave is the "real" legit continuation of the US government.

    That is simply false.

    They existed even before the bombs were dropped. They were a shadow government who conspired against the actual government to reach their own goals. They were composed of influential people, the elite, who tried to control America in secret. They embezzled government funds to use it for their contingency plans, and believed that as long as they, the elite, survive, they could rebuild the government the way they intended.

    It is baffling that people claim that they are the actual US government.

    submitted by /u/Helplease2
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    Reading this sub, I love how after 10-11 years people are still having a deep meaningful discussion about the choices, moral decisions and consequences in New Vegas as if the game was just released.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 07:44 PM PST

    Looking at other 10 year old game subs and all I see are either dead threads with less than 5 comments or meaningless recycled memes. I guess it has something to do with the charm of having purely discussion threads..

    submitted by /u/Dotaspasm
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    Just realised how Novac was named.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 03:13 AM PST

    Yep. Thats it.

    submitted by /u/SloppyNick2706
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    A little help for my fallout bar!

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 08:21 PM PST

    Hey all

    This is a bit of a long post so bare with me!

    I'm a huge fan of Fallout and have been playing since back in the 90's when they first came out. Over the past few years, I've been slowly building my collection while enjoying the game. I make beer as a hobby so, I started off by making a fallout-themed brew shed at the back of my property and brewing fallout-themed beers.. Fast forward to today where I have since redone my workshop on my property. I've built a nice little bar in there and decorated it with fallout stuff. I built the bar with old tin and stuff I had lying around to try and make it look like it was built in the game. This place is my favorite and it's where I serve all my beer and play Fallout 4 VR. There's too much to list with the bar, everything from a custom programmed Apple IIe that looks and functions like a robco terminal to the entire brew shack outback of the Shop!

    If you can't see the bar let me know, I hope this link works!


    I'm posting today to make a small request, I just refurbished the top of my bar, and now comes the time to decorate it. I'd like to cover it in fallout related photos/art, then cover it with custom cut glass. I'd like to make a collage tabletop, basically!
    I have a lot of screenshots of my own, mostly from fallout 4 though, but I'm looking for more than just the same old things. If you have any cool screenshot's from any fallout or know of anyone that sells prints of fallout art please share them with me! I'd love to make a collage on the top of the bar. Having a bunch of screenshots from the Fallout community would make it even better!

    I'm hoping to get enough screenshots/art ect to cover the entire bar! Please help me out! I plan on bringing all the screenshots to a print shop to have them printed, I'll then arrange them on the bar and lay the glass sheets over them.

    After it's all done I'll share some posts... There's too much to share right now that's in progress.. from a custom programmed Apple IIe that looks like a robco terminal, to signed pics from the voice actors!

    Thanks for the help all! You can email me screenshots at [thebaratvault165@gmail.com](mailto:thebaratvault165@gmail.com), if you're an artist send me your link so I can purchase your stuff!

    submitted by /u/Enclave-Cpl
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    Do you like Fallout 3 yes or no

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 04:54 PM PST

    Explain why you like it.

    Please don't explain why you don't I get the idea of why people don't like it.

    submitted by /u/vaultsepticeye21
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    Mr. House is NOT a dictator.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 12:45 AM PST

    (English is not my first language, so I do apologize!)

