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    Friday, August 28, 2020

    Fallout | Who else plays the radio so you feel more at ease?

    Fallout | Who else plays the radio so you feel more at ease?

    Who else plays the radio so you feel more at ease?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 05:44 PM PDT

    It helps me with the anxiety I get from exploring the wasteland, especially at night.

    submitted by /u/CaptainKona
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    No matter what happens in-game, out of the game, with Bethesda, or anything, the one thing that will always keep me as a Fallout fan is the music.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 05:35 AM PDT

    Fallout is the one game who's music is simply iconic. The radio is always a great companion on your travels and gives things such a great feeling as your wandering the wastes or if you're working from home.

    I know I'm not alone in my most played playlist being a fallout themed one (without Johnny guitar of course).

    And no matter how bad FO76 fucks up, I will forever be greatful for Spank Lives version of Country Roads which is simply mwah perfect.

    submitted by /u/Tykuhn42
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    Found Dogmeat's Potential Ancestor In The Vault-Tec Billboard

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 03:21 AM PDT

    You've probably heard of the theory that Dogmeat was born in a vault which is why he seems to be a perfectly healthy pre-war German Shepard. I was extracting some textures from the HD DLC and noticed a German Shepard puppy being held by this kid in the Vault-Tec Billboard.


    submitted by /u/NickyTehCat
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    For all the alcohol and drug use in Fallout, how come you can’t smoke the various cigarettes you find in the wastes?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    We need to chill as a community and let people like and enjoy all Fallout games.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    I feel as though this will get downvoted to hell but here goes.

    All Fallouts are good, they have things really good about them and really bad about them but it is not our place to judge someone because they like something that's not New Vegas.

    If we did this then there wouldn't be a need for separate subreddits to go to voice their love of their games.

    Fallout 1 and 2 are fantastic stories that breathed classic RPG but it also suffers from classic RPG tropes and pitfalls.

    Fallout 3 is a perfect transition to the first person/ third person genre if not a little boring to look at and gunplay that litterally is infamous for how hands off you need to be.

    Fallout New Vegas has the best story hands down it's a fun game to play even if getting from point A to B makes me wish they didn't decide to set it in the desert.

    Fallout 4 has a vibrant fun setting and a new weapons sandbox that helps make fighting more than just a roadblock even if it's story is just 3's but with teleporters.

    And Fallout 76 is flawed and a grind fest but certainly has a well crafted world that is enjoyable with friends and with rich lore if you're willing to look for it.

    All Fallouts are good for their own reasons and all of them fall short it's time we as a community stop acting like children who thinks their toy is better and let people enjoy what they love not matter if you like it or not.

    It's time for us to chill.

    submitted by /u/garmdian
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    The fallout fandom is kinda toxic sometimes

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    dont get too worked up because of the title, the fallout fandom has a lot of smart and articulate people but it has a lot of "MUH NEW VEGAS" type of people.

    I usually lurk around without posting much cause I'm a lazy cunt when it comes to interactig and having arguments but this morning I watched an oxhorn vidéo about veronica being the loneliest person of the mojave and I stumbled upon comments that grated me nerves, something along the line of Veronica being such a fleshed out and deep charcter ( wich she is btw I'm not arguing about that ) and "MUH PIPER FALLZ IN LUV CAUSE OF LOCKPICKING ", and I thought I'd give a piece of my mind so I get downvoted to hell by the new vegas fan boys.

    So let's get a few thing out of the way before their pants get too tight, New vegas is a fantastic game when it comes to storytelling and well writen characters and Fallout 4 sucks ass when it comes tto the main questline especially after you get in the institute and some dialogues aight ? No need to get all touchy feely about this, but I feel like sometimes this blinds a lot of people to the actual flaws of the game one of wich is ...

    The companions, holy shit I hated the companion system in new vegas not gonna lie I used the wiki more than I'd like to admit to discover how to trigger the companion quest, how in the fuck am I supposed to know that Raul will trigger after talking to 3 specific NPC that are old and handicapped in some fashion and still decide to help the community, I know that his background lead to beleive that he feels inadequate because of his old age and inability to protect the people he cared about, but gameplay wise how in the hell was I supposed to know that ?

    and Veronica ? how was I supposed to know that you have to walk in a specific pixel for her dialogue to trigger ? and dont even get me started on arcade although he is one of the more talkative companions ( second only to Cass I think ) how was I supposed to know that there is a crashed vertibird in buttfuck nowhere in the map and it will trigger some dialogue with him ? Fuck me

