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    Tuesday, October 20, 2020

    Fallout | Fallout 4 New Vegas has given us a new showcase trailer!

    Fallout | Fallout 4 New Vegas has given us a new showcase trailer!

    Fallout 4 New Vegas has given us a new showcase trailer!

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    Doc Mitchell's voice actor needs help.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    Since it's New Vegas's 10th anniversary I thought it'd be important to mention the unfortunate accident that happened. Michael Hogan, voice actor of Doc Mitchell and an actor in shows like Battlestar Galactica, experienced a severe head injury around the end of September. He and his family need support from the community in these tough times.

    Not sure if I am allowed to post links, so I'll just mention that they currently have a gofundme setup. Just look up his name and you should find it.

    submitted by /u/StealthSuitMkII
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    In honor of Fallout: New Vegas's 10th birthday. here's a playlist of every (3D) Fallout's soundtrack, including all of New Vegas's "quest title songs!"

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 09:50 PM PDT

    The Fallout 3 ending has made me thoroughly depressed.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 07:25 PM PDT

    Recently, I finished fallout 3 and ending is saddening and I don't know why. For some reason the dramatic ass narrator taking about bravery and kindness and shit got me extremely depressed. I think a large part of my sadness cake from the fact that I rushed to finish restoring project purity, and hardly got to level 18 before I finished the game. Is there any other ending or do you just have to procrastinate on the main quest untill you feel like finishing the game?

    submitted by /u/jackgyver
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    Happy 10th Fallout NV, you're nobody till somebody loves you.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    And that somebody is us, we love you.

    submitted by /u/Shnoon_DaDude
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    All BoS chapters are basically the same

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 07:48 PM PDT

    Okay so I know this might be kinda controversial but I'mma say it. All of the BoS factions are the same. They are all hateful towards ghouls and super mutants. I know the BoS in 3 and 4 are basically the same group they left DC and moved to Boston but for some reason people hate on the BoS in 4 way more. They both hate any non human humanoids. In fallout 3 Willow a resident of underworld (a city of ghouls) says the The BoS shoots at them whenever they spot them. These aren't ferals these are fully sentient and aware ghouls who just want to live a peaceful life. Now idk about everyone else but shooting at non feral ghouls sounds like Elder Maxsons BoS. They both enjoy killing super mutants and hate them. I really am a fan of The Brotherhood of Steel in the games but it's somewhat annoying how people treat the groups. Lyons BoS was just less Vocal about their hatred then Maxsons BoS.

    submitted by /u/germicwar
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    Happy anniversary Fallout New Vegas. All of our spurs are jingle jangle jingling on this blessed day.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 05:10 AM PDT

    Fisting and lasers in fallout 5

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 08:40 PM PDT

    I feel like unarmed "weapons" and energy weapons in the numbered 3d fallout games don't get much love. In fallout 3 and 4 you have a pretty slim selection of energy weapons to choose from. You have laser and plasma pistol and rifles gatling laser and flamers and an alien blaster in fallout 3s base game which isn't to bad but it would still be nice to see. The weapon selection in fallout 4 is basically the same but is made slightly by weapon mods. I'd like to see different types of energy weapons in fallout 5 like Emp, lighting, sonic. I also hope they do back to the old amo system for energy weapons is kinda annoying even late game. You go through amo way faster using fusions cells for rifles and pistols. Oh yeah I forgot about the Gamma guns in 4.

    I'm not the biggest fan of the unarmed skill but it's would still be cool to see more unarmed "weapons" like there was in NV.

    submitted by /u/germicwar
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    Now ain't that ironic

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 03:58 AM PDT

    To celebrate New Vegas' 10th birthday here's a reimagined version of the game with a more classic look.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    Here's the picture: https://i.imgur.com/JU2CSYQ.png

    Most of the background has been taken from Red888guns. Check his awesome art here: https://www.deviantart.com/red888guns


    Hope you like it!

    submitted by /u/Mendomendo
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    Looks like the engine isn't the only thing they are overhauling. Their animations system got rewritten.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 09:46 PM PDT


    Starfield is really pushing Bethesda to up all of their systems, especially for the next gen consoles. Pretty excited to see how this would change their animations for Fallout.

    submitted by /u/sounders127
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    Happy birthday New Vegas!