    I noticed how a lot of people in Fallout community call him a dictator and kill him just because he is being mean to the player. I play RPGs borderline religiously, so I'm quite sad when I see fellow franchise fans just go about bashing his head with 9 iron everytime with the reason "fuck him". So let's me state my case - Mr. House is NOT a dictator. He is an autocrat, as he stated himself. He is the man who has power and money to advance his interests, but does not abuse them. So let me presentate his defence in 3 points: 1. His use of power. Let me remind you, that he made an agreement with NCR who wanted to have Vegas for themselves, by that defending the independence of the sin city he loves. He also have a contract with families of the Strip - stripping him of the power to just bust in whenever he wants and detain people whe doesn't like. So what about Freeside? Why did he let it rot? He is not a all-powerful creature - he is just a brilliant individual. He has his on problems do deal with (like aforementioned families, NCR and Caesar Legion), and to help the other 70% of the Vegas rebuild and prosper as Strip a monunental task with his resources at hand. This is without mentioning poor citizens of Fresside and Outer Vegas, who doesn't have enough caps to live in luxury as Strip, so just kicking them out just to rebuild other parts of Vegas in the tike of the game just will be stupid. 2. His ideology. House is one of a kind person. He was the captain of robot and rocket industry in his younger days, and defended his beloved city all by himself. Does he have massive ego? Of course. But I think he earned that massive ego, considering that when he was 30, he was already "a billionaire 30 times over" in his own words. He doesn't tolerate the bueraucracy of NCR, nor one-man-cult of Caesar Legion. He doesn't interfere in the lives of citizens or visitors of New Vegas, and mostly work through hired individuals (do not forget that he was willing to raise a payment to Courier for platinum chip). He's not a fan of techno-raiders of the Mojave BoS, and prefers to cooperate with NCR and rob them of opportunity to annex Vegas. 3. His vision. House promises to a player that he will reignite heavy industry and will send people to space in over a century. And honestly, I do believe him. He wants to protect independence of Vegas, guide it by his genius, and to reestablish civilization in the region, while NCR want to burden everyone with taxes, Caesar to enslave and kill, and with Yes-Men the Mojave will just descent into anarchy.

    TL;DR - Mr.House is a brilliant genius who is getting killed by players who do not understand his ideas, misinterpret them, or just "he is mean to meeee".

    submitted by /u/EasternCaesar
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    Fallout 3 random encounter I saw

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 11:08 PM PST

    So anyone else just randomly exploring the wasteland and come across a guy (can't remember the name of him because I've only encountered him once and it was about 3 years ago) he is wearing leather armor and is carrying a RAILWAY RIFLE!!!!! he IS NOT Sam warrick or whatever his name is but He's the most mysterious person in that game and I just can't remember his name and I want to know more about him btw he's a hostile npc

    submitted by /u/onebadcat15
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    Thoughts on this snippet from an interview with Chris Avellone?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 04:35 PM PST

    I see a lot of Fallout fans espousing that Bethesda "caused" all of the problems with Fallout: New Vegas. However, this interview with Avellone himself seems contrary to that narrative. Thoughts?


    Bethesda Softworks had offered Obsidian Entertainment a bonus if Fallout: New Vegas achieved an 85 Metacritic score. It achieved an 84 score. A user asked whether there was any manipulation of the score on Bethesda's part.

    Sunday, May 6, 3:17 AM: "I don't believe they did at all - it was our responsibility to do more to make the game better, but the people making the decisions on game quality kept getting distracted by shiny objects. It was Obsidian's fault, and as Ferg said, Bethesda didn't even have to offer that in the contract at all - it was up to us to manage it to a successful quality completion, and we didn't succeed at that. Good people lost their jobs because of that. I gave a lot of thought as to why, and some of it came out in my Hierarchy presentations - don't let the person who can enact change be distracted. Let them use their powers for good to fix the title, because they have the authority to ensure quality is achieved."

    Avellone had been the one to first bring up the Metacritic score episode a few years ago. A user pointed out that there are conflicts between his position then and his position now.

    Sunday, May 6, 12:52 PM: "It is widely believed that when that statement was revealed, that it was blaming Bethesda. It wasn't, it was recognizing we as a studio should have done better - and even a little bit better (1%) could have had huge benefits (and we could have kept people we had to let go). My feelings then are the same as my feelings now, and I stand by that. It's an unpopular stance (the anti-underdog stance usually is compared to the underdog needs a little more training montage moments), but I believe it's the correct one. Bethesda was trying to encourage us to do a quality job, they didn't have to, and we missed the mark - but within the realm where it was clear we could have fixed it. I wrote post-mortems as reminders and plans to myself about how we could fix this in the future (clear hierarchy, keep the people who can make the decisions focused on reviewing the content and enacting change and finding bugs vs. adding more features/getting lost in the weeds, etc.).

