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    Saturday, August 15, 2020

    Fallout | Would you guys like to be able to fly a Vertibird in a Fallout game like a Banshee in Halo?

    Fallout | Would you guys like to be able to fly a Vertibird in a Fallout game like a Banshee in Halo?

    Would you guys like to be able to fly a Vertibird in a Fallout game like a Banshee in Halo?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 07:18 AM PDT

    I think it would be cool to get your own personal one as a perk of siding with a faction like the BOS or the NCR. Maybe be able to customize it like you can power armor in FO4.

    submitted by /u/Weeberry1
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    The sole survivor should have had the option to pick their military role (including their potential involvement with the enclave)

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 09:41 PM PDT

    The ability to chose how the sole survivor served could have served as a lore friendly explanation for skill presets and could have affected dialogue in meaningful ways, like as an experimental weapons reasearcher you could upgrade a factions arsenal, or as an enclave sleeper agent you could have unique interactions with the brotherhood.

    Something similar could have been done with Nora such as deciding what type of law she practiced, or allowing players to pick different jobs entirely, since Nora's is almost never mentioned.

    All said, I just think it's a missed opportunity that could have fixed some players qualms about the game and it's role-playing without having to change it too much. At most it would have required the occasional unique line of dialogue to be recorded, and that would still have been optional.

    submitted by /u/roofingtruckus
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    Reilly's Rangers is an underrated faction

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 10:46 PM PDT

    It's just something about them that stuck to me the most in Fallout 3. And their arsenal and loadout is really cool, not to mention the theme they had going on. A post apocalyptic band of mercs fighting a one-man-war against a seemingly never-ending horde of mutants.

    Reminds me too much of an Imperial Guard Detachment from Warhammer 40k (albeit smaller). They're friendly, welcoming (if you're playing a good guy playthroughs), and Reilly has just the right amount of charisma and sass fitting for a leader of their kind of outfit.

    submitted by /u/UTKujo
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    A Rant about the mod menu on consoles

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 01:17 AM PDT

    Let's talk about the worst thing Bethesda has ever done: The goddamn dysfunctional as fuck mod search system for consoles.

    1. You type in a mod name EXACTLY and it's like the 10th result
    2. Can't search by author name, kind of annoying, makes it hard to find DLC/compatibility patches, and sucks for quality mod creators because we can't find their other work.
    3. Can't read or write reviews.
    4. When you update a mod, it kicks it to the bottom of your fucking load order, potentially fucking up a lot of shit.
    5. The uncountable number of fucking times that I hit back trying to clear my search results but end up on the main menu.
    6. And lastly, the freaking SERVER ERRORS. So you can show me a freaking advertisement on the main menu of a 5 year old game, but I can't connect to the mods server? Also, what if I JUST want to edit my load order and don't want to wait literally 5 minutes to connect. If the server is down you can eventually get to the load order IF it kicks you to the login page and doesn't just load infinitely. But that's still almost useless because it only displays file names instead of just saving the names and descriptions of the mods offline. It's just some text, is that really so difficult? File names are often not descriptive and you can't view them when you ARE connected, so you potentially have no idea which is which.
    7. I don't know who picks the featured mods, but I hate them.

    I know it will never be fixed. I know all the PC master racists who can use Nexus are laughing at our pain. But it is just such an absolutely horrible design and it angers me every time I have to use it.

    submitted by /u/sd51223
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    Screwed up in Fallout 2, need help

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 12:16 AM PDT

    Basically I was on a good run. My party had good weapons, and I continually saved up to the points where we were doing good. I ran into a problem though.

    We got into a random encounter with a bunch of dogs, and now Cassidy charges into a large amount of them whenever I reload the save. And no matter what, he keeps dying.My other most recent save is from a long, looooong time ago so to use it I'd basically have to restart the entire game. I'm serious, id lose literally alll my progress. I basically ruined it. And now I basically feel like I have to choose between Cassidy, my favorite companion, and all my game world progress. What should I do?

    I was doing so well, I had plans for every companion I was going to get, and what each of their weapon load-outs would be, and how good we'd be and now I fucked it up. If there isn't some way to keep Cassidy alive I may just quit classic Fallout, please help.

    submitted by /u/Late-Print8646
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    ATLAS BoS Banner: reward for concrete collection.

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 01:31 AM PDT

    Anyone know where in the Build menu to find the BoS Banner rewarded for concrete collection?

    submitted by /u/ChimpyChops67
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    The Story of Red Tourette and Tower Tom would have been a great side quest.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    Out of all the things that were mediocre about Fallout 4, one of the few things that was actually quite interesting, was Red Tourette, and Tower Tom.

