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    Fallout | Fallout 4 (pretty) saved my life

    Fallout | Fallout 4 (pretty) saved my life

    Fallout 4 (pretty) saved my life

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 07:28 AM PDT

    I'm going to tell ya all a story, about me. (If you don't care it's ok don't worry, just keep scrolling down).

    Two years ago I bought my first console, a PS4. Each day I played most of the games catalogue and I always spent money buying games the day they launch.

    Suddenly, my boss fired me, because I had depression (my partners at work bullied me a lot) and I didn't work well and fast.

    Then I started wasting even more time playing, that it become a problem, a real problem. I was wasting my money (they money I saved to pay the rent) buying in game content, like COD weapons, fortnite skins, dlc, etc.

    I spent a lot of money. It really became an addiction.

    A year passed after my family wasted to much money trying to keep me in that flat, and they stopped paying me, because obviously, I had a problem.

    I went to my psichologist and she didn't help me at all.

    Then I found Fallout 4. I played a bit this game long time ago, but this time was an offer with every dlc. I started playing everyday, but, unlike any other game out there, this hasn't got any micro payments.

    I forgot about Call of duty, fortnite, and buying a battle pass. I Forgot my addiction on buying things, because I was too busy scraping resources and constructing epic buildings for my settlers.

    I became one with the game, I gained the Platinum trophy, and to this day, I keep playing.

    Fallout has a very catchy game mechanics, because it makes you forget about your problems and want you to live on a deserted land with nearly zero resources. But for a long time, that was better than live the real life.

    If you read this till the end, thank you for listening to me. I needed to express my gratitude to this game and this community of wastelanders, that surely went through pain like mine.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/ZerosAbaddon
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    Just curious if Far Harbor is universally accepted as being among the top 3 dlcs of all Fallout?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 08:39 PM PDT

    I don't really get on fallout communities so idk how the community feels and wanted to discuss it.

    submitted by /u/I-caught-it-
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    I will give the people who worked on 76 credit on this. Mothmen are the only 3D Fallout enemy I find unnerving.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 10:49 PM PDT

    My own personal story about Fallout 4 and my grandma.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 06:38 PM PDT

    Shout out to u/ZerosAbaddon for his own story and inspiring me to write mine. Not trying to steal his thunder.

    Fallout 4 holds the most special place in my heart. For years before it released, I loved Fallout. She bought me Fallout 3 in 2014. And I played it all the time. And helped her learn how to play too. And when I heard there was going to be a fourth installment, I was mad excited. But i didnt own an Xbox one. In 2015 at Christmas break for my 8th year, my grandma started having more problems with her breast cancer. She passed away over the break. But the last gift she ever gave me for Christmas was Fallout 4 and an Xbox one. She didn't get to see me open it. But she knew I got it.

    I played that game every day for over 20 days in a row. She passed on December 13 that year. I love this game with all my heart. Every year on December 13, i play nothing but Fallout 4 on my Xbox one just to keep that memory of her with me. I love this game franchise. But Fallout 4 holds the most special place in my heart for this reason.

    Again. Shout out to that user for giving me the idea for a personal story. Not trying to steal his thunder. Just thought I'd express my own feelings for this franchise and game in particular.

    Edit: a little clarification

    submitted by /u/Salt-Zone
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    Fallout 1's Box art reimagined

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    I've tried to do the re-imagining of the Fallout's 1 box art from scratch


    submitted by /u/fil968
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    I properly rendered my Enclave helm from a while back, may do a full body?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 10:00 PM PDT


    May just redo the helmet because the modelling could be improved :()

    submitted by /u/goonspoons
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    Far Harbor Saved Fallout 4 For Me

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 12:56 AM PDT

    When Fallout 4 first came out I was disappointed with it. Coming from New Vegas as my first Fallout game I owned (I had limited experience with 3 from my cousin but don't count that) in my rushed play through of it, I wasn't aware how much content was there, I feel in love with the way your skills mattered. I loved that fact there were several ways to end most quests (which let you really customize your character's personality), and how story was told in the environment and through questing and dialogue.

    Then Fallout 4 comes out! I'm so excited and my buddy gets the game and I play it for a few hours. The quests are all the same (run to location, kill everyone, and maybe bring back something), lore was there but told solely through the environment and barely ever in dialogue. Your skills and choices didn't matter. All the endings outside the Institute were just redlined to that faction. The one thing that I liked well enough to mention was the companions and their loyalty quests.

    I didn't touch Fallout 4 until about a week ago. All quarantine my Xbox kept trying to download Far Harbor and I kept cancelling it. But while playing New Vegas I got a notification saying it downloaded and thought why not give it a try.

