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    Fallout | Finished my Fallout New Vegas themed pc

    Fallout | Finished my Fallout New Vegas themed pc

    Finished my Fallout New Vegas themed pc

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 07:11 PM PST

    Boone is the only Fallout companion who gets criticized because he does his job too well.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 06:07 AM PST

    "He's stealing all my kills."


    Boone no-scope 360, kills a mole-rat munching on a muttfruit two kilometers away.


    You get a Kill-cam on a critter you didn't know existed, and you can't even find the body afterward to loot it.


    You hear Ed-E's battle music, followed by two rapid rifle shots, and then they're both turning back around to follow you.


    Ed-E flies off into the distance, followed by Boone, because they detected a raider in the next county.


    You wish you had a dialogue option where you could ask Boone, "What the fuck just happened?"

    submitted by /u/Intangible_Currency
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    Would you be interested in seeing a co-op Fallout? (Splitscreen and pve only)

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 06:26 PM PST

    Why or why not?

    Split screen capabilities with online too sorry

    submitted by /u/KrytacTridentmk2crb
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    Where are all the toilets?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 11:30 PM PST

    After playing new vegas, 4 and fallout 76 one after another, I noticed something troubling, more horrifying than anything the wasteland could conjure.

    Something with utterly horrific implications.

    Why is there so many houses with no bathrooms? After all these years of playing the sims it became painfully obvious once I examined the layouts more closely that there was something very important missing from the buildings in this series.

    You could make the suggestion that food and water people eat just gets vaporized on contact inside but that doesn't explain why SOME houses, like all the houses in sanctuary, do have them. They're clearly used by characters or suggested to be used since the character creation screen takes place in the bathroom mirror.

    Is it just for show? Clearly not, as Sierra Petrovita mentions in fallout 3 that one of the side effects of nuka-cola quantum was it would change the color of the user's urine, therefore solidifying pee as an all-too-real detail of this universe.

    In conclusion, I'm certain that every fallout character pisses themselves as the status quo. Not just post-war, but long before. It's not like they didn't have to pee before the bombs fell.

    Pee never changes.

    submitted by /u/Mattie_Fisher
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    “Why do tribals have access to military grade explosives?” “Don’t even ask.”

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 06:40 PM PST

    Saw this interaction in a post on r/falloutlore and it made me chuckle. Imagine someone is looking over your shoulder watching you play any of the Fallout games and something QUESTIONABLE happens. lol.

    Why is there jet in that toilet? "Don't even ask."

    Did I just watch you face 4 bottles of whiskey eat four steaks and shoot 9 med-ex? "Don't even ask."

    Why did this door I just opened say FUCK YOU? "Don't even ask."

    submitted by /u/Big-Gay-Aaron
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    The Depressing Story of the Survivalist | Randall Dean Clark | Fallout: New Vegas (guide, kinda)

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 02:28 AM PST

    One of fallouts most easily missable and emotional side stories is that of Randall Dean Clark's. His story told by easily missable diary entries from right after the bombs fell.

    We go through all terminal entries and the locations of where to find them, also reading out all the entries in order!

    I put so much work into presenting the Survivalist's story. I would love even just a few minutes of your viewing time!


    submitted by /u/GrampaScooshTV
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    Troika's unreleased spiritual successor to original Fallout

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 01:12 AM PST

    The amount of circlejerking that surrounds New Vegas is getting incredibly annoying

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 12:12 PM PST

    Title really says it all. New Vegas is good, it has amazing writing and characters but gets balanced out by the the dates gameplay and bugs. Overall I don't think that makes it a bad game but the way people treat it like the second coming of Christ is really stupid. Especially since it gets to a point where it isn't enough to like vegas but you have to dislike all the other 3D games or you're "not a true fan".

    submitted by /u/Baked-Pasta
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    How Should the Factions of Fallout 4 have been Fleshed Out?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 09:46 PM PST

    How Should the Factions of Fallout 4 have been Fleshed Out?

    In a lot of criticisms of Fallout 4 it is mentioned that many of the factions don't feel nearly as fleshed out as the main factions of Fallout New Vegas.

    This I feel is a fair criticism which I feel can be traced back to the voiced protagonist(One of the most costly and time consuming parts of development) taking away lines of dialogue that could have been used to voice other characters or been used to create more quests. I believe unless I'm mistaken that Fallout 4 has more lines of voiced dialogue then any other RPG at the time.

