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    Fallout Lore | why does the enclave’s power armor in fallout 3 look different to their armor in fallout 2?

    Fallout Lore | why does the enclave’s power armor in fallout 3 look different to their armor in fallout 2?

    why does the enclave’s power armor in fallout 3 look different to their armor in fallout 2?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 11:50 AM PDT

    i noticed that the enclave armor in fallout 3 is different to the enclave armor in fallout 1, 2 and new vegas. do they ever explain why this is?

    submitted by /u/flim_moxer
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    Vault Numbers by Location, Version 4: Hey there, fellow dwellers

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 06:52 PM PDT

    At present, there are 34 Vaults accounted for in canon sources. (Where Fallout Canon is currently defined as the computer games Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout 4, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 76 and the comics One Man and a Crate full of Puppets and All Roads. Cut content from completed and released games is not considered to be canon. Any other source, including unreleased games, the Fallout Bible, Fallout: The Board Game, Fallout: Wasteland Warfare and so on are also non-canon). The total number of Vaults is unknown, but assuming that the Vaults are numbered consecutively , has to be no lower than 118. (According to the Fallout Bible, which itself is non-canon, there are 122 Vaults). As such, there are a minimum of 84 Vaults unaccounted for at this time.

    There are a total of seventeen Control Vaults (Fallout 3 Citadel terminal entries). At present, only three of them, Vaults 3, 8 and 76, are known.

    Vault 79 is so far unique among the Vaults in that it is neither experimental nor is it a Control Vault. Rather, it was designed for a specific purpose (ie, to house the Federal Gold Reserve).

    These figures do not include Vault-like structures or unnumbered structures made with Vault-Tec components such as the Vault-Tec University Simulation Vault, Vault-Tec Among the Stars, the demonstration Vault in Los Angeles and so on.

    As yet, while Vaults 63 and 96 are in-game, they are not accessible. As such, nothing is known about their nature beyond their numbers and the fact that both of them are still sealed. While terminal entries for Vault 96 have been found, they are cut content and, as such, cannot be considered to be canon. It can be implied that both are experimental Vaults (Fallout 76 Appalachian Vault Registry terminal entries) but this cannot be confirmed.

    With five exceptions, the locations of all the explicitly named Canon vaults are known. These Vaults, 17, 29, 43, 69 and 77, are all mentioned in canon sources, but have not directly appeared as yet. Vault 17 can be implied to be in Southern California, as it was raided by the Master's Army in 2155 (Fallout: New Vegas, Lily Bowen's dialogue). Vault 29 is said to be on the West Coast, but its exact location is unknown (Fallout 76, Last Day of School). Vault 77 can be implied to be near the Capitol Wasteland, based on the presence of a Vault 77 suit in Fallout 3. While they are canon, there is no evidence at all for the locations of Vaults 43 and 69.

    Vaults 1 and 2 are featured in the Pip-Boy game Wastelad (Fallout 76). However, as this is fiction within fiction it should not be used as a reference for any details about those two Vaults. Additionally, there is at least one Vault in Oklahoma (Fallout 3, Letter from Vault-Tec). No details are known about it (or them).

    Wastelanders has several more mentioned-only Vaults. Penelope Hornwright's dialogue mentions a Vault, but gives no details beyond it having a faulty door and being outside of Appalachia. As such, it can be assumed that she is not talking about Vault 63 or 96. Bruiser is said to have come from a Vault, but again without giving any information about it. Two random Camp encounters (Carla and Dino; two Soldiers), feature characters that again came from or spent time in a Vault, but without giving any details about those Vaults, including their numbers. There is no indication as to if these are all referring to a single Vault or a number of different Vaults; however, again the lack of explicit numbers suggests that they are not referring to 63 or 96.

    Finally, Samuel claims to be from a Vault that is "pretty far away and hidden, so you wouldn't have heard of it". While not explicitly stated, the implication is that he is lying about his past and is not from a Vault at all.

    Where this becomes interesting is when one examines the distribution of the canon Vault numbers based on the US Census regions. Those in the Western Census District (Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout: New Vegas) start from Vault 3 and go as high as Vault 34 (for a range of 31 Vaults). The Southern Census District (Fallout 3, Fallout 76) start at Vault 51 and go as high as Vault 112 (for a range of 61 Vaults). Finally, the Northeast Census District (Fallout 4) range from Vault 75 to Vault 118 (for a range of 43 Vaults).

    However, this distribution has some caveats. The known Vaults in the Southern Census District are all crammed into one corner of the region (West Virginia and Washington DC). Not a single known Vault is found elsewhere in the district, save for the hypothetical Oklahoma Vault(s). There is considerable overlap between the Southern and Eastern Census District Vaults, but none between the Southern and Western ones.

    In addition, there are no known, canon Vaults in the Midwestern Census District. While presumably some existed, no information about them exists in any canon sources.

