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    Fallout | Ideas for Fallout New York

    Fallout | Ideas for Fallout New York

    Ideas for Fallout New York

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 08:30 PM PDT

    So of course we don't know were the next fallout will be set, but New York has some incredible potential. Some ideas I had:

    Start as a vault dweller in a control vault on Ellis Island. Your vault was set to 'study' what a highly militarized society would do without a source of conflict. It was provided with neural pods similar to operation anchorage, where individuals were trained to high levels. The 'tutorial' level would be in this simulator.

    A time passes cut screen and every vault dweller is lined up in ranks. They are their to reconquer the city. A big timer counts down. You leave with your buddies, get on a boat similar to those used in D-day. On approach, you hear a fellow shout 'what the fuck is that?!'. A super mutant behemoth throws a mini nuke, hitting the boat in front of you. You hit the water. You 'black out' and wash ashore at the statue of liberty.

    Main quest has multiple trees. There is a return to base option. You need to acquire water transport. Rebuild a water vehicle. Takes you through several zones. There is a complete the original objective quest. This involves tracking down a fat man and mini nuke (plus optional power armor) to take out the behemoth and supers at battery park. The third is to go AWOL, which involves joining an NPC companion option who is already living at the statue, along with her rag tag bunch of scavvers. The story would expand with a focus on vaults if option A was chose, Conquest if option B, and the new york gangs if option 3.

    Vault ideas: Ellis Island (original vault. Vault of conquerors). Grand Centra Vault (Testing the middleman. A series of three vaults. One controls small mine cart like trains that connect the other two. One controls all food production. The other controls all water production. The result upon exploration is the 'middle men' vault grew to greedy and starved/left after the other two vaults revolted and chose to open their vaults rather than starve under the middlemen.

    The robo vault. Vault tech wished to see if artificial intelligence could evolve spontaneously in a self sufficient vault. No humans. Kill all humans mentality persists.

    Secondary robo vault. Vault tech wanted to study what would happen if all work was done by robots, how humans would respond. Basically an extension of Wall-E, the humans became hyper obses and dependent. They die when the robots begin to fail.

    The uneducated vault. This vault was populated with people who did not know how to use the vault tools. Tests ingenuity over education.

    The penal vault: vault participants selected from prison populations. Male/female vault areas guarded by heavy bots that only allow limited fraternization between men and women.

    Notable factions:

    'The Gangs' which include: The Libertarians (Liberty Island Dwellers) Imperialists (Empire State Building dwellers) Crisis Gang (Chrysler Building Dwellers) Mole People (Grand Central Station, remnants of the middleman vault) Thespians (series of smaller gangs centered on broadway) The Technocrats (synth/railroad settlement that fled the commontwealth, set up in Yankee Stadium. Good Red Sox/ Yankee humor) The Brotherhood (includes an Elder Maxon covered almost head to toe in life saving armor a la Darth Vader).

    Each gang would have unique interactions based on the path you chose. Working with the libertarians originally has you trying to form a common government. Choosing conquest has turf wars and key points needed to take (and build up like settlements) for suppression/oppression. The vault path is more investigative searching for information on local vaults and their tools (like a GECK).

    The ultimate story goal would end up being you in power like almost all Bethesda games, but with different paths and reactions.

    Other ideas i had include leaving the current perk system, but having far more perks that are earned through quests and events rather than xp. A few would be starter perks chosen at character selection to help customize you origin.

    The game would hopefully have more of an Oblivion feel where the side quests are more side factions, and you dont suffer from a main story that seems like it should be your entire docus rather that just a main goal.

    submitted by /u/timeless1991
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    Has anyone ever found *anything* of value in a toilet stall?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 08:14 PM PDT

    I've probably opened now close to 1000 toilet stall doors across 3 different fallout games (3, NV and 4) and have never once found a single thing, not even an ammo shell, in any of them. Is this some kind of running joke in the games by the developers to just have closed toilet stall doors and nothing behind them? I'm at the point (past the point really) where I stop investigating toilets all together.

    submitted by /u/Glueyfeathers
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    I tried to make nuka-cola

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 05:33 AM PDT

    I took my freshly cooled nuka cola out of the fridge to taste test it. I realised only after drinking half a glass that there are two types of browning sauce.

    submitted by /u/mectic
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    This may have been suggested before; but a single-player, Black Isle style Fallout game, centered around life among a few set communities; with a procedurally generated wasteland and a shorter story. (Possible SPOILERS for anyone that hasn’t played FNV)

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    For the location, it could really be anywhere in the US, but here's my pitch: It's centered around towns in The Rocky Mountains, after the inevitable collapse of the Legion. It's a cluster of towns holding on in a state of anarchy.