    I finished the DLC in two days. I loved it. My choices mattered again, not as much in NV but still, and my skills mattered too. And on top of that they reference NV. The story of the DLC was interesting and as a whole it served as a great example of what 4 should have been from the start.

    Fallout 4 is still my least favorite of the ones I played but I no longer dislike or hate it like I did. I enjoy running around that island in Maine between my jaunts in the Mojave. Thank you Far Harbor

    submitted by /u/thenerdymusician
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    Should i play fallout 4?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 01:12 AM PDT


    I have this game for ps4 and i´ve tried playing it countless times. After the first subway mission i think , i always end up dropping the game. Does it gets better later on?

    Idk but the game also runs very bad ( 20 to 25 fps ) on ps4 and this also harms the experience

    I´m thinking of buying it on PC ( cheap) again to try again

    Is it worth? Does it gets better?

    I really like bethesda ( i like skyrim) but never played a fallout before


    submitted by /u/matreddit1995
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    How To Make The Perfect Fallout Game - By ManyATrueNerd

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 02:07 PM PDT

    Am I going crazy over the Rat King?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 09:28 PM PDT

    So I've been playing Fallout 4 on and off again for a while. I'll play non stop for a couple months, leave it for 8 months, come back against and binge, rinse repeat.

    But there's a random encounter I SWEAR I came across in one of my first play throughs. A man showed up in the Fens with I think a pipe sniper that did extra damage to mole rats, proclaimed himself the "Mole Rat King" or something of the sorts, and then I had to fight him and like 10 mole rats, some glowing, some rabid, etc. but I tried googling it and am only getting a bunch of resources for the Mole Rat King from Fallout 2.

    Can anyone confirm this is real? Have I gone bat shit looney? It just feels like such a real memory, I can't see it not being real, however I can't seem to find it anywhere online.

    (This was on PS4, before it could even download mods, and I had no DLC at the time. Absolute Vanilla playthrough)

    submitted by /u/lunardart
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    Im thinking of giving FO2 another try but i need your help classic Fallout fans. Wich good starting builds would you recomend me?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 12:23 AM PDT

    Honestly i don't mind the turn based combat and different controls but i sometimes felt like either enemies attack more than me in their turn or i simply can't land a hit for shit no matter what.

    The first time i attempted this game i quickly gave up on how badly i was loosing fights, how shitty was the quest tracking compared to bethesda's games. No quest markers, no precise markers in the pipboy's map and local maps. Having to literally go and talk to every npc and take notes. The old school way to progress simply made me quit this game, but then i though, maybe i could enjoy this game if i played at my own peace, just fuck the main and sidequests. I'll try to immerse myself on the world without those 2 heavy burdens and if i find trouble, i would go with a simple mentallity: Shoot first, ask latter

    With that off my chest, wich character starting builds would you recomend me and why?.

    submitted by /u/PotMaskedMan
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    My SUPER late thoughts on Fallout 4

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 11:07 PM PDT

    You know? I really like Fallout 4. It's fun, and I've sank many, many hours in it since I bought it with all the DLC in 2016 on my Xbox. Now playing it in an Xbox One X.

    Thanks to Covid, I find myself 100% at home these days, and with extra time. So I was like, let's play this bad boy again. And after completing yet another playthrough, I just want to share how I feel.

    JUST TO BE CLEAR... I'm part of the group that considers New Vegas as the peak fallout experience. Being closely followed by 1 & 2 and then the rest made by Bethesda. So you know more or less what I prefer in my games, but I like to think that I'm open minded and that I can put aside my differences and grievances and like I said in the start of this little thing I'm sharing here, I really like Fallout 4.

    So, where should I begin? Graphically while it's not the best, it is certainly a better look than 1, 2, 3 and Vegas. I like the art style and honestly I can't and won't complain. Yeah the engine is kinda shit, the draw distance is abysmal but isn't that the case with every single Fallout game?

    To be frank, at first I hated Fallout 4, when I watched the reviews and all back in 2015. It wasn't until playing it that it grew on me. And it wasn't until I replayed it back in 2018 that I actually was like, you know? This is a good game.

    But Jesus did Bethesda just... I don't know, I want to say fuck up because I like to think that they tried and failed but at the same time it feels like they just didn't give a shit. I have many issues with this game, and I'll explain them to you now:

    Issue #1 - The voiced protagonist and by extension, the 4 choice dialogue system:

    While I can understand why they went for it, since it was supposed to be an emotional story, and thinking about it it would be weird your protagonist not really having a voice when they talked about Shaun, it makes sense that they did it, but it didn't work. I NEVER cared about Shaun, like at all, nor did for my spouse and I feel like most people share these thoughts.

