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    Fallout | The Institute is disappointing and poorly written

    Fallout | The Institute is disappointing and poorly written

    The Institute is disappointing and poorly written

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    Major Plot spoilers ahead for those who have never played the game.

    After we make the molecular relay and teleport ourselves into institute, we are met with a clean interior, untouched by war. The sickly white LED lights stabbing our retinas as an ominous voice calls to us.

    Making our way to the terminal, loading in our holotape and scanning the Institute Network, and then walking down the stairs into a glass elevator, that slowly hums to life. The voice speaks to us again, as what one could call "Synthetic" music plays under the the voice.

    The glass elevator descends through this pristine interior, and reveals to us a clean, sleek, and undamaged central hub. People wearing different colored lab coats, walk around the hub paying us no mind as we stare at them from behind the looking glass of the elevator. As it descends past the hub, it opens up to a small hallway, the walls tightly closed in, as the dull blue, metallic floor stretches on, rounding the corner.

    Another elevator takes us somewhere, it's direction disorienting, and the voice speaks again. As the elevator opens up, we are greeted with a room. On the other side, we see some kind of transparent glass, or Plexiglas room, the door locked, inaccessible, and sitting on the floor, looking away from us, a figure.

    A familiar figure.

    A boy.

    Our son.


    Emotion wells up inside us as we sprint to the glass, and speak to our son for the first time in nearly 200 years.

    But our son does not recognize us, he's confused, he denies us.

    Every attempt to reach out, our son pushes us away, this emotion wells to anger, our hands pounding on the glass demanding our son open the door to let us in. But our son begins screaming for his Father.

    But his Father's dead, we try telling him this, but our son looks at us, like we are crazy. Nothing makes sense.

    The door to the right opens up, and a figure walks through, his features look both familiar and foreign at the same time. He turns his head to our son, and says some sort of combination of words, only to then see our son, our own flesh and blood...shut down?

    In that moment alone, when I saw my son shut down and revealed to me that he was a synth. I nearly lost mind, because up and to that point I had thought my son was alive and well, but now he's a synth? What happened? Since we don't really know how exactly Synths are made, my firsts thoughts were what did the institute do to my son, to make Him into a Synth? This, in my own opinion and from a writing perspective is great.

    Not only is it emotional for the player, but also your in game character as well, and to have the rug pulled out from us sends us into a state of shock. Our son's a synth now. Could we still love him? Had they kept to this, it likely make the entire game much more interesting.

    But with a lot of Fallout 4, rather then keeping what they have that works well, the squander it, and it falls flat.

    When talking to "Father" because of how streamlined the dialogue system is, You are not given the option to ask "What happened to my son?" Instead, this "Father" fellow decides to ramble on about how the institute is what's best for the commonwealth, and reveals, that Father is in fact, your son.

    Honestly, I find that hard to believe. Even my first time playing the game I was more caught off guard by my son being a synth, then my son being the leader of the institute.

    What makes this twist fall so flat?

    Well for starters, there's almost zero foreshadowing to this twist. If your going to do a Major plot twist like that, it needs to be foreshadowed. The only real foreshadow we get is from Kellogg, but even then that doesn't really amount to much. If you want a twist to be good, it needs to be subtle enough where the perceptive person can pick up on the cues, but not so obvious we could see it a mile away.

    Not to mention, a vast majority of the game has the entire commonwealth against the institute, and from what we are shown up until that point, the institute doesn't really care for anyone other then itself, and their runaway synths. But now your going to tell me that these objectively evil acts are morally grey? Or that you can get me to sympathize with you in some way? No. It doesn't really work like that.

    Now, I personally believe that nothing is black and white, only shades of grey. If you wanted to make the institute more sympathetic, then show us the institute isn't all that bad. Maybe have an institute scientist visit one of your settlements and have them ask how the settler's grow their crops. Or perhaps the scientist shows the settlers how to yield more produce from the crop itself. Maybe there's an institute spy within the ranks of a raider gang, and he needs your help to take them out. An institute agent needs your help finding a corsair that's gone rogue, and needs to be stopped before they have another instance of the CPG massacre, or operation Broken Mask.

    Things like these would make us more sympathetic to the institute's cause, then a majority of their missions with very little shades of grey to them.