    You run your own (sort of custom built) town and the story focus is on building a relationship with the other towns and a regional economy, all the while solving problems and protecting settlements from threats while they grow. How you do these things is irrelevant. Something akin to Sim Settlers, but more refined.

    I'd like if you were given choices in the very beginning (like in The Witcher 3 and Kotor 2) as to whether the NCR beat the legion and are just recovering in the Mojave so they won't arrive during the events of the game (at least not until the very end) or the Legion conquered the Mojave but Ceasar died of his Cancer early and Lanius ran the whole Legion into the ground like Joshua and Ulysses predicted in NV; and a few others. None of these intro choices, realistically, have a heavy impact on the story while still having their own upsides and downsides. If you chose NCR, the towns won't have legionnaires protecting them so raiders and wasteland creatures will harass them but the lack of legionnaires makes building a militia against those raiders a lot easier and a lot less resource intensive; later, NCR scouts will arrive to allow relations with the NCR proper, unlock the production of more advanced and NCR specific equipment and unlock an NCR theme for your town/city. Another initial downside is that you have less resources lying around in your immediate area to start you off because the Legion would've brought back riches from a victory in The Mojave. If you chose Legion, you get a garrison of legionaries, a fair amount of goodies, resources and a legion theme option for your own town, but all of the towns, including yours, are in shambles from a Legion civil war and you have to help rebuild them more from scratch while paying tribute to what's left of the Legion. If you want to gain independence from the Legion remnants, you'll have to quickly and quietly round up and supply a militia to have a small war for the towns. The reward for this would be legion equipment for you and your militia/small army, freedom of movement and you don't have to pay tribute, anymore. Whichever you choose, it's all defense, economics, diplomacy, and going from a scavangjng town to a city state. The Courier, House, Vegas and the Mojave factions are generally ignored but may be referenced or make an appearance (maybe include them in the previous choices with their own benefits and dialogue changes; if the Brotherhood helped the NCR, McNamara convinces the Western elders and the NCR to sign a peace deal and an expeditionary force is sent ahead from California with the NCR). Maybe the smaller details could be left to the player's own imagination.

    You, the player character, shouldn't have much of a predetermined story to allow roleplaying, but I guess the ability to choose from a few base backgrounds in the character creator wouldn't hurt. The basic idea of you being a capable wastelander that was elected as a local leader that now has to take care of regional problems stays the same, though.

    I know this whole thing sounds like Fallout 4 2: Minutemen Boogaloo, but I don't want that anymore than the rest of the community does. I just want a real, Fallout branded wasteland survival simulator with a rewarding gameplay loop and a lot of replayability. I'm also aware this would be beyond anything Bethesda is capable of doing with the current engine (or at all) but It's just an idea I've had in my head for a while and now that I'm finally on Reddit, I wanted to share it. It might not be original but I haven't seen it suggested, anywhere. I'm fine with criticism and any ideas anyone might want to put forward.

    submitted by /u/Mars_Angel
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    Is there any way i can heal radiation without losing mutations and not having the strong genes perk?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 12:47 AM PDT

    I'm level 16 and i got that high jump mutation in fallout 76. I got it at 30% radiation but I'm wondering if in able to heal rads without losing it

    submitted by /u/Gamillie
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    Does anyone actually use the first Red Rocket Truck stop as a legitimate settlement?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 09:58 AM PDT

    In my most recent play-through I tried to give some love to the Red Rocket truck stop and DEAR GOD I struggled to develop any sort of cohesive, appealing settlement there. It feels like it is too small to build anything too grandiose but I'm sure this isn't the case. Anyone else feel this way?

    submitted by /u/boinkandsqueeze
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    If you controlled it, where would you want the next fallout to take place?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 09:04 PM PDT

    I feel it would be cool if the game took place in New Orleans, to see how the culture would affect the people who live there, and because i Live there, but still, no fallout has taken place if that area, and so it would be unexplored. There is so much potential in it, and it would be awesome to see

    submitted by /u/yeetusboi___67
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    Constantly Changing Modlist

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 06:17 AM PDT

    How many of you have days where you spend the entire day, crafting your own mod list, and then abruptly change it last minute. Like you had a previous goal in mind, and then you start thinking "Hmm.. maybe I should restart" and then you lose all original inspirations. I had this happen last night I was modding the shit out of NV, and then was like.. "I haven't done a Playthrough of 3 in a long time... and it would be cool to bring Jericho to the Mojave.. fuck I can't even remember the last time I played three.. maybe 7 years ago? I hear TTW is nice... hmm.. okay I'll restart.". I hate this about myself I can never even start because I keep trying to craft the ultimate experience lol.

    submitted by /u/chris10isleyen
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    Can we get vertabird landing pads at our camps ?????

