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    Fallout Lore | Is there anything in the Fallout games that describes what life was like in communist nations?

    Fallout Lore | Is there anything in the Fallout games that describes what life was like in communist nations?

    Is there anything in the Fallout games that describes what life was like in communist nations?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 09:05 PM PST

    The America in Fallout was pretty messed up, there's lot's of examples of corporations or the government (along with many other things) experimenting on or just plain out killing American citizens because it was to their benefit. Just wondering how the Soviet Union and China compare, mainly because they are portrayed as standing for everything America is against. Is there any info on if life in those countries also had drawbacks or if they were a pretty good place to live?

    submitted by /u/TheDude1451
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    New Vegas' conflict doesn't make any sense, Part 3

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 09:24 AM PST

    All right, the third and final part of my posts, after the first two, will deal with perhaps the most frequently cited reason why the NCR can't hold the region.

    III. Supply Lines:

    Logistics. The backbone of any military invasion. After all, strategy and tactics don't matter if you don't have the logistics to back it up.

    Speaking with Lanius at the final battle reveals an interesting fact. The Legion does not have long supply lines. They rely mostly on local supplies, and Lanius can be convinced to back down by making him realise the lack of self-sufficient tribals and towns out west. The Legion couldn't even supply their forces in Denver, nearly breaking it, as Lanius attests.

    It's a problem so bad that the Monster of the East, the mighty Lanius, chose to disobey Caesar and turn back. It's an issue Lanius knows the Legion can't deal with, because it nearly broke his army against the Hangdogs.

    Even then, if Caesar does have supply lines into the Mojave, he has to rely on brahmin, legionaries and slaves. I doubt there's enough people out East, especially in the Legion, who'd have the know-how to repair vehicles, let alone have the replacement parts to restore it. Comparing with a pack animal like a yak and its speeds, a Brahmin would cover at best 50 km in 10 hours, not counting rests. It would also have to be fed and rested, and could carry maybe 200 kg.

    Caesar would need huge caravans in order to supply thousands of his troops for months on. And said caravans would move very slowly. Similarly, his troops would take time in crossing entire states on foot. They'd have to be fed and carry their handlers' equipment like food, tents and utensils, which further cuts into how much usable weight that can be carried.

    Most importantly, Caesar's supplies are also of inferior quality. For medicine, it's healing powders and hydra. Hydra addiction is a very real risk, and probably ends up with the Legionary being put down. Any other equipment has to be scavenged and replacing them has to be a hassle. Even food has to be acquired through tithes, and must be enough to not only feed the Legion, but also to feed the slaves working at the Fort. Caesar also can't starve his towns, so he can't even take all the food they produce.

    The NCR however has working rail lines within the Mojave itself, implying that similar if not greater infrastructure exists within the Core region. They even have transport trucks to carry supplies, as well as local sources of crops, meat and weapons. They also operate large caravans to and from the region, particularly the Crimson Caravan branch.

    Having a single supply line loses its disadvantages when said supply line can move literal tons of cargo, 1,000 times what a single Brahmin can carry (200kg vs 20 tons x 10 boxcars). And that's at speeds six to eight times what a caravan can move. Per train. Let alone the troop and trade movement benefits it gives.

    The NCR operates trains in the middle of the Mojave, from Sloan to Boulder City and Hoover Dam, carrying concrete for fortifications. Meaning it's not even an issue of unusable tracks or risk. The NCR doesn't even need to directly move trains into the Mojave, simply bringing supplies from the Hub or Adytum to the Long 15 in a matter of hours would make a huge difference. NCR soldiers and supplies could cover hundreds of kilometers in less than half a day, all the while staying in secure territory.

    Also to be noted is that the Long 15 was secure enough for the NCR to keep a few Vertibirds there, as well as guarded by Royez and his personal heavy troopers, all equipped with insanely powerful weapons. It could very well have been another Hoover Dam or McCarran where large numbers of NCR soldiers were kept.

    And while Frumentarii sabotage is a threat, Joshua Graham, former Legate and co-founder of the Legion, says, "I've heard one of them travels the Mojave as a courier. Most of Caesar's agents meet a fitting end in NCR territory, but maybe this one survived". This pretty much tells us that NCR territory is fairly dangerous for Frumentarii to operate in. As the former Malpais Legate, Joshua is a very reliable source on such matters.

    I also doubt the NCR would've left the railways undefended, as it should connect distant regions like Adytum, the Hub, Shady Sands and Vault City together, who altogether made up the industrial backbone of the NCR. As well as for transporting corn and brahmin. Protecting them would probably be a major priority.

    The NCR also can produce stimpacks, Med-X and other drugs in Vault City. Guns and ammunition could be supplied from Adytum and other factories. Corn and beef could come from farmland like Modoc. And if the trains are electrical, then even power doesn't become a major issue and further emphasises the utility of Hoover Dam.

    Even being able to operate trucks gives them a major advantage in terms of supplies. An light truck can carry 10-25 times what a single Brahmin can, and move six times faster. And while the Mojave outpost is their only pathway, it's secure, near impossible to capture thanks to its location and the I-15 gives a direct route to New Vegas until 2281 when Deathclaws move in.

    The fact that the Legion didn't target the one and only supply line into the Mojave probably indicates how well guarded it is. It would take nukes to "cut the throat of the Bear", as Ulysses says.

    Finally, the NCR not using the Rangers to carry out sabotage operations on Legion caravans can be attributed to Oliver, but for Kimball to not order so is another thing that doesn't make sense. Man sieged a city and aggressively took the fight to the tribes, yet he doesn't see the value in harassing Legion caravans? Did Kimball the general take a backseat or something? Using the Rangers like the Legion uses the Frumentarii would make it a nightmare for the Legion.

    Anyway, in other words, their superior means of transport mitigates a lot of the disadvantages of having just one supply line. The fact that the NCR didn't use those two years to strengthen their position in the Mojave while the Legion did makes zero sense.

    submitted by /u/Crystal_Sohnd
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    Could someone explain to me how Bethesda retconned and changed the Brotherhood? I’ve heard people say it a lot online and give a few examples, but never go into much detail.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 05:19 PM PST

    I'm a fan of the Fallout franchise, though my first introduction to the series was FO4, so I know I'm not getting everything based on my own experience. I've played New Vegas a decent amount as well as 76, so I know some stuff about the lore there, but that's pretty much it, so I'd like people to clear a few things up and go into some proper detail so I can fully understand as I have never played the original two games along with barely touching 3. Thanks so much in advance!

    submitted by /u/IanUnoriginal
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    How prevalent are STD's after the great war?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 09:23 PM PST

    Were most/all STD's destroyed by the nukes? Did the nukes create new ones through mutation? Or did the STD's survive the nukes through infected survivors?

    submitted by /u/RubyKDC
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    How far east does the legion spread?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 11:48 AM PST

    The legion must be similarly large as the NCR to have to population to be more or less be at the same military level as them, but I didnt find any ingame lore that solved that question

    submitted by /u/1Ferrox
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    Which Chem is The Most Addictive in The Fallout Universe?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 11:34 PM PST

    I always think jet or psycho

    submitted by /u/Mikas_69
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    It's not Caesar's fault.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 09:37 PM PST

    Caesar literally only had access to TWO books on Rome. One written by Julius Caesar that describes his wars against tribes in Gaul, and a book about the fall of Rome and he apparently only was able to read those books for two weeks before being taken hostage by the Blackfoot. He didn't have nearly enough information to properly recreate the Roman Empire. Especially not with pissant Tribsls who lived in huts and just barely fought off their enemies before he arrived.

    submitted by /u/No-Comparison-9572
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