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    Friday, September 18, 2020

    Fallout | If anyone EVER tells you Prewar USA was a force for good... (A handy counter/reference)

    Fallout | If anyone EVER tells you Prewar USA was a force for good... (A handy counter/reference)

    If anyone EVER tells you Prewar USA was a force for good... (A handy counter/reference)

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 12:21 AM PDT

    Despite the series being a brazen critique of nationalism and unregulated capitalism, there's still a surprising amount of people unirionically agreeing with the parodies of their ideals. Today's spicy take is on how every once and awhile you'll find someone defending the Prewar United States.

    Normally this is where'd I make an argument to counter this idea but... honestly I don't have to because the Fallout Wiki page for The Prewar United States Of America and the Fallout Bible passages it's citing are so unapologetic the argument makes itself.

    Read the entire page for it if you have the time. Seriously. Otherwise, here are some choice quotes (all of these are direct and unedited by me beyond some bolding for emphasis and basic context in brackets):


    Federal presidential constitutional republic (de jure)

    Totalitarian unitary oligarchy (de facto)

    the American government controlled by the military-corporate oligarchs abandoned the country shortly before the nuclear exchanges began

    the United States began exerting pressure on Mexico, in order to protect their economic interests there, primarily the crude oil supply. The U.S. deliberately destabilized the country using economic sanctions, before invading the country outright. American military units seized oil refineries and infrastructure to ensure that the flow of crude oil did not cease.

    Canada had also begun to feel the pressure exerted by its increasingly hostile neighbor.

    The federal government attempted to use the increasing national paranoia to control the situation, by discouraging assemblies, fueling the anti-communist sentiment, and encouraging the reporting of subversive elements.[20] The Vigilant Citizen's Hotline was even established to allow hysterical citizens to report neighbors to the government for any behavior that could be construed as in support of communism.[21] The Third Red Scare unfolded as a response to the increased hostility of the People's Republic of China and its operations on American soil.[22]

    This war also inadvertently triggered the gradual annexation of Canada, as the United States effectively forced its neighbor to grant the right of passage to American military forces.

    The war consumed increasing amounts of resources, materiel, and manpower, straining the ailing American economy even further. To counteract this, the United States military had begun to liberally exploit Canadian resources. Protests from Ottawa in return towards this blatant intrusion were ignored, as Canada ultimately became little more than a territory of the United States.[35] Riots and protests eventually culminated in a sabotage attempt on an oil pipeline in 2072. The United States military used this incident as a pretext to outright invade Canada and begin annexation.

    By the end of the month, the annexation of Canada was completed. Its provinces were put under martial law, and all protesters and rioters were shot on sight. Atrocities committed in the name of the Union made their way stateside, fermenting into anti-governmental sentiment.

    In August, food and energy riots had begun breaking out in urban centers across the United States. A state of emergency and eventually martial law was declared, with U.S. military forces being deployed on the domestic front to fight their own countrymen. The United States effectively became a military junta.

    [Image transcription of the broadcast from the original Fallout's opening] U.S. soldiers execute a Canadian partisan on national television. The military that controls the country at this point does not care about the outrage this imagery is going to spark.

    the military junta in control of the United States deployed mechanized cavalry units to Canada and the United States in order to settle and prevent further sedition. Veterans of the Chinese and Alaskan fronts found themselves fighting their own countrymen, quelling riots and enforcing the national quarantine. Mounting civilian casualties snapped the loyalty of many soldiers, and desertions started to frequently occur.

    Billions of dollars and thousands of casualties later, the war was once more at a stalemate with no clear victor or end in sight.

    Another contributing factor was the increasingly dire food situation, with riots a regular occurrence. The United States Army servicemen deployed to protect food banks were known for responding to altercations with violence. One notable incident in Roxbury, Massachusetts, left four dead and eight wounded, after soldiers were laughing and picking targets out in the crowd well in advance. It was far from an exception.

