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    Thursday, April 16, 2020

    Fallout | Wastelanders desecrated the rotting corpse of the Fallout franchise

    Fallout | Wastelanders desecrated the rotting corpse of the Fallout franchise

    Wastelanders desecrated the rotting corpse of the Fallout franchise

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 11:02 PM PDT

    I was hugely dissappointed when Fallout 4 came out. It's clear that the quintessential features for the Fallout franchise was lost. People say that the lacking dialogue and limited roleplaying was what ruined Fallout 4, but those features wasn't what ruined Fallout 4 for me. It was a feature that was more personal, appealing to the core of human nature and existence. The subsequent expansion packs, Far Harbor and Nuka World, didin't even bother with fixing these broken core gameplay systems. Fallout 4, for me, was dead.

    When Fallout 76 came out, I was excited. The core features of modern Fallout, which Bethesda pioneered in Fallout 3 and shook the world with a masterful execution, would fit perfectly in a survival-driven game. However, I was once again met with dissappointment. Despite holding the trappings of a survival game, those fundamental Fallout mechanics abandoned in Fallout 4 were excluded from 76 once more.

    Therefore, I was doubtful when Wastelanders was announced. Bethesda promised that Wastelanders would bring back core features of Fallut, but those same features that made me and many others a Fallout fan was not mentioned. Once again, the release of Wastelanders pierced my heart with an indescrible sense of betray. It was clear that what I loved about Fallout 3, about Fallout New Vegas, would never come back. My days as a Fallout fan, is now over.

    So, Bethesda, Todd, answer me:

    Why can't I drink from toilets or tip Brahmin in Wastelanders?

    submitted by /u/TheLegend3637
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    If there's one thing that should be taken from Fallout 76 into future games, it's the map.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    For a long time the pip-boy style map from Fallout 3, 4 and New Vegas has driven me up the wall. I'm sure it has its fans, but for me it just doesn't provide a proper image of the region, and doesn't feel like it brings any "life" to it. Nor am I a huge fan of the semi-realistic style used in 1 &2. Again, they're not bad by any means, but I feel they tip too far in the other way and just try to be a satellite image.

    In fallout 76, for all its flaws, though, I really think the map is a great addition to the Fallout series. The mock-poster style really helps with getting to grips with West Virginia at a glance, and the icons feel like you're marking things out with pins as you tour around. I really hope that Bethesda takes this forward into future games!

    submitted by /u/DagonTheranis
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    Mr. House is referenced in Fallout 76 on a terminal in the Gauley Mine.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 04:52 AM PDT

    More specifically, the RobCo section of the Gauley Mine (Wastelanders). Once you scan the keycard (several times), turn left once you enter an office-type room. Head right, as the left path is blocked by a barred door, and in the next room there will be a terminal where you register your pip-boy. Read the terminal, enjoy the super-subtle reference to House gathering the needed resources to build his life-preservation pod.

    If someone else already posted about this, I'm sorry. I couldn't find it anywhere, so I thought I'd bring it up.

    submitted by /u/Aqua_Messiah
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    I hate to say it but Wastelanders is actually good

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    It is a massive improvement to base Fallout 76 and is actually fun It feels actually playable like seriously it's super good the dialogue system is really good like Fallout 3 good not New Vegas good however it feels fantastic to play. I love it the story is much better then Fallout 4's in my opinion. I love it and I'm glad I went back to Appalachia. Go play it it is worth it

    submitted by /u/DarthSquidward1
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    Ahhhh yes, Fallout 4 Updates

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 10:31 AM PDT

    I'm only level 34 in 76 and yesterday someone gave me a full set of Excavator power armor.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 06:08 PM PDT

    Nothing else, just wanted to share this moment of human kindness.

    submitted by /u/Gundam-J
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    Fallout76 Waste landers brought me back

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    I bought Fallout 76 a week or so after it came out, and not going to lie. I did have a lot of fun solo, however once the bugs became too much I stopped playing. I even then stopped playing the PS4 because battlefield 5 became superman vs superman with how bad TTK was. So long time has past, I see the wastelanders update comes out, I install it and go to play, and I must say, I have been playing nonstop now that I have it installed again, I am so happy with the game right now and have seen so much improvements and this does give me hope for the game again. Just wanted to post some positivity about 76 as I don't see a lot of it and I feel its deserved for this waste landers update.

    submitted by /u/PMF_Glitch
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    What didn't you like about Fallout: New Vegas?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    It's my favourite game in the series but I can't say it's perfect. My problems with the game:

    1. Not enough content for Legion. There's so much more quests for NCR players and it feels like the game is heavily focused on the NCR without being equal to both
    2. No post game/can't see outcomes after the ending. I get that it would take a lot of work to implement you seeing your decisions in the Mojave after the ending, but this would have been nice if there was say another year of development. Being given an ending slideshow after I've done so much was kind of lack luster
    3. Underwhelming Strip. Might be unfair criticism because all the gates in the Strip are due to console limitations but after seeing how awesome the place looked in the opening cut scene I was very disappointed
    4. The ranger with the big iron on his hip
    submitted by /u/PartTimeDevil17
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    Is it just me.. or does Duchess look almost exactly like Desdemona from Fallout 4?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    Faction fighting and limiting players to one faction would create so much content and fix so many issues

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 09:19 PM PDT

    This might get long winded so i apologise in advance to everyone. Also this is just my humble opinion so if you think I'm wrong please let me know or if you have your own improvements please post them.