    The other problem I feel is that the Bethesda unlike Obsidian didn't feel it was important to address the history of many of the main factions that we see in game compared to groups such as Caesar's Legion or the city of New Vegas. For example we don't know how the Railroad was founded, we only get a single line during loading screens explaining when/how the Minutemen were founded, the Supermutants have two voiced characters in the entire game and we have no idea what motivates them. We also see only one returning character from Fallout 3 among the Brotherhood and have little to no idea what happened to settlements in Fallout 3. Imagine if we could talk to characters like Star Paladin Cross or members of Lyons Pride.

    So without contradicting any of the lore established in Fallout 4 or changing any of the events that occured in game how would you have expanded on the lore/added more quests to Fallout 4 for the four major factions.

    I would love to hear what everyones ideas would be. Four of mine would be as follows.

    -For the Minutemen allow the Raiders of Libertalia to be talked too and for them to recruited back into the fold of the Minutemen. A redemption quest or an elimination quest for the Minutemen would be fun, especially if it intersected with the leader of the Libertalia Raiders being replaced with a rouge Synth. Instead of storming Libertalia for the Institute the quest would allow Libertalia to be infiltrated and for the leader to be reclaimed without the rest of the Raiders noticing. Maybe even restore the former Raider leader or one of his subordinents that used to be a Minuteman.

    -For the Railroad I would have found it more interesting if they had used much more compartmentalization in the structure of their organization. Instead of the Freedom Trail leading directly to the Railroads leadership, it instead leads to a cell tasked with recruitment. From there you can slowly move up the ranks of the organization by doing quests. Perhaps the upper leadership will contact you through an intermediary after killing Kellogg such as Deacon, who will allow the Railroad questline to begin as normal.

    -For the Brotherhood of Steel I'd have loved it if we can talk to soldiers throughout the organization who have been recruited from various settlements from around the Capitol Wasteland. From them we could hear about all the locations we visited in the last Bethesda game. We could hear from veterans of the Brotherhood Outcasts and maybe even meet Protector Henry Casdin, we could meet recruits from Oasis, Canterbury Commons and Megatons. From them we can figure out how the Brotherhood treats wastelanders under their rule and what the extent of their authority is.

    -Finally for the Institute I'd have loved if there was at least one historian among the Synth Retention Bureau. Him and others like him could be a descendent of CIT's humanities department. I included him in the Synth Retention Bureau due to feeling that branch of the Institute would have the most interest in the history and politics of the Commonwealth. This historians will then send you on archaeology digs and other research assignments in order to discover the history of the Commonwealth. This would function similarly to learning the history of the Sierra Madre Casino. It would also be fun if for the Institute you could undertake kidnapping and assassination missions, just like Kellogg.

    These are just some ideas, I'd love to hear what anyone else have to say. Apologies if this is the wrong Subreddit for a post like this.

    submitted by /u/DungeonCanuck1
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    Faster than a fleeing bullet

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 03:04 AM PST

    Howdy, friends! I'm going to create the fastest coward in the Mojave for my next run(ta-dum tss). But I do not know how encumbrance affect movement speed in FNV. Any one has any idea?

    Edit: What about armors? Are there penalities if I'm wearing the light ones?

    submitted by /u/AKenkuNamedKinko
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    How exactly would Caesar discipline Lanius if the Courier talked him down?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 06:17 PM PST

    Caesar expects nothing short of excellence from his Legionaries and commanders. Failure is simply not tolerated, the fate of Joshua Graham is a testament to this. If you choose to side with the Legion, one of the last lines Caesar ever says to you is "Come back victorious, or don't come back". Even the deeds of the courier, who has advanced the Legion war effort more than anyone else, is nullified in he face of failure.

    He doesn't punish failure and insubordination because he wants to, he needs to do it, to ensure that his dictatorial status remain unquestioned. To display weakness in this regard, would jeopardise his exalted position as the Son of Mars. He would expose himself as nothing more than a mere mortal, and this would threaten the very unity of the Legion.

    However, how exactly would he punish Lanius. Lanius, the Terror of the East, unmatched in combat, venerated to a near mythological level for his unmatched ferocity and fighting prowess. Let's not forget, that it was Lanius who restored the Legion by laying waste to the Eastern tribes. To kill Lanius, would be a monumental task on it's own, but if by some miracle they do execute him, the Legion would have destroyed the source of their own fighting spirit. Legatus Lanius is emblematic of the Legion's unstoppable advance, it's raw carnage, to kill Lanius would be to kill a part of the Legion's very identity. And without that primal inspiration, the fervour of the Legion would dwindle into obscurity.

