Fallout | Shouldn't killing Caesar do something? |
- Shouldn't killing Caesar do something?
- So when Sturges says he can build the Molecular Relay what he means is you can build the Molecular Relay.
- Fallout 4 firearms coming from the Pitt?
- Fallout 4 Mannequins are Annoying
- Where is Nuka World located in real life?
- I just realize FNV is based on the real Las Vegas��
- Pickman's Origins
- Fallout 4 looking for heavy weapon mods to suit power armor
- You wake up in a small settlement in the Fallout 3 world, which faction would you side with and realistically would you be high, medium or low ranking member?
- Looking for a new friend
- The Fallout fandom is one of the best in my opinion
- Single Player Fallout game, west Virginia map idea
- New vegas problems, can’t figure it out
- Why does fallout 3/NV look different to 4?
- How did the institute discover records of Vault 111.
- Anyone else hate that Cait flirts with every companion. even though she’s romanced, she will make comments when I swap companions, commenting a select few characters when I swap companions.
- Spoilers for fallout 4
- fallout3 vs new vegas
- Is there a way to duplicate an item in fallout 3?
- What are some good weapons for fallout 4
- Why protagonist actually beeing a synth would enchance Fallout 4 experience
- Help with installing fallout 1
Shouldn't killing Caesar do something? Posted: 05 Aug 2020 01:45 PM PDT Killing Caesar doesn't seem to have any effect on the plot. It feels like it should. Him being Caesar and all. People say this game feels like it responds to your choices, but you can kill the leader of a major faction and it doesn't matter at all. I know he had a brain tumor, but still, it feels like you have to actively roleplay to pretend it did anything. I always do Honest Hearts right after killing him to act like I'm laying low for a while, but all that happens is that Assassins come after you, even though they were already doing that. The NCR doesn't even notice. Addendum: People in Casinos saying "isn't that the guy who killed Caesar" doesn't count. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Aug 2020 02:02 PM PDT You ever notice that? Supposedly your friends will build the Molecular Relay but you actually build all the parts yourself and put the teleporter together. Pretty sneaky. Does Sturges ever actually build anything? EDIT: You know what I love about this sub? Any other fan sub, this type of post gets downvoted to oblivion because you have insulted their personal honor by making a lighthearted observation. You guys are great. [link] [comments] |
Fallout 4 firearms coming from the Pitt? Posted: 06 Aug 2020 02:21 AM PDT It just occured to me that the Pitt, established in Fallout 3 as the "envy of the Commonwealth" despite its terribad living conditions, is the only mass producer of conventional ammo and firearms on the East Coast. BoS and the Institute produce only energy weapons, and there are no local arms traders in Boston area bigger than a shop with a weapon workbench in its backyard. If the Pitt is out there and exports guns to the Commonwealth, its presence may explain the design of Fallout 4's weapons. Even past the pipe gun variety, all of them are mix-and-match, custom-built devices that wouldn't look out of place in Warhammer 40k in the hands of orks or underhive scavvies. Some are outright ridiculous, like the water-cooled automatic rifle. But there's also an abundance of them, and it doesn't seem plausible that raiders and settlers on their own could produce such amounts of quality firearms and ammo for them. So, probably that Automatic Bloodthirsty Shotgun of Suffixes and Prefixes you just looted was actually made in former Pittsburgh by dutiful slav... eh, workers under Lord Ashur's watchful gaze. Now look at West Coast's Gun Runners who went from a single gang fending off deathclaws to an official supplier of NCR armed forces. Perhaps Marie Ashur has a big future in the Eastern Commonwealth once it gets on its feet. [link] [comments] |
Fallout 4 Mannequins are Annoying Posted: 06 Aug 2020 01:06 AM PDT Does anyone else get annoyed by all the mannequins? Like it doesn't even make sense to have that many of them in the game! [link] [comments] |
Where is Nuka World located in real life? Posted: 05 Aug 2020 09:48 AM PDT So I don't know where Nuka World is in the real world. My guess is Agawam, Massachusetts, a suburb of Springfield because Six Flags New England is there. Anyone have a idea where it is? [link] [comments] |