    For those who don't know, Red Tourette and Tower Tom are raiders in the commonwealth at The Federal Ration stock house, and Beantown Brewery respectively.

    Essentially what happened is Red Tourette had a sister, named Lily, who was kidnapped by Tower Tom and his raider gang. Lily began writing to Red, in hopes of letting her know that she [lily] was okay, and maybe come rescue her.

    Unfortunately, Tower Tom accidentally Kills Lily whilst trying to disable her, and he has to try and prove she's still alive, and are sending these new letters out to Red.

    At this point Red becomes suspicious that something has happened to her sister and is ready to make a move on the brewery. Until you come in.

    This stuck with me because it's one of those times where it humanizes the raiders pretty well. That not every one of them are heartless murdering assholes. They're still raiders, but at least this particular asshole has a reason. If that makes sense?

    Now I don't know about you, but this screams "Great and interesting side quest" to me.

    Imagine this if you will: Upon approaching the Federal Ration Stockpile, You are greeted with a bunch of raiders, who are interestingly not immediately hostile.

    The raider out front says "Get lost scavver, else we're gonna have to kill you." (or something akin to that) and then recognizes you as the SS, who's been helping people out.

    "Hey, wait a sec? Aren't you that guy/gal who's with the minutemen or whatever the fuck? Listen, I'm not expecting you trust me here, but our leader, Red, well, she's been feeling like shit as of late. Maybe you can talk to her about what's going on?"

    upon agreeing to help Red, the raider directs you to her. Red is at first suspicious of the SS and vise versa (cuz raiders you know), but ultimately Red confesses and says she needs your help. She wants her sister back and is willing to negotiate some kind of ransom if she's alive, or the very least wants the truth about what happened.

    SS travels to Beantown Brewery, and again, the raiders aren't immediately hostile, and will let you in, after telling them your here on behalf of Red's Gang to talk to Tom.

    Once you get to Tom he asks what Red wants this time, and the SS replies with wanting to negotiate a ransom for Lily. Tom then goes on to say that due to an unfortunate accident, Lily died. And He's been trying to convince Red she's still alive, though he thinks she's starting to catch on and asks you to deliver the news.

    The player can then choose to either agree to deliver the news themselves, persuade Tom to do it in person by passing an orange speech check, attack Tom as "Justice" for Red, or Join Tom's side.

    Either option ends with you going back to Red and talking to her.

    If you convinced Tower Tom to tell Red about Lily in person, Red is upset and becomes angry at Tom, pointing her weapon at him, The player is then faced with the option of either trying to convince Red not to kill Tom, letting her unload into him, or doing it yourself. If Tom is killed, Red will go on to ask for your help in taking the Beantown Brewery for her gang. Or if the SS has rep with any of the Raider Gangs from Nuka-world, the SS can convince Red that it would be better if they take the brewery and establish a trading route between the two gangs. If Tom is spared, he will go on to apologize for Lily's death, and try to see if he can come to some sort of mutual deal, such as both of their forces moving in on the Corvega Assembly Plant.

    If you deliver the news of Lily's Death in person, a similar set of events will play out, Red wants to kill Tom, and take the brewery for herself, and the SS can either go with it, convince her to let him live (If you had not killed him already), Attack her, or use your Nuka-world Rep to either assist in taking the brewery or take it for yourself.

    Killing Tom (and subsequently all the raiders in the brewery) and telling Red about her sister will have Red wondering if you made them suffer, and what exactly her next move is. The Player can then Suggest she take over the brewery, Join one of the Nuka-world gangs assuming the SS has rep with them, or Turn hostile and attack Red.

    Should the Player side Tower Tom, he will mention he's planning to launch an attack on the Stockpile, but just needs a little bit more man power, and asks if you can lend a hand. Similarly, if the SS has rep with the gangs of Nuka-World, the SS can call upon them to help out. The SS can then either let Tom have the stockpile for himself, or convince him to give it to you, to set up a strong trade route with the brewery.

    These are just a couple of options I came up with, but does anyone else think this could have been something amazing? Don't get me wrong this whole story is probably one of the better parts of Fallout 4, but I personally think if this were a side quest it would go from great, to amazing.

    submitted by /u/DexxToress
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    FO76 Empty Fusion Cores

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    A year and a half after buying the game, i'm finally getting into Fallout 76, hence the noob question. I was just wondering what uses the empty fusion cores have? I can't seem to sell them, and they're pretty heavy. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/TiltedLikePisa
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    According to the lore what are differences between the different versions of the power armour?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 08:57 PM PDT

    Strange cut out character from F4. I haven't found a discussion with a similar question yet.