    The 4 options thing is also pretty abysmal, mostly because whenever I wanted to be light heartedly sarcastic, my guy would be the meanest MF in town. Like I did not want to say that. Or I'd ask a question and they would get all sentimental and I don't know if it's just me but I feel like if you start choosing one of the 4, to keep the same time you'd have to keep pressing the same key. Because if you dare vary the conversation the tone change is horrible!

    For example, when talking to Codsworth in the beginning you can start with Oh my God what happened to the world! All dramatic and shit, and then be weepy she's in a better place and then screaming GODDAMIT WHAT'S GOING ON.

    It really, really puts me off and it happens through the entire game and story DLC's.

    Issue #2 - There really is basically no choices here + sidequests mostly suck:

    I don't like how you can't really be evil in this game, or at least the base game. Sure you can side with the Boogeyman of the Commonwealth but that's about it. I'm trying to think out of the top of my head and I guess you can sell the stupid ghoul kid into slavery but I don't know that's about it. You can be super helpful and friendly, normal and helpful, or a helpful jerk basically. That's all.

    At least in Fallout 3 (Only comparing Bethesda made games) you could blow up Megaton and poison the water for everyone not pure enough. Or kick the ghouls out of that rich dude's tower.

    And the sidequests while there are some memorable ones like Cabbot House, the USS constitution one (My favorite) or... I dunno, can't really remember another good one.

    That's the issue for me, the rest just blurs together into go here and shoot some lads/Muties, go there and pick this shit up or a variation of those two put together. And not only that, but whatever you do doesn't really leave an impact in the world. You just go and do something which is not that interesting to begin and that's it. Everything stays the same...

    Which leads me to Issue #3 and the biggest one I have - It's all flash, but no substance:

    My biggest problem with this game is that absolutely nothing about it seems to have much thought put into it, it's just there to be cool.

    The most glaring example are the Triggermen. They're gangsters, you know? Like the mob! Get it? The mob? Boston? Tommy guns? Hats? Skinny Malone?

    Okay but why Bethesda? Why are they like that? Why are they mobster cosplayers?

    No answer there.

    The institute replaces people and do other shit that I'm frankly not that interested in... But why father? Why are y'all doing this? What's the end goal?

    Uhm yeah this is too complicated.

    Yeah it sure was complicated all right. Complicated for the writer that couldn't come up with anything more than these dudes make synths and replace people.

    The raiders... Why are they all just raiders? Why do they all dress the same? Why are they so boring? They're literally just there so you kill them.

    The only ones that I remember being different are the forged and it's not that much and they're overall still boring.

    I hate to compare but after New Vegas why did you still choose boring nameless raiders?

    We had The Fiends, The Khans, the Powder Gangers and in a much lesser extent the Vipers, Jackals and Scorpions... Hell you didn't need to make them all super interesting but couldn't you at least give them cool names or something? Nah fam, you get raiders and forged and that's a lot alright.

    Then the Gunners, just who the hell are they? Why don't you give us anything? They're basically just raiders with better organization and gear!

    Supernatants are just dumb green dudes. Sure in fallout 3 they were just dumb yellow dudes, it's fine you were new. But after again NV and 1 & 2 why are y'all still making them like this? They're not suppose to be mindless killing machines. Some of them can be smart! They can be at the very least not hostile! Why are they again, just big green dumb raiders?

    Why are you like this Bethesda? I like to think you're just lazy instead of incompetent, but I don't even know anymore.

    The factions are meh, the railroad is pathetic and the minutemen story line is very bare bones. The institute is okay I guess but I'm still bitter about that "It's too complicated" so the Brotherhood is the way to go for me. I like them, it seems like Bethesda remember they're not exactly good guys who want to help around and they're behaving more in line with the rest of the chapters we all know. So I liked that. Good deal Bethesda.

    Ad Victoriam for sure, but why? Again, flashy and no substance to it. Just something cool they thought to add.

    Issue #4 Bad writing + retcons:

    Just why did you make T-60 pre-war? Sure y'all needed a new iconic armor and I love the T-60 design but why? Hell OUT OF MY HEAD I'm thinking. The BoS defeated the enclave... They took their shit... Why not make T-60 a creation of them? That's be cools and it shows how much they've grown in power but nope, let's retcon T-51B.

    X-01 is also pre-war apparently so double retconning of the T-51B for being the pinnacle of pre-war PA and also retconning advanced power armor made by the enclave.