I just realize FNV is based on the real Las Vegas�� Posted: 05 Aug 2020 10:28 PM PDT I downloaded my first Fallout which is Fallout: New Vegas maybe last week. I read that people recommend FNV as the storyline is great. And yeahh, it's really great. Especially the Old World Blues DLC. I'm from South East Asia and don't know and don't care so much about USA. I've kinda get used to FNV map, all the place. At Primm, there's Vikki and Vance which really remind me of Bonnie and Clyde (luckily I know about them). Then, I know something about Hoover Dam (Which I also know). Then I got really curious then I go straight to Google Maps and searched for Las Vegas, Nevada. I AM REALLY SHOCKED to see all the familiar name😂 then I discovered that Bonnie and Clyde car is in Primm. My mind was totally blown and dunno why I got so excited about it. God dammit this make me love Fallout more. Does another Fallout series are based on the real place? P/s: people that says games won't teach a thing is totally wrong. I've learn so much from game especially the one with storyline [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Aug 2020 04:41 AM PDT I recently got a book of Lovecraft short stories and the Pickman caught my eye. After reading the story, it's pretty obvious that the Pickman in the story is definitely the inspiration in Pickman in FO4. For those unaware, the story of Pickman's Model is about a Bostonian artist who paints extremely graphic images that gets him shunned by his peers. His friend is invited to his personal gallery, where he finds a photograph that reveals that Pickman's inspiration is very real and not just from a twisted mind. I just thought it was so interesting how Bethesda pulls inspiration from every corner of pop culture. [link] [comments] |
Fallout 4 looking for heavy weapon mods to suit power armor Posted: 06 Aug 2020 03:44 AM PDT Hey guys I've been trying to find some suitable weapon mods to sort of fit the whole power armor theme You know big loud guns I found the HK-22 to be very suitable but I was wondering if you guys ran across others. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Aug 2020 07:28 PM PDT Personally I wouldn't side with anyone and just stay in the settlement until I end up dead after a raider attack. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Aug 2020 10:09 PM PDT I don't know how to go about doing this but I am a 43yo woman who plays Fallout 76 on PS4, as well as a few other games. I am looking for someone between the ages of 30 to 55 who would be interested in playing with me. I play allot off and on every day and I have Fallout 1st so we could play on a private server, which is where I usually play. I mostly would like to talk so a mic would be required. I am not opposed to a friendship developing into a romantic relationship but you would need to be ok with two of us;. I am married to a woman. I don't care if you are male or female so long as you are a good person. I am a transgender woman which might not be obvious at first but I would rather find a friend who wasn't opposed when they found out later on. I don't pvp and I'm usually a happy-go-lucky type of person. I retired rather young so I don't work and I play Fallout allot. If you're interested in making a possibly long time friend or even more, please message me directly. This isn't a joke and I'm not a troll. I'm aware this may not be the right way of going about finding a friend but I figured I would give it a shot. Please, please, for those who aren't actually interested;. I beg you to not reply here. I understand someone might feel the need to voice their opinion when they dislike something but please, this time don't. I appreciate you for it. Thank you, Sara [link] [comments] |
The Fallout fandom is one of the best in my opinion Posted: 05 Aug 2020 11:52 PM PDT Not only are there great memes, but great people, people that love this series with a passion, and nothing exemplifies this more too me then the two (as far as I'm aware) surviving Van buren projects. These people have taken incomplete work, ideas, and bare-bone concepts, from the original Van buren and have begun building real and functioning games, the unity 3D project is amazing to see, and aims to be one of, if not the largest Fallout experiences. Meanwhile another project, which started with the fallout online engine, then swapped to the fallout 2 engine, has even had several releases, and the guy working on it posted answers to questions mere minutes ago, amount the answers he states that another release for his project is coming up. All of this makes me feel so proud of this community, y'all are some kickass people, I'm honestly pretty bloody speechless. [link] [comments] |
Single Player Fallout game, west Virginia map idea Posted: 05 Aug 2020 06:09 PM PDT Ok guys, just hear me out on this one, ok? So I played 76 and I wasn't too keen on it. The online aspect kind of broke the immersion for me, but then again, I've always been heavy into role-play. However, the game was not without it's positive aspects, the main one being the west Virginia map. I thought the location was designed beautifully and some of the new and original creature designs such as the Wendigo really reeled me into the location. The scorched were a kind of cool alternative to ghouls as well. It gave me an idea. A new Fallout game or a single player mode on 76 (yeah, I know, not likely) set in the West Virginia map. 200 years later. Added settlements, hundreds/thousands of NPCs and true roleplaying elements similar to New Vegas, FO2. Add to this side quests based around the folklore of the region such as Wendigos and skinwalkers as well as a more Fallout oriented main questline, and maybe a subtle set of lovecraft style horror quests and the dark humour quests of the overall series thrown in for good measure. Hell, you could even throw in a few easter eggs to 76 including having the Vault from the start but rusted and abandoned, with the decorations still left behind, a sort of frozen point in time of a survivor's story that occurred long ago. I know this is all pretty doubtful but the beauty of the 76 map reeled me in, aside from that I've always been a fan of West Virginia and am a little upset that there is a good chance we'll never get to see it in an official title. [link] [comments] |