    Just an idea I've had since launch. I was really excited when I learned that there would be a brotherhood faction and enclave faction in 76, but was quickly disappointed when I discovered you could join literally every faction without consequence to the other. It just doesn't make sense that you can be a responder, a raider, a brotherhood knight and the enclave general, plus whatever other myriad of minor factions there are. It just feels lazy and rushed and so subpar considering the lore they tried to create.

    Much like how wastelanders makes you do quests for the new factions until you reach a point where you must choose one side or the other, you should've been given this option with the factions. Do some simple quests, earn some unique loot, but ultimately you must choose one of the 4 major factions to access better loot and traders and access to unique areas. You could even keep the current missions in place, but now at the end instead of granting you the rank of paladin knight or enclave general or whatever else remains, you're given the option to join them completely.

    Doing this improves the pvp aspect, the trading aspect they tried to implement and just the general lore and feel of the game. The slap back mechanic for pvp could still remain for non factioned players, but if you're an enclave soldier who runs across a brotherhood knight, you should be able to open fire without that ridiculous mechanic. Same for raiders ambushing responders etc.

    Limiting access to certain high tier or faction specific vendors might increase the need for players to trade with each other using the camp store mechanic, breathing bit of life into what I personally feel is an underused mechanic.

    And finally the gameplay could improve exponentially. Imagine a public event that pops up: "enclave and brotherhood forces are clashing at location x. Join in and help your side." You travel to the event, and join your ai team assembling courtesy of the wastelanders update. You have to eliminate 3 waves of enemy combatants whilst also protecting your three reinforcement waves. Each wave is increasingly difficult, and the first team to diminish the other teams waves to zero wins. You beat the first wave with ease, but suddenly a notification pops up that a player has joined the enemy side. It has now become suddenly difficult, and both you and the player enemy have become the bosses for each oppsing side.

    It creates a whole new dynamic, contributes to some worldbuilding and fixes the lack of conflict that even Bethesda has acknowledged that players were too nice to each other.

    Again this is just an idea I had, and we may be too far in for anything like this to be implemented, but i hope there are other people who would like to see something similar implemented.

    submitted by /u/SpicyButterLord96
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    me and my friend decided to give another go at 76, we went in with really low standars but man, this game redemed itself, so far we are having a ton of fun just running around killing raiders, plus i still got my samurai armor

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 11:55 PM PDT

    Fallout 76 is great!

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 11:55 PM PDT

    Personally I think 76 might be taking my new favorite Fallout game. I love roaming the wasteland with a pal and doing quests and talking to others. It's like a combination of Fallout 3 and 4, with friends and a new map! I love it.

    submitted by /u/Arieson123
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    Fallout: New Vegas is up for Game of the Decade against Dark Souls III on Gamefaqs

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 05:37 PM PDT


    New Vegas is one the greatest RPGs of the last decade. It can't lose this early in the contest against Dark Souls 3 of all things.

    submitted by /u/onionbreh
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    Do you think Fallout post apocalyptic economy will effect our own post apocalyptic economy?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 12:40 AM PDT

    Metro's currency makes sense, but is prone to inflation.

    Fallouts caps are the same.

    Personally i think we'd start with real money, jump over to bartering and then maybe money/caps.

    Meanwhile some people are just gonna get out their cap collection the second war breaks out

    submitted by /u/NOOT_HUMAN
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    Congrats to the Fallout 76 team

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 03:59 AM PDT

    I've been enjoying it so much that I went ahead and bought 10$ worth of currency and bought the goat costume to show my support for the game and everyone working on it

    Just finished the Wayward quest line and it's been amazing, I've loved it so far. Bought it on launch btw.

    Also changed my game to fullscreen mode and got an incredible performance boost

    Great job

    submitted by /u/esketitcoin
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    I'm loving Wastelanders in Fallout 76

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 09:01 PM PDT

    I bought 76 months ago when it was on sale, just to try it. I was surprised to find that the game was actually well made and interesting, considering the complaints. However, I soon understood why it was bad: the lack of NPCs was glaring. Something about a lack of human connection in any aspect takes the spirit out of the game. I stopped playing after a couple days. So needless to say, I was glad to hear about Wastelanders.

