• Breaking News

    Thursday, April 9, 2020

    Fallout | Just wanted to point out that this sub now has 666,000 followers. As someone who made monsters for F3 & F4, I’m calling this a good omen. I love you all.

    Fallout | Just wanted to point out that this sub now has 666,000 followers. As someone who made monsters for F3 & F4, I’m calling this a good omen. I love you all.

    Just wanted to point out that this sub now has 666,000 followers. As someone who made monsters for F3 & F4, I’m calling this a good omen. I love you all.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 07:07 AM PDT

    Enclave Officer Glock 32, my custom handgun.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 09:45 PM PDT

    Serial numbers covered.

    God Bless the Enclave. http://imgur.com/gallery/k128qwY

    submitted by /u/Aqua_Messiah
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    Quarantine is making me do strange things, like make a Sunset Sarsaparilla delivery van in Forza 7.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 07:02 PM PDT


    It's got 850hp and no suspension

    submitted by /u/drforrester-tvsfrank
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    So today i managed to play Fallout 4

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 03:16 AM PDT

    I had an old I3 around with 4gb ram. I installed Fallout 4 and it put me on low settings. I disabled godrays and all that stuff. The game is pretty good, I also liked the pip boy companion. Best part was weapon mods. Hell, as I speak I wield a hardened big mag glow sight pipe semi auto rifle(is this how you say it lol?) that I named "NCR Glory Blaster". I also had a pool cue i named "Legion Hunting Spear" , though I scrapped it later. My first settlement was the Red Rocket Truck Stop. I left it as my personal office and house. I supported the Minutemen, though I found a Brotherhood signal. I didn't experience any lag, the game runned on smooth 30fps, and the only crash I had was first time playing, when grabbing the Power Armor. Game crashed outta nowhere.

    submitted by /u/Jacksoooofff
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    I nuked The Citadel but spared Sarah Lyons, saved the game then went to New Vegas as the Lone Wanderer via TTW+ some difficulty mods and here's my story as to why... (long post, with TL:DR)

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 03:25 AM PDT

    Since I have TTW installed, I've roleplayed my character as an entitled girl with daddy issues, hence her karma dips up and down depending on her rather short sighted and often materialistic choices she'd made to conclude quests in fallout 3. Fast forward to "Take it back", I was about to assault Jefferson Monument with Lyon's Pride and Liberty Prime, then in horror I just realized that maybe days ago (98 hours playtime atm) when I went to GNR, I let Paladin Vargas just get killed in action, and forgot that he's "essential" during this quest. So what happened was its just me, Sarah, and a very idle Liberty Prime doing cheerleader stuff with this commie nonsense and left me to just assault the entire enclave forces by myself. The Lyon's pride, apparently, when I checked, decided to sleep through the climax in The Den, since the battle began somewhere around 2:00am ingame.

    It was late in the evening when I was playing and my last save was 1+ hours back (playing no reload but with CASM saves for 1 hour interval because random ctds) so I was pushing through with a retarded Sarah Lyons running back and forth from the bridge, to liberty prime and back at me, while I tried to salvage the entire act and solo'd through entire enclave forces all the way from the bridge to the purifier to see if the scripts would restart once I'm inside.

    I ended up doing amazing stuff in stealth armor blowing vertibirds, cars, and kill sniping with an Antimaterial Rifle up until killing Colonel Autumn in his bugged state inside the rotunda. Apparently he's contemplating the ineptitude of everyone as he was just standing there while I blew his head off with an incendiary round. I was pleased with how I managed to destroy the enclave so far, with the highlight of firing a missile from the opposite end of the lake towards the vertibirds that were parked in the Jefferson Memorial ramps and killing everybody that was guarding the entrance. But lo and behold, nobody in the com link was responding and sarah lyons was nowhere to be found and at this point, was deciding to just FEV finish this campaign.

    But having experienced all that fun, I opted to console for this instance a few things to complete some stages that were bugged rather than reload a previous save and spawn paladin vargas to fix stuff from the get go. Also, I am 100% reliant on dirty water for my survival needs, so FEV is a no go, even though I intend on leaving this forsaken wasteland for another, I still have a few bobbleheads to complete for the stat boost and I will definitely need drinkable water for that.