    Faced with a rapidly disintegrating nation, and with China backed into a corner, the oligarchs ruling the United State retreated to remote locations around the globe, expecting a last-ditch nuclear strike from China at any moment.

    Bases across the United States were sealed and troops redeployed to feed more men into the meat grinder that the Chinese front became, thereby sustaining the American war effort.

    By October, the United States had become virtually leaderless, continuing on simply from inertia.

    All the offices of power across the United States were closed and dark, maintained by skeleton crews.

    Within two hours, the United States had ceased to exist as a nation, with its cities vaporized within nuclear fireballs.[56] Abandoned by their leaders, the survivors began rebuilding on their own, while the oligarchs that controlled the country for so long ignored the suffering in their retreats. Those on the oil rig formed the Enclave, claiming to be the government of the United States, but not lifting a finger to help.

    While the United States had been founded on the principles of liberty and justice for all, the reality of the 21st-century resource crisis and traumatic experiences, caused the nation to abandon these principles almost entirely. The fear of communism and economic collapse led to the population willingly complying with the gradual abrogation of civil rights; trading liberty for security.

    While collusion between the executive branch and the corporations dominating the economy of the United States affected constitutional freedoms, the transition towards a totalitarian state began in earnest with the Sino-American War. Wartime censorship enabled the government to confiscate and indiscriminately destroy any material deemed seditious.

    Many publications became outlets for propaganda, used to mock non-nationalist sentiments and protesters.

    Organized labor and unions came under heavy attack from both the government and the corporations. Repression was particularly severe in Appalachia, a strategic region supplying raw materials for the war effort and a crucible of widespread automation. Hornwright Industrial Mining Company, Atomic Mining Services, and RobCo Industries, supported by Appalachia's Governor Evans, pushed for replacing human labor with robotics, leaving thousands of workers out of jobs, fueling widespread social unrest and impoverishing the population, made worse by the Wartime Workers Act. The unrest culminated in the Appalachian mining riots of late 2077, which saw regular combat between workers and government and corporate enforcers.[63] However, even before that explosion, the totalitarian state was abusing and murdering their citizens: The United States Navy facility at Sugar Grove was a fine example of this tendency, engaging in covert surveillance of US citizens, identifying labor activists and other "traitors", which usually led to abduction, murder without trial, and any surviving children being put up for adoption by loyalist families.

    Under Executive Order 99066, Chinese and Chinese-American citizens and residents were interned and placed in concentration camps without trial, sometimes by private security contractors hired by the military to conduct what were essentially abductions.[65] The Turtledove Detention Camp in Maryland was one such camp, forcing the inmates to live in squalid conditions without access to proper sanitation facilities and its inmates being subjected to abuse, torture, and brutal interrogations.[66] Eventually, the Order was used as grounds for imprisoning any and all dissidents at the military's discretion. Many ended up disappearing in the various research facilities across the United States, used as guinea pigs in various research projects fueling the war effort.

    The declaration of martial law nationwide in 2076 marked the completion of this gradual process; the military had finally been given free rein and total control over the state security apparatus and public affairs. Military units were deployed to quell riots and enforce the quarantine, answering only to their own chain of command.

    the annexation of Canada added a large population of disgruntled residents to the United States, victims of nearly a decade-long abuse by American military and its corporations.[35] Protests and rioting did little to stay the iron hand of their new American masters.[36] Martial law instituted in the wake of the annexation earlier in 2076 allowed the U.S. military to shoot protesters and rioters without consequence. Canada was brought to heel, although the atrocities committed in the name of the American people were leaked stateside, leading to unrest and protests despite the best efforts of American propagandists

    The government of the United States of the 21st century had strayed far from the principles of governance enshrined within the Constitution of the United States, becoming an oligarchy with the characteristics of a military junta by 2077. Civil rights and liberties were increasingly curtailed in the name of national security and the war effort, until all pretense of a democratic order was dropped in late 2076, in the face of an open revolt by allies, neighbors, soldiers, and civilians. The state of emergency and then martial law granted the military and corporations total control over the country formalizing an existing state of affairs,[43] not unlike the annexation of Canada: When the fact was announced in 2077, it was largely a formality, as United States consistently exploited Canadian resources without regard for Ottawa's opinions since 2069.

