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    Thursday, July 23, 2020

    Fallout | As authentic of a replica as I could pull off. I present Maria.

    Fallout | As authentic of a replica as I could pull off. I present Maria.

    As authentic of a replica as I could pull off. I present Maria.

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    Ring a Ding Ding Baby! Maria! A fully functioning (airsoft) replica, with 24k gold coated trigger, personalized serial numbers, stand and poker chip carrying case. No one sells authentic Maria replicas, so I had to make my own.

    Made using decals, paint, and then clear coated for protection. 1:1 size, weight and operation.

    Maria 1:1 https://imgur.com/gallery/dWdc0s2

    submitted by /u/WrongSock
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    [FO4] Overwhelmed by settlements. Should I wait until late-game to worry about settlement building?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    I'm currently lvl 18. First playthrough. I'm finding the whole settlement thing to be a little overwhelming, mainly because I lack many of the materials and perks needed to make decent settlements. I'm basically providing settlements with the bare minimum to keep them going until I have played through a significant chunk of the game and leveled up so I can start properly building.

    Is this a valid approach to take? Any particular advice would be appreciated!

    P.S. I love this game.

    submitted by /u/FieryPhoenix7
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    I love how Fallout 3 focused on Pre-War stuff quite heavily

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 12:50 PM PDT

    The newspapers in the loading screens talking about food riots and the U.N breaking up, the trailer that was presented as a Vault Tec commercial, Operation Anchorage, the Chinese spy outposts, the Chinese propaganda radio, all the stuff written in the army terminals, it makes the Fallout world feel more alive and really ramps up the Cold War, 1950's America feel.

    Fallout 1 does this pretty well, Fallout 4 touched on it, Fallout 2 and NV kind of ignored it but Fallout 3 does it great.

    submitted by /u/JohnTheGreat78
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    Hello guys I’m a smaller youtuber doing a fallout 3 walkthrough if anyone wants to check it out

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 10:09 PM PDT

    Has machinima become unpopular?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 01:48 AM PDT

    There are some great ones out there: Raiders, DC Chronicles, Psycho, Dead Company Tales... the newest among them is Dead Company and their last one 9 months ago.

    I know ShoddyCast was sold, but they've still been making videos. Just not their Machinima series. Dead Company, I assume they either have it up or ran out of the ability to do it. Or maybe nobody was interested in watching them anymore, who knows.

    submitted by /u/PhunkyMunky76
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    Just a story. My first fallout playthrough. Hope you enjoy

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 08:10 PM PDT

    One day my sister brought home a ps4, Moved out a week later. (This was a year ago). She left a copy of fallout 4 and I started playing on her account. Her character named after her favorite tv characters. (A woman)

    I have never played any fallout before, other than fallout shelter, and that is no comparison. I haven't played many video games to begin with. Needless to say, I fell in love with it, otherwise why would I be on this sub-reddit.

    My favorite part about this(my first) playthrough, was my sanctuary build. I had two towers connected by a walkway, a fence around the whole neighborhood with a gate, missle turrets, I mean THe WORKS. Beautiful house on top of gray garden, starlight drive in was a functional village, with a complete workshop with all of my sets of power armor.

    I followed the story so closely, and craved every detail of the game. So many small details that make it beautiful. I remember at first I couldn't even punch a rad roach, and died maybe 40 times at the museum of freedom. I got better, of course, but the experience made the gameplay seem a lot more authentic.

    I especially loved playing with the games physics, jumping from building tops in power armor, fighting battles at the castle, making insane builds.

    Beat the main story line, let countless battles with the BOS and the minutemen, and each one felt authentic. I traveled mostly with Preston Garvey and Nick, and fighting along side them was like no other video game.

    The story ends with a tragedy, because a year into the fallout 4 universe, she gets mad at me, and sells the ps4. I know it was hers, but I would have paid her for it, and she did it just to spite me. It's no big deal, but it's like I had that whole experience ripped from me in an instant, and that's how I ended up on the fallout subreddit.

    submitted by /u/laytonomor
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    Possible cures for radiation, by unnamed researcher

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 02:46 AM PDT

    Here's a post detailing the possible cures for radiation in the Fallout world and how feasible they would be in-universe. The rest of this post will be in-character as a researcher of an unnamed faction trying to save all of humanity, circa 2288.


    • Benefits—Grants full immunity to radiation, among of host of other benefits such as strength, durability, and intelligence boosts and a slows the recipient's aging.

