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    Fallout | A love letter to the Fallout franchise

    Fallout | A love letter to the Fallout franchise

    A love letter to the Fallout franchise

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    In sixth grade, I picked up a two-pack of CD ROMs from a bargain software bin in an office depot in Sweetwater, Texas. It cost 10 dollars (two weeks' allowance) and I almost put it back in favor of one of the five-dollar games. However, the guy on the cover had a cool helmet (Enclave, baby!), it was rated game of the year several years previously, and it was two games in one - Fallout 1 and 2, making it worth the ten bucks. After reading the back and seeing that I could not only get married but pimp out my wife, 12-year-old me was hooked.

    At the time, my whole family was pretty addicted to the Sims, the first real computer game we had in the house. PC time was at a premium, so I woke up at 5am the next day to install my new game. Back in those days, it took forever, and I foolishly picked 'full install'. Looking at the loading screen, pulpy artwork of the Sole Survivor standing above a horde of raiders and mutants, I wanted to play it even more. However, that big red progress bar was so slow.

    After an eternity, I booted up the game and saw the opening video - Louis Armstrong singing as the camera zoomed out to reveal a barren landscape. I made my character, talked to the Overseer (impressive graphics at the time, even though he looks like a cro-magnon), and stepped out of the vault door for the very first time.

    Then I got kicked off of the computer because it was time for school. Fuck. It was all I could think about all day. After I got home, I tried playing more, but headed south and died to a radscorpion before I got kicked off again so my family could play the goddamn Sims.

    After this, I was obsessed with Fallout, and played them all endlessly. I got my friends hooked. I got my dad hooked. And every morning for the rest of junior high, I would drag my sleep-deprived ass out of bed to get some private Fallout time before anyone else woke up.

    Almost 20 years later, I woke up early to play a new Fallout 4 mod before work, and a huge wave of nostalgia washed over me. For a second I was a 12-year old kid in his underwear again, staring eagerly into a flickering monitor in a dark room, hearing the radioactive wind blow.

    Thanks for all the memories, Fallout.

    submitted by /u/Silvervox325
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    Finished my Quantum themed pc!

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 01:48 PM PDT


    Finally finished my latest project and my 3rd Fallout themed pc!

    More pics here: https://imgur.com/a/mQgArKA

    submitted by /u/1YardLoss
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    I wish companions interacted with each other when you have 2.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    I'm replaying fallout new vegas and I have rex and veronica and she seems like she would love rex and have a bond with the dog play with him and stuff it makes me sad they dont even seem to notice each other

    submitted by /u/queenchanka
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    The Boston Airport code is BOS

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 03:21 AM PDT

    An interesting coincidence. Or not. Either way, I can't have been the first person to notice this, but it's still cool.

    submitted by /u/largeslavicman
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    Gauss rifle weapon drops?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 06:46 AM PDT

    Im 65 hours in f04 GOTY, lvl 50 and yet i have not encountered a single Gauss rifle in any shop vendor or heavy enemy types. Apparently, according to the wiki Gauss rifles are meant to spawn after lvl 25. So is my save file bugged?

    Edit: to those who say there are ones at vendors, there aren't, I checked goodneighboor, santuary traders, and several other vendor locations with none found.

    submitted by /u/GG2Me
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    Starting the OG games

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 03:38 AM PDT

    Im gonna be starting the original 2 games soon, any advice before starting? I've only played 3, NV, and 4. Out of those 4 is the only one I've completed (hated the gunplay in 3 and NV) so I may need some tips for the first 2 games

    submitted by /u/Warthogrider74
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    Highest Amount Of Caps Attained?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 10:21 PM PDT

    I'm curious what numbers people have attained. My latest build in Fallout 4 is creeping close to a million caps. No cheating. No mods.

    submitted by /u/2pacHendrix
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    Can you survive the Sierra Madre?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 02:50 AM PDT

    FO4 My original thoughts on what was going to happen in the Human Error mission

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 09:19 PM PDT

    When I discovered this location and side quest I had two theories on how this was going to end.

    The first was that this place was some sort of cult commune akin to Jonestown and after completing the mission and killing Doctor Chambers the player would find all the settlers dead from drinking poison.

    The second was that this place was an experiment with mind altering substances conducted by The Institute. The idea was that the lemonade contained a mind altering substance akin to MK-Ultra. The purpose of the substance was to make the citizens of the Commonwealth docile so that when the Institute launched a full scale invasion of the Commonwealth, there would be little to no resistance since the drug had pacified the population.

    The third idea was that the Compound was what was left of Vault-Tec. Seeing the security armor was the same as Vault-Tec's and Dr.Chambers was wearing a Vault-Tec labcoat this theory was the longest living one until I tried to spare Chambers.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Berger1
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    Hear me out, I’d love a fallout game that’s entirely pre-war.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 02:14 AM PDT

    Still open world, still first or third person. I'm not sure on what the details for a story would be exactly, I'd just love to see a pre-nuked American state in its entirety.

    The only story idea I could think of would be if you played as a whistleblower trying to out Vault-Tec's plans for the vaults. That seems like a good way to still include things like combat, stealth, lock picking, hacking etc...