    Again out of my head... Why not let that X-01 with a little backstory of an Enclave detachment in Boston? A little fan service even. But nope. Forget it. It's pre-war.

    Jet in the vault... When it was made by that kid in Fallout 2.

    Nuka cola being in the intro in the 40's when it was understood that the brand didn't exist back then...

    And the most egregious of all. The ghoul kid who doesn't eat or drink and that ghouls don't eat or drink. Rendering a massive part of the first Fallout's storyline meaningless.

    Just why? Was it too hard to read? Y'all didn't care? I wish I could talk with Todd and just ask him. Why?

    So... All this issues aside. I like the game. I like some characters. I like base building. I like survival mode. I can tolerate the voiced protagonist and gutting of RPG mechanics.

    I just feel like they didn't really try with the writing.

    submitted by /u/davgespn972
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    Creation kit help

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 03:27 AM PDT

    Hey I need help I know this isn't the right sub Reddit to post this but a larger audience might help I get an application error when I try to open creation kit.exe (0xc0000142) https://youtu.be/Nhk_CgEJSVs

    submitted by /u/The_Scaily_Bun
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    A Fallout TV series is now in development from Amazon Studios

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 03:27 AM PDT

    this is from trueachievements:

    Amazon Studios has licensed the rights to the Fallout franchise, with a TV show now in development "with a series commitment." The show — Fallout — will be a collaboration between Amazon Studios and Kilter Films, in association with Bethesda Game Studios and Bethesda Softworks.

    submitted by /u/georgeward800
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    Ncr attacking randomly

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 10:04 PM PDT

    I'm doing a max difficulty hardcore play through of New Vegas. I did the mission for the NCR to get the Boomers on my team slept in a bed and woke up to a NCR soldier saying something about "paying dues" and now my run has been ruined since my last save was almost 5 hours ago. Why does this happen?????

    submitted by /u/random_memer293
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    What's your favorite Fallout?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 12:56 AM PDT

    Mine is Fallout 3 I loved it's dlc it's characters how although everything looked the same it looked different Fallout NV comes in at 2nd place :) Oh and I've only played 3 and newer

    submitted by /u/NSMCrimson
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    Should we see Desmond from point look-out in a future fallout as dlc taking on one of his other "enemies" in a different part of the U.S.?(Assuming you didn't kill him in your playthrough)

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 07:44 PM PDT

    An ending with only one faction? FO4

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 06:53 PM PDT

    Hey all!

    So, I'm going through Fallout 4 again. This time, I've taken my time and gone through the 3 main factions quests and little side quests, and now just have to progress the main one to get the institute.

    From what I've researched and read that you can do that up until a few pivotal quests where you HAVE to pick a side. Last time I beat the game, It was with the railroad and Minutemen.

    Here's what I wonder, is there ANYWAY to only beat the game with the Minuteman? I know they are the only faction who dosent ready dissapear.

    My plan, was to side with the Brotherhood until the railroad gets killed. Then anger the Brotherhood, beat the game with the minutmen, and then nuke the Prydwen.

    Is this POSSIBLE?

    submitted by /u/Arkidonius
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    Do other people rename their weapons in Fallout 4? How creative do you get with the names?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 08:37 PM PDT

    I've started renaming my weapons in Fallout 4 because after a while it became impossible to tell between Scoped Optimized Recon Gauss Rifle I may have modded or a Scoped Compensated Gauss Rifle I may have found somewhere.

    I renamed a modded cryolator to "Nor'easter" after the winter snowstorms that hit New England, and a flamer to "Sick Burn!" and Kellogg's pistol to "Kellogg's Special K" after the breakfast cereal marketed to women. That's just for starters.

    What do other people do?

    submitted by /u/DieMensch-Maschine
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    What Changes Would You Make to Fallout?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 10:48 PM PDT

    If you could make one change to each of the Bethesda Fallout games, what would it be?

    submitted by /u/jhbrownie
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    First time playing new vegas, anywhere or anything I should check out that made it more enjoyable for you?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 12:43 AM PDT

    Fallout 4:what the hell is wrong with this game?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 12:37 AM PDT

    I'm trying to play this game but something is wrong and i can't solve it.

    When I'm walking with the character he keeps having some lagging/glitch, as if he was tripping over something and the camera too. I thought it could be my FPS, but it varies between 60-54, sometimes when are too many enemies and projectiles it reaches 50.

    I changed my settings to low but it keeps happening. I don't know what else to mess with to get my character going without these tripping.

    Does anybody know how to solve this?

    Obs: sorry for the bad english.

    submitted by /u/Hamtaro1450
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