    • Downsides—Makes the recipient sterile and isn't fully perfected so has a number of very common or inescapable downsides such as intelligence loss, schizophrenia, loss of secondary sex characteristics, and mutation into a centaur or a behemoth.


    • Benefits—Grants full immunity to radiation. May allow the recipient to subsist solely off of radiation. Radiation heals the recipient. Grants functional agelessness.

    • Downsides—Some Ghouls lose higher thought processes and go "feral," becoming mindless beasts. Ghouls may require regular sustenance from food and water. Extreme disfigurement.

    Cure derived from Marie

    • Benefits—Grants full immunity to radiation and the trog disease, with a chance of providing immunity to all diseases.

    • Downsides—May not be transferable from the child Marie to others. May never actually be made.

    The Shi's radiation-eating plant

    • Benefits—Instead of granting the recipient immunity to radiation, it instead removes radiation from the environment. This allows anyone not treated with the above options to thrive in areas with the plant. Has been successfully tested on the ruins of San Francisco.

    • Downsides—Would take a long time to spread across the world. Would not affect large buildings or other places where plants cannot thrive.

    Lorenzo's Serum

    • Benefits—Grants the recipient functional agelessness, a massive boost to strength, and functional immunity to radiation.

    • Downsides—There is only one source of it in the entire world, and even if you forget the immorality of using a single man as a blood bag then if that man dies the whole thing falls apart. It is not permanent and if the recipient stops taking it the benefits will disappear. It is also addictive.

    Atom's Blessing

    • Benefits—Grants full immunity to radiation with no side-effects.

    • Downsides—May be granted by an eldritch entity that may not have have humanity's best interests in mind. Does not allow for religious freedom. Is not granted to everyone, even if they are fully in-line with the Children of Atom's teachings.

    Final Thoughts

    It is this researcher's opinion that the best option would be a mixture of a "perfected*" FEV treatment and the Shi's plant. The end goal would to treat all of humanity with the perfected FEV and to have the world covered in the Shi's plant.

    *FEV should only be considered "perfected" if all recipients retain their full intelligence, secondary sex characteristics, fertility, and their sense of self. This is in addition to 0% of recipients mutating into centaurs or behemoths, or becoming disfigured in any way. If the boosts to strength, durability, and intelligence must be sacrificed in order for this to occur, then the trade is justified. The green coloration of FEV recipients is not considered disfigurement.

    submitted by /u/CMDR_Kai
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    TIL you can prop up dead bodies of NPCs to use as a literal meat shield.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 03:15 AM PDT

    So I was playing a modded NV, A World of Pain mod to be exact and found myself under heavy fire by a number of vipers in a claustrophobic hallway. As I was closing in, Cass fell unconscious behind me because of the punishment; as i turn around, the grenade marker ticked. In my panic, I accidentally propped one of the raider corpses using the grab button which was "z". One of those "Oh shit!" moments

    I turned around to release the grip from the floppy corpse, just as the grenade went off in front of me. And SURPRISINGLY the body took the brunt of the blast radius and i took no damage from it. I was like "--The hell?" I took cover quickly, and just thinking thats just coincidence. So I decided to try again and picked up another corpse from the hall way, propping it up in front of me as if I'm flaunting the dead thing. Again, as I swing to where they shot, the corpse was taking all the projectiles, having its arms and leg ripped off by the Minigun fire.

    Then as I was advancing, still propping up the now-mutilated corpse then lobbed a grenade right back at them. Never knew object collision would be THAT useful.

    submitted by /u/UTKujo
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    I think Fallout 4's quests are underrated.

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    I think Fallout 4 has some of the most memorable side quests in the Fallout games, and it doesn't get credit for it. Sure some of the quest design is a little simple, but the stories it tells are what really stick with you. I mean It's got:

    The Devil's due, in which you return a Deathclaw Egg that was stolen from it's mother (or sell it to make an omelette). New Vegas has a quest with Deathclaw eggs, but in that one you're just stealing them to get with a Redhead, which is admittedly a pretty good motivation, but a much less interesting story.

    Confidence man, where you help the Radio guy process some of his issues, and it changes every single line of the radio show.

    The Last Voyage of the U.S.S. Constitution, where you help a bunch of robots repair the rocket engines on their old museum ship because they want to take to the seas and fight Red China and or Britain if the opportunity allows.