    I just started playing for a few hours today and the difference is amazing. It feels like a real Fallout game again. Just the simple fact that there are random settlers makes everything feel less empty and sad. I've only just started to discover all of the new content but I'm actually excited to do so.

    Granted, this is how the game should've been from the start, but if you haven't tried 76 because of the bad reviews, I'd encourage you to do so now. It's different from the other games but if you enjoy exploring and trying new things, here you go!

    submitted by /u/dtl718
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    Phenomenal new update. Love the Allies, Bethesda please give us the ability to give them alternative outfits in the near future!

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    Help on Pc please

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 04:19 AM PDT

    Whenever I launch the game it runs terribly but if I alt tab, it runs at a smooth 144 frames then gets choppy again after a few seconds. Why is this happening ?

    submitted by /u/Th3WhiteMexican
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    One of the reasons I absolutely love the fallout games is that it makes me feel like I’m stuck in a groundhogs days scenario.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 04:03 AM PDT

    It's really fun planning how you'll execute a successful raid on a group of enemies often dying a lot just to restart to just before, turn to your companion and saying "not that way...." and finding out a cool way to set it up to be awesome!

    submitted by /u/The_LambSaucee
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    Gas Mask Apparel, does anyone know where I can find this mod?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 04:02 AM PDT

    Link To mod Picture here

    submitted by /u/Aussie_Nelson
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    Actually Enjoying 76

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 11:02 PM PDT

    I didn't buy into the game at launch, and admittedly I was probably never going to touch it. Then I saw something on Steam about Wastelanders. Curiously I looked into it and never paid it much attention and went about just enjoying Fallout 4 and Fallout: New Vegas. Until that is, an old friend popped up on Steam and asked me a few questions about my FO4 playthrough. Long story short - he ended up buying me the Fallout 76 Deluxe Edition.

    We play it on the 14th, and I only had a crash during character creation. I adjusted my graphics and voila there have been no crashes since. We spoke about the perks of a subscription and what got me was 'private server.' Private server, for me and seven of my buds - well since he bought me the game, I bought a buddy of mine the game - same edition. Today was the first day where it was me, and four of my friends playing in our own private world.

    Now thus far - I've enjoyed the quests and content, but better than that being able to play with friends and have the run of the map. In addition to building up our own canon and deciding what the story is for our vault dwellers and how they know each other. Now, not a day since the original launch of Fallout 76 did I think I was going to enjoy it.

    But I am, it's nice to play with friends and fast travel to one another to help out. We don't have to worry about not being able to find a spot to set down our camps. I am grateful to my old friend who popped up and gave me the game. For all its faults and yes there are faults because it wouldn't be a Bethesda game without them. It's still fun, and I have played on the public servers but - gotta be honest, much better playing with pals (I don't gotta worry about running in behind a higher level for a story mission).

    I know there are folks who probably still don't like the game for one reason or another, and that's okay. Just, wanted to drop the game a little love, and a hope that Bethesda continues to listen to the fanbase. And, for those who have come back to and are enjoying it, and to those who somehow stuck it out, see you somewhere along the Shenandoah.

    submitted by /u/misskorya
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    Bethesda, we can’t be friends

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 03:24 AM PDT

    So I'm glad the community is so happy with Fallout 76s new update. Hell, I finally picked up a copy... which is exactly how I ended up so dissapointed to begin with. Not because the game is trash, oh no, but because I didn't want this damn game to begin with. No, You told me you were gonna support Fallout 4 and Creation Club and this and that. Well somehow u broke that game to hell with half baked updates and save file eroding. Literally never got with Sony to give a solution/workaround to the 0kb crap that ruined so many playthroughs. And as much as people defended Beth when the community was split on them killing free mods, I'm actually worried now more than when 76 launched. Personally, it feels like they canned F04 hoping folks jump on their "live service game". And I saw a cool trailer some good reviews and hopped right on the bandwagon too. Idk, something about it, can't quite put a finger on, but it feels really slimy. I thought 76 was the side project... but it's the single player games that are looking like the side project.

    submitted by /u/falloutbroughtmehere
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    My take on the new fallout 76 update

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 11:50 AM PDT

    One of the best moments in fallout one is if you have enough luck your character happens to look exactly like the leader of the Kahn's father that he killed. In fallout new Vegas with high enough luck you can guess the password for the repconn building. In fallout 76 theres a Guy who shows up for the treasure hunting and if you have high enough luck you can guess his name. That's very reminiscent of some of the best fallouts and while fallout 76 is very far from perfect I think that this wastelanders update is a big step in the right direction I know this isn't in depth but I just though this up and decided to post it I guess.

    submitted by /u/Scroobly_
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