    The reason the military and civilian government stayed in power was in part due to Project Brainstorm, the "Induced Patriotism Initiative". Pervasive propaganda designed to instill nationalist sentiment and loyalty in the citizenry had been developed as part of the Sino-American War; a combination of overt and subtle messages integrated into popular media published nationwide had been successful in developing jingoism in the population. This provided the military with increased enlistment rates, and thus a continuous source of new soldiers to throw at their Chinese enemies, as well as an increased tolerance for excesses of the state.

    the balance of power was still predictably shifted towards the Department of Defense and the military. The legislative and judiciary branches of government were severely hampered in the execution of their constitutional oversight, subordinated to the goals of the executive. A separate federal agency, the Political Office, was set up to handle investigations into internal affairs, much like Soviet commissariats.[69] The agency was empowered to arrest and allocate the interned persons for any purpose it saw fit

    They [the Commonwealths] were intended to help create legislation broad enough to benefit those states with common regional concerns, but narrow enough not to affect those states with dissimilar interests or political cultures. The reality refused to conform, as the commonwealths did everything to promote their own interests at the expense of other commonwealths

    As an increasingly militarist superpower, the United States had given priority to its armed forces, which asserted increasing control over law enforcement and public affairs. Bolstered by a jingoist culture, widespread propaganda, and pervasive domestic espionage efforts through the Defense Intelligence Agency and black projects of the various branches,[77] the military-controlled by the Department of Defense was one of the pillars of the American regime, supported by a network of vigilant citizens reporting suspected sedition and crime.

    Private security companies were also contracted to perform arrests and round up civilians, completely blurring the line between the public and private sectors.

    Though based on the principles of a free market and open competition, the crisis allowed a handful of mega-corporations to seize control and establish a practical monopoly in key sectors of the American and even world economy. Many of these corporations became so deeply involved and integrated in the nation's infrastructure, that trying to decide where the corporation ended and the state began, became a largely academic discussion. As a result, the corporations effectively acted as sovereign nations unto themselves. Exploitative and abusive labor practices were the norm

    Worse yet, as a strategic defense contractor for the government, Vault-Tec's affairs and all related publications (including, for example, the Vault Dweller's Survival Guide) were protected by the New Amended Espionage Act and any whistleblowing attempts would likely hurt the whistleblower more than the corporation.

    It [Poseidon Energy] had a near-monopoly on the energy market in the United States, controlling nuclear power plants, exploitation of remaining oil fields, and even sustainable energy projects, like HELIOS One. It hid its involvement by operation through numerous companies established as fronts to influence and eventually control key industries.

    The war with China also allowed smaller companies considered vital to the war effort to cut support for their workers by a considerable margin. Workman's compensation was among many staples of labor law suspended as part of the war effort, denying vital support to laborers injured in the course of their work.[85] The deteriorating economy also made it easier for corporations to take advantage not just of their employees, but also of the general public.

    The mildest example of collusion was the ability of corporations to advertise directly to members of Congress and the House of Representatives. Companies from Nuka-Cola to the Red Racer tricycle company were able to purchase advertising airtime on the Presidential metro PA system.

    Of course, giving corporations free rein did not alter the harsh reality of an imminent economic collapse.

    However, voluntary compliance with government control was not enough. Critical defense contractors were effectively nationalized without compensation, by being put under military command – as was the case with West Tek's Californian facility.

    All of this is just from the United States' main wiki page. Nothing from the pages on the US Military or The Resource Wars or The Enclave. Just the main one.

    Yeah... Prewar USA was a trash fire in a dumpster fire in a wildfire.

    Given the current... militarization and unrest in the US you may have seen some parallels. Again: most of this stuff came from the Fallout Bible back in 2002. It wasn't intended as a commentary on current affairs, it just... depressingly happened to work out that way.

