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    Friday, June 5, 2020

    Fallout | You can create your own vault. What is your vault number and whats the experiment conducted in the vault?

    Fallout | You can create your own vault. What is your vault number and whats the experiment conducted in the vault?

    You can create your own vault. What is your vault number and whats the experiment conducted in the vault?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    32mm NCR Ranger miniature

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 05:31 AM PDT


    Just finished, this 32mm NCR Ranger miniature - which you can see here: https://i.imgur.com/1pE8tyN.jpg

    Hope you like it!

    submitted by /u/Hesser
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    Something stupid about Fallout 3

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 05:30 PM PDT

    Something that always annoyed me about Fallout 3 was when you find Dad. You can't tell him ANYTHING about ANYTHING. You can't say that the vault got thrown into chaos, or that Jonas was brutally murdered, or that the entire vault security force wanted to kill you for no reason, or (if you did Mothership Zeta before) that you GOT ABDUCTED BY FUCKING ALIENS. If you killed the Overseer you can't tell him about how happy you felt beating him to a pulp with a baseball bat.

    It just seems like Bethesda couldn't be bothered putting this info in, too much effort for them I suppose.

    submitted by /u/RealTop_G
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    A Friendly face in Fallout 76

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 12:05 AM PDT

    I was at my camp renovating, when a guy comes up to my vending machine and buys me out. I decide to give him so food. I said it was free but he gave me some plans I didn't have, so I took them. It nice to have some people in west Virginia be friendly

    submitted by /u/SuperCookie0101
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    Need some advice about which Fallout New Vegas faction to pick for my first time. (Possible Spoilers)

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 06:48 PM PDT

    So I'm on my first playthrough of NV and damn it's good. I've kinda been avoiding the story quests so far though since I simply can't decide which faction would be the best for the future of the Mohave. I'll list my gripes and problems with each faction in this post and hopefully you guys can help me decide and sway some of my opinions. Please keep in mind I have yet to finish the game and these are my opinions SO FAR so I may be wrong about some things.

    NCR pros: They establish borders and trade routes Free speech Cares about advancing technology Generally protect people Enemies of legion, raiders, and the fiends I like the ranger armor I have really good rep with them

    NCR cons: Gigantic imperialists who steal land from locals and innocents. C O R R U P T as hell. Too spread out to make a big impact and keep people safe at all times. Taxes I guess I don't really know about that one Doesn't like gay people


    fuck the legion

    Mr. House pros Most personal interests are also in the best interests of the public Leader not bound to the issues plaguing fleshy people Hundreds of years old with tons of experience in leading. Highly coordinated. BIG technological progress.

    Mr. House cons gestures at all of vault 21 Really only cares about New Vegas and not the areas around it. Kinda just lets people do their own thing as long as it doesn't affect him which can be a blessing and a curse. Kinda restating a point but many areas outside of New Vegas live in poverty and it'll likely stay that way if he remains in power.

    ( I know the littlest about Yes Man don't murder me please)

    Yes Man pros: Let's people do their own thing with relatively no restrictions which let's separate factions take care of their own people and only have to interact with other factions by choice.

    Yes Man cons: Let's people do their own thing with relatively no restrictions possibly leading to a power struggle between separate factions creating a system that only benefits the most ruthless.

    Honestly, I wish The Followers Of The Apocalypse were more fleshed out because I would totally just chill with the scientists and doctors and live out my days helping people in need.

    submitted by /u/meowman8080
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    its unbelievable that Fallout scenarist trying to hype on Coronavirus

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 02:02 AM PDT

    So I was watching/reading about Glow and stumbled upon this https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/New_Plague

    Flu-like pandemic from china that forced USA into quarantine state, killed 200,000 american citizens and threw USA into paranoid, raised political tension which two decades later resulted in nuclear war - yeah right, such cheap hype trick... wait... what do you mean this was written 25 years ago?...

    submitted by /u/SonicSonedit
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    Mole Rat spotted in Yorkshire

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 01:05 AM PDT

    I'm falling in love with fallout 2

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 02:28 PM PDT

    I've had fallout 2 downloaded on my computer for years. I bought it as a bundle with fallout 1 and decided I'd play the two in order. I never actually completed fallout 1, though I have defeated the master I never was able to destroy Mariposa.