    From this it can be deduced that there is a rough pattern to the Vault numbers. The lowest numbers are found on the West Coast, and the highest in the east. The pattern is consistent across all sources, with a distinct gap appearing between the highest numbered "Western" Vault (Vault 34) and the lowest numbered "Southern" Vault (Vault 51). While there is a single known Vault between the two (Vault 43), nothing is known about its location.

    Only two of the Vaults have in-world reasons stated for their numbering. Vault 76 was built for and named in honour of the United States Tercentenary. Vault 79 was named for the Atomic Number of Gold, since it would be housing the Federal Gold Reserve.

    While Vault 21 had a gambling-themed experiment and was located under a casino in Las Vegas, it has not been explicitly stated in-world if the number was a deliberate choice or a coincidence.

    The presently accounted for Vaults are 3, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 29, 34, 43, 51, 63, 69, 75, 76, 77, 79, 81, 87, 88, 92, 94, 95, 96, 101, 106, 108, 111, 112, 114 and 118. This list does not include the "mentioned only" Vaults with no numbers given.

    The presently unaccounted for Vaults are 1, 2, 4-7, 9-10, 14, 16, 18, 20, 23-28, 30-33, 35-42, 44-50, 52-62, 64-68, 70-74, 78-80, 82-86, 89-91, 93, 97-100, 102-105, 107, 109-110, 113, 115-117 and any potential vaults from 119 on up.

    submitted by /u/Iguankick
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    How did the world run out most resources within 100 years after the divergence occured?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 10:39 PM PDT

    It seems odd to me that most of the world ran out of resources and that there were no solutions to save resources in the fallout universe like recycling, reusing or inovations like electricity cars, biodegradable materials and stuff, how did the fallout universe's earth run low on most resources?

    submitted by /u/Danplays642
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    Whats the big and most important difference between the East Coast and West Coast Chapters

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 04:40 PM PDT

    Can someone explain to me the differences between the East Coast and West Coast Brotherhood Chapters and why they're split?

    submitted by /u/Tubprime-123
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    Institute crows (SPOILERS)

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 01:17 AM PDT

    In the mission Defending the Castle Ronnie Shaw says quote "We found more of those Institute crow things"

    Is this related to the attack Gorillas in the institute? After all the crows are always near people. Bird synths would be good to have as spies

    submitted by /u/VaultDwellerSam
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    What was the disease that Maccready’s son contracted?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 07:12 AM PDT

    Why the NCR ending for Fallout:New Vegas would make for a VERY unstable Vegas and Mojave

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 01:36 AM PDT

    One of the biggest flaws of the NCR's plan to annex New Vegas and the Mojave is that they will enforce their laws and rules on the people of the Mojave just like any other faction correct? Well that isn't the problem,the problem is what a few of their laws are which are 'A ban on slavery (with the exception of penal labor),Gambling,Prostitution,and a ban on public drunkenness and/or chem use(source here).If you haven't been living under a rock or played NV yet,you may know that all of these behaviors are the bread and butter of the economy of New Vegas and a good portion of the Mojave.

    If the NCR does manage to take over the Mojave and occupy New Vegas they will as any faction would do,enforce their laws and rules,which in turn if those laws and rules are properly enforced,it would cause establishments such as Gomorrah,The Tops,the Atomic Wrangler,the Casa Madrid Apartments,etc to forcefully be shut down and would devastate the economy of New Vegas and would also leave hundreds of people unemployed which would lead to the thousands of gamblers that regularly attend these establishments angry that they can't ever attend them again so them and the unemployed guards,"escorts",and other employees would obviously protest and not peacefully and they will most likely be supported by groups such as the Van Graffs and The Kings and the 3 families which again would cause a majority of the protesters to either be shot or be arrested and be sent to jail/prison.

    Eventually the prisons would become over crowded and sometime later an escape attempt will take place and it most of the prisoners will be freed from their cells they will then overpower the guards and would either flee from the Mojave,re-join the protesters,start groups similar to the likes of the Powder Gangers,or be recaptured and repeat.Really the only ways to prevent this are to:

    1.The president of the NCR,Aaron Kimball,declares that the no gambling,prostitution,public drunkenness,and chem use laws are revoked and 2.Is to use deadly force to either kill,arrest,or push out the protesters and then eventually the remaining protesters would give up,the NCR will most likely never recover the backlash from the people in both the Mojave and the home states if they chose the 2nd option,so the 2nd one is absolutely the worst of the 2 ideas.

    All and all I think it is a terrible idea to ban those luxury things to an average wastelanders but i'm interested in what you guys think?

    submitted by /u/Mrminutemansupreme
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    Were the Enclave the only producers of post-war power armor?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    The Enclave's main advantage over the wasteland was their ability to mass produce suits of APA and Hellfire power armor, and apart from Ultracite power armor, which never ended up being made, was there any other source of power armor production post-war?

    submitted by /u/Piece_Of_Mind1983
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    How did the Master travel between Mariposa and the LA Vault after he was dipped in FEV?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 03:51 AM PDT

    Legit question. How was he able to travel in that... That... Gooey form or whatever. This still boggles my mind.

    submitted by /u/Mechanikz2002
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