    The historical influence goes the other way too of course, taking from the past. The killing of protesters by federal troops at the federal ration stockpile in Massachusetts is likely influenced by The Boston Massacre. The Automation Riots of Appalachia where US troops and private contractors use lethal force against organizing miners are almost certainly influenced by the events of The Coal Wars such as The Battle For Blair Mountain and The Ludlow Massacre. The Third Red Scare was, obviously, influenced by the first two. The US pressuring, sanctioning then annexing of Mexico and Canada are likely influenced by... well, take your pick on that one cause it's a loooong list. The series' Chinese Internment Camps are propagated through Executive Order 9066, which is real and was used for the Japanese Internment Camps during World War II.

    In conclusion, it's interesting to see how something presented so brazenly negatively as Prewar USA can still have supporters. Is it leftover goodwill for the real-world USA they're projecting onto the fictional one? Is it an inability to recognize the in-game shallow propaganda as propaganda and just take it at face value? Is it that they buy into the Red Scare and assume anything opposing Communism in inherently good? Is it because they are aware of the atrocities of the Prewar USA and just agree with them? I don't know, but it's fun food for thought.

    Further interesting reading from the Fallout Wiki:

    Wartime Worker's Act

    Food Riots

    Automation Riots

    Little Yangtze and Turtledove Detention Camp

    The Enclave - Ideology and Foreign Relations

    submitted by /u/_Joe_Momma_
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    Would you like to see more of the pre-War world like Operation Anchorage or Fallout 4 beginning sequence? What exactly would you like to see?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    Playing Fallout 4 with mods to run smooth with near-minimum specs

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 10:53 PM PDT

    My gaming laptop hits about the minimum benchmark for FO4, it has more than enough CPU and RAM but the baseline graphics card power.

    I don't want to play the game on a fans-blasting oven so I was wondering what mods in 2020 are the best for increasing performance drastically, especially in the graphics department.

    submitted by /u/CevicheLemon
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    Would you like to see drivable cars\flyable veribirds in the next Fallout game?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 06:20 AM PDT

    What’s the point of romancing someone???

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 04:00 AM PDT

    As far as i can tell all that happens is i get the bonus when i sleep with them, it there any other perks?

    submitted by /u/rohothemadlad
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    Fallout 4 keeps freezing Xbox no mods survival mode

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 03:54 AM PDT

    Anyone have any tips, it only happened every now and then before but now that I'm level 34 it happens so often, I'm doing the follow the freedom trail quest and I can't get it to stop freezing. Does anyone have any suggestions, I have the Xbox one s and I'd really prefer not to use a mod to fix it but if I have to I will. I'm taking a break now but I'm going to try and delete all previous saves but my last one hopefully it helps.

    submitted by /u/embedded6193
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    I wanna do a playthrough of Fallout 3 using Melee, Unarmed, and explosives, where I have to be an alcoholic (no curing an addictions). Tips?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 03:05 PM PDT

    Any tips like perk recommendations, or other restrictions I could give myself? I think a no fast-travel rule could be interesting.

    Edit: I'm thinking 7 (8 once I get the ant strength perk,) Strength, 1 Perception, 9 Endurance, 5 Charisma, 4 Intelligence, 6 Agility, luck 8 (9 with the lucky 8 ball). Normally I'd definitely want higher Intelligence but something tells me that a drunk guy wouldn't be very smart. Only getting charisma up 'cause alcohol gives a bonus to that. I'm just worried as to the viability of low Intelligence.

    submitted by /u/PokeDC
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    Would Maxon allow The Pitt raiders to live even with Ashur being an Ex-BoS: initiate?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 06:54 PM PDT

    The title says it all. Would Maxon have allowed the Pitt raiders to live even though Ashur was a Brotherhood Initiate? I think, that Ashur and Maxon would see eye to eye on a lot of the politics of the wasteland, but would Maxon not wipe out Ashur and the raiders for their slave trade and just take the mill for himself? Or could they manage to strike a deal and work together? A free Pitt that gives the BoS there Steel for protection.

    submitted by /u/Nerd-Zed
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    I need someone to weigh in on whether I should get FO4 for PC

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 03:30 AM PDT

    Ok so I got Fallout 4 for my Birthday for PS4 at around 2017 or 2018. My friend recommended that I should just trade in my Fallout 4 for PlayStation and get it for PC.