    Why did people side with the Legion in New Vegas? Because while they were generally an evil faction, their motivations weren't exactly black and white, it was fairly grey. Maybe a darker shade of grey, but grey nonetheless.

    Aside from the railroad, I can see the institute being one of the least sided factions, primarily because no matter what you do, "Shaun" dies. Either blown up in the blast, or dying of terminal cancer.

    Honestly, as much as I love Fallout 4, and can overlook most of it's flaws, if there's one thing I can't overlook it's story aspects, because being a writer it pains me to sit through half written schlock, with zero complexity to it, or interlocking stories. Part of which made New Vegas so good, everything was interconnected to either the battle for hoover dam, or one of the two factions. In fallout 4, nothing ever really ties back to the institute, aside from main missions.

    TL;DR: Institute does little in terms of blurring the lines of morality or making them sympathetic in some way, and doesn't properly foreshadow it's twist, and doesn't have enough things tying back to it, to make it feel like a real faction or that it has any merit.

    Any one agree?

    submitted by /u/DexxToress
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    Just played threw all 5 of the main Fallout games for the first time

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 04:52 PM PDT

    Iv spent almost all of my time since quarantine started finnaly giving the fallout series a try because I am a big RPG fan. I started with NV, then went 1,2,3 and 4 along with all the DLCs for the games. Just wanted to share my opinion on each game

    Fallout 1: this game was rough to get into just because of how old and clunky it feels but once I got going I completely forgot how old this game felt. The RPG elements and the world are so much different then the rest of the series and that along with this game having the best "villain" threw out the whole fallout series left me seriously thinking about this game all the way threw all the other games.

    Fallout 2: this game, oh man this game shocked me. The first fallout was a good game that I would recommend to anyone to try, but it's not one of my top games just because of how out dated it feels. But this game is different. Fallout 2 is one of my top 5 RPGs of all time easily, there are so many choices and the world is so much more alive, it does everything fallout 1 does but larger and better, the only part it misses out on is the final fight just not feeling as epic as the first games.

    Fallout 3: this game was odd, having played NV first and seeing this game was held in a higher rating overall for the series I had really high hopes, and I was only slightly disappointed. This game definitely takes steps away from being a RPG, but they do certain parts of being a RPG great. The player housing in megaton I love, it's simple but you can still do a ton with it. And the few big choices you get to make that matter threwout the game are really hard choices to make. Also this game is so cinematic, there was more moments in this game that I had to stop and take a screenshot then any other game in the series. This was also the only game in the series that I couldn't even play without it crashing on startup and even after fixing it had constant crashes threwout gameplay witch left a bad taste in my mouth. Shout out to seeing Harold agian, republic of Dave, and the Pitt DLC

    Fallout New Vegas: this game is my number one game of all time. When I first played this it blew almost all other RPGs strait out the water. No other game I feel like I can do anything I want to anybody and still advance the story. And the story and all the factions are so varied and different it really feels like your making a choice between all different sides, something fallout 4 didn't do for me at all. And the DLC for this game are just amazing, Honest hearts didn't impress me to much but dead money, OWB and lonesome rode are 3 of my favorite pieces of fallout gameplay out of the entire series.

    Fallout 4: this was the only fallout game I actually stopped playing out of bored and had to come back to a few weeks later. I only finished this game because I wanted to say I finished the series, and I just really hoped the game wowed me by the end but it never happened. Let me say, THIS ISNT A BAD GAME! This game definitely has the best combat, and world to explore out of the series, collecting al the magazines and bobble heads in this game was a lot of fun and all the big monster enemy's you encounter were awesome. My problem with this game was it's just not a RPG. This would be a amazing FPS, but I personally hate FPS games and play fallout specifically for the RPG elements of it and fallout 4 just did that awful and gave you no choices. Far Harbor was a big improvement on this but still isn't enough to change my mind on this game.

    And that's my opinion on the fallout series after playing them all for the first time. I'm so happy I did this, and I'm already planning to start another play threw of NV now that I'm done with F4.