    submitted by /u/nucwin
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    Piper love companion

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 11:26 PM PST

    Hi guys so basically I just took the institute down and got my son Shaun back and I've been trying for piper to like me I've picked locks and didnminute men stuff how long till she likes me, also I flirted with her twice

    submitted by /u/Plaztec1037
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    Creepy weird stuff

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 03:35 AM PST

    I'm sure we all agree that most of the Fallout franchise has a certain sense of the uneasy and disturbing. But some areas are just freaking creepy. This is my first playthrough of Fallout 4, and the latest is Dunwich Borers. Sure, if you follow the most logical path, it's a simple Kill Raiders, Kill Ghouls kinda gig. But if as soon as I paid attention and explored, it creeps me out.

    What are some other spots in the original games (mods excluded) that are unnerving, plain and simple?

    submitted by /u/Nick-aka-Woodstock
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    Replaying Fallout New Vegas

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 01:11 AM PST

    Gonna replay New Vegas now that I'm old enough to understand shit more as an adult. With that being said, I'm wondering who you sided with? Personally, I'm taking a step back and wanna see who's best for the entirety of the Mojave and its people. Any suggestions are welcome!

    submitted by /u/PazOfAthens
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    in alt universe were people died in fashion

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 08:05 PM PST

    Great cover of I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 05:25 PM PST

    Amazing but small detail in old world blues.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 05:32 AM PST

    If you complete dead money before old world blues and you visit your brain in the sink. You can occasionally hear him humming the track "begin again" from dead money.

    submitted by /u/m0neywasted
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    Why no mention of third reich or nationalist Italy in fallout?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 03:39 AM PST

    Besides trying to avoid controversy I'm surprised we haven't be given overt mention of third reich (besides fallout 1 intro) and no prominent factions developing from nationalist ideals? People sometimes go on about the enclave and BOS bit the similarity's are pretty one note (in my opinion) and I'm surprised that we haven't gotten a cult of Mussolini followers or any group enslaving others based upon race. I don't think current IP holders of fallout have any balls but if someone wants to make a MOD doing something like this mention I think it would be highly interesting

    submitted by /u/Decayed12-13
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    What is your ideal Fallout 5?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 03:05 PM PST

    Setting,Location,year,factions,beginning story aspects

    Just wondering what people's ideal fallout game would be

    submitted by /u/KaijuKraken
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    Favourite Fallout soundtrack?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 03:17 AM PST

    Just like the title says, what's your favourite soundtrack from any of the Fallout games?

    Mine has to be "Dominant Species" from FO4. It's basically "One they fear" but for Fallout.

    Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hF2CJlp3os&ab_channel=Chopper

    submitted by /u/auralight93
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    Name an item in any Fallout game that you are obsessed with.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 10:04 AM PST

    When looting or scavenging for resources, what is an item that you simply cannot resist taking? Personally, I will go out of my way to follow a smoking Vertibird. I will wait for it to crash, then spend nearly thirty minutes combing through the wreckage to find the Bomber Jacket. I don't know why, since I rarely wear it. But I suppose it beats my previous obsession of collecting ladles.

    submitted by /u/modollahs
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    Do you guys have any ideas and or concepts that you think would be cool to be implemented into the next Fallout? Factions, weapons, mechanics, characters, storylines. Things like that.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 09:32 PM PST

    What level do you need to be to get the Musket in fallout 76?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 08:53 PM PST

    I gotten to level 15 and was looking forward to grabbing a musket but it wouldn't spawn at the cemetery. So I went somewhere far only to grab one which requires me to be level 50. Did they increase the level you need to be to get the musket?

    submitted by /u/RandomTitanMain
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    What other game genres do you think Fallout could work in?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 07:37 PM PST

    The series is no stranger to genre changes, with Tactics being a tactical role-play, and the modern Fallouts being action role-play. A group of people even made a major mod for Hoi4 based in the universe, Old World Blues. What other genres do you think Fallout could work in?

    submitted by /u/Illustrious-Ad-375
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