    I graduated this year and I found myself with an abundance of time so I thought I'd give Fallout 2 a go. It is so damn fun. The dark humor, the well written characters, the many options for completing a quest. I had always hated the combat in Fallout 1, but I find myself really strategizing this time. I could go on about specific elements I love, but I'm sure they have all been detailed in prior posts and video essays, so I'll leave it at that.

    submitted by /u/colinthecatfish
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    My Version of Fallout 5 Part 1

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 09:07 PM PDT

    Hi, so I am currently writing my version of Fallout 5, the setting is Alaska and in my game New Vegas has a massive role. I wanted House to win ( Probably didnt, but in my game he did ), and House is looking for parts for his Space Colonizer, and he needs the Alaskans help to retrieve them from Rival Factions ( Ill get to them later ). The Alaskan starts off in a vault, his parents dead from old age and him looking for someone. The tutorial is a Daily Vault Tec training protocol, and he learns weapons, medicine, Thermal Mechanics, etc. He rests for that day and in the morning his butler Norris puts a gas mask on his face and escorts him outside, while hes unconscious informing all the other residents are dead, from a "gas leak" ( It isnt ). Norris directs him to his first clue, the Vault Tec bunker Location fragment. Each Faction has a fragment, meaning he has to converse with each faction. The Factions are the Enclave ( Theres a theory theyre tied to Poseidon Oil, and I think its a good theory and will run with it ). The NCR trying to expand theyre territory coastal, The Chinese Remnants whos Submarines didnt get off in time of the great war, Mr House whos looking for Colonizer parts, and he has a mainframe in the Native American Casinos, The Natives who are a Guerilla faction wanting a self run Alaska, and finally, the Alaskan ending where he goes ham on every faction and rules the Alaskan Wastes himself. This game will not feature Deathclaws, Radscorpions, Super Mutants, etc. But focus more on Mutated Wolves, Polar Yao Guai, and Animals surviving at that temperature. A new power armor will be created, Thermal Power Armor which will look a bit like the Captain Cosmos Power Armor, but its Post war and made by the NCR out of West Tek design plans in Seattle, it also has a furry coat around it, and NCR logo. Weapons will have a more Military focus like ARs, AK47s, and less Pipe weapons,Weapon Condition returns but this time, if youre gun gets too cold, it has firing problems. Food, and Water necessities are just for survival. I will get more into the plot in post 2.

    submitted by /u/DirtyHoppean
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    The unusual callbox

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 07:56 PM PDT

    In the very first fallout if you have extremely high luck then you can find an old British 1960s police callbox. This is obviously a reference to the long running sci fi show Doctor who. I'm sure this has been talked about before but if it wasn't just a reference how do you think a story involving the Doctor could go?

    submitted by /u/Dorky-Dark-Type
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    My Best Friend in All The Wastes

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 02:57 AM PDT


    I love him dearly. I hope he stays a while.

    submitted by /u/SublimeRose
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    Vault-Tec finally rolling out their face masks

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 03:13 AM PDT

    Who do you want to be in the next Fallout?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    You've been

    • a Vault Dweller shafted with an impossible task
    • a tribe's "chosen one" sent out on a glorious mission
    • a lone wanderer from a restricted Vault who spent all of their early years in relative comfort and later years looking for their missing dad
    • a courier with a considerable amount of baggage
    • a pre-War vet/nurse lawyer looking for their son in an alien future
    • one of the "first people" out of one of the Vaults after 25 years of isolation

    Who do you want to be in the next game?

    submitted by /u/ParmaProscuitto
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    Why are there no spiders in the Fallout universe?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 05:26 AM PDT