    And for the endless argument of " Piper think you're a good person cause of lockpicking " really ? that's your issue ? like it's new that the rpg engines are somewhat limited when it comes to interaction and sometimes it can be broken ? I mean please for those of you who played Dragon ages origins you can completely break the companions affinity bar with gifts, give some sullen silent type warrior a portrait and he will like you if you do this 2 to 3 times, does it make it a bad game ? absolutely not it's one of the best game I ever played it's just limitations you know there will always be this kind of thing, Piper like lockpicking, talking your way out of trouble and helping people cause guess what she likes
    sugary sweet kindness and ressourcefulness two traits that she has and we all know that attractiveness have a narcississtic component

    Tl Dr : I get salty about the wrong things in life

    submitted by /u/Absolut_zeto
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    Thoughts on enemy variety and classification.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 08:30 PM PDT

    Taking a study break, and just leaving some thoughts here. I feel that enemies in Fallout, particularly 4 just end up feeling like one of two possible types. Dumbass with gun who stands still shooting at you, or dumbass with melee attack who runs at you.

    The same two thoughtless solutions work to destroy these enemies every time. Shoot the dumbass, or backpedal while shooting the dumbass. It's boring. Like the Dead Space games, Fallout has a system which tracks damages done to various limbs; unlike Dead Space this feature is hardly utilized.

    Shooting a sprinting enemy in the leg should force a stumble. Crippling a radscorpion's stinger should stop further attacks with the stinger, and likewise with an Assaultron's head-laser.

    Stabbing a raider during their gun-bash animation should cancel the gun-bash. Shooting a ghoul just before it leaps at you should make them fall on their face. The player should be rewarded for paying attention during combat.

    No more grab attack animations. They take too long. Aren't telegraphed well, and so feel like unavoidable damage. The player should have the means to stagger/knockdown/knockback enemies, so it's fair to let the enemies do it right back where appropriate, but ffs STOP RESURRECTING THE SYNC KILLS FROM SKYRIM.

    From here, I'll address thoughts relevant to particular enemy types.


    • These being raiders/gunners/intelligent ghouls, etc
    • Depending on the faction, and rank (Raider Scum, Gunner Seargant) they will behave differently
    • Poorly trained and equipped groups like raiders are likely to flee at 40% hp, removing themselves from the fight temporarily. The presence of higher level Raiders will prevent this, unless you kill their boss first (think of killing the Elite leading a squad of grunts in Halo).
    • Well trained and equipped groups (BoS, Enclave, Gunners) still flee at 40%, but instead of cowering in place in a adjacent room for 15 seconds; they retreat to cover and take potshots at you with their sidearm. Higher level officers not only prevent them fleeing, but support their troops with stimpacks and suppressing fire.
    • Humanoid enemy types, while guarding their own dwellings; react when spotting a sneaking player that got sloppy. Raiders release attack dogs to flush you out. Gunners will sick a sniper/spotter team on you in outdoor areas during the day; resort to using flares and sicking their conscripts on you at night. BoS call on a Scout who commands an Eyebot; boosting perception of allies and painting the player's location on their HUD.
    • Different humanoid groups in combat might favor attack the player, each other, or attack indiscriminately. Whatever makes sense based on their factions.

    Feral Ghouls

    • Fast moving, melee enemy, spawns in groups, often unarmored.
    • Diving attack upgraded to stagger, and even knock the player down at higher levels. The dive attack is given a more obvious audio cue, and animation wind-up to compensate. Lowest level ghoul variants can't dive, and higher level ghouls use it overall less frequently than in F4
    • Striking a ghoul during it's wind-up stops the dive. Melee strikes always stop it. Ranged attacks always stop unarmored variants, but ranged must strike the legs of armored variants (ghouls have no armor on their arms and legs, the clothing is tattered and rotted away)
    • low medium health pools in exchange for spawning in groups.
    • Too feral to run when hurt
    • When engaging the player, and other AI controlled enemies; ferals will attack either indiscriminately


    • Resilient to melee and gunfire, damaged by energy weapons normally
    • Vulnerable to pulse damage (lightning) and loses AP when suffering pulse damage. Can be forced into a shutdown state at 0 AP.
    • For models that struggle with heat management (Assaultrons, Sentries) Fire also deals AP damage. Forcing a shutdown at 0 AP.
    • Robots feel no pain. Durable limbs. Never run when wounded. Pain states are all downgraded 1 step (Knockback becomes a knockdown, knockdown becomes a stagger, a stagger is ignored)
    • Crippling the head makes the damn Assaultron laser go away. Crippling a leg makes the Sentry's bull rush attack stop
    • Robots that spawn in the wilderness, or dungeons lacking recharge stations; will spawn with a randomly crippled limb (the price of decades, perhaps centuries without maintenance)
    • Robots spawned in dungeons with recharge stations spawn at full health. If wounded by a player that ran away, they will return to the station and gradually restore health. Robots inside a recharge station can be sabotaged or hacked with the right perks.
    • Robots prioritize attacking the player, unless they suffer damage from another attackable source.