    That being said, I managed to "cleanly" finish fallout 3 and transition normally to Broken Steel. I imagined that after all that experience with the Brotherhood's empty promises of help against the enclave, and then Elder Lyons still asking me for help, I played along and helped them through their campaign, after sleeping for 10 days (cell reset ) listing all their offenses, real or imaged, to my character along the way. Here are the list of offenses the BoS incurred to me during the entire campaign.

    1. Only Sarah Lyons attempted to at least help me by pretending to be there when she's clearly not committed to it, while I assaulted the purifier by myself in "take it back". Props to her, at least she got shot twice and I counted.

    2. I personally had exterminated more than enough super mutants than they can count for themselves, while they took credit. Chief Gustavo and Shrapnel can vouch for me, with my endless hunger for AP rounds and .50 caliber ammunition. BTW Three Dog, F you, I also need ammo, thank you. .

    3. When Liberty Prime blew up, Paladin Tristan asked me to assault the fort with 4 men. They ended up dying in the second room because they couldn't afford to wait for the girl with the stealth armor, lots of plasma ordinance and 3000+ rounds of AP 5.56 ammunition to clear out the rooms first. So I have to carry this botched operation by myself and have the BoS just say "hey thanks, now our robot is busted, here is some work for you"..

    4. When they said there were no men to spare, when they asked me to got to Old Olney and retrieve the Tesla Coil, when the remaining Lyon's Pride members (some died during GNR because level 15+ and super mutant overlords spawned)are all just chilling in the Den. They couldn't even be bothered visiting Sarah Lyons from time to time and there was no men to spare? I think I saw them drinking alcohol once with the elder, so just wow.

    5. When the BoS asked me to assault Adams Air Force base with a fancy new weapon that I did not want to lug around (because anti material rifle kills vertibirds fine with style in 5 shots and ammo is heavy), promising distraction to help me sneak inside the crawler, I was expecting you all to survive for more than 5 minutes. All I saw was 4 dudes with sniper rifles out in the open, while they got pewed pewed with plasma weapons. I distinctively recalled I sold you like maybe an army's worth of plasma rifles days ago, so why, just why?

    6. I distinctly recalled the BoS just standing around while super mutant overlords and masters shoot at me while I was lazy enough to just not crouch through the DC ruins, and when they did help, all they ever do is shoot potshots with their non-energy weapons (see point 3) then just die because bullet sponge is master race.

    Thus, when I was at the control panel and was given the choice of launching between AFB and The Citadel, I never hesitated to blow up The citadel for good measure. As far as I can see, they're a menace and a parasite to do-gooders, like me. So when Sarah Lyons miraculously came alive just to pick me up and see everything she lived for blown away, the last thing everybody in that clearing saw was a silhouette tumbling away to the potomac, quite pleased that finally, the BoS is cleansed with all this old ingrates leading them to nowhere, and they can finally have room to grow out from their decadence without Maxon by having at least a competent leader still around and more importantly, WITHOUT MAXON so everybody in the commonwealth is somewhat spared from fallout 4.

    Now I am riding this train to new vegas, and considering nuking everybody in lonesome road, for good measure.

    TL;DR - game got bugged during "take it back", went solo and consoled to finish quest. Proceeded to nuke BoS in Broken Steel because they suck and I left Sarah to be Elder. Saved the game and went to New Vegas as the LW with 0 karma, and be warned, I may nuke you guys too if you rub me the wrong way.

    submitted by /u/miniminionette
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    Every day, my work email inbox reads more and more like the entries you find on terminals in Fallout.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    I've been playing Fallout heavily lately, and this struck me the other day as I was going through my work emails. It's literally a timeline following the unfolding of a global crisis and how people/businesses/government agencies are responding to it. We're living in flavor text folks.

    submitted by /u/MismatchCrabFellatio
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    Mr. House was born on June 25, 2020

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    Discuss what we can to to "celebrate"

    submitted by /u/SethConz
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    So I used Automaton to make a robot army for the Minutemen

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 10:44 PM PDT

    So in a Minutemen run in Four, I started making robots to guard the Castle and I started Calling them the MinuteBots. I painted them all dark blue (Except one who got a yellow and gold paint job when I gave it red and blue space lasers in Nuka world) A favorite of mine to make is a robobrain with assaultron legs and two automatic lasers. Equipped with Voltaic armor.

