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    Tuesday, December 22, 2020

    Fallout | despite all its flaws you have to admit that FO4 is absolutely beautiful.

    Fallout | despite all its flaws you have to admit that FO4 is absolutely beautiful.

    despite all its flaws you have to admit that FO4 is absolutely beautiful.

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 05:17 PM PST

    If there's one thing Bethesda is good at its worldbuilding and weather effects.

    Merry Christmas, hope ya had a great day.


    submitted by /u/IMMORTALMERC2281
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    I'm in the Fallout mood (as always), do you guys have or know of some good YouTube channels or something similar that I could binge while I should be "working"?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 04:57 AM PST


    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 03:59 PM PST

    So it is 3am where I am living and I find my self building the drive through settlement which i have been designing for the past 4 hours and DO NOT plan on stopping. Preston wanted a settlement I will give him a Settlement. Wish me luck

    submitted by /u/V-tipsy
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    Just finished Fallout 1

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 05:05 PM PST

    Hoo boy, I just finished Fallout 1. It's such an incredible game. I especially love the ending. It's so tragic yet beautiful. I love how much death there is even in the end, it's kinda funny. But yeah, it was so good. It was creative, fun, it aged beautifully, and overall, for my first Fallout game, it's incredible. I'm officially a full Fallout fan. Now I'm going to play Fallout 2 then Van Buren. Anyway, tell me your thoughts on the game and its ending.

    (Also funny thing, when I got taken down to the Lieutenant, I was stealthed (I had like 126%), so when I refused his offer, he didn't see me, and I was able to head to the computer room.)

    submitted by /u/TrueFullmetal
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    I miss the NCR. :(

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 05:42 PM PST

    Granted, I've only played Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, and Fallout 4, but I have read up on past games. Besides, I'm admittedly only 19, going on 20. However, of the three, I've played New Vegas and 4 the most. And when it comes to New Vegas, I have ALWAYS supported NCR. Not just because of the box art or the intro, but because I can't support any group that massacres people that had no part in the war, direct or otherwise, or enslaves said people. (Nipton) Besides, helping the NCR, if you play your cards right, (get it? XD) not only helps the NCR, but also helps most of everyone else as whole in the Mojave as this video shows. With 4, the closest I get to the NCR is the Minutemen, and as far as I know, they are content with staying a militia; no redo of the Commonwealth Provisional Government, no unification of the settlements with Diamond City and Goodneighbor, nothing. In my mind, that is NOT good enough: post-war America is dangerous, one settlement's guards and turrets is not enough to deal with the dangers, nor is a rag tag militia whose loyalties are at best divided. To better defend yourself against things like raiders, rogue mercenaries, deathclaws and super mutants, you need a professional full time military, one that can compete with organizations like the enclave or the brotherhood of steel; one that can respond to a call for help on short notice. Granted, it's going to be more difficult to be a rapid response group after the bombs, but the radio at the castle and access to brotherhood vertibirds should speed up the process. Besides, if the NCR truly has restored tanks and APCs, as I have heard, then combine that with powerful radio transmitters and vertibirds, and you have a truly powerful fighting force that can not only manufacture standardized equipment, but can also respond to a distress call in true minutes.

    However, part of that professionalism is not just in equipment and training, but leadership as well. That means you need more than a general. You need a national leader. The NCR has that. That's part of why they're successful. They have true leadership. Granted, Kimball is the wrong choice at the wrong time, but it's loads better than having no leader at all. Diamond City security is successful because they have a leader. I'm no fan of McDonough either, but he made DC Security tough as nails. Why can I only be a general of a militia? I'd much rather be able to unify the Commonwealth under the flag of a new NATION. I'd much rather be like Aredesh and the NCR; I don't want to just be leader of a ragtag militia. Come on, give me the option to professionalize my troops, give me the option to extend membership of my nation to my settlements.

    And of course, if nothing else, let me join the NCR Rangers if we go back west. Let me "lead the way."

    submitted by /u/Ryanmaidenfan2001
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    What do you think of Fallout Shelter?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 05:03 AM PST

    I liked this game very much.

    submitted by /u/Option-Open
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    I "Made" a Radio Station, Check it Out!

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 11:13 PM PST

    I put this together for a Fallout based roleplay community set in San Fransisco. I voiced my raider character with his own radio station based out of his ramshackle hovel of a home. It's (mostly) lore friendly in word and song. Figured you guys might appreciate it, I dunno. It starts off pretty lousy sounding since I used some Skullcandy headphones from my local gas station, but the later parts I bought a mic and the difference is substantial. I think it's subpar, but friends think it's a riot, so I dunno. I think they're biased.

    Be warned, this is nsfw language, and possibly not entirely PC, though my personal heart comes from a good place. All comments welcome, positive or hateful. And if we can start a petition to make me the next official radio host for Fallout 5, or the Fallout show that'd be amazing xD despite the fact I have nothing on Vinny Barbarino. (Old World Radio's Malt Shop Mayhem FTW)


    submitted by /u/ArriJones
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    PSA: If you are having CTDs, try turning off the weapons debris.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 04:36 AM PST

    I reinstalled FO4 and I've been hit with a wave of CTDs even with no mods installed, I could barely play at all. After some googling, I stumbled upon a forum where someone suggested turning off the weapons debris at the settings.