    I haven't covered everything, perhaps a part 2 will come later.

    submitted by /u/NaiveMastermind
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    OWB-style Playlist

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 04:39 AM PDT

    I really love OWB and the Mysterious broadcast Station, but I feel there's too little music in the lineup. Can anyone suggest any music that would fit OWB like a glove?

    submitted by /u/TheCrowsNestTV
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    What Are Your Hottest Fallout Lore Takes?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 02:55 PM PDT

    I'll go first: The Commonwealth Brotherhood of Steel are completely correct in almost everything they do.

    submitted by /u/t2thajizzy
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    Is fallout 4 like really hard or do I suck?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 05:00 PM PDT

    Dude wtf. I just got the game yesterday, and it's like so freaking hard. I just got to the area where you have to kill a bunch of raiders in the corvega assembly point, and I literally can out do it. I've tried for hours, but it's so freaking hard. Did I get in here to early? Was I supposed to go to the diamond city first? I'm only level five. Also why can I only have half my health bar? And is there any way I can get rid of the rads? Jesus this is kinda frustrating not gonna lie. Let me know if there's something I'm missing, or if I should just get good. I've never played a fallout game before so I'm kinda a noob I guess.

    submitted by /u/LukasPaul
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    Did Butch have a crush on the lone wanderer in fallout 3?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 11:59 PM PDT

    The Marowski quest.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 04:27 AM PDT

    I've been having trouble with this quest. I don't even remember starting this quest. I've been playing the main quest & the Dlcs for quite some time & switching back to this, it shows talk to Marowski & when I talk to him, he says take care of the business & even after that, the marker still sits on him. There's no further change in the quest.

    What am I missing?

    submitted by /u/Shady_Bruce_mathers
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    Fallout 4 Railroad

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 03:55 AM PDT

    When I complete Weatherwane quests on all locations do they start going back to back or it is done?

    submitted by /u/cfico05
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    How are super mutant behemoths made

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 03:27 PM PDT

    Do they become bigger with age or do they need a constant stream of fev

    submitted by /u/crusadeyboi1096
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    Your Favorite Codsworth Dad Joke

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 12:20 PM PDT

    I keep him around because something totally absurd about him telling a Dad Joke after a gruesome fight with ghouls or super mutants.

    One of my favorites is " What do you call two crows on a branch?"

    >>" Attempted murder. " It's the kind of British humor I expect out of Codsworth. Any favorites?

    submitted by /u/h-ster
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    Anywhere to get fallout 2 cheap?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 08:18 PM PDT

    Is there any reputable site that I c nah get a fallout 2 code/download for a real cheap price

    submitted by /u/DankYeeter
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    Did I imagine an air raid siren in the game?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 01:59 AM PDT

    I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that in either 3 or 4 there was an air raid siren still going off but faintly. After trying to look it up again, and only getting bloody siren head mods, I feel like I've imagined it. Could someone put me out of my misery and tell me what's what?

    Edit: I think the siren was located in a ghost town? I probably read a fan post somewhere and got it mixed up.

    submitted by /u/The-Last-Nugget
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    Issue Running Fallout 3 On PS3

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 01:34 AM PDT

    I was looking for some advice to resolve my issue I am having with Fallout 3 on my PS3. It will load up the game fine but when I attempt to continue with my previous game the screen will begin to load then freeze. I have reloaded the game and also deleted the game and redownloaded, although I have not deleted the game files as attempting a complete run through - completing every marked quest, and are only two from completing this goal. Any advice ?

    submitted by /u/pinkrosemonkey
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    Fallout 4 Problem

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 12:43 AM PDT

    I can not pull a gun out what can I do ?

    submitted by /u/Nyrexbtw
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    Anyone else can’t see their friends lit or just me and is it possible to fix it or something

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 12:02 AM PDT

    Plz add the kitchen knife to fallout 76

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 12:02 AM PDT

    What where the zetans or fallout aliens trying to do in mother ship zeta?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    Why where the aliens/zetans experimenting and kidnapping humans for centuries also In the DLC you can find later on human/zetan hybrids aboard the vessels that attack you, what does this mean? And what are they trying to do?

    submitted by /u/pumpers2005
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    Ever wonder why looting is a big thing in Fallout?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 11:26 PM PDT

    I don't know if this has been asked before but have you ever wondered that? I mean Fallout 3/NV/4 all take place 200 or so years after the bombs fell. Not only would that leave most supplies basically useless from explosions ripping them apart but after 200 years most humans left alive would have picked almost every single location clean of basically everything besides the buildings themselves. So why is looting such a big prospect of Fallout when it seems most buildings shouldn't have much if anything to loot?

    submitted by /u/PabloOnThePistol
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