    I just wish the robots had Faction paint jobs.

    submitted by /u/RisingGear
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    fallout game concept

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 06:48 PM PDT

    the year is 2357 and you are a mercenary traveling with a caravan near the texas/mexico border to ston (San Antonio) when you are intercepted and you black out. you then wake up in a hospital owned by the followers of the apocalypse. from there you travel to ston and try to find you attacked you and finding yourself in a upcoming battle with the brotherhood of steel and a new breed of super mutants. the game will span from ghoul infested Austin to the picturesque landscape of the mexican deserts. the mutants and bos will be the major factions while the followers, children of atom,ncr,legion, and the enclave being smaller ones.the legion will just act like how the enclave did in new vegas while the ncr will be a choice. some of the companions could be a ghoul named davy who resides in the outpost (the alamo), a dog, an ex-gangster from new reno, and a local tribal, some dlcs could take you to the bayou,an old oil field with a dark secret, or a gang of pirates out in the gulf of mexico.if you have any ideas as to how improve this please share them in the comments as i am writing this as i go.

    submitted by /u/Co0lnerd22
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    Why are ghouls fast?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 08:56 PM PDT

    Shouldn't ghouls in the fallout universe be really slow and unbalanced because of the radiation melting their tendons and skin in various places? i mean even the brain should've received so much damage that their hand eye coordination should have them falling over time and time again, they should be crawling on the floor with the clothes they had pre-war melted on their skins making it heavy for their weak or heavily damaged bones to carry, the muscles should be heavily damaged in the feral ghouls too, they should be weak in endurance, not stronger. i get it though, it's designed to be a challenge for players, however, if anything this seems like something they could've built upon alot.

    imagine a raider mad scientist experimenting on the slow moving non thinking feral ghouls making a frankenstein army by connecting the limbs from feral ghoul to feral ghoul.

    i want to see the effects of the war, i want to see construction workers in the pre-war have their helmets melted on their scalp traversing their pre-war construction sites, pre-war cars having feral ghouls melted onto the seats unable to do anything but stare at the passerbys, if their corneas even works i mean. they should be used as environment story-telling rather than enemies in my opinion, you can have them as the super-mutant's main source of food too, since they would be easy to prey upon.

    EDIT: also why the fuck can ghouls in fo4 launch themselves at you like a missile?

    submitted by /u/gamerbrains
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    Black face in fallout 4

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 12:07 AM PDT

    My character and my companion had our face turned black and idk why. I tried resetting my game and loading a previous save but nothing works. Any help?

    submitted by /u/DonkySloutrXTRM
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    Would you play this?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    You start off as a random wastelander. Just like most other wastelanders you skulk and scavenge to survive. One day you come across one of those "vaults" you hear strangers talk about from time to time. Except this one has a number you ain't heard before. You almost didn't find it because it was so well hidden.

    The door is partially open allowing you access. It's in a state of severe disrepair. No signs of functional electricity on anything. One good thing is it's very defendable. At first the Vault entrance room is all you can really explore due to the disrepair. If you have higher intelligence and repair you can make minor repairs that improve QoL of that room.

    From here, the game would have villages/towns/settlements as you'd expect. Also enemies that need killing. As you venture out you'd find a small group of settlers under attack. If you help them they ask you if you have a safe place as the enemies destroyed their camp. If you take them back to the vault, depending on skill sets and ability, they can start clearing rubble and give access to deeper areas of the vault where greater dangers await.