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    All bolt action rifles in fallout 4 are left handed

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 05:47 PM PDT

    Isn't this weird considering every npc is right handed? The animation to cycle the bolt action hunting rifle takes super long because of this.

    submitted by /u/chillinthetrees
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    On the tenth anniversary of the release of New Vegas, I’m working as a courier.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    It's not as fun as I thought.

    submitted by /u/Ranger176
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    How do I "Grandma's Cooler" in Fallout 3?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 10:48 PM PDT

    Right outside Grandma Sparkle's house located in Wilhelm's Warf there is a fridge named "grandma's cooler". It requires a key to open but I can't find it anywhere. I checked the entire shack and Sparkle's inventory. Its a specifically named object so I figured I would find something about it online but there's nothing. Is there a way to get into the cooler?

    submitted by /u/MysteryCreature21
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    I’ve just finished New Vegas for the first time!

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 09:10 PM PDT

    I had so much fun with this game. I ended up siding with Yes Man and I feel pretty satisfied. Who did you side with and why?

    submitted by /u/cherrywinemom22
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    Cooke killed Pembroke — Can I kill Cooke and get all chems?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 10:23 PM PDT

    I went with Pembroke and encouraged him to kill Cooke, but in the ensuing fight Cooke killed Paul. I'm now going with Cooke to the deal. Can I still get all 60 chems, and would that entail killing Cooke? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/eetmiash
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    Fallout 4 Romance Question

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 03:42 AM PDT

    I am just getting back into the game and have quite a bit of confusion but one thing I just cannot find a clear answer on is about romance companions.

    Is it possible to have lets say Ada (who's 420 carrying weight right now and other wild things seem hard to beat) but raise romance levels with a companion at a settlement? Like can I keep a harem at Sanctuary that I only go there to get down with?

    I guess more specifically I mean do I need to dismiss Ada and reacquire the romance partner in question or will it just work as normal once it's at that level?

    submitted by /u/Lanthemandragoran
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    Anyone know a mod like this?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 02:59 AM PDT

    Anyone knows a xbox mod to create your faction? I already have the 2.8 of FCOM ( fallout conmander ) on my fallout 4 copy. So... Open yo suggestions?

    submitted by /u/Adventurous-Fan6882
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    When will Fallout 1 and 2 go on sale?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 02:38 AM PDT

    Ive already played and bought Fallout 3, New Vegas and 4, but I've always wanted to play the original Fallout games. Does anyone know when these 2 games go on sale?

    submitted by /u/j0kerDK
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    Idea of being/becoming a super mutant in another game.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 10:42 PM PDT

    I feel like this idea gets floated around a lot in bigger discussions, sometimes by me, but I do think it would legitimately be interesting if you were a super mutant for either part or all of a future game.

    I think it would probably work best if you woke up at the beginning of the game as a mutant after having been exposed to FEV, as opposed to having it be some optional thing later on. From a story angle, it would allow you to see the world from a fundamentally different perspective. Super mutants, while not necessarily friendly, because there are rivalries and group dynamics, would no longer be automatically enemies, and Humans, even settlers, would now be almost invariably hostile to you on sight. This could create interesting dynamics, since, you would know that the humans weren't evil and were just defending themselves, but they would still be trying to kill you. It could get even more interesting if there were other groups of super mutants doing raids against humans, and if you wanted to stop them you'd have to kill your own kind, which would risk getting you rejected from super mutant society, at which point everyone would be trying to kill you. This would be really different from the other games, in which you just walk into a town, solve all their problems in a few hours of questing, and leave a hero. In this, anyplace that would take you would very quickly become an important refuge.

    I think the ultimate goal of the game could be to slowly create a society where mutants and humans could coexist ( I mean, that could be the good ending, a bad ending could easily have mutants kill all of the humans in the region and become even more dangerous than before, or one could have you either cure yourself and kill the mutants, or cure everyone). Ghouls would also play a big role, because despite being a classic part of fallout's lore and world, they've also kind of been window dressing most of the time. I've played every game except tactics and BoS, and I can't remember off the top of my head a ghoul who was actually relevant to the main plot (not counting the later-ghoulified vault-tec representative) and especially not one who's ghoulishness was important. They're also reviled and rejected, but slightly less feared, and I think that they could be very good partners in creating a world that values both of you. Some synths might also show up. I know this was touched on in 2 with Broken Hills, and in NV with Jacobstown, but those still fall into the solve all problems in 3 hours and move on category, whereas this would be a whole story, with you dealing with this stuff for the whole game. (Note: I'm not criticizing them, I like them, I want more) You would also probably have to deal with a variety of mutant types, with some smart ones, like Marcus and Fawkes, some crazy Nightkin like Lily, and some Dumb-Dumbs like Strong or most enemies. We see in New Vegas that Marcus was having a lot of trouble keeping those groups together, with Black Mountain splitting in half, and Jacobstown coming seconds away from disaster before being saved by two daring and heroic skill checks by the Courier, and now those issues would be your problem. And not solvable via two skill checks. I think this story would also have the advantage of personally concerning the Main Character, and the player. Instead of looking for a loved one who you may or may not actually care about (3,4), or just showing up to a conflict that doesn't really have anything to do with you (NV), you would be dealing with a problem that affected you as a character and as a player.