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 06:05 AM PDT

    TIL Hancock's Japanese voice actor is Takaya Kuroda, the voice of Kazuma Kiryu.

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 03:47 AM PDT

    Dragon of Goodneighbor, eh? Now I just need a Majima Mysterious Stranger. Kiryu-chaaan!

    submitted by /u/LeakyLine
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    I just watch "Dr. Strangelove (1964)" and now I like Fallout even more

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 07:54 AM PDT

    I watch it a few day ago and I love it! Concept, main idea and references of Fallout are more clear. It's like complete each other.

    If you didn't watch "Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb" or "Mad Max" you should wath them.

    submitted by /u/BenBeyaz
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    Cazadors Ruining NV

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 03:28 AM PDT

    Currently out of AID, stung by cazador, and cannot fast travel. Closest place is by the SSS factory but when I arrive there after running as fast as possible and try the bottles laying around my HP doesn't move up an inch, just continually falls. Last hard save was 5 levels/lots of progress ago. Feeling extremely frustrated because of how annoying game breaking these stupid bugs are. Love NV and fallout a lot but this shit sucks. Need help lol

    submitted by /u/garyKoopah
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    If after giving proctor Ingram from the Brotherhood Of Steel the network scanner and pickpocket it back off of her does that have any effect on the quest?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 05:27 PM PDT

    Installing mods on Fallout 2

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 09:06 PM PDT

    I'm looking for mods that fux starting inventory in the temple of trials. I found one, but mod installation is not my strong suit. If anyone knows how to install mods from the nexus, please contact me and help me do it.

    submitted by /u/hhuh1136
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    Ulysses is a punk

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    With how amaizng New Vegas writing was, I expected the "final" baddie to be the stuff of legends but I could never help but just roll my eyes at every pseudo poetic and "profound" line he spewed. Not only is he full of himself, I felt he had no authority to judge me given how he was a high ranking officer in an empire of incels, rapists, and slavers. I blew up the Divide by delivering a package? boo hoo any courier would have delivered a package, you don't blame the postal service for having delivered Kaczynski's packages. He is upset that the Divide was destroyed but he himself led the siege of New Caanan? I know he left the legion, and I don't remember if he was planning of nuking them or just NCR. At any rate, he was not special, just a punk ass prick that thought he should play an important roll in history. A real [Raskolnikov]( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rodion_Raskolnikov ) if you ask me

    And in the end I had like three different ways to talk him down from fighting me, but ignored them all, dude had to die. Oh and your little eybots? My big iron can put holes in your head faster than they can close them up

    submitted by /u/SuspiciousElderberry
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    Are there any robot parts with 'secret' abilities that are not described?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 10:36 PM PDT

    For example, sentry legs can preform a rush attack, assaultron legs can dodge, or so I've heard, I've never seen this happen with my automatron. Are there any others?

    submitted by /u/ZombieGrief16
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    Power armor strength

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    Does anyone get slightly triggered, both in 4 and 76, that power armor doesn't give strength buffs like it should? I shouldn't be able to carry more then my mobile tank suit should.

    submitted by /u/Popeye-McGrath
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    Idea for fallout 5, or some fallout game in the future.

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 12:32 AM PDT

    We all know that the fallout games have all taken place in America, and most of the lore is about America. Heard much from Europe? Or Asia?


    new fallout game in another continent.: Britain or China?

    my idea is to have a fallout game take place in China or Britain, due to having some stories about Britain and some characters from there in fallout games. This could bring over some other questions first, if in China, the ' shot first' might be answered, whether it is China who started it, or some other place.

    Don't really know how it would turn out, or work, but I feel that it could open up some answers, maybe answer Some questions.

    submitted by /u/Itsausernameqwer
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    Cabot house quest?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 11:39 PM PDT

    Who is the best companion to do this quest with?

    submitted by /u/Amaterasu66
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    Fallout 3. Security Camera in Gold Ribbon Grocer

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 10:43 PM PDT

    did anyone ever figure out why there is only 1 security camera that looks like it is still operational in Gold Ribbon Grocer? i have been noticing them in certain areas. almost like you are being watched.

    submitted by /u/BigHeartDe13
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    Dr Amari nationality?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 10:19 PM PDT

    Does anybody else think dr Amari sounds a little foreign. She sounds a little Asian, if she is I'd love to know how she got here and what happened to Asia in the first place

    submitted by /u/jbattle66
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    Anyone knows how to fix the resolution for fallout 1

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 10:14 PM PDT

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