• Breaking News

    Thursday, November 26, 2020

    Fallout: New Vegas | Last post I made got 80(ish) Up votes, so I redid the whole thing in a day or two. (Back side can’t be seen like in game on ground level, hence why the ground doesn’t make a 360)

    Fallout: New Vegas | Last post I made got 80(ish) Up votes, so I redid the whole thing in a day or two. (Back side can’t be seen like in game on ground level, hence why the ground doesn’t make a 360)

    Last post I made got 80(ish) Up votes, so I redid the whole thing in a day or two. (Back side can’t be seen like in game on ground level, hence why the ground doesn’t make a 360)

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 11:28 PM PST

    Me and arcade just got done slaughtering caesar and his goons and thought this looked cool.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 01:17 AM PST

    Fallout New Vegas and Ultimate Edition are 70% and 67% off in the Steam autumn sale!

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 02:42 PM PST

    Ultimate edition on ps3 having a lot of controller issues.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 09:42 AM PST

    First of all, the game is epic I'm having a lot of fun with it, finally playing it. But I'm playing on ps3 and I've had two main issues with it, sometimes L2 and R2 will stop working, and at the moment, I can't access my diagonal hotkeys. I thought the issue might be that I'm using a ps4 controller, but I plugged my old ps3 controller in and it doesn't work either. I got the triggers to work by messing around with controller assignments for awhile, but I've had no such luck with the diagonals issue. What gives? Does anyone else have this problem? Is there any easy fix for this or a thread I've missed somehow?

    submitted by /u/MaxKCoolio
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    A Gallery of Figurines of Fallout Companions & Major Characters, Old and New (now largely colourised!)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 03:39 AM PST

    Is it possible to edit/choose what Mr New Vegas says?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 10:21 AM PST

    Is there a text file that I can edit that will change what he says from one possible line to another? If there is, I could edit the song playlist as well

    submitted by /u/p1101
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    The Steam Autumn Sale Is Finally Started

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 01:00 AM PST

    Autumn sale has begun on Steam, which has been a favorite of players for a long time. Autumn sale published on Steam offer savings of up to 95%. Details are in our news.

    Fallout: New Vegas | $2.99 / £2.39 (70% off) – Hard to believe any RPG lover wouldn't already have it in their library, but just in case.

    submitted by /u/orhnkyk
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    Revenge was had.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 07:09 PM PST

    Are the strength requirements for optimal weapons use effected by temporary strength debuffs?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 08:20 AM PST

    For example: if a weapon requires 6 strength and I have 6 strength but I am experiencing deadly radiation poisoning (-2 strength) will I fail to meet the weapons requirement for optimal use while experiencing radiation sickness?

    submitted by /u/DanyyBoyy
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    I'm having trouble finishing fnv

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 10:05 AM PST

    I only have 2 quests active one is don't tread on the bear and the other on is something to do with yes man and the one with yes man doesn't work all the objectives are completed and I don't know what to do I started this game with my dad 8 years ago and I have 173 hours into this save so I wanna bring it to a end and tips on what to do

    submitted by /u/Fred_3024
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    Raul disappeared, and even console commands aren’t of any help.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 06:14 AM PST

    Hi. So like a lot of people, I dismissed Raul for like five minutes, and the rotten fucker fell off the face of the earth. After having looked at Black Mtn, in the Lucky 38, and in his shack, I decided to use the console to teleport him back to me. And that's when it gets weird : I used « prid e6105 », and Raul's name and id appeared at the top of my screen as they should. I then used « moveto player » to teleport him back to me. When I close the console, he's still not here. And when I finally try and use « player.moveto e6105 » I teleport right where I was standing, and he's still nowhere to be found. I even used TCL to see if he wasn't somewhere underneath the map but he isn't. Oh and also, the first time I used this command I teleported underneath a rock in Big Mountain. So yeah basically I can still lock onto his ID but the fucker seems to be invisible, and I don't know if there's anything else I can try. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/olekminsk
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    How it feels to chew 5 gum.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 10:51 AM PST

    Which DLC to get?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 06:54 AM PST

    I'm poor so I'm only getting one, the options are Dead Money, Lonesome Road, and Honest Hearts. Thanks

    submitted by /u/SilverHornet575
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    Is there a character guide to joining ALL factions in New Vegas?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 04:32 AM PST

    like what perks to get and attributes to upgrade in order to join all the factions?, completing each required mission. Anyone know of one?

    submitted by /u/saintmxrk
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    Fire Resistance and Energy Resistance?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 03:48 AM PST

    How do they work? Do they apply before or after the DT/DR calculation? Or they count as extra DR depending on the incoming damage type?

    Extra question. Since from my understanding, we don't have explosive resistance. Do you think we could reverse the process by instead modding all explosive weapons, attaches them with an increase DT effect (like hollowpoint bullet effect) that applies to a character whenever they are wearing specific armors, thus make them more resistant towards explosive?

    submitted by /u/Diamondborne
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    Removing NVSR Fixed My Game

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 04:54 PM PST

    I had increasingly terrible crashing, freezing and hanging to the point that I could barely load a save.

    Turned out NVSR is a mess on windows 10.

    I have deleted it and that has literally fixed all of my problems.

    The game doesn't even stutter without it so whats the point of it?

    Just a tip in case others may be having unresolved crashing issues. NVSR may be causing problems.

    submitted by /u/PCPooPooRace_JK
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    Damn, got to start another playthrough [Game Design Vid]

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 03:05 PM PST

    New Vegas Reloaded with Viva New Vegas?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 06:26 PM PST

    So, my semester is over next week and with my new found free time I wanted to start New Vegas over and use the Viva New Vegas modding guide. I saw ENBs are under the "avoid" tab and I just remembered New Vegas Reloaded is a thing. Forgive me if I'm wrong but I don't think it's anywhere in the VNV guide and I wanted to know would it work well or should I avoid it also?

    submitted by /u/VintageDusk
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