    The conclusion of the game could be that you're about to blow the story open then suddenly

    "Attention citizens, nuclear strike imminent"

    and the game the ends.

    Ending the game like this could also set up a sequel that allows a more traditional fallout game on the same (but now nuked) map.


    submitted by /u/ACertainShadeOfRed
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    Fallout: The Frontier - July Developer Update

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 08:46 PM PDT

    I need help with fallout 2

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 01:25 AM PDT

    I'm a fallout fan I'm used to the newer fallout games , I'm a couple hours into fallout two but I just can't get into it , do I need to go a couple more hours into the game for it to get a bit more interesting?

    submitted by /u/kombokrunch
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    F*ck Cass(Rose of Sharon Cassidy-Fallout:New Vegas)

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 02:56 AM PDT

    After ALL of the things i've done for her including finding who was responsible for her caravan company's destruction,wiping out the Mojave/Freeside chapter of the Van Graffs,loping off Alice McLafferty's head,and assuring the NCR wins the 2nd Battle of Hoover Dam and at the end of it she tries to find me so she can have me inject my penis juice into her floppy waffle but NoOoOoOOOo instead of finding me she finds some random trooper shmuck and the f*cking thot slept with him! Wtf did he do to earn her affection!?That's soooo not fair!

    submitted by /u/Mrminutemansupreme
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    Fallout 76: Xbox 1 in 2020. Is it any good?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 02:26 AM PDT

    I tried Fallout 76 on my Xbox a month or so after it's release. It wasn't a horrible game but without playing with other people I got bored. It's been 2-ish years since the game released and I haven't heard much about it aside from all the controversies outside the game and fallout first. My question is, should I get a copy of the game and give it another go or has the game been abandoned? Also how much would you say is too much to pay for it?

    submitted by /u/MrKrabs8Myflipflops
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    a semi plot hole in dead money

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 05:39 PM PDT

    Okay why does elijah take away your weapons/armor? Like why wouldn't he want a power armor clad guy to help get into the casino. like he still has the bomb collar on you. Like he doesn't even take your gear (thank god) he just places it back in a chest

    submitted by /u/dol_guldurhunter
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    What fallout faction is the best?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 02:10 AM PDT

    I'm currently playing through every single fallout game from fallout one all the way to 76, and in doing so its become obvious to me that there are a lot of factions I have to choose between. Which do you all think is best to side with and why?

    submitted by /u/Finly123
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    Found Final Judgment just lying on the ground in Sanctuary - Fallout 4

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    So I am level 40 and a new Fallout recruit. I've spent a lot of time just building stuff/exploring and trying out different companions. I was wandering around Sanctuary and behind the house with the workshop in it I found the Final Judgment weapon just lying on the ground. I haven't progressed super far in the Brotherhood of steel quests - so I really don't understand how it got there. I certainly didn't earn it in any way.

    Random gift from the gods??

    submitted by /u/jasontravels123
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    My character randomly dies in fallout new vegas.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 10:03 PM PDT

    My character randomly dies and it's stopping me from progressing. I'm running it vanilla on pc it's my first playthrough. Any one know a fix?

    submitted by /u/choppy156
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    I think Paladin Danse just talked with an Australian accent?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 01:38 AM PDT

    Has anyone experienced that??? That's the first time I've ever heard him do that, and thankfully I was streaming the game at the time so I do have it on camera. I don't know if it's against the rules to link it though so I'll refrain for now. But I wanted to know if anyone has had him say something in an Australian accent? Specifically, he said, "How can I help you, mate?" It seems so out of character for him to say anything jokingly like that so I'm wondering if maybe I mixed his character up with Deacon but he was standing right behind me and it was while I was using the robot workbench so it doesn't show subtitles. I just wanted to know if someone else has experienced that. It seemed so freaking random

    submitted by /u/jessicat1396
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    Can you play Fallout 76 singleplayer?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 02:29 PM PDT

    I want to get this game, but i have noone to play with and i don't want random players to ruin my game and destroy everthing.

    I watched the E3 showcase back then when todd howard said something like: of course you can play this game solo, just like every other fallout.

    So how does it work? I know i can't play offline, but when i need to join a server, then how do i make sure i can play completely solo?

    submitted by /u/gxtitan
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    Are Incinerators good against Deathclaws?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 06:28 PM PDT

    Trying to reach Novac, and I spot a blind deathclaw. Of course, It kills me. I looted an incinerator off of a convict back in primm, are they any good against deathclaws?

    submitted by /u/TheRealZephyx
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    Can I Do Open Season After Doing Power Play? - Fallout 4

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 06:25 PM PDT

    Hey, so when I first spoke with Mackenzie in the market, I said something like, "How dare you", and didn't get the Open Season quest. Now... I kinda wanna do it, but I've already done Power Play, and all the raider quests, so I wanted to know, is there another way to get Open Season?

    submitted by /u/SappySapperson
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    What happened to the fan series Fallout nuka break?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 04:47 PM PDT

    about eight years ago around the time fallout New Vegas came out there was a production company called wayside productions they were making a fan series called fallout nuka break. There is 3 season and 15 episodes total. But didn't they say they were going to be making more season 4?. Did they do a Kickstarter to raise a bunch of money to film of season 4 called the wanderer

    submitted by /u/dshiznt21
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