    There's been 5 major Fallout games and not one of them have any spiders. Even small ambient spiders. No cobwebs either. How is it a housefly can survive and become a FEV altered bloatfly but a spider can't? It can't be the devs just forgot to put them in because other Bethesda games have spiders. So it's unlikely they would forget. There must be a deliberate reason for this?

    submitted by /u/CoffeeSlutt
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    Why was Kellogg traveling with Synth Shaun?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 07:47 PM PDT

    I say a post on here a few years ago about how, in Kellogg's memories, diamond city radio was playing in Kellogg's diamond city home and it talked about Piper which wouldn't make sense if that were the actual Shaun. A commenter said that it was the Synthetic version of Shaun that Father created that he was traveling with, and the Fallout wiki says the same thing.

    My only question is why would he need to do this? Why invest so much money, time, and resources working on a synth and then have it travel the dangerous Commonwealth?

    My only theory is that maybe Father wanted to see how the child responded to certain types of stimuli.

    Do any of you have any other theories, or if it was explained in-game and I missed it then I would love to know what reasons Bethesda gave.

    submitted by /u/MilkManofCasba
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    Best voice acting in Fo4

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 05:20 AM PDT

    Is there anyone else who thinks that lady who voiced female raider and Mister Handy actor are the best voice actors in the game ?

    submitted by /u/taskdone
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    Might as well call Facebook Nellis

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 08:34 PM PDT

    Because that's boomer territory 👉😎👉

    submitted by /u/Drunk_Uncle_Billy
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    Guys I started fallout 1 and I’m completely lost, I can’t open my inventory, idk how combat works, there are these rats attacking me, please help!

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 11:12 PM PDT

    Fallout New Vegas Choppy Movement

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 04:25 AM PDT

    when ever i move my charecter kinda stutters for a few seconds when moving. its really bad if i move side to side. it happends fore a few seconds when i move forward but fixes itself then im fine to move where ever . until i stop moving then it happends all over again. Its on stock fnv and even on it with all the recommended mods like tick fix

    submitted by /u/ellefak02
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    Can I play Fallout 2 with these specs?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 05:54 PM PDT

    Yes, as Tabitha says, I'm a dumb dumb. I'm a console gamer and have never really played and real PC games. I've got a kinda old laptop, but then Fallout 2 is a kinda old game. Hoping I can play.

    This is what steam says the needed stuff is:

    • OS: Windows

    • Processor: Pentium 90Mhz or faster

    • Memory: 16 MB

    • Graphics: SVGA

    • DirectX®: Any DirectX

    • Hard Drive: 565 MB

    • Sound: DirectSound or SoundBlaster Compatible

    This is what I've got:

    - Windows OS

    - Intel Core i7-3720QM 2.6GHz

    -RAM: 4GB

    - Graphics: HD Graphics 4000

    - Direct X 12

    - Hard Drive: winodws is 112 GB?

    - Sound" idk, idc if i cant hear it

    i put it through a test onlnie and it said my graphics card isnt good enough but idk if i picked the right option or not. even if it isnt, will the gamer run really choppy if i try downloading or what will happen?

    submitted by /u/romansapprentice
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    [New Vegas] Mouse speed too high in menus?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 11:22 PM PDT

    Ive tried altering the fallout_default.ini file by adding these lines under {controls} but my mouse speed in menus is still crazy high!


    does anyone have any other solutions to lowering mouse sensitivity in menus?

    submitted by /u/clamo
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    Problem with Shadow of steel (Xbox one)

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 06:15 PM PDT

    So I am playing Fallout 4 on my xbox one, and for some reason I can´t ride on the vertibird, is there any form to fix this?

    submitted by /u/Quag-man
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    Check out these posters I made for Fallout Proceeds for Charity (Action Aid)

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    All posters help profit charity action aid so any shares would be so greatly appreciated and mean the world action aid thank you so much just for checking them out 🙂


    submitted by /u/Gaming-Cult-Posters
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