    I'm sure Caesar understands this, but at the same time, he cannot jeopardise his own demi-god status.

    submitted by /u/MontagGuy12
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    Tactics is canon I'll fight you

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 08:13 PM PST

    I don't care what todd howard says it's been referenced in every game since fallout 3 fite me

    submitted by /u/Griff-1138
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    How do you get Fallout 3 DLC on Xbox one?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 09:58 PM PST

    I got a copy of fallout 4 (NOT GOTY edition) like two or three years ago that came with a free download code of fallout 3. And I'm finally getting around to play it now for the xbox one, but before I do I'd like to have all the DLC for 3.

    When I opened fallout 3 I saw 'downloads' on the main menu and scrolled down to it. After clicking it I saw an option to 'view available content' and that I could technically buy the DLC

    If I do buy the fallout 3 DLC through this method would I actually have the DLC, or (because of some weird backwards compatibility mumbo jumbo) would I not be able to play the DLC and ultimatly end up losing my money?

    If not is there another way to get the DLC on my xbox one for this digital version of 3?

    submitted by /u/True_Pykumuku
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    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 06:16 AM PST

    GOG is having a Bethesda sale with a lot of the Fallout titles being 50% off or more! They are also DRM-free and from what I know work better with new versions of Windows.


    submitted by /u/Vaughn-Whiskey
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    NCR ranger training

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 06:40 PM PST

    Is there any lore about what sort of training Rangers go through in the NCR and I would like to compare it to modern day special forces training. Thanks I'm advance. (If there is any source pls link me to it)

    submitted by /u/McGasssy
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    Can’t launch Fallout 3 GOTY on my new PC

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 07:38 PM PST

    Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone had some suggestions on this. I understand for sure the issue is that Games with Windows Live was a shit service and it is affecting how I launch this game on Windows 10.

    I've tried running as administrator which to no one's surprise didn't work and I also tried to run a Games with Windows Live disabler from Nexus Mods but the disabler wouldn't run because it kept telling me I needed to launch Fallout 3 at least once. But like....that's why I tried to use to disabler....so I could ya know....launch the game.

    I'm open to any suggestions. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/MonstrosityJ
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    What would be your top 5 destinations for the next Fallout game to be set?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 10:11 PM PST

    Mine would be Chicago LA New York Texas/Rio Grande Maybe Seattle

    submitted by /u/Existing_Desk4617
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    [FNV] I told the NCR to ally with the BOS can i Still destroy them?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 04:00 AM PST

    I managed to make an alliance between the NCR and The BOS but i lost some reputation and am down to neutral with The NCR. I still have the option to destroy the Brotherhood if i do this will my rep go back up?

    submitted by /u/KaijuKraken
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    Fallout Nuka Break´s Studio Wayside Drama

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 05:41 PM PST

    I came across a comment under a Nuke Break video wich suggested Wayside frauded its creatorsWhats up with that ?

    Found a Video from the Original Folks and holy shit :/


    submitted by /u/fatjoe2015
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    Cant get Fallout 3 running.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 03:24 AM PST

    Hello i bought fallout 3 but i cant get it running. I launch it from steam it opens the launcher but when i hit play the launcher closes and then nothing. Steam tells me that its not running. I have deleted the game and reinstalled it, deleted save file but nothing. Can anyone help me?

    submitted by /u/cyberblyat2069
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    Project Nevada or Just Mods Assorted for a first time player? (New Vegas)

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 10:57 PM PST

    I'm a new player, first time trying out basically any fallout game. Both mods bring what I'd expect to get out of an FPS game, Project Nevada seems to do more but...

    1. Its a bit overwhelming the sheer number of changes it brings since I haven't even learned the core game mechanics completely yet.
    2. I still want a more or less vanilla playthrough for my first time.
    3. How does that make the game more challenging? Doesn't all those combat improvements and implants and perks and such just make it easier for you?
    submitted by /u/Noelic_vi
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    Fallout 3 Crashtastic

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 06:44 PM PST

    Recently bought Fallout 3 on steam and im eager to play it once again. Sadly the game crashes about once every 5 minutes in game and i cant figure out how to fix it. Ive read and tried all the tricks, editing the ini to increase core usage, bump down res, play in compatibility mode, play in administrator, anti-crash mods. Nothing works. This place is my last bastion. Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Bulletmaster28
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