    I mean it would be cool to install mods that will add more weapon variety in my game but that would mean that I would have to part with all the hard work I put into it. I have all the variants of Power Armor suits, I have done a lot with my Sanctuary settlement, I have lots of caps, I have more ammo than I even know what to do with and a bunch of other stuff that I put into it.

    I have deleted my saves lots of times before which was mostly because I was unsatisfied with how I chose my perks or the choices I would have made.

    I'm in a bit of a bind with this decision so can anyone weigh in on this?

    submitted by /u/SergeantSprinklez22
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    games like fallout new vegas

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 01:02 PM PDT

    i NEED more games to play with shuts a great dialoge system as new vegas does so are there other games with the same or other dialoge systems that let the player desiced hoe he wont to overcome the conflict and as good writen as new vega

    submitted by /u/payromanypro
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    Do you think a Fallout game in the tactical strategy genre like Xcom or Wasteland would be viable?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    Always a thought that lingered on my mind since Fallout does have a miniature wargame now as well as how Wasteland is today as a series (the game which Fallout was made to be a parody of and it's main inspiration)

    submitted by /u/CevicheLemon
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    What Fallout 4 means to me.

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    There is always a discussion of each games in the Fallout series and on a variety of topics. From which one is their favorite game, to what has the best story, and which one appeals to each individual player. Sometimes we get into the nitty gritty and specific details that makes each game stand out.

    So how did Fallout 4 stand out to me apart from the rest of the series?

    Well, early in the game Garvey takes the last survivors of Quincy to Sanctuary, they cross that bridge. The bridge where the first shots of the Revolutionary War began. At the foot of that bridge stood a statue to represent the Minutemen. Just a Militia made up of colonist. Farmers more or less.

    This represents the heart and soul, the spirit of America. The reason it was formed into a Nation. It stood up to the tyranny of its time. When I look at the color palette chosen for this game I get a sense of that spirit never really dying off. A part of America that was spared. To me it signifies that no matter how hard we get knocked down, war and nukes no less, we still find a way to rebuild.

    So the game takes place as a SS of a Vault Tech experiment gone wrong. Typical of a fallout game, but it breathes life into this series in a unique way.

    You are placed in a chaotic time with multiple factions. Super Mutants, Mercenaries (Gunners), Raiders, and creatures of every kind. The Commonwealth is divided, leaderless. (on account of the Institute.)

    Once again you are put in a time at the brink of War. Only the bravest factions will represent how that unity of the Commonwealth will come about. Just like the founding "fathers" you have to choose who is going to unite the United States. Or in this case the Commonwealth.

    Is it the Minutemen? A militia of settlers, farmers, and remnants of its past glory since its defense of Diamond City.

    The Railroad. Synth loving freedom fighters that represent a secret underground organization called the Underground Railroad that was organized to help people escape the horrors of slavery. Are they misguided or does every living thing, synth included, deserve the right to live?

    The Brotherhood of Steel. The Pride of the US Military in a Tin Can. Set out to liberate the Commonwealth from the threat of a technology that would one day replace all humans, the Institute. This faction being a veteran in the series really shines when that blimp shows up. A sign of their superiority. Will they stick to their guns? Ridding us of the Institute infection? Or ask local farmers for help since they forgot to pack a lunch? (good thing the minutemen have been building up settlements to keep up with demand for food after this exodus into the Commonwealth.)