    Here There be Monsters, where you help the ghoul captain of an old Chinese submarine repair his ship because he just wants to go home to help rebuild his country. (or kill him as justice for the lives he took) It lets you really take a look at the people who were America's enemies in the war.

    The Silver shroud, in which you dress as an old comic book/radio hero and fight crime with the help of the old nostalgic ghoul who keeps the radio plays running two hundred years after the war ended, while uttering some incredibly cheesy lines.

    The Secret of Cabot House quest chain, which has you help a family of immortals deal with their crazy alien-possessed psychic powered dad.

    The Covenant quest, which has an idyllic little down that has a dark secret that isn't Cannibalism, and is full of traumatized people who have real reasons for what they're doing.

    I mean, I know Beyond the Beef gives you like a billion ways to beat it, but the wacky robots on the Constitution still bring a smile to my face when I think about them. I just think the game has a spirit of fun that's underappreciated.

    submitted by /u/ThorgilsBoomer
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    Creating a homemade D&D fallout

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 02:22 AM PDT

    Not sure if allowed but was looking for some feed back! I want to homebrew an entire fallout dungeons and dragons game(im sure someone has done it before but i enjoy designing things myself) My thoughts right now are on deciding the races and the classes and then setting the stats..

    My thoughts for races are: Human, ghoul [glowing one], supermutant [nightkin], Synth, Mr handy(maybe) - (brackets are sub race that can be chosen to give slightly diff stats.)

    Classes: Vault dweller, Raider, merchant, merc, BOS paladin, researcher.

    Any ideas for extra races or classes? And/or small details with the racial traits. Ex. synth +1 int, SM +2 str. Any feedback is appreciated! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Discoman94
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    { F4 }Jamaica Plain as a settlement. Why is it so small???

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 07:39 PM PDT

    I remember doing the quest:

    Find the treasures of Jamaica Plain

    Shortly after I killed all the Ghouls & found the Workshop. I was SOOO EXCITED, but was immediately disappointed as to what I actually got.

    You only get 2½ buildings THAT'S IT. Well, one of them's is completely boarded up so it's really 1½

    ( ½ as in the workshop area )

    The courthouse, church, Diner, old houses. . . So much potential!!!

    Why the limit??? 🤔

    It would be so cool if you could rebuild the whole town!

    [ Unfortunately I play on console, so I'm limited on mods. ]

    submitted by /u/ToNiKa101
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    Are fury grenades worth it?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 11:48 PM PDT

    For the first time i did the home sweet home quest and i the disciples were the traitors and also the only people i forgot to get a recipe from. The only save i have is from 2 hours ago and i did power play about 30 min to an hour ago. So is it worth restarting home sweet home to get the schematics?

    submitted by /u/PsychologicalCloud9
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    [Fallout 1] Decker is such a fascinating character.

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 07:44 PM PDT

    He is so compelling, his voice actor, dialogue, side quests, are amazing.

    He convinced me to kill a merchant and his wife, because I was desperate for money. And boy does crime pay. Convinced me then to kill a priestess, who to be fair is part of an extremist cult, but at this point in the game they were nothing more than religious weirdos who healed me for free. Harmless enough? When I objected "That would be immoral" he responded "And killing the merchant wasn't?" I agreed to the mission, he reminded me of "no witnesses." .

    When I massacre this church, this includes the killing of a child by my companion, who to be fair was throwing rocks at me. I am relieved that I don't have to make this decision myself. (Todd in a certain show ring a bell?) Also, this was the point I began to seriously question this Cathedral, as they have a locker jam packed with drugs, an interesting minor detail.

    I collect my reward, Decker praises me and I can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment by the caps I had earned, and by winning this mob boss's approval. The game progresses, and I feel remorse for the things I have done for caps in this wasteland, but I am convinced it is for the greater good, I take down Decker with the help of the Hub police, partly for the caps, partly because of guilt. I killed a librarian because I had sold her my turbo plasma rifle and I needed it back, it was for the greater good, to save my vault guys...

    My vault dweller wasn't evil at heart, he did evil things in order to save his vault, and the human race, I had lost sense of who I was by the end of the game, a drug addicted super soldier with a hot temper, and as I ride off into the sunset shunned from my vault, I reflect on these things I did and the justifications I had for doing them. Siding with Gizmo, Decker, killing the librarian, massacring some of the people at Shady Sands because the guard was offended by my asking for caps to save Tandi and started shooting at me.