    Obviously like with other games you wouldn't necessarily have to follow the story. But if you do, eventually you'll have access to the full vault and the opportunity to restore it to full power and functionality. At that point, you'll learn the true nature of the vault, why it was there, etc. You'll also be able to take over as overseer and continue any vault experiments or simply run a well maintained vault.

    Along the way, vault repair would require venturing out to other vaults for parts as well as trading with other groups. Simpler missions can be delegated to vault dwellers. Successful missions level them up making them suitable for tougher missions down the line. Vault dwellers who come with you on missions you undertake gain faster xp but are in more danger.

    In the end, whether you play the vault story at all, or just murder hobo your way around the wastes, it's up to you. You'd run across raiders, BoS members, and more. It would keep FO4's settlement building system so if you come across a group that needs help rebuilding their settlement you could do so in exchange for caps or something else.

    submitted by /u/Bump_Myzrael
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    Can’t buy FO76?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 03:59 AM PDT

    I am on Bethesda site and trying to buy FO76. It says Core Game coming April 14. Why can't I buy it now?

    submitted by /u/d1rty_j0ker
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    Bethesda.net unlinking?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 11:31 PM PDT

    So as some off you all may Know, currently there is a promotion where if you link your bethesda to your steam you will get fallout 76 on steam for free when wastelanders launchs! However personally I cant seem to do so as when I booted up fallout 4 a few years back it made me a bethesda.net account, a different one to the one I used for fallout 76. With the clock counting down I have been ln customer support daily trying to get this fixed with no luck as of yet, does anyone know off a faster methoed to unlink the accounts so I can move it, or have any other suggestions?

    submitted by /u/Jax_the_fox
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    For Fallout New Vegas, what if the structure of 3 Factions (House, NCR, Legion) were different and Yes man remained as he is, a wild card ?? (Details in the description)

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 02:58 AM PDT

    What if Yes man remained a true Wild Card instead of being a separate faction ??

    Then the Paths the game can end would be:

    1. Like now, You can work for House. Defeat Legion and Force back the NCR.
    2. You can work for NCR. Eventually Kill off House and his army. Crush the Legion.
    3. You can work for Legion and rebuild the Rome for Caesar as Profligates are crucified at the gates.

    But there would be 3 more alternatives:

    1. You can get Yesman and kill house, Free the Vegas of all tyranny by becoming a tyrant. Like the actual game now.
    2. Get Yesman. Disconnect House from power (but not kill him), just turn him what he was, a Businessman. And Use his army for the Republic.
    3. Get Yesman. Kill the pre-war degenerate. Use the Robot Army for the Legion.
    submitted by /u/Sadman_Pranto
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    Confused abt wastelanders

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 02:44 AM PDT

    Wait, what happens if you already completed the main quests in fallout 76, can we still play the wastelanders main quest line or do we have to make a new character?

    submitted by /u/ayy_beter
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    Mod question about cosmetics

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 02:30 AM PDT

    I just want to change the colour of my gear. Simple as that. I think a bright orange courser uniform or a blood red scavenger outfit would be cool. Is there a mod for this?

    submitted by /u/Goongalagooo
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    Share one of my fxxked up experices today and looking for help

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 10:40 PM PDT

    I started play Fallout 4 ever since it's release and had fun for more than 600 hours with 6 characters. Before I bought the new computer, I played the game on a poor Laptop (850m), and although I've been trapped in many mod issues (for example, fxxked up the precomine meshes by Scrap Everything), I've managed to get things right. Despite the low fps due to many resons, I seldom had CTD for all 6 run.

    Recently I just bought a new PC, and I immediately started a new gameplay. Although the average FPS is much higher than those old times, the game just keeps CTD randomly.

    Just now I reached Diamond City and was about to enter it. I downloaded Diamond City Expension before but didn't install it along with any kind of location and quest mod for fear of any sort of performance or CTD issue, but now it's time to install it. I saved and quit the game, installed the mod, entered again, load the save, then CTD.

    "Damn this mod shouldn't touched the outer skirt of Diamond City, what the..." So I unintalled the mod, and was about to play without it. Then again, the last save totally untouched still got CTD.