    Or is it the Institute? A xenophobic society that kept much to itself. Taking science to the next level. in 200 years its pretty easy to create all types of technology with unlimited resources at their disposal. And without that government red tape. Don't you hate it when you have someone staring over your shoulder while you work? Well the institute fixed that. By going underground.

    But how did they get these resources? Naturally they took it by force. destroying settlements, taking over key technology sites all over Boston. But they didn't stop there, with a government or council forming on the surface to discuss peace and unity they sought to destroy what would be a threat to them in event known as the CPG Massacre.

    At that point no one on the surface could be trusted. They looked to their machines. Finding more ways to improve them. To improve humans. And then they found a young baby. Locked behind a vault door. Perfectly preserved from the fallout. Using him as a basis they created the ultimate machine. A synth. Indistinguishable from any other human. They could imitate anything a normal human could do. With this they wanted to make their presence known. The fake mask event in Diamond City. A replaced human being sent in to cause terror in the hearts of the people. And then the shooting began. What better way to show they mean business than by planting their creation where it would be hard to miss.

    Through fear and terror of a monster hidden in the shadows they went dormant. Possibly to one day replace all humans and to bring order to chaos. If they can control whats on the surface there won't be anymore killing. No more raiders, super mutants, or factions. Just Synths.

    To me the color palette of the game represented the Red White and Blue. The colors of the American Flag, but also the revolutionary spirit of America. And a place to rebuild a life upon the old world.

    Whatever faction you continue on with, you are still allowed to continue to build the commonwealth through its myriad of settlements. Should be be the Minutemen with its artillery at every settlement with the most coverage to expunge any external threat at a minutes notice?

    Fly in a squad of tin can of super soldiers with the BoS?

    Teleport in a robotic army anywhere?

    Or make sure that if anyone is going to get railroaded in this game its going to be you on the bitter end of Glories minigun. (yeah i couldnt come up with anything threatening or scary about the railroad. They just like to hug synths.)

    submitted by /u/FalloutCreation
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    Fallout 4 ps4 bluescreen problem

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 02:47 AM PDT

    Hey guys im playing alot of fallout 4 lately im having a huge problem with the game cuz whenever im teleporting to random places or im building up my settlement or im straight up afking or in a middle of combat im getting random bluescreens its happening so often that i got used to having game crash every 30 min. and its only about fallout, i have few other games that working well, when im playing bfV or gta everything is fine. i have few mods, and quite a lot of creation club content (dont judge me i hate myself for spending cash on this shit) and i have no idea what i can do about it. i love the game i have 120 lvl character, i spended atleast +150h on this save im tryna get every settlement taken by minutemens and im having so much fun doing bulidning them as a strong military power but bluescreens dont let me play pracefully pls help someone

    (BTW sory for my english)

    submitted by /u/ryb12113
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    Here's a custom playlist I made of your favorite Galaxy News and Diamond City Radio hits and much much more!

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 06:17 PM PDT


    That's right, Johnny. No longer will you have those quiet lonely nights. Spend your lonely nights with Bing Crosby, Bob Crosby, Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, The Ink Spots, and The Chairman of the Board himself, Frank Sinatra! Grab what's left of your family, sit back, and enjoy these popular hits!


    And as an added bonus, listen to the popular contemporary hits of Las Vegas


    Find yourself wandering in another boring barren desert? Give Hank Williams and Marty Robbins a listening to. All your troubles will magically disappear! Happy Apocalypse!

    submitted by /u/admiles99
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    [Fallout 2] So Sulik took like 7 jets in a row when I was in a fight, and now his AP is 1/1, carry weight is only 50, and he’s practically useless now... How do I fix him?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 04:02 PM PDT

    I have the restoration project mod if that means anything

    submitted by /u/qPolEq
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    One thing that I like about Jacobstown

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 06:11 AM PDT

    The one thing that I like about Jacobstown is that you can find there some of the previous Fallout villains like one member of the enclave and soldiers of the Master's Army, I wonder if in the future there could also be retired legionaries in there.

    submitted by /u/Gamer580
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    I would like to see akimbo weapons in the next fallout

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 01:28 AM PDT

    Dual wielding Gatling lasers in an X-01 mowing down raiders and mutants for the a new all powerful faction seems like a dream.

    submitted by /u/Charger_3000
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    What would you like to see from Fallout 5

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    It doesn't have to be something that Bethesda would realistically do I'm asking what you want.