New vegas problems, can’t figure it out Posted: 05 Aug 2020 10:49 PM PDT Every time I click on "continue game" from the menu screen, the game gets stuck on the loading screen and I have to turn off my computer. I tried loading all of my saves and the same issue happened each time. The only way I can load a save file is if I start a new game, then bring up the menu. I decided to check the integrity of the files on steam, and it says that there is one file missing and that it will be restored. However, no matter how many times I check integrity, the file never seems to get restored. The game also seems to crash a few times and I'm really confused as to why. My gaming setup is an Acer Nitro 5 laptop. I've tried uninstalling then reinstalling the game to see if it fixed the problem, but the issues I'm experiencing are still there no matter what. I don't know what to do with the game and as of now I've uninstalled it out of frustration. If I could get some easy step-by-step help on my situation that would be awesome, thanks! [link] [comments] |
Why does fallout 3/NV look different to 4? Posted: 06 Aug 2020 01:52 AM PDT I've been wondering.. The buildings and setting in Fallout 3 / NV look relatively similar to todays architecture but the buildings in 4 look, well, futuristic (maybe even a hint of steampunk?) Why is this? Was boston at the forefront of architectural technology or something? Ps. Please don't spit the old "cUz NV iS bEtTeR" Thanks! :) [link] [comments] |
How did the institute discover records of Vault 111. Posted: 05 Aug 2020 11:15 PM PDT This is kind of a lore question. I have put over 1000 hours into fallout 4 and one lore question that has always bothered me is how did the institute find out about Vault 111. Besides Vault 111 itself and the institute the only other place you can find any info on Vault 111 is the terminal entries in the Vault Tech HQ. You would think if the institute sent people to Vault Tech HQ, things would look a bit more discombobulated then they are given the other places the institute has ransacked like Arcjet Systems. So how did they discover Vault 111? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Aug 2020 04:42 PM PDT |
Posted: 05 Aug 2020 11:33 PM PDT In the memory sequence for kellogs brain is that Shaun human or synth because I think its implied to be human Shaun but the radio is talking about piper [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 Aug 2020 03:03 AM PDT hi i'm asking that same question. fallout 3 and new vegas. but for fallout 3 it will include all dlc, while new vegas comes alone.any speacil suggestions, i've searched the internet. and most people say new vegas. i haven't played a fallout game which would you reccomend? [link] [comments] |
Is there a way to duplicate an item in fallout 3? Posted: 06 Aug 2020 03:02 AM PDT I was wondering if there was a way to duplicate guns/ammo in fallout 3. [link] [comments] |
What are some good weapons for fallout 4 Posted: 05 Aug 2020 05:53 PM PDT I'm playing fallout and I still have some pipe weapons even though I mid game and I have no idea what weapons I should get. I'm looking for some assault rifle that don't require dlc. Thanks in advance [link] [comments] |
Why protagonist actually beeing a synth would enchance Fallout 4 experience Posted: 06 Aug 2020 02:34 AM PDT There are theories for protagonist beeing a synth/android not only for Fallout 4, but also for Fallout 3 and New Vegas. But moreoften than not- those are just a theories and speculations. If all of theories all true- it doesn't make much difference in Fallout 3 and in New Vegas. BoS in F3 won't yet see you as abomination (but outcast will) and Enclave would still be the main antagonist, meanwhile in New Vegas, only side really caring you beeing a synth would be mr. House, who may try to hijack your body, so he doesn't have to exisst as beardy reisin for rest of foreseeable future. But, as Fallout 4, beeing a synth could make all the difference in the world. It's not like - idk, how synths are treated main focus of the game? Correct me in the comments if I'm wrong, but beeing 200 years old and knowing world before WW3 had no effect on the world, beside your family beeing chosen for DNK sample. No faction (except insitute) really gives a damm that you are pre-war odltimer, with knowledge lost in war. Beeing a synth would change that. Railroad would be your automatic ally, brotherhood would be threat to your existence, but maybe you could Danse your way to make peace with them, Institute would try to kidnapp you and minutement would still need your help with yet another settlement. Beeing what you are would seriously affect how you concieve worlad around you. And from now on- fanfiction: what else could be done with concept of player beeing a synth So, story of fallout goes (SPOILERS): Your family gets frozen, your partner murdered and your kid kidnapped and you are supposed to go reverse fallout3 on him. You rescue robo-cop and he identifies who the murderer/kidnapers is, so you find him