    TLDR: Fallout 1 - 6/10 Fallout 2 - 9/10 Fallout 3 - 7.5/10 Fallout NV- 10/10 Fallout 4 - 5/10

    Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/adhadh13
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    If you had to choose which one of these Fallout creatures was going to exist here in the real world, which one would you choose: Deathclaws or Cazadores?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 08:43 PM PDT

    Which faction in any FO game is your favorite? I prefer the Brotherhood of Steel. Besides the cool ppower armor I appreciate their endgame. Ad Victoriam brothers and sisters! Elder Maxson is great, as was Elder Lyons.

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 07:34 PM PDT

    What can be done/added to the metro tunnels to make them better? (Fallout 3)

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 04:09 AM PDT

    My idea for Fallout 5's possible skill system.

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 08:40 PM PDT

    When you leveled up in Fallout 3 and New Vegas, you'd hear a rapid succession of drum beats, complimented by the text "LEVEL UP". What followed after this was a sound effect, a menu showing your current skills and the points assigned to them, and some extra points for you to assign to whichever skill you wanted.

    This is where it gets weird. Someone who had been using only energy weapons could sink all their points into Guns or Explosives when they never used weapons belonging to those skills. Even weirder, someone with a Charisma stat of 1 could sink all their points into Speech, which makes no sense at all.

    My idea for Fallout 5's skill system - if the game uses the skill system - involves two things: The SPECIAL system should govern the number cap for the skills, and skill points should be decided as you play.

    The SPECIAL system governs how many points you can put into a skill under their respective letter. Here is an example: If your Charisma stat is 1, the maximum amount of points you can put into Speech is 10; if your Charisma stat is 7, you can put 70 points into Speech, and so on. Basically, 1 point for your SPECIAL stats gives a cap of 10 points to the skills governed by the stats.

    The second idea is that each time you level up, instead of you deciding what to put your points into no matter what you did, the game takes those points, calculates how you played and interacted with things under the skills, and assign them accordingly. For example, if you used weapons categorized under the Guns skill all the time, the game would automatically assign points to that skill. If you interacted with more than one skill in between a levels, the game would split the points accordingly.

    These ideas would take some refining to implement properly, but if they do get implemented properly, I think they'd do really well.

    submitted by /u/Lavetic
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    Do C.A.M.P. missile turrets prevent scorchbeasts from landing?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 08:06 PM PDT

    I've just returned to the game after about a year and a half of not playing. I remember that I built my camp to essentially be a mobile defensive position with turrets on top(missile turrets). Someone started scorched earth and I brought me camp in to help out. The entire fight my camp is firing salvos of missiles at the Queen. Sure it's not alot of damage but it is damage. But after a while I start getting hate messages from other participating players about my camp. The event ends without the queen dying and my inbox lights up with angry messages. The common theme people said is that my camp prevented the queen from landing so people could shoot it easier. Is this true? And if so can I swap out the missile turrets for something else to keep the PVE fortress theme or am I just wasting everyone's time?

    submitted by /u/RedEyedRenegade
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    I wish Bethesda made a DLC where I actually get to lead the Institute

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    The only reason I joined the Institute was because I wanted to lead it. I thought that having a dictatorship with a robot army at my command would be fun. I wanted to option to be benevolent or harsh to my subjects in the Commonwealth. It would be nice to send robot army to crush dissenters. I felt cheated that didn't happen.

    submitted by /u/redoveryellow
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    Do laser weapons suck?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 01:25 AM PDT

    I've recently started Fallout 3 and I highly enjoy it, I am at 41 hours played, level almost 20 and (SPOILERS) I just escaped the Enclave base. I got a lot of laser weapons from the Enclave guys, but all throughout the game they seem to suck, like, my Plasma Rifle does 28 damage, but Laser Rifle, does like 16, and Laser Pistol about 8, they do the lowest damage, what is up with those weapons?

    submitted by /u/Adrian98765
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    The Fallout 4 Power Armor Makes Sense

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 04:52 AM PDT

    Am I the only one who thinks Fallout 4's version of Power Armor makes WAY more sense than Fallout New Vegas and 3's? I always imagined Power Armor to be something heavy, bulky and... Well, like an EXO-Suit. I never really bought Fallout New Vegas and 3's versions because they seemed too form fitting, to conformed to one type of body size/height. At least the Power Armor in Fallout 4 seems to be "ONE SIZE FITS ALL." At least, in terms of Humans... Sorry, Strong/Fawkes.