    Personally I would like Fallout 5 to be the end all be all not necessarily the end of the series but the end chronologically with portable saves so choices of characters like the lone wanderer or courier could carry over. It would have every faction fighting over some tool that could alter the very planet with each trying to get it for their own reasons. The enclave trying to secure what's left of all the nuclear payloads for themselves or NCR trying to use it to rebuild their cities or take down what's left of the legion or the brotherhood just trying to keep it out of everyone else's hands or the minutemen trying to use it to rebuild and power all of America. This Fallout would have an endgame more meaningful then any other Fallout as you could heal the entire planet destroy it for a second time or keep it in stasis.

    submitted by /u/Lexinator04
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    I wish bethesda made a fallout where you are a ghoul.

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 03:56 PM PDT

    Bethesda could make a game where you're a trucker and the bombs go off whilst your driving. you crash, survive, and get to play throughout the immediate aftermath of the "total nuclear annihilation". Maybe you just bought a pip-boy at a red rocket? and you get to pick a model of pip boy, then look into the mirror to see if it suits you and you get to pick what you look like and gender, and then you pay and leave and drive ?

    submitted by /u/qpwoeiruty00
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    Fallout 76 just uninstalled itself for no reason

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 04:02 AM PDT

    Logged on earlier to find fallout needs an update so I thought I might as well get it done and out of the way. Turns out the update was 33 fucking gigabytes, unless it's a new dlc I ain't heard about why the hell does it need to be that big. So I decided nah, I'll update it later, not let it use all of the bandwidth while I'm playing, so I clicked cancel or clear queue, whatever you wanna call it then my space goes up by about 60 gigs and I checked thinking it better fucking not have, it had. The game uninstalled itself because it got angry with me for not updating it. Fuck you bethesda fix your games

    submitted by /u/HYPA_II_VYPA
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    I just purchased fallout 1st for pc and none of the features are working. I tried restarting my steam account and nothing. Can someone please tell me what is wrong?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 07:59 PM PDT

    [Fallout 4] Need help with a build.

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 07:47 PM PDT

    So, I'm one of those guys who plays fallouts version of the stealth archer from skyrim. I always play a sniper build. And even if i go into a build with no intention of being a sniper, i still become a sniper.

    Anyways, i want to do something different for once, and become essentially the polar opposite of a sniper. I wanna do a full blown guns blazing build. Automatic weapons, power armor, normal armor, the whole 9 yards. I just dont know where to begin. Ive only ever played a stealth sniper.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/aliendickfingers420
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    Are there any good mods for re-fixing the houses in Sanctuary Hills? Also why is my OCDecorator not working?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    I know this is probably a question for r/FalloutMods but this subreddit is way larger and more active so i'll just post it here

    • While building in Sanctuary Hills I noticed a rather large problem with the houses,they have no roofs and the walls have holes in them.Can anyone suggest any tactics or mods that can fix this? I also don't want any Pre-War Sanctuary Hill mods because those are very buggy and is a huge lore breaker.
    • Secondly I downloaded the mod OCDecorato(which if you don't know is a mod that lets you put miscellaneous things such as Abraxo and Nuka-Cola on shelves,tables,etc)and for some reason I can only put things on the tops of shelves.If anyone has this problem or has a solution then please suggest them in the replies.


    Edit:I do have a X-Box if that helps.

    submitted by /u/Mrminutemansupreme
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    Far harbor. I didn`t tell Dima, that I`m working in the institute(to be sneaky), Far harbor killed him and now I don`t know to advance the institute quest to recall synth. Help

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 07:23 AM PDT

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