    In terms of villains, other than raider types who show humans that maybe mutants aren't that bad in comparison, we might need to bring back the Enclave. Now, I know, many of you are probably groaning right now, if you have any emotional reaction at all, but I think they might actually be important this time. In previous games, they always had the whole "purity" thing going on, where they were going to kill all of the mutants, which sometimes sounds okay, until they clarify that that means everyone with DNA damage, so they're really just Omnicidal. In this, they would actually be trying to specifically kill super mutants and ghouls, and might even function as the legitimate defenders of many normal humans. This would make them embody the larger conflict between humans and mutants, as opposed to just some people to fight. They want to wipe you out, and you want to kill them, except you don't want to kill the humans with them, which creates tension between just saving yourselves and making peace with a group who doesn't want it. They're also historically the toughest baddies in the series, which I think would make them more worthy foes for a super mutant such as yourself, especially since as a mutant you wouldn't be able to take their armor and use it against them. Also if they had more Deathclaws, they would be worthy foes, and convincing sentient Deathclaws to come to your side would be so cool.

    In terms of game mechanics it could also be fun. You might not be able to use pistols or gauntlet weapons, but you'd be much better at using large guns and melee weapons, and could probably put up one hell of a fight with your bare fists, especially with some sort of grappling/martial arts system. If you could legitimately fist-fight a Deathclaw, it would be great fun to do so. You also wouldn't be able to wear normal armor or power armor, but might be able to get custom Super Mutant armor made over the course of the game. If you don't suffer any intelligence penalties leveling up could use a fairly normal skill/perk system, but I also think it would be interesting if this particular strain of the virus let you control your own evolution somewhat, serving as a justification for the perks. You could even have a karma/control system, with good karma being control over yourself and bad karma being giving in to the primal part of you. You'd also be pretty much immune to radiation, so that could offer some possibilities to make yourself useful if there was a glowing sea-ish place where humans couldn't go.

    Finally, I think it could really do a lot to make the settlement system more interesting. Instead of just being worse towns, settlements (or possibly one big settlement) would be the beginning of the new society you were creating. They would be the places where humans, mutants, and ghouls could live and work together. You wouldn't just be planting a few crops, you would be actively resolving disagreements and dealing with issues. You might have a radio show like Black Mountain radio where you tried to fight prejudice, and spread the signal by building more repeating towers. You'd also have people, including possibly the enclave, who were really committed to destroying you, and there would be some pitched battles trying to keep the dream alive. But if at the end of it, a human trade caravan came to your settlement, and you threw open the gates, and they walked in and you shook their hand and then bought a really cool gun that you never would have been able to get without them, it would all be worth it.

    Anyway, I know a lot of people think that because we might only get one game every 15 years now they should be as normal and un-gimmicky as possible, but I think this would be something new, and potentially even more fun and interesting than just a normal good fallout game.

    Edit/Addendum: Mighty Mighty Man would be the main song.

    submitted by /u/ThorgilsBoomer
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    My first Armor mod for FO4. Thoughts?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 10:35 AM PDT


    (Ignore the Imperial seal it is a placeholder)

    submitted by /u/THEKONIG
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    Best starting S.P.E.C.I.A.L for Fallout 3 based on my goals?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    I want to get through the game being stealthy and killing as few enemies as possible. This can mean by sneaking past enemies or talking my way out of fighting. When I do kill enemies I want to do it without being caught. I also want to max out all my skills and stats by the end of the game. This will be my first full playthrough. What do I need to do build wise?

    submitted by /u/JeruldForward
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