with dog, kill him, take his brain and invade his memories- to find that the Institute is behind it. To gain acces to them, you go find ex-institute supermutant scientist, kill one of insistutes terminators, decode his chip and with help of one of three factions gain acces to building of teleporter. So, you teleport in and recieve a warm welcome and learn that your son in leader of faction. And that he was getting bored, so he wanted to see what heppens if he unfreezes you. And from then on, you basically just choose one faction and ally with/destroy remaining factions with it. Not focusing on finding your son has became a meme. But on the other hand, factions (and their qustlines) are very interesting (but shallow). And exploration is one of nest parts of game too. But- more than you explore, more are you straying away from story.... but what if that doesn't have to be the case. What if we threw all that "beeing frozen for 200 years while your son was becoming leader of most despised faction" plot in bin. And if we really work on factions, giving them more depth, allowing thins player could fix to help or hinder faction. I mean civil war in institute, Railroad beeing financialy broke, BoS beeing one step behind you from figuring you are synth and minutemen asking you to do something else than only to go to settlement and assasinate bandit leader for them - maybe securing shipment of laser-muskets for example. We can start a game as soon as our synth is created. This could result in very interesting opening custence. And as soon as we are deeped in red goo, we can chose our apperance and SPECIAL attributes. Scientist can comment on our proficency or lack in any of them. Imagine comments like "Should we put him back to grow some muscle? I'm not sure he could lift a chair" or "I'm pretty sure she is even smarter than I am. I'm a little terrified by this". After creation we can go to synth orientation projector room, where they dump exposition to us, or just stand up if we don't want to hear it again fot 100th time - but be hit by a courser and given holotape/program to rewath it later. Now, shooting tutorial- you are given cheap laser pistol and just enogh ammo to hit targets, but not nearly enought to kill the curser supervising us. If we try to attack him, we are memory-wiped and back to synth orientation room and then again. After that, we are issued with a pip-boy - but scientist equiping us with it gives us holotape/program/bug, saying "As soon as possible go to Boston and follow the freedom trail". Then we are given (as) follower to curser and teleported to surface (probably one of the low-level areas) and we already have 2 quests - "First job" to help the curser with one of those assigment collecting materials, syphoning electrical power, abducting and replacing people, finding the runaway synth... and quest "To find freedom" to escape from curser and find the railroad. Those quest are not mutually exclusive as you can escape from many other institute mission (which get harder and moraly darker) and if you are not carefull, you can ecape, but get cought by courser and then memory wiped (losing some perks) and send to synth orientation room again. So if we decide to escape and find Railroad- they warm welcome us and ask us what our new life whall be- we could decide to keep memories and stay in railroad or get our memories wiped and then start a new life. Mayb we could choose between Vault dweller, minutemen recruit or wasteland scavanger. There would be a mission for each of those choiches, for example, for wault dweller you will go to vault 111, open one of cryo pods, remove the dead inhabitant of in, trigger alarm, and let yourself to be programmed with memories of prewar life and day the boms fell... Then, you can continue game, helping railroad, BoS or Minutemen and destroy/capture institute once and for all and take revenge on your creators. But if we choose to remain in institute- we get powerfull synth inplants, but our story would be much more linear. We would be allowed to acces terminals, we could talk with other synts only when no-one is looking and if we said anything that could be pottentionaly offensive to scientists- memory wipe and loss of anoother perk. When on mission, if we stry too far away from objective- memory wipe... But still, let's give this story more endings - after father dies there can be small civil war who will replace him - you as all the other cursers are under command of Justin Ayo, he decides to userp the position of director. But, you could rebel against him, and depending on your previous choiches you could have support of other synths/cursers and then decide: But that's just fanfiction TL:DR: Beeing synth would play major role in player's perception of world, as main conflict in Fallout 4 is centered about synths. [link] [comments] |
Help with installing fallout 1 Posted: 06 Aug 2020 02:21 AM PDT Found an old laptop and thought it'd be cool to install some cool old games, I got doom working because doom, but fallout 1 keeps saying make sure FALLOUT CD is in drive and that I'm running fallout from the directory I installed it to, I fixed the .CFG file thinking that was the problem, it wasn't, help? [link] [comments] |
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