    Now that is an RPG.

    submitted by /u/theygone
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    Where can I find music like what is played on Minutemen radio in Fallout 4?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 10:15 PM PDT

    What would you even call it? I don't think it's classical, or maybe it's a sub-genre of classical.

    submitted by /u/-the-stapler-
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    3 years ago, I bought a gold lenses upgrade for my NCR Helmet I finished in 2016. I just recently installed the gold lenses and touched up some old work. Process for a Midwest Ranger

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    Link to more photos

    Kit was by Dark Matter Props that I had to modify a bit. I painted the entire helmet myself as well as all the stenciling and such, weathering too! Progress for a Midwest Ranger variant I want to make; green duster and some more earth colors than a brown duster and blue jeans. Nulky armor and all that jazz!

    submitted by /u/Ampersanders
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    I need help removing all the bugs from Fallout New Vegas.

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 11:10 PM PDT

    I have recently been playing fallout new Vegas, but I have not been able to play due to the considerable amount of bugs.
    So I am looking for a command or anything to remove them from the game. I don't need a swap of any kind just like a full on delete the bugs .

    These bugs to be specific:

    --Bark scorpions



    --fire ants

    --giant ants

    --giant mantises



    Any help to remove them from the game would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/XSTEPGANGSTA
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    Hot Take: The only moral option in Fallout is Mr House.

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 05:28 PM PDT

    He didnt do anything wrong. Saved the Mojave, took down a dangerous organization, he got the hotel fair and square, The NCR is corrupt, the Legion is awful, and Yes Man is pure Anarchy. The only reason the Strip is awful is because he gives his Tribal Buddies too much autonomy.

    submitted by /u/DirtyHegelOfficial
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    Anyone got a dueling/brawling mod for FO4 XB1?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 11:54 PM PDT

    I'm racking my brain trying to find a mod that lets you duel or brawl with NPCs without setting the whole town on you, please if anyone knows of a mod that lets you do that on XBone please inform me. Thx.

    submitted by /u/Raz0rBack135
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    Idea: Fallout Denver

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    Anyone else think a Fallout that takes place outside of Denver in the mountains would be cool? Could even have a Vault under the Denver International Airport where you have to go venture through Ground Zero to get to them. I think the mountainous topography would be very nice. Curious if others would like it as well.

    submitted by /u/Nukima11
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    settlement system overhauls?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 03:08 AM PDT

    Its been years since I looked at Bethesda modding again and I wonder if there are any real overhauls that are not sim settlements which is kinda janky in my opinion.

    Has there seriously been zero progress to settlement modding in 5 years?

    submitted by /u/Chicano_Ducky
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    Is Eleanor a important character?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 06:18 PM PDT

    Ok this is the first time I'm asking about stuff and kinda looking something up because I wanted my first play through to have as many jump scares as possible and exploring the map.

    I'm talking about Fallout 4 and well I had a caught of guard moment and was being chased by a big robot and tried to blow it up and had to run. I ran towards Eleanor's trailer and she was standing outside, I ran past her and then saw a dog locked in a crate. I ran past and made it to Milton General Hospital. I went back to her trailer and saw she died.

    I figured the robot killed her and I started looking for the dog in the crate and now I cant find it. I killed a Yao Guai that was near by. Was she important?

    submitted by /u/BlueRiver2991
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    Setting Up Fallout 3 on Windows 10

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 06:16 PM PDT

    I bought Fallout 3 on the summer sale and just finished installing. I've seen posts everywhere that 3 has problems running on 10, but what I haven't seen is any real consensus on the fixes! Seems like everyone has something different. So before I just try every single one, is there a certain fix that generally works for most someone can suggest?

    submitted by /u/Vengeance058
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    Fallout 4 Companion perks

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 07:15 PM PDT

    So I have a question, companion perk works even without the companion by your side?

    submitted by /u/Dratted
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    Question Regarding the death of Father in Fallout 4

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 08:25 PM PDT

    I just finished my second play through of Fallout 4, and I decided to side with the Brotherhood of Steel. When attacking the institute you are ordered to go to the directors quarters to deactivate the security gates. Upon entering the room, I found Fathers corpse on the ground in the corner of the room, with an institute pistol right beside him. I am wondering how he died? Did he commit suicide? I have a feeling I was supposed to have a dialogue with father but I am not sure, maybe my game glitched or something. Can anyone shed some light on this?

    submitted by /u/tk2556
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