    "What the..?" I loaded a previous save in Red Rocket, everything's normal, except I can't coc to Diamond City as it'll CTD just like the last save.

    I LOOT the load order again, still CTD; I used Resaver to clean the save, still CTD.

    So what should I do? I unchecked every plugins and loaded the last save, everything's normal, so this is a mod issue. Then I checked 5 plugins at a time and tried to load the game. It tooks me an hour and I finally confirmed that the Facials for Everyone is the case. Disable the plugin and I could load the save.

    "But why?" I normally walked to Diamond City, meeting many guards without a issue, why can't I load the save? I recalled the differences between two different saves. "In the former save I was at Red Rocket with nobody around, while the last save I have a guard in front of me when I saved."

    Sounds convicing, this can also explain why sometimes I can't coc to Diamond City. Maybe sometimes there will be a guard patrolling in the eyesight if I teleport, so the engine will have problems load the modded guard's face.

    Then I remember that I have a guard face overhaul mod, so they must be conficting. But since they are all good mods, I decided to use FO4edit to solve their conflict, maybe delete changes made by FFE.

    Oddly, I found that Facials for Everyone does not touch anything about DC guard, and it has no conficts with every other mod I have.

    "What the...?" I loaded the game with all my mods, including FFE, still CTD on load, no surprisingly.

    "What should I do?" I tried to load only the Facials for Everyone to see if it really have something to do with guards (Impossible already as I checked in FO4edit). And yeah, the save loaded normally.


    A plugin that worked perfectly before and had no conflicts with anything else suddenly breaked my save to some degree?

    And another problem that droves me to mad: I can't quit the game nromally for a while as it'll freeze whether if I choose to quit to mainmenu or quit to desktop. It doesn't bother me too much but as I was trying to figure out CTD problem, I noticed that when checking plugins 5 at a time, I can normally quit the game. Finally I found that without Boston FPS fix, I can quit normally.

    "Why would this mod cause such a problem...?" So again I tried to load only Boston FPS fix and boom! I can quit normally.


    Anyone have any idea?

    submitted by /u/103Sakamoto
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    We’ve hit the 666,420 goals my friends

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    Looking for a mod

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 01:36 AM PDT

    I know there are several mods that do this in part but I'm struggling to find one that does what I need. I'm after a mod that kind of disables the radiant quests system but not entirely I want to do each radiant Quest once go defend this settlement from x threat go to this settlement and collect crops for the brotherhood once. Can anyone help?

    submitted by /u/Malikai_Robertson
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    Tinker Joe is dead and his Protectron shall stand by his corpse forever.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    God Fallout 3 is so good. The stakes feel so high when anyone can die. Doc Hoff is dead because Canterbury is apparently Yao Guai Central.

    And the Robco building near Tenpenny is a favorite for Raiders and Yao Guai. Tinker Joe's Mr. Handy died the first time I ran into him, despite my efforts to save him. And now, with Joe dead, his Protectron is just going to stand there like that Protectron from Fallout 76. The one next to a certain Miguel.

    submitted by /u/zetabyte27
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    Fallout 76 pacifying

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 08:21 PM PDT

    Can anyone help me tame a hermit crab in fallout 76 I'm on pc reply if you can help.

    submitted by /u/xxkarenxx69xx420
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    Help with supply lines?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 07:47 PM PDT

    When I assign someone to a supply line, does that mean they go live at the place I assigned the line to? I assigned a random ghoul from starlight drive in to sanctuary, but now I can't for the life of me find him. This happened with multiple people.

    Edit: so I found blake Abernathy at sanctuary, and he was the guy I made a supply line with from Abernathy farm. But now I can't send him back to the farm

    submitted by /u/ScienceMan612
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    Anybody looking for a radio DJ?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 07:33 PM PDT

    So I was thinking it would be a cool idea to do a little voice acting as a radio DJ, but I then realised that I don't know anyone to contact about that. So, if anyone is creating a radio mod and needs an extra voice, I'd appreciate if you contact me and give me the details!

    submitted by /u/Skulletix
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