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 12:18 AM PDT

    Advice for Fallout 4

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 11:02 PM PDT

    I played fallout a while back on console and loved it but was always just scared. I love the game but i think it was just the fact that I would get intimidated by all the choices and monsters in game there are to deal with. Any advice for a scaredy cat like myself? In game tips? Anyone's 2¢ would do :)

    submitted by /u/athousandfuriousjews
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    Fallout 76 is bringing back OG FO1 and FO2 BoS Bunkers

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 06:22 PM PDT


    It may not be totally lore friendly but it's a cool callback.

    submitted by /u/WhatTheBeansIsLife
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    Wondering if there's a Fallout 4 mod that let's you save SPECIAL and skill presets to swap to mid-game

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 12:07 AM PDT

    I've tried looking on Nexus but I'm not certain this exists. I like using console to change my SPECIAL and skills around mid game, just to try out a different kinda build, and was wondering if there's any mods out there that would let you save builds then load them again a bit later (in the same game)

    Been thinking of maybe trying to set up an AHK script to do it

    submitted by /u/FlamingPenguinFeet
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    Brought Fallout 3 on my laptop yesterday and i must say its bringing back memories, let me here some of your memories and favourite things about FO3

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 03:26 AM PDT

    I got introduced to fallout when i was 8 im 19 now and god damn i miss it

    Me and my father would have a boys night when mum would go away for a weekend to see family etc, we would have pizza and plan out our trips across the wasteland. I was dads spotter and i would look for the things he might've missed.

    I really do miss being able to watch my dad play fallout while eating pizza talking about the next plan of attack, I honestly had the best memories 💯

    submitted by /u/Jayden_2615
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    Which ending to Fallout 4 would give the longest playthrough?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 09:04 PM PDT

    I'm curious which is the longest, since I was told that the minutemen questline will give the shortest playthrough. Also, not meaning to spoil any ending, just curious of the time.

    submitted by /u/accxchaos
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    Best mods for New Vegas?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 11:13 PM PDT

    Once I get through one more day of work I'm sinking myself into FNV, it'll be my first time playing the DLCs and on a computer! I'm asking about mods because I'm not sure where to start, is there anything like Skyrim's unofficial patch that's essentially required? Or any mods that you personally can't do without?

    submitted by /u/SidekickNick
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    Nuka world galactic zone quest glitch

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 07:13 PM PDT

    When I walk to the area that the galactic zone quest should start it doesn't and the note doesn't spawn (or holotape don't remember) Anyone have a solution??????

    submitted by /u/CHEEMs_BurG3r
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    Help with Modding Fallout 3

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 01:58 AM PDT

    I've always been a console player, but I finally bought a gaming PC recently, and I wanted to do a modded playthrough of Fallout 3, now that I finally can. I've never modded a PC game before, and was wondering if anybody could give me a quick run-down of how to do so, or even some simple tips. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/MaxToner
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    Character Match-Up

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 07:48 PM PDT

    Who do you think would win?

    Albert Cole (Vault Dweller)

    Chosen one

    The Lone Wanderer

    Courier 6

    Nate (The Sole Survivor)

    submitted by /u/Mytriptorussia2018
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    Im going to play my first single player Fallout game. Fallout 4

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 06:47 PM PDT

    I saw Fallout 4 80% off in the Microsoft Store and decided to buy it. However i never played any Fallout game execpt for 76 that was free to play for some days anything i have to know about the lore or gameplay mechanics before i start playing it? Btw i fucking hate stealh

    submitted by /u/thinkingboi9
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    Ncr helmets fallout new Vegas

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 06:40 PM PDT

    Anyone know what helmet the ncr helmet is based off or looks closest to I'm looking for a helmet to make an ncr helmet for air soft

    submitted by /u/xxkarenxx69xx420
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    The Beginning of Fallout: New Vegas

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 11:58 PM PDT

    I have made a video going over the beginning of Fallout: New Vegas. It is a guide video. It majors in getting the best loot. Although I mention the leveling/perk system, that is not my intent with the video. I believe that should be up to the player. I give a few suggestions/tips. This video is for new players.

    Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbqLYrJ3y8E

    submitted by /u/Dyplexate
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    Which fallout do you think you would survive the longest in?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 12:41 PM PDT

    If you were the main character of any fallout game which one do you think you would survive the longest in?

    submitted by /u/everhall99
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