    It worked for me. If that's the case for you, then make sure to try this.

    submitted by /u/clothopos
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    Fallout 1 & 2 on windows 95

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 06:40 PM PST

    So I have an actual windows 95 laptop (not a vm) and recently I've been thinking of playing Fallout 1 & 2 on actual windows 95 since the games were made for windows 95/98. I ordered the discs for Fallout 1 & 2 (as well as the Russian version) on ebay. Idk if anyone has actually made a play through of those games on actual windows 95 or 98 since I couldn't find anything.

    submitted by /u/Photomegaballbat
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    People who prefer Fallout 3 or 4 to NV, can you explain why?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 12:02 PM PST

    Genuinely not trying to start an argument or judge you, I've just seen this view before and it baffles me. I'd really like to hear your opinion. No hostility here.

    Edit: why is this getting downvoted lmao it's just a discussion

    submitted by /u/totallythrowawayyy
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    How does cannibalism work in-universe?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 06:29 PM PST

    I'm not talking about Wendigos or Skinwalkers, I mean logistically eating humans is unhealthy and inefficient but somehow in game gives considerable benefits to the character. Are those psychosomatic, like they just think they feel 'better' after eating another person or have humans in fallout evolved to derive more nutrition from eating each other? Does Kuru not exist or is it cured or something?

    submitted by /u/eliteprephistory
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    I decided to do a run specializing in both explosives and flamers. But mostly flamers.

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 06:08 PM PST

    And I decided to add some historical flare. So I attempted to make Uncle Billy General Sherman. Although Boston is a long way from Georgia.

    submitted by /u/ComradeWinter
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    Finally found every magazine.

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 07:05 PM PST

    It took 101 levels and I looked most places over multiple times. I finally cheated after missing 3 magazines and looked up where they were. You can apparently find some of the computer game magazines twice.

    submitted by /u/Mountain-Carrot2869
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    About to attempt Dead Money for the third time, any sanity saving tips?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 05:24 AM PST

    As the title says, this will be the third time I've attempted to play dead money. I cannot stress enough how much I hate the DLC. I can never get that far because the mechanics, general look of the Sierra Madre and irritating plotholes piss me off too much and I end up just teleporting out and never returning. Please can someone save me from this inevitable fate. On a side note, I'm doing a permadeath playthrough. Difficulty isn't what I'm worried about, I've been playing New Vegas since launch and I know the ins and outs of the base game & all DLC apart from Deceased Currency. I just really want to get the fucking achievements finally, that's all that's stopping me from a clean 100%.

    submitted by /u/Pixielized
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    Questions/Ideas On Possible Brahmin Feed

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 05:44 PM PST

    I was watching a video on medival transport and it made me wonder.

    What do we think, in regards to each game, our cute little bovine pals eat? Of course regardless of its use as livestock or as pack animals it still needs to eat. And Im a big sucker for animals, and I don't want them to starve.

    So do we have ideas for what their feed might be in games? And I would assume it would change from region to region.

    Have a good day and stay safe!

    submitted by /u/Sp0ttySniper
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    Is Fallout 4 GOTY edition worth buying?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 08:04 AM PST

    Greetings so I have been trying to purchase this game. But I'm still pondering on weather the base game copy is worth buying or this edition. Any help would be appreciated thank you.

    submitted by /u/IJI1878
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    Who's the best companion in FO4?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 07:24 AM PST

    This is extremely subjective. I don't mean who has the best stats or who is the easiest to get. I mean who is your favorite companion based on their personalities and stories? Mine's Cait.

    submitted by /u/L0Pa1
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    Anyone else had the chance to play 76 on next gen?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 10:22 AM PST

    Playing on the series X and while yes it's 30 fps as it's not optimised for series X yet it's a locked 30 fps with no dips. This game is so much better than people say it is. The exploration at the very least is far better than any other Fallout for me. (Tho what do you expect with a live service game of course it has more interesting locations.) What's performance like on PS5?

    submitted by /u/DoomFragger
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    Sunny smiles’ dog died in the tutorial.... oops

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 07:25 AM PST

    Uhhhh yaaaaa.....

    submitted by /u/I-do-not-care123
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    [FO4] So Fallout 4 runs at upto 120 FPS with the unlock FPS mod on Series X.

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 03:47 PM PST

    Wow. It looks great too.

    submitted by /u/VVhiteStone
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    Port-A-Diner woes

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 03:28 PM PST

    I got the pie on my first try! First ever success! But then I couldn't take it from the machine :/ Upon reloading I couldn't successfully grab it at all. RIP to the hundreds year old dessert.

    submitted by /u/crowboysketch
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    What the fuck, Fallout 1

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 05:34 PM PST

    I want to like this game so so badly, but fuck me. It is so goddamn unintuitive and infuriating. Even after fucking with the resolution forever, all of the text is way too tiny. I try to use a stimpak on myself, but somehow it thinks I want to use it on a dead mole rat. My knife just disappears from my hand for no reason. No amount of right or left clicks gives me any other option than to look at the ladder that will let me out of this cave.

    I'm sure there's tons of great writing and role playing in here somewhere, but Jesus Christ this feels like eating a pile of hot garbage to play.

    Is there some enhanced version or something that makes it less shitty? Why is one of the greatest games ever made such an unfun chore to play?

    submitted by /u/spider-gumdrop
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