    Other than that, it just seems more viable than Fallout NV and 3's... They always felt so... "Thin" and fragile... At least in Fallout 4 they're thick, and like I said... BULKY.

    submitted by /u/CommanderKyro82-
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    What is the worst thing about each faction?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 12:06 PM PDT

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/The_FreshCheese
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    I don't know who needs to hear this, but tato isn't pronounced tah-toe

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    It's tay-toe. It's a potato.

    I'm so dumb

    submitted by /u/johnnyhomo
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    You Got Overseen finally got update!

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 09:01 PM PDT

    It took half a year, but I'm glad they finally released it, not one of their funniest episodes, but whatever, it's still better than a cancelled notice or finale

    You Got Overseen

    submitted by /u/Madgameboy
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    How can I play fallout 3?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 12:42 AM PDT

    I have fallout 3 on steam, but it doesn't work on Windows (10) nor on my main os linux (void linux) with steam play. What can I do? VM with windows 7 or what?

    submitted by /u/victorocampo57
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    I really wish there was a mothership zeta DLC for fallout 4.

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 06:41 PM PDT


    submitted by /u/arrriah
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    Fallout 3, I want to buy.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 03:09 AM PDT

    I just need the DLC disc for Xbox 360, can't find it any cheaper than $15-20, msg me if you wanna sell the disc lower than 15, AUSTRALIA ONLY, Cheers 🤙

    submitted by /u/RobboMate117
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    What weapon should i use (fo76)

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 02:34 AM PDT

    i have a heavy gunner power armor build and i just got a furious 50 cal. machine gun should i replace my instigating , 25% less Action point cost in vats and vats critical shot do 50% damage with the furious one i just got?

    submitted by /u/Rexi_meme
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    Hacking a terminal advice

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 01:46 PM PDT

    I am hacking a terminal right now level hard. I was curious when you guess a word and it says "5/10 correct" do the letters have to be in the same places of the word? Its hard to explain, like for example i guessed "CONDUCTING", do the 5/10 letters have to be placed in the way where the word is spelled out? Like if hypothetically "TING" was 4/5 of the letters, does the pass word also have to end in "TING" or can those letters be anywhere in the real word?

    Sorry if this was hard to understand

    submitted by /u/earthquakejake03
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    Fallout 76 playthrough

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 02:12 AM PDT

    I have been a huge fan of every fallout game, started with NV, then played 3, then 4 when it released. Heard the terrible reviews about 76, so I picked up the game and never played it until now. I'm playing solo, and it's been super difficult with enemy levels/amount of enemies there are. If there are any people who've beat 76 solo, if you have any tips on playing the game solo, please send them my way! I'm currently level 26

    submitted by /u/willovelace
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    So this fan made game is coming along. Still wondering what will come out 1st, star citizen or this.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 01:54 AM PDT

    Are the first games worth it?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 06:14 PM PDT

    I started playing fallout with fallout 4 and I've beat it 3 times.

    I then played through fallout 3(I rushed the story without exploring) then new Vegas before I dropped it for other games and now I wonder if fallout 1 and 2 are worth a play through, I dont know why I dropped NV I might give it another try.

    submitted by /u/Bojacksad
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    I need help cause the game broke.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 01:44 AM PDT

    Ok so I'm doing the quest "An ounce of prevention" and I'm stuck at the analyze the blood sample part. I try but the computer says that I didn't put the blood sample into the centrifuge, even though I did. I was wondering if there was a fix for this?

    Btw this is in fallout 76, but you could probably guess because something was broken.

    submitted by /u/TheLastKnightsBlight
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    Dear whoever made the cazadors

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 07:37 PM PDT

    I hate you

    submitted by /u/PmanMI08
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    Try and convince me that screwing over the Brotherhood of Steel and Institute is OK to support the Railroad.

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 04:47 PM PDT

    My mind and heart are telling me that siding with the Railroad in the Battle of Bunker Hill quest is the right option. However, I don't feel comfortable running away or screwing over the Institute or BOS. I'm really at a loss and haven't played Fallout 4 in about a year, and every time I boot it up, I feel this impending sense of dread looming over my head. What do I do